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... w+�T' . '' � <br /> . . � :.t•. � . <br /> 1 . ,.._..-n�t+;`;�`'�,.;;�r. -�- ....--- --_-___ _ �f._.....K._`'ya��._�T-- �� � <br /> .�-n. ---- � - ` �-..-�...-..._.._� — <br /> _ 9$_ 112s3'7 _. <br /> payments may no longer be required,at the option of L.ender, iF mortgage insurance co•rerage(in the amount :u�d for the period <br /> th�t L.ender requlre�)provlded by�n insurer approved by Lender�gain becornes availablt and is obtained. Borrower shall p�y <br /> the premlums required to malntaln mortgage in�surance in effecc,or to Qrovidc a loss rescrve, untii tho requiremcnt for mongagc Y- <br /> ineurance ende in accord�nce with any written�greement betwcen Borrower and Lender or applicable law, <br /> 9,Iaepection. L.ender or its agGnt may m�ice reasonable entries upon and inepections of the Propersy. Lender shdl give <br /> Borrower notice at the ttme of or�rior to an inapectian specifying re�son�ble c�use for the inapection, <br /> 10, Coadan�u►tlon. Tho procads of any awerd or cleim for dam�ges, dlrect or consequentiel, in connectlon with any <br /> condemnation or other taking of ony put of the Propeny,or for amveyu�ce in litu of condemnatlon, are harcby as:igneci and <br /> sh;sll bc paid to Lender. � <br /> In the event of a tot�l tolcln�of the Property,the pcocads th�ll be applied to the euma securul by thi�5exurity Ins�rument, <br /> wliether ar not then due, with any exce�pRid to Borrower. In the event of �prutl�l taking o�thc Frapeny in which thc f�ir <br /> mruket value of the Prapeny immodi�tely before ihc taking ie eyu�l to or gre�ter than the amount of the sums secured by thia <br /> Security Inatrument immodiately beforo the akic►g,unleai Rurrower�nd Lender otherwlae agree in writing, the sums socured by <br /> thie Security Instrument ehall be reduced by the unount of tho proaxds multipUed by the foll�wing fructlon: (a) the total <br /> emount ef the suma securod inunediately txtore the taking, dividal by(b) the fAir markct value of the Praperty lmmodiscely <br /> befon the tdcing. My balance shall bc peid to Borrower. In the event of a partlal taking of the Property in which thc fair <br /> muket vulue of the Property immedi�tely before the taking ia less than the amount of the su►n�secural immediutely before the <br /> taking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwiae agra in writing or unless appllcable lew otherwise pmvldes. the proceeds ahall <br /> be applied to the aums secutal by ihis Secudty Instrument whether or not tho sums uc then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an <br /> award or s�ttle a cl�im for damages, Borrower faile t� respand to Lender wfthin 30 days after the date the notico is given, <br /> Lender is audiorizcxi to collcct and spply the proceeda, at its option,either to restaration or repxir of the Propeny or to the aums <br /> secured by thls Secur[ty Instrument,whether or not:hen due. lication of roceeds to rinci al �h�ll not extend or <br /> Unlcss Lender and Borrower otherwise agne in writing, any app� P P P <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the arnount of such paymenta. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Rdewed;Forbearance BY I.endei'Not a Walver. Eateneion of the time for pAyma►t or modification <br /> , of amortization of the sun�s securu!by this Security Instcument granted by L.ender to any succr,ssor in interest of Aorrower shall <br /> not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Boaower's succeason in intenat. Lendec shall not be requircd to <br /> com�nc�pcoceedings agdnat any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise malify amartization <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the oriRinal Borrower or Borrowor's <br /> successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or recm�y shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> eaercise of any right or remedy. <br /> t�, ���.�,,.,ro o,�,� �.�i�. Rnund: doint and 3evernl Liability; Caslgnere. Thc covenants md agreementa of this <br /> Securiry Inatcument sl�all bind and benefit the sucet�ssoro and asstgna of Lender and Bonower, aubjce� to�he provisions vf <br /> py�ragraph 17. Borrower's covenants ancf agraments shall be joint and several. My Bc�rrower who co-siga�this Security <br /> lnsttu�ent but doea not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instmment only to moctgage,grant and convey that <br /> Borrower's interest in ttue Property under th�terms of this Securiry Instrument; (b)is not personally obligaud to pay the eums <br /> sxund by this Security lnstrumenr and(c)agrees that L,ender and any o[her Borrowcr may sgra to cztend,modlfy. forbeu or <br /> malce any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security instn►mont or the Note without that Borrower'a consent. <br /> 13. I.oAn Chwrges.If the loan secured by this Securlty lnstrument is subject to a law which sets mauimum loan charges, <br /> and that law is finally interpnted so that the interest or other loan charges eollecuxl or to be copxtod in connection with che <br /> luan excoed the permitted limits,then (a)any suol�loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to raluce the chu8e <br /> to the permitted lim{t; and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceoded permitted limits will be nfunded W <br /> Horrower. L.ender may choose to make thi� refund by ralucing the principai owed under the Note or by tnaking a dlrect <br /> psrynxnt to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14.Notice�.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instniment shell be given by deliveriag it ur by mailing <br /> it by flrst class mail unless applicable law rcquires use of another method. The notice shall be dircetod to the Property Address <br /> or sny other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall bc given by first clasa mul to <br /> Lender's address statcd hereiu or any other address Lender designatea by notice to Bonow�r. Any nottce provided for in this <br /> Secudty Instcument shall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or Lender when given as providal in this pazagraph. <br /> 15.Gorernlag Iaw; Severxbllity. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal l�w and the law of the <br /> Jurisdiction in which the Pruperty is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instn►ment or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Securlty Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> — givcn effect without the r.onflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note an declared <br /> - ta be soverable. <br /> — 16.Borrower's Copy.Aorrower shall be giveu onc conformal copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument. <br /> Fam 3028 8190 <br /> � �•BRINE)�YSt2�.ox v.p.4o�e in�ur�: <br /> , � . . <br /> — � � .. '`�'j• <br /> � <br />--— <br /> -�� _-....- _. �—.-^'.'� . 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