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•:f' ' n. <br /> � � _ " 1'i::"�.'___ <br /> .. . .L . ._ ' • -•����'_,-Tfj�l+ <br /> � �1'�. �... . - . . .. .... _ _�...,.� - .._._..__'-_"""'.'."___.`_"___'.__.� ._ _ - __" . <br /> . t +` <br /> •. � .�F>y;�=': � W'.' <br /> ._u� 'n..l"u� <br /> � . �{n:�{r' "•_". - _ <br /> � ' ' .5��''""' . '°�^.._._-'--- <br /> �„7,_-�_...,�.. <br /> ,.. ,,.r,y . ., , <br /> :.;4�;t� . .. . . .. .9$° i1.25z2 .. � <br /> ;��' +�: ' ' prov{d�L�nd�r wllh wrinun notkw of eny actual or �..... <br /> _ •^r .e. <br />,'�;��`�' afl�dinp tM PropwtY. Orarna t►�nby aPPolnt�L�nd�►a�It�attom�y�lndad to conmence,imerveno In,end <br /> ::�,q �H', 11. LENOER'8 RXiH7 TO COAMAENCE OR DEFEN�LEOAL ACTtON9, Grnta�h+dl Irm�d�a1NY nalnirpihento. Lsnd�r ahall not be Ilablo to <br /> throeun�d eollon,wft,a��h�Pr°0�°�� s�to con�prwrVs�a s�ttN eny dalrti'a controvK�yp���y��s rowitlrp therofrom. Nothinfl <br /> .-�� . •. d�l�nd wch�c11on�,wit�,or ot h�r I�pal ixoaadinA to 1FN�ction�d�saib�d In I h i s pnrapr a p n ---- <br /> � Orrnta for any action��rror�rtl�talu,omlt�lon a d���y P� In thle perepraph in ft�own nam�. �_ <br />-"%i4i,:> , �t�d h�rNn wNl p r w�nl La�r Irom t�kinp Ifw�ctlons d� ��of sny o t Ore�ri o r s o b l i�a i b n a w N h r e e p a�t t o t h s Pro p e r l y uncMr _- <br />�i:••' , � 12. INDEIANIFICATiON. U n c b r t h tl l n o t�t w m r a b�n�p o n�IbN lo►th�p�rl s�� cauten of ectlon.ectione,suils an d --- <br /> ' � �y�q��t��. Qrentor thell Irm�at�ly provlcN Un�lw�h�,n��(,���n�y�N i��e� r e;d e��han f�olders,d�rectors,otncera, <br />' .a,.• , x�p l O y M��n d e p�n t�he�m�Mu Irom ell dalrrr,rt�d+��o I h�P r o p�r t Y l i n c l u d n p.b�t nat Iinited to,thow Involvl Hezardou�Malerlal�). Orantor,upon �- <br /> :-�,,p,,,,h� � p���pp�ynp�(cumul�liv�ly'Cl�irrr')p� p iM auaney�'IN�����xp�n s e e a n d o t h e r c o n t a i n curred In <br /> ~'�•• yite own I�pel counwl ro dNsnd such G l�irtx et Qremor's co�t. aremor's <br /> , ; the r�it of Und�r.�hall hin Ngd ooumN to dsf�rKi L�ndrr from such Cidmt.and P�Y <br /> connectlon therewith. In th�etlsmaliv�,Loncbr��aI�irvivio�tt�ioto�nntlan,releeb a laeclonure ol thie Deedof'Trust r <br /> ,:.��-" '' � cbllqtlion to IrKMrtnlfy L�ndw und�r Ihis peraprWl <br />°°�.3�---- whsn due and�irm»dlately provlde Lsnder evidence <br />-- r. y <br /> `'=y„�`� 13. TAXES AND ASSE88MENT8. CirtNtor shdl Pe all t�x��end nswummtt rslating to Properly �m ol taxea, <br /> - - o�,,.,,,,,,.,�ot�. Upon tf�raqusst ol Lender�Qrentor�hdl d�P°sh with Lend�r sach rnonth ane•twNhh itn2)ol tho estlmeted ennual Insurance <br /> ��� r,.„_... So lony e�thK� i�no dsfeutl,th�se emounte ahaY b�ePP�led to the pey <br /> pr�um,texet�nd s�NSwr�t�P�n�niny to IM Propi rly��t ol detaull,L�r�Mr�heN�han?s�r�o��rloi ihe�idateth�yf�he funds so held io <br />----�`' essetWr»nu end Inwrenae e�rrqulrsd on th�Proparty��y e�Lander's oqbn,be ePP� <br /> �:.:..�'�r PgY�Y taxss or epeln�t th�Obllpetions. Any fimds ePP� spsc <br />�:�':±=xr� 1�/. ItdSPECTION OF PROPERTY,BOOKS,RECORQS AND REPORTB. �^t o tha Prop�rtY ho�m timstio tirro16 Grantor shef�nvkie an9 essls ece <br />�'�s�'°•`1'':.. 9�td 6XEIi�M��nK�ct end moke ocPl�a of Grantw's book�and ncords p�rts�in9 Additionall <br /> �r�py��ta t�w pur�oNS. AN ot th�sipieturos end Inforrnetbn contalrnd{n Grentor'a books end recads ahall be genulne,true,accurate an <br /> �'`1 ts fn ell n •. Grantor rha�l nots ih�exi�tanu ol l.sndv'a b��dd Im�nst In It�boo�Orantorafins�nde�conditbn or�th�a�yProperty. Tlie <br /> j''�c�, a�nn��or ahall r�In a form tatld�etory to Und�r�wcF►Iniormatlon es Lender mey��qw�r�rsd whh such k�cWancy as Lender may designate. All <br /> �:•�:r�.° ���e}�(3rentore ncords at wdi tlrrr,end all � �rama if Lender requeste. <br /> ;.`"'.' �.•-' au In ell rotpscti,end�lpn bY <br />-`���'h;�' Infarretlon shall bs for wch►»►lah� <br /> _����. Infom�etlon fumisFhd by Qrantor to Lx�d�shell b�trua,acauato end compl <br />_.;,,,•. tl Und�r,Grentor�hell dslNer to Lenda,or eny Intended irensferoe of Lender's <br />-' ��' �� 16. E970APEL CEHTIFIGATEB. Wt►hin tsn(1�)daY�a8x a^y r����y��ng(a)the outstendinp belenw on thg Obllyatlone;end(b)whether <br />`�'"�'';! • riyhl�wNh nspecl to 1M ObIlDation�,a dpned end eciui°Y'�k�cf6� pbil tbns end,If so,tho nelure o1 such dalms,dafenaee,�et-0Ns or <br /> '-:-.'"�- Gmtor potw�s any dakrn.d�bns�s,Nt-oHa or countsrdalme with rospsct to th� p� <br /> 9 <br />#P;:^�,A �•�� ���«W�������y p��d py�y nprsssmatlon that Lender may�rt�el�s to the intended transferee whh respect to these ma ars n <br /> ;�` • iha svsrrt that arenta feils to povlde the requested stetemam In etimely mannx• <br />'�=.;.�:�i <br /> �� 1e, DEFAULT. C3rantor shall bs��de�e�K under thls Deed of Tru�t and tha Truatee's Power ahall become ope►e�Ne in ihe event that Cirnntor, rrower or <br />--*_�%Y'=-_'�_ anY9i+�an�uroftheObligetions: <br /> (a) fafls to pay enY Ob�b°tlon ro Lencbr wlbn dw: or xvanent to I.endsr conlained�n thb De�d of Tmst a enY elher Presant a future <br /> ��;'i°�, (b) fNls to p�rform eny Oblipntlon or lxeaches any werramY <br /> -°`��`�'`,�'�.� aq�e�m°nt; s the Pruperty in any metKlal rospact or subjsct�the Propeny to�elzure,confluatlon,or condem�atlon: <br /> �:_.�s��,3,�,� (c) d�Nroya,loses or dernepe atan to Under: <br />_--- (d) essks to revok��iwrtinats or othsrwlse Ilmft Hs Ilability unds►enY 9u �Y ��t�In bankrupt�Y filed In whlch Cirantor,Borrower <br />_ y�'`=�'� �o) �s �s�y��mpetent,le disaolvsd a tsrtrinated,beearba Insohrent,mekea en asslgnmenl for the beneflt of asditors,t s to PaY <br /> dus,files a petHlon under ihs federal benkrupoY lews�has an Invauntary pe <br /> ---�_��_� clobcn as ihay b�oort�e taken und�r enY wnt or proau of couA; <br /> --- or m puerenior i:r����or h�s�^ry!.^.;" ��RaesMa��i�ar�.�a;;o^�c•us"�f whlch.Is llleael; <br /> -_°-�--���� ��� �j�yy�poodt to be ussd,trenapo�ed a slorod on ths PropsrtY� p� tlon wlthoul the wrinen coneenl of Lender:or <br /> _'",�`"�"� (0) ��i nny perty other than�r�r�ta a Bortowsr to essume or und�rlefw e�y � fehh,tor en reawn.bellevee <br /> _-,��•��' (h� csuqs Lender to tkem Ittalf Inteax�due to a�Ipnlficant dedkis In the value of the Propsrty;o�If L�r�.��9� Y <br /> -_-- th2it the prospect a�Pa1'mem°r P°�ormanee I�Impelnd. <br /> ,"-A'"�� 17, RI�HTB OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. If there Is a detaufl uncbr thls Dead of Truct,Lendsr shall be entitled to exerc�se one or more of the follo+ving <br /> _--� remedles without notke or dernend(except es requlred by law): <br /> --�� (a) to dedars ths OWlpatlon�Irmrdiatsly due end peYeble In tull, <br /> (b) to ooll�ct the outetandlnp ObIIOetlona wfth or wlthout resorUng to juddnl Proas�; <br /> �� (c) to rsqulro Orantor to dellver end make avallabl�t° L°"d°r°^y PKSO"°�PfO�y°r ChattNs conatiMing the PrGperty at a We�°rer's°"ebh' <br /> - " convenbM to Grantw end Lender NrBhout epplykq fe►or obtdnl^9 th°aPPammenl of a reoeNer end. et Lends►'s <br /> ----"°��H (d) to eMer upon end 1a{u Poss��sl°n of the Property <br /> - , appokit e rsceiver wlthout bond,withoul (In1 txinying ault on tM Odlgetlons end wfthout otharwl�e rtreling e�y statulory condillons regerclin9 <br /> -�-_�--i r��,g wlnp IMendsd�hat L�nd�►ehatl haw thln comractual rl9ht to appo�nt a reoefva; <br /> _- -�J (e) to errpbY e managln9 egent N tha ProE»rty end Nt tFN�arn.elth�r In TNSt�e'e own neme.oi al�necessarY chFU9° °�nd xP��s�°��ax°���° <br /> •='�.�.1 recelve the ronts,Incaros,laiuse end proHts of the Propsrty end ePP�Y Ihe�enx�aflx R�Y� <br /> =----�1 ������s' t Lender ta protect the sowrity af ihle Deed of Trust u to wre any default other lhen <br /> y��.---+ �� �o pay any wme In eny fortn a mannx deerned�xps�J�e� b1' <br /> -��� psyrr��of Int�nst or prindpat onths Obllgatbns� rt thro axNdae of ths power of sale es referenoed In <br /> - - = '��{��� (9) to fa�do�thls Desd of Truet judidel�Y or nonju�idally end lo diract th�cak of ths prop� y � <br /> �`- perapreph 20 heraof In acaorderws wlth applkeble lew: <br />�n����'� -�- (h)to at�oH Grantnr'a Obllpatlora egelnat eny er►aunte owed Grentor by Lender Induding,hut not Ilmied to, monlee,Inatruments, end depodt <br />. ��.-",'-���� aocoumt melntalned whh Lander a e nY curreml y axlatlnfl a(uturo aiflllete of Lender;end <br /> ---`-=..�—�., (q to ex�rd�e eU o1FMr rlgMs avdlabls to LeM�r undor eny other w a�y�9���y����avent thet Lendor InstNulsa en actlon seeking tiie <br /> •�•�^•!^_._.,�f Lendsr'ar1g�1s ers cumulatfw end rrey be sxerds�d top�tMr.sePar <br /> `--�.-�,:,,�., wa of e prajudprrMnt raredN In an ecllon api�lntt Grentor.Grentor waNTN he�Poa�t�e9he��nde�all bs ap�ed <br /> �:.� ncoverY af a�Y of th�PropsrtY bY Y �y urchae�ths Prop�rty et eny.�ale. Proco�di of any <br /> otherwlte!»rocN��ed• ��°�L��s doslpnse p mant of tFw Trustee's feea ectuaNy Inwrted end nol to <br /> ti_"52'i/"'``" Brst,ta the ootts end exp�nsos of sxerdsing tha sr of sale und of 1M s31s,�ndudmg the pay nt of nbr <br /> .-��•..�,..f. � ovldsd for In t Is Osed of TrusL s�cerb�to paymsnt of th�Obllgatlona sewred horehy.thlyd.t«1�eY�yr�n�ehereof�rfBy <br />=`'='?:;cti�+; exc�ed tM ertauM whkh may b°Fx I amltled 1Mreto. Tho propercY <br /> :;:__,,, ;,.��,•- , �N����,��s,or other Ilenholder�an�`eo�e�����i°It6�o i��b rreY o�et,yend one or moro sxerdsea of the power herein granted <br /> '�' - - • b�cold In on�percel.o►In such pe► I�told a the obllyatlone ere peld In full. <br /> ';t:.. .:... ,,,;.. <br /> - , �h�I�no�ext�npulsh or exhaust the power unbss the entlro propertY exerdse of the power of <br /> � 16. TRUSTEE'S EXERCISE OF POWEH OF BALE ON DEFAULT: Ii Lender ale�.hs to sell arentor's IntereslN fhe Property by <br /> sele f�ereln contelned,Lender shall notf(y Trustee In the menner then requlrod by law• <br /> Upon rece�pl uf such notica ot Lender end e1�he dl�ect�°}���Trustee shell cause to be recorded.Pubished end de���ered e es rtequlred by law, <br />. ' end notkos of sale as mey then be r��Iredlaw land afte�rYr lecordDallon of suNd�ratice of de eult nail after rotica of sale having beon glv t��d on Grantor. _ <br /> . �: atter such tlme as rrey then be req� bY separ <br /> sell th0 Propeny at the tlme and place���nl°d b�d�auctlon loh ef hlphest bldder f°r cash In I tul em°�y of t�a U udrState pE+9able el the tim�a of W <br /> � expedient,and In such ordor es il mey <br /> ss or Implled. The recftals In cuch dt+edr�of18�Yarr���e r Trustee may <br /> 5�..� sala,or es otherwlso meY then be requlred by law. Trustae sha1�de�iver�° sud�P����or P'irchasers thereol Its good and sutticlent deed or deeds <br /> , conveying the property so sdd,but wfthout eny covenant or warrenty.expre <br /> -- - --� .�...���.we�.mf of the wthfulness thereof.AnY�erson,.�ncl';d'ngi F„hR„�,owrtvatlon,Grentor,Trustee or Lender,may Pu <br /> . In the menner provlded by law postpone saia o�m��ar�r...�',�:._._._. ... . <br /> �y, pEOUEST FOR NOTICES: Granlor raquesls that e copy of any notice of default and a copY of nnY of s�le hareunder be rrei�ed to euch I�erson <br /> � who IS e party hereto at the eddress of sueh person se1 forth hereln�t the serne 1�me and fn the same rrgnner requlred es though a separate request there�f <br /> h�d been filed by oach such persun. <br /> P�3as <br /> • NEDOTC R2v.1'L97 <br /> �...�i...-.aa�s.wr.-` ...,...,,<,,._-:� <br />