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.i , , <br /> '; �.' .. .,� k���jP!'�"�f���'. � '_- _ ''�.�", <br /> •�et..........�.d��.+r� , '•� c r•:ti.• . q�s''. <br /> , v l' <br /> � Y ,-, . .. . 98- iZ2522 �''.�- <br /> ' .. ^• r ' , �bl�law�end rpuletlon�,Indudinfl,wlthout Ilmitulion,li»Mbricans with Disedlitles Act,a2 �„u o�y federel.�t te o�r municlpel ��p�� <br /> l�1 �aPP� �'r�,a,'� <br /> ` rspulatbne promulpat�d th�nund�r)end ell zon.n�loncl��!�ntl�hall b�ob�rv�d and a�corthli�dhwitihr In�all matarial n�pec� ail riphu,Ilance�. <br /> �? " authority wNh jurl�dict{on owr th�Pro�rtY,pr Y i d�xap�lons ta nonconrorminp u�es,and finel inspoctbn <br /> �. . :. <br /> �} �,�� �d�ry�ta of occupancY(indudinp but not IImN�d to varlena�,N� ol th�Prop�ny,presently ar�end ahell be ob�einad. t;'; <br /> e approvels),whetMr tempornry a Pem�n��t,whkh en metsrial to ths ua snd occuPu�cY �� - <br /> pnanred end.wl»re n��sary�renew�d� �'W=- <br /> ''. (d) Orenta ha�1M riphl end I�du�Y au�iw�iz�d to�xsa1�and p�rlorm���Oh11p��1°m unde thi�DNd of Tru�t and thou acllona do not end shAll not <br /> conHid wilh th�ptovisions of sny statut�,rWulation,ord�nena,rul�sf law,conlract or othK egreerrwnt which mey be Unding on OraNOr at eny time; �.'+;j. <br />- (e) No scllai a proc�dl�W Is or�hNl M p��G a thnel�n�d whbh rnlyht r�t�rlelly aH�ct tho Property,end _ <br /> � (i t muteriall etfxt the PropeAY or Lemcbr's rlghis or interest in the Property pursuant to tlils Deed of <br /> I Orent�m ng H�ardouc Materlal^)which miph y Rtetule,yepuletlon,ordinence,rule ol lew.contrecl or olher eprs�rtbm(Including,but noi Itmlt to. <br /> those pov �~ <br /> -�!ki� Trwt. of ths Property except as sst forth <br />- .t-- o�cked�of trust then <br /> 3. PRIOR qEED9 OF TRU8T. Grentor reprss�ms and werrer�ri that Ih�rs eu��o��I,I�a Umely rre�nner�.el1 the e are enY pd <br />;: on Scl►�d�la B afleched to thls Dssd of Trust,whlch Grar�tor a�rrse�to pey <br /> a <br /> �r, prant�r eprees to p.+y all emounti ow�d,and PHtortn el�odi9atkx�s nqulr�d undsr wch dseds ol irust end the Indsbledneec sewrod Ihereby and urt er <br />_' � apreas that e defsull undor any Pr1�x d�ed o�iNat�hell b�c d�feult under thls Deed of Trust end shsll emitle Lendar to all dpMs end remadiea conteined <br /> � hereln or in th�Ubllpations to whldi LendK wu�ld b°MtilNd In 1M swnt o1 eny othsr defaull. <br /> ���i o4 the reel propsrtY described�°��le A.or any intarost therein,a o�e1�narahl�tNi,Gof - <br /> ,� TR/�NSFERg OF.iHE Pppp�CpTy pp gENEFICIAL INTERE9TS IN ORAN1'ORS OR 60RROWERg• In the event of a aale,conveyance,lease, <br /> oonlrael for d�ed a iransler to eny person of el Y P�► <br /> IMerest in Bortowa or Grantor(il Borrower or(3renta is not a natural pn�d����Of t�l IOb��9at�°�eP�°n'el��iln e�rtasl�ther�eon�lm�i�fately due and <br /> � other legal entfty),Lender may�et fta op!!on dedare the outataridin9 Ph <br /> payable. At Lender'a request,Grentor or the case r►�aY be�shall tumlah a comp�ete statertwnt senlnp tonh ell of fts stocldiolders,members.°� <br /> partnero,as epproplate,end the extent of their reapectfv9 ownerahlp Intxesis. <br /> ti� • � 6, Ag91GNIAENT OF RENTS. In coneldsretiai of the Ok�lipatbns,which ere secured by ihla Daed of Trust,Orantor absolulely esslgns to Lender al� <br /> eert�snt�tor uie 3nd oaupenoY°f ihe PropertY lell such leasas nnd agraements wheth�r writlen or oral,aro <br /> 4rantor's estate,dnht,title,Intereat,delm end demand�ow°�'+�°d°� �ereafter acqu�red In ell existing�r with the le8rrmadiat tand reoN�nui riphl 10 <br /> . ex►ensbna,ronewels and subleasee),ali ngr - <br /> � . hersafler retered to as the'Lea�es'1,end allQ�arantka of le�seea'psrfomrnoe under tho l.eases,toge <br /> cdbct nnd rxaiw ell of the rent�,Incorrr�rloeaipi�� ��the Leat�isnor han or erislr�ig out ofihe Propeny Including r�nimxn rents neddiiional�enisf <br /> eny nature wn9ng due durfng any reder►Ft P° 1 ge <br /> psrcenlage renta,parldo0 er corrrrA� ersa rtmintenance��ofl nsiurence wev�iing loss o rents esulting�from�unienantablli�t�y eau by�ds�st b t� <br /> � defatAt In any Leew. ell proce�d�PnYeb�°under anY polkY <br /> .. .,1.`� darnag�to tha PropeAy,all Proceads PaYabl°as e rsault of a btfss'�oxardae ot en op�lon to purchase ihe Property,ell proceeds da <br /> tamiination a rejeeilon ot eny Lease In a banlwptoY or other Inaolveneypr�°��I of he ebovOearde hereafter co�lltect e�ly eferted o es t�he Rens'1�.'1'h� <br /> �� "'r'�` �y have�aInst a��y Nuse under ihe Lsesea or any occuPa�ts of ihe Property( ��q�te. Thia asslgnmant Is r�corded In accorda►ke M'nh <br /> a:sIgrunan t T s su b j e c t ta the ri g ht.powsr end authorRy g�ven to the Lenda►to cdlecl end ePP�Y <br /> ;{'. '�r'-i eppl f c a b i e�tate law�tM Ilen created by ihin eu lgnrtbn t I�I n t e n d e d t o b e s p u dfic,p erfecled,end choete u p��t lons o�r th s��e'i�d h�o f�T�L n d e r p ranit <br /> p�o v i d�d b y applicuWa stete law as emended hom tima to tlme. Aa long as there Is no delauR under ihe O b l per <br />`;••' Grantor a►eva',al�e Iiconse ta col�e�►e�l�!all Rants Into en axountemeinteinedtby Granta or Le�rtder et Lon d e rs Inat i t u t l o n.�U P�n��default fn the Pei�1 <br /> " , may a t e n y t i m e r e q u�ro Grentor to depo ��s ����y flt I te opt i o n t e k e p o asesslon of the Property end have,hold,mene9e,base end ope�re�n�r <br /> ►:;"r, t,• • ot,or in the psrfortnance cf,a�Y of the Obliga �e���y���ta collect end receive all Rems fran t he pr operl y. ��Fl�ts in <br />-�-- -�-_:-- --- PropertY on tertne and lor a period of tlme that Lander deems txePe►• Len�iar ma ePP�Y <br /> �' � shaN h�ve hdl power to meiw niia�a�^.r°,��^��:�"fl•"•`,s'"""Irs a replacemente to the Propert�r es Lender may desrn Prop�• � <br /> *!:o=.-:•. t of the co:t of w«,aiia�a��'�:.,rr,^avs!_.s,rarwirs end reLsnder may KeaP me <br /> �end�r's sds diutetlon to paymeni cf ihe Obl�9atbns a to the pnyrnm � ��he menapement endoperatlon of the Prop�rty <br />--`� "'' .'�� expen�es Incldsm to teldny end retalnin0 p�a�eaalo�of the Property P�rlodkal Y tlons. 'These emounta,topether wilh <br /> ;,:. .• inwred end rrrey diacharpe My taxes,charqss,dalms,esseaartrents end other Ilene whkh maY eccn�e. Ti►e expensa e�d�°st ol ihese <br /> ���:w�y.,' Property ProperlY �tho Rante racNved,end eny unpald emounts ahell be edded to the aincipal of the Obllga <br />��r?, ::; ec11on1 mey be Pdd <br /> -. �.,"�•�,:� othsr coata,shall bscare Pert of tha Obligatlons seaired by ihia Deed of Trust. �� condition. <br /> -�'.rt.�e..,•� sobly In eomp�larws with <br />=_rr�z*�.,�;•� Oranta ahalD�comdt or Pem�ftPa��aRTYo�I�h�aWknehale�i ei�Pr�rty�Gr�anorn�sh�us�e,�hen�property ro�Y <br />� �sr•�".`"tt. <br />_%�'J.,.t <br /> '�. ��°vmhou��limltlnp T�he taegd�9,e�ii e�ai��.�b�"' en �����i r de i�ne�roPeny sna�i�P��h�enen�ai ni�eres�i�o,�no <br />�a�_<.. <br />�-, '�, - to Lender,shall rat be rerrwved witf�out 1.��°P�w�°���^t,end 6hall be rrede et Grent��lat�el s Loas or D 1 to the Property or any <br />,'}:�,�T�-� to ila <br /> �^ 7. LOSS QR DAMAQE. Grantw ehdl bear ihs entire r16k of eny loet,thefl,destnution w dama9e( Y� � <br />�;:;r{,• �try�O�froni any cause whatsosver. In t h e eve m o f an y Loss or Damage��rantu sheil,at the opilon of Londer,repair t e aBecled Prop�ny <br /> —.�'�,�'r;� a°�s��a pay or cause to be pald to Lendsr ihe decreaae In the telr rt�erket value ot the aftecled Property <br />- -- will be kept insurod tor its lull ineurnbte velue(roplecement cost)against all hezerds Induding losa or darrn9e ca�sed by <br /> `� �-_�:��� a IN8URANCE. The Property Orantor may obialn insurence on the Property fran sucn <br /> �"=._ ry� e����ak�,tomado and flre,thefl or mher casuariy to the extent requlred by Lsnde►• lo ����w{�h et baat <br />="��+.Y.�:..;�..� I�s as ero aaeptab�e to Lender in ita sole dscretlon. The inswena polide�shall require the insurence cortpanY Fx <br />�•��?�"�!� ��30 d�ys'wrfnsn notio�bs}oro such poYdea ere altsrad or ee�celled In My rrenner. The Insuranee poldes eha��neme Under ae a bsa <br /> `.;.;;;:;"� that no act or omisslon of Granta or any otherpers�n shall atteet the right ot Lender to be pald the Inwrana(xoasda Penainirp to Ihe <br /> _ ,.�:;. �a a�the Pmperty. In the svant Grentor feiis to aoqu�ro or meinteln Insurence,Lender(eRer providing notice as�ye���g Interasl as <br />�L�`� In Its diaaetion proaxe appr o(x l a t e f n w r a n o s o ovxape u p o n tha Pro p s r t Y end tf»Inaurence B E�t 6h H�l l,�B�f�G�ta ahall tumlah l»nder wilh <br /> :_.•,i-.., .� <br /> desuibed in tM"REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNT S EXPEN�ED BY GENDER'parapr a p h <br /> :s$F:a�;; . evicl�rroe of Inwr�n�Indicat�encbr��ig�G t�ors n�arne on�y�R�r ne0ot aMe nstruament drawn by any In�surer.&NI such n auranceupolidres hall be <br />_--�, ,� .� ; �oI i c�a,c�►o a�0 Y P�Y ��I��to Lender as f url h e r sew r i t y f a t h s ObU�atlone. In the event of bss,Uren6o�lyI to�Le�rxk1e�y i ns t e a d o�f t o <br /> ''.�-3� km�dlately asdpned�psdped le directed to make paYmem <br />-�'*''�' w�ittm notioa end Under la euthorized lo rt�alce Pr°°f ot loss. Eech Insurence oomPe�y <br />__a�'�''' Lender end Grontor. Le►xi�r shaN haw tM rigM at Hs sde�pp�Y��b���ud ihe Obllyatlons or towerd the coat of rebuildng and <br />- ��..,�..'"' restaing ihe ProperlY. My err�ounts mey at Lender's oPtion be applled In the Inverse order ot the due datee thereof. <br />-�..""d��`" 9. IONING AND PHIVATE COVENANTS��r�to��I(n�t�Gr�antor's u�se of the Pryoporty beoor►�a�a n�a�n abming use unlder�any oning�ovgslon, <br /> � use of the PropertY wfthout Ls���u�to�����nu�«a�doned withoul the prior written consent of Lender. C3rantor will Imnediate�y provide <br /> � � Grentor�hall rat cause or Pertr�t ��an s to ihe zuning provisluns or P�va�e�°aenents eftecting the Property. <br />� Len�i�r wBh writle�ratbe of enY P�� 9° appI <br /> r� � 1Q CQNDEIANAl10N• Grantor shall Irtmedieiely provide Lender wfth written n�:ice of any aclueJ or threatened co�derma�lon or eminem domain <br /> ' prpceecynp pertalninp to tha Property. All monies pa�able to�s�'d other Sco�,sts(nd�udngtia�pp�ralsal fe�es)en con,necHa�i we h�the�rmatlonla ominem <br /> a Brat to the paym�M o��end�rs attomeys'lees,lega ezpen <br /> �.. <br /> �t�1�prxeedngs and then,d1 the oplion of Lender,to the payment ot the(k�lipations or the restoratlon or repalr of tho rc y. <br />_ �.� - <br /> i - <br /> . c ° <br /> i � <br /> __ -_--� <br /> I <br /> I <br /> i <br /> ! <br /> NE0078 Qev.�297 Ps,e 2 d6 <br /> � <br /> I <br />