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' � � <br /> _ ...---- ___ _ <br /> '�.:, . <br /> ----�.. . . " L� . .--- - <br /> ._. .. . ..---------_ . .� _. . _ .. _.. --- <br /> '�'�"' <br /> '. ,i n = <br /> 1 , .—�___ <br /> 1 • 18. Borrower'� Rlqht to Relnatete. n eonow.r mu�s csrc.�n oonditbns, so�rower enau cne rqn< <o nav. � .�.`;�'' <br /> enforcement of thls SeCUrfty Instrumont discontlnusd tt�ny tkne priar tn th� eariler oY. (a) 6 days (or such other perbd as applfcebM �!'�. <br /> hw may speaffy for reinstetemtrnt) bef�re sal� of the Proparty pureutnt to eny power of nab Contalned In thls SecurNy Inatrumenl; Or � z <br /> (b) entry p1 e Judpment enlorolnp Ihla Seourky Inbirument. Thote CondHbns 11re th�t Barrower: (e) peyb LMd�r ail sums whbh then � ,•. <br /> would be due undK lhis S�CUrky InBtrumrnt �nd thi Nota 46 N no oCCONr�llon h�d occurr�d; (b) cures any datauh of any oth�r <br /> � cnwn�nt or �prNm�nts; (o) paye �II �xp�nit�t Inourr�d Mi snforcinp Ihls S�curity In�trument, in9ludhp, but not Iknited to, r�a9on�UM "- '—° <br /> uttomqye'�e�s; and (tl)takea such �otlon as Lender may reaeonobly requfrs to aesure that the lien of thls Securiry Inetrument, L�ndar'e �.� '.�w�.i <br /> ripht� fn th� Prop�rty and Borrowar'6 oblipatlan to pay tlie 6umt eecured by thls Socurfty Inetrumant ohtll Contlnuo unChsnpod. Upon � _ <br /> re�natatement by Borrower, Ihls Security Inatrumenl end the oblfpetlone secured hereby shell remeln tulry eflective ns il no wccslerqtlan I � <br /> .,,.J <br /> � � hed oCCUrrad, HOwever, thls rwht to rBhState ehell nol epply n the Cose of acce►eratwn under perepraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chanye of Loan Servicer. The Note or e partWl Interest In the Note (topalher wflh thls SoCUrity i = ___ <br /> Instrumont) miy be sob on�or moro tknes wkhout prbr notbe to 8orrowor. A aaie may resuR k+ a ahanpe fn the entfty (known as the � , �;�,e__ <br /> ,.: "Loan SsnriCer") lhat Coll�ot6 monthly payrtNnts dus under the Not1 and this SeCUrRy Instrumont. Thae also may b� ons or mor� -�"' <br /> oh�nflea of the Loan ServbK unreleted to �aale of the Note. If there la�chenpe ol the Losn Sorvber, Bortower w�ll bs piven wrkten.,� . ::`�'T <br /> notfce of the chanpo In accordance wRh parapreph ta above and applbable law. The not�e will state the name and addr6se of the ' • '�.�� <br /> new Loan Serv�er end the eddress to whbh payments should be rtude. The notbe wlll also contah any other Informetlon requPed by -_ <br /> 8pplbflble la�v. • _ <br /> 20. Hazardous SubitetlCQB. Borrower shall not cause or permk the presence, use, dlsposal, storeye, or rebase of any � _-_- - <br /> Hasardous Substances on or fn the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything aHectinp the Property that r <br /> � is In vlolflt(on of any Env(ronmentei Law. The preCOdhy two senl�riCes shBll not apply to the presence, use, ar storege an the � � __ <br /> Prop9rty of small quantkies of Haz�rdous Substances that are qeneraGy recognizod to be appropriate to normai residentlal uses end to � _ <br /> mahtenance of the Property. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender writfan notfce of eny investpetlon, clalm, damand, Iawsuit or other aCdon by any govemmentel � _ <br /> or rspulatory flgenCy or prNate perty invoNinp the Property end any Hezartlous Substence or Env'ronmental Law ot whbh Botrower h86 <br /> ectual knowledqe. If Borrower learns, or is notitled by any governmental or regulatory authorfty, that 8ny removal or other remediation <br /> , of any Hezardoua SubstanCe aBecting the Property Is necessary, Borrower shap pramptly take all necossary remedlal actbns in <br /> � accordance with Envkonmental Law. - <br /> As used In this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substences' are Ihose substances defined as toxb or harerdous substance6 by <br /> , Envlronmental Law and the followh8 substances: gasoline, kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxb pestbitles and _ <br /> +� herbbide&, volatile 6okents, materlals contafninp asbestos or formaldehyde, and redloaCtNe meterials. As used In thls parayreph 20, ,__- <br /> "Envkonmental Law" means federal laws and laws ol the Jurlsd�ctlon wher.: the Property is located that rek►te to heaRh, safety or ;,,,-_ <br /> envkonmental protectlon. <br /> "c NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender turther covenant and egree as follows: � '�"` <br /> � 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender ahalt give notiae to Borrower prlor to ecceleration tollowtng __ <br /> Borrower's breach of eny covenant or egreement in thfs Security Inatrument (but not prlor to <br /> � acceieration under pareyrnp►`� i7' uiicso a�p!lcabl� lar: �ravltl�s aihes:�:lsz). Tl�z n�ti�e shA![ �e�l�: <br /> (a) the defeult; (b) the actlon required to cure the defeult; (c) e data, not lesa then 30 daya irom the <br /> ds�te the notice ia given to Borrower, by whlch the deteult muat be cured; and (d) that failure to cure <br /> tha default on or before the dete specified in the notice mey result in seceleration of the sums �_ <br /> aecured by thts Security Inatrument and aale oi the Properry. The notice ahaU further Inform . _ <br /> " Borrower of the right to reinstete efter acceleratton end the right to brinp e court sction to essert the <br /> ' non-exiatence of a defeult or eny other defense ot Borrower to ecaeleretlon and aule. If the default la <br /> not cured on or betoro the dete specified In the notice, Lender et its option may require immediate �� <br /> paymant in tull of all aums secured by this Securlty Instrument without further demand end msy <br /> invoke the power of sale and eny other remedlea permitted by appllcable law. Lender shall be - <br /> entitled to collect all expenaea i�curred in purauing the remedies provided in this perayraph 21, <br /> inctuding, but not Ilmited to, reeaoneble attorneya' feea and coate of title evidence. <br /> � If the power of sale is invoked, Truetee shall record a notice of defeult In each county In whicN • <br /> eny pert nf the Property Is located end ahall meil copiea of auch notice in the menner preacribed by _ <br /> applicabie law to Borrower and to the other peraons preacrihed by eppllaeble lew. Atter the time <br /> required by epplicabte law, Trustee shall give public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner � ___ <br /> preacribed by epplicable taw. Truatee, without demend on Borrower, shell seli the Property et public =�_ _ <br /> . auction to the higheat btdder at the time and plece end under the terma deatgnated in the notice ot �� _ <br /> sal� U one or more parcela end in eny order Truatee determines. Truetee mey poatpone sele of ell _ ° �='-��_ __ <br /> or any percet of the Property by public announcement et the tlme and place of any previausly _ =— --- - <br /> + scheduled sale. Lender or Ite des(gnee mt�y purchasc the Property st eny sale. � <br />_ •� Upon receipt of payment of the pNce bld, Truetee shall deliver to the purcheser Trustee'a deed -,;s , - � <br /> conveying the P�operty. The recltats in the Truatee's deed ahall be prima tacie evldence of the Vu4h ��°• '��F: <br /> of the statements made thereln. Trustee shall epply the proceeds of the s�le in the following order: � 1� <br />- (a) to ell coats and expensea of exercising the power of aele, end the aele, including the payment of <br />- � curred not to exceed 3 °� of the principel amount of the note ,���r�- .r���:A..: <br /> 1 the Truatee s feea ectuelly in , - . <br /> � et the time ot the declaration of default� and reasonebl� attorney's fees as permitted by law; (b) to ell <br /> j sums secured by this Securiry Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally �=� <br /> ..u�. <br /> � entitled to it. , <br /> � 22. RecAnveyance. Upon peyment of all sums seCUred by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey <br /> the Property end shall surrender this Security Instrument and ell notes evidencing debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. <br /> , Trustt3o shall reconvey the Property without warranty end without charge to the person or persons legally entitied to R. Such person or <br /> Ipersons shall pey eny reCardstion costs. <br /> , <br /> � 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its opt;on, may �ram tune to time remove Trusteo and appo�nt a successor trustee to , <br /> any Trustee appolnted hereunder by an u�strument recordetl in the county in which this Security Instrument fG recorded. Without <br /> . . .. ... . " ' '"'"'_" ._....._ ..ti..0 ............� •.. ..0��... �»tr. nnu.c.nn`1 rlulbc rnnlnrrati unnn Trustaa r18f0�f1 and bv .. .. ..... ....�_--.—.- <br /> � r,OnV6yenG9 Ut tnB ri VNn�q� auwoaov. u w.ov ..�..... ,.oww.. ... .......,. ....... r"'_" _"_ "'" " ' '. ., . . . . <br /> . aPplfcable law. . � . _.. ,_.... .. <br /> 24. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the noticos of delault and sale be sent to Borrower's address <br /> which is the Property Address. i <br /> 25. Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or moie riders are ezecuted by eorrower and recorded together with <br />_ this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreemenls of aach such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and Supplement <br /> - the covenants and agreements of this SecurRy Instrument as �I Ihe ritlgr(S)were a part of this Secunty InStrument. <br />� !'orm 902d A/90 � <br /> Pag�4 0�5 ' <br /> z' f�D:n 1 Mq�t0�o�1 . <br /> ! <br /> /. <br /> E � <br />