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Trt�wter ot the Property or A Beneficiw!Interesst In Borrower,If all or any patit of the Property or any interest in it <br /> „;�.,,,w� ie sold or transfcrced(or if a bcnzficial intere�t In Borcower is sold or transfencd and Borrowcr is not a natural pereon}without <br /> ���ti: Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its option, requin imrxdiate payment in full of all surns secured by thls <br />""'$,'•,. � Security Inatrument.However,thi�apdon eh�ll not be execclser by l.ender If excrclse is prohlbitcd by fcdcral law as uf the datc <br /> of this Security Instrument. <br /> ' � If l.ene3er exetclses thia aption, l.ender shell give Borrower notice of�cceleratlon, The notice shall proviA�a periad of nat <br /> � less thu► 30 dRya from the date the noUce i� delivered ar muiled wlthin which Borrawer must pay all eums securat by this <br />�'�ti"�•���• Security lnstn�ment. If Borrawer fefle to pay theic eurna prior to ihe expinUon of this period, l.endcr may invoke any rcmcdicv <br />-'-. �...::•. <br /> p�rmittai by thls Securit,y Inetrument without funher notice or dcmand on Borrower. _ <br /> 18. [brrowcr'a Rl�ht to Itelna4ate. If I�arcower mecu certain condttions, Borrowcr shall ha��e thc right t� havc � <br /> '"•A��. enforcement of thie Secudty Instcutnent disconUnued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other pericxl xx <br /> __�� Applic�ble Irw m�y spocify far reinstatement) befare sale of tho Propeny pursuent to w�y power of sale cont�ined in thfs <br />=�": Security In�►rument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Stcurity lastrunxnt.Those condidons are that Borrower, (a)pays <br /> - Lender all sum�whieh then would be due under this Security Inscrument and the Naee as if no acc:eleradon had occurred; (b) <br />- T,' � � cures u►y default of any other wvenants or agramence; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, <br /> � •. < lncluding,but nat limited ta, reasonable uttome�s' fea; and (d)ta�es such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure <br />._"�.'r•"•.°° that the Uen of this Security instrument, Lender s rights in the Property and Bonowte's obligation to pay the sums secured by _ <br /> '��'".��.e..- ►hia Secudry Instrument shall conttnue unctianged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the <br />-�';`��• obli ations secuced hereby shall remain fully effecdve as if no�eceleration had occurral. However, this rfght to reinstate shall <br /> n�s��,��.• B <br /> :��.,.: .. not apply ln the case of accelerat[on under paragraph 17. <br /> :�;'-::�+ 19. SAIe o[ Note; Chwnge ot Loan Servicer. Thc Note or a pattial interest in the Notc (together with this Securiry <br />'��'?'��"" Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known <br /> __•^�._.�� <br /> - as the•Lout Servicer")that collcets monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.Then also may be one <br />-��;h�.-;��' <br /> _� a,.,,,,�,�. or more changes of the Loan Serviar unreleted to a sale of tha Nnta If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Bonower wip be <br />-_�xs_ �;��� given written notica of t1�e change in accordance wlth paragraph 14 ebove and appltcable law.The notice wiU s►ate the name and ! <br /> �'':��'� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which paymen[s should be made. The notice will also contain any other <br />--'�-'—`� informatton required by appltcable taw. <br /> ����-`�� 20. Hwzardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage,or release of any <br /> ' �''� Haz�rdous Substances on or in the Property. Borcower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affxting the <br />-` "��" Propeny that is tn violation of sny Environmental Law. The Pr�ceding two sentences shall not apply to tho pnsence, use, ur <br /> `�''`--�'`��,� srorage on tht Pcopeny of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recogniud to be appropriAte to normal <br /> - -,��.. residentiel uses and to maintenance of the Propeny. <br /> � _ Borrower ahall promptly give L.ender written notice of any invesNgation, claim, demand, lawauit or olher action by any <br /> "°'"9/f� govemmental or regulutory agency or private parcy involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or finvimnnxntal Law <br /> -�''`�' of whlch Bonower has actual iunowledge. If Bormwer leams,or is notified by any �ovemmental or regulatory author� , that <br /> =�;�,�����., ary,Bonower shall <br /> any removal ar other remaliation of any Hazardoua Substence�ffecting the Property is nocess prompt y tflke <br /> _, - �-- all necessary remedisl actions in accordance with Environmentnl Law. <br /> -_-=_ ns used in inie pu��graph 20� "S::,z«rctos� �1�J=S�lr�g" ar� tho�e substances defined as toxic or hazerdoua subst�nces by <br /> ---'—"= Environmental und the following aubstances: gasoNne,kerosc�►e, other flammable or toxic petrolewn products, toxic <br /> = pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive rnatadals.As used in <br /> = this puaqraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws end laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br /> rela�e to health,safety or environmental protection. <br /> -- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender furtber covenant and agree as follows: <br /> -- 21.Accder�tlon;Rancdies.Lender shall give notke to Borrower prlor to acceleration[ollowing Borrower's breach <br /> —� o[ Any covenant or agre�ment Ia this Security Instrument (but not prlor to wccder�tion under �ngn�h 17 unlesr <br /> wpplicable law proridea other�►ise)• 'The notice stutll apecity: (o) the delwult; (b)the action requietid to cure ibe def�ult; <br /> - (c)s�date, not le�s than 30 ds�ya trom the date the notke u given to Borrower�by which the detpult muat I►e cured; wnd <br /> - « (d) thwt failure to cure the defwult on or be[ore the d�te specltted in the notice may result in acalerntion o[tbe sums <br /> -_ - aecured by thia Secudty Ingtrwnent and snle of the PropertY•'I'he natice shall tuKher in[orm BorroMer ot tiK ri�ht to <br /> --= reia�twte�(tec accela�atlon pnd the rtght to bring a rnurt�ctlon to ossert the non•existence of a delault or wny otbar <br /> de[ense o[Borrowa'to pcceler�Non pnd sale. It the dets►ult is nat cured on or be[ore the dsite spedned in the notice, <br /> =-_—� Lender,pt its option� may r�qulre immedl�te pwyment ia twll ot all awna secuced by this Security Instcumwt without <br /> (urWer daa�nd wnd may tnvoke the power o(sale and wny other ranedies permitted by applicable Ipw. I.ender siwll be <br /> ----- -- i entitled to colleet nll expenxs incurred in pursuing the remedia provided In thia poragrAph 21�(ncluding,but not Itiuited <br /> ---�— i to,rewonsble Attoroeys'[as wnd costs ot title evidcnce. <br /> - ''�=-=;"��'� It the powa o[sale is [nvoked, Trustee aha�� record� notice of detault in each county in which any {w�t ot the <br /> _ _�F���? property is locatal and shall mAil coples ot such notice in the m�nner prescribed by applicable Isw to Borrower pnd to <br />-� �"��= t6e other pe�on.+prescrib�d bY ApP�icablc Inw.A[tsr the time requlred by applicable Iww,1'rusta shnll�ive public noNce <br /> ��'��``�'! ot aMle to the persons and in the m�nner presc�ibul bY�Ppltcable IAw.Trustee, without danpnd on Borrower,slwll sdl <br /> � '� �i t6e Property at publtc ouction to the highest bidder at the Ume wnd ptaa and unda the tams desiQn�ted In the aotice ot <br /> �.�,r,�,-,:;�►s,� ssde in one or more pa�rcels pnd in any order Trustee detamincs. 'I'n�stee may lwstPone sple ot all or any parcd ot the <br /> -- i <br />