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''.ciy.- <br /> � . <br /> 'aa.+R�' ' ' . . . - '--"' -'-- _ <br /> •'j���(�' ' ,. , <br /> .,—:�.L�Cl.l.11'�--_—._ - . . . . _...—._ .. . _ __ _ _ __ . .a_P��{.:• .....___'__—.._..._.1 __....'— " � _._..._ —. <br /> ' '. .�� .�� �.�.� <br /> •�M�•i� <br /> ' . . 'fv N/11(��,. ,�., �}� . , " _. . ` -`_� <br /> . . ' ..� �'_�.�':-.-�- . <br /> . _ �-� ::�A�� <br /> • • 7. Protection of Lender'A Rlghte In the Property. �t Borrower ta�ls to partorm the covenents end aprwments . __ __ <br /> contained h this Security Instrument, cr there Is e fegal proceedhp that may BlpnMbantly atfect Lender's rights In the Property (such as <br /> a proceeding h bankruptcy, probate, for condemnatlon or forleiture or to enlorco laws or roflulatlons), then Lender may d�c��de p y„p <br /> � whatever IS necessBry to proteCt the v81u8 0l the Property and Lender's ri�his In the Property. Lendor's aCt�ona mey <br /> � any sums seCUred by a iien whiCh hfls priordy over this SeCUrfty Instrument, eppearfng h CouA, paYlnp re�aonable Attorney'e feay end <br /> enterfnq on ths Property to maks repake. A%houqh Lend�r may taks �ctlon under this puraq�aph 7, Lentler doos not heve to do ao. <br /> Any emount6 dlsbur68d by Lender undir thi! parsflraph 7 ehdl beCOme addRbnal debt ot 8qrrower eacur�d by thls S�CUrRy <br /> Instrumsnt. Unless Borrowar and Lender oqree lo other tarms of payment, these amount6 shall bear ht�rest from the dets of � <br /> dlsbursement at t1�s Note nts and sh�ll b�p�y�bM,wNh fntKest,upon not��from L�nd�r to Bonowsr roquestln0 paYm�t• .r...��;' <br /> B. Mort�ege In�surened. If Lsnd�r requlred moRqaye hsurence as a CondRlon of makinp the loan aecurod by thl� StourRy ' -n� <br /> Instrumsnt, Bortow�r sh�ll pay th� pnmfums rsquirsd to mahtaln the mortyipe Insurance h olloct• II, for �ny roncun, tho mortqa0s . •. <br /> i b.�"'-__°.. <br /> � Inaurance aoverage requked by Lender kpaes or cens e s t o b o I n e N e c t, B orc ower sheR pa y th� prsmluma requked to obtain coverape :,�___ <br /> --""'�"'�; substantlalty equNalent to the mortyage Insuranca prevbusly fn ef(ect,at a cost eubstentlaity equlvalent ta the coat to Bonower of tha .;•,T�+.W <br /> ' "' '�� moApaye Insurance prevbusly In effect, hom an akemate mortpape hsurer epproved by Lender. if substentlalty equfvalent mortyafle , ,.. _ <br /> �.�,�f: <br /> Insurance coverepe Is not available, Borcowar shall pay to Lender eaah month a sum equal to one-twelith of the yearly mortpaqe � � � <br /> r ::�„d5�-_ <br /> Insurnnce p►emlum beinp pald by Borrower when the Insurance coverege lepsed or ceased to be In eNeat. Lender wlll accept, uas and � 9►;�_ <br /> retaln these payments as a Ioss reserve In Ileu of mortpaye Insurance. Loss reserve payments may no lonper be raqulred, et tha ;'..;i.4�,, <br /> 1C � ...,:._ <br /> optlon qf Lender, H mortpapo Insurence coverafle (� the Qmount and far the perbd that Lender requfres) provlded by an hsurer : `�s.4 – <br /> „ � approved by Lender aqah becomes avallnbfe and Is obtehed. Bonower shall pay the premiums requked to melntain mortga8a M, _ j <br /> S Insurance h eHect, or to provide a loss reserve, untll tha requkement for mortgaqe Insurence ends � accordance wRh any wrkten � `i�r� <br /> aflreement between Bortower end Lander or epplbable Isw• '–"'� <br /> 9. Inapectlon. Lender or its agent may make reasoneble entries upon and inspectlons of the Property. Lender shall gNe � ";,_::�_ <br /> . � ' sii���=-- <br /> Borrower notbe at the time of or prbr to an hspection specHying reasonaba oause tor the inspeotlon. .�,21,,,.. - <br /> � 10. Condemnetion. The proceed6 of any awerd or clakn for demeges, dYect or consequential, in Connection wRh any � . ;j��;, <br /> � condemnatbn or other takhg o}any part of the PropeRy, or for conveyance In Ileu ot condemnation,are hereby essignod and shall be . •.l:, <br /> � � �..:?' ; <br /> pald to Lender. Iled to the sum6 securod by this Security ��strument, <br /> In the event of a total taking ot the Proport/, Ihe proceeds shall be app <br /> "� whether or not then due, with any exCess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial takinp of the Property in which the fak market `_L_ <br /> � . value of the Property immediately before the takhr� is equal to or greater than the emount of the sums seCUred by this SecurRy .,�.�, <br /> •3�.;�,.. <br /> Instrument trnmedl8tety before the taking, unless Borrower and Lender olhervvlse agree in writing, the sums s6CUred by this SeCUrity �.:�H_ <br /> Instrument Shail be roduCed by the amount of the proceeds muftipiled by the tollowhp tractlon: (fl� the total amount of the sums _ <br /> • . �. secured Immedlately before the takinp, dhrlded by(b)the fak market value of the Property Immedlatey before the takinp. Any balance <br /> shell be pald to Barrower. In the event of a partlal telcing of the Property In whbh the falr market value of the Property Immedlately ..-r��m <br /> before the takgy Is less than the amount of the sums secured Immediately before the tak�d to�the B msWSecur dLbydth15�3eCUrkY �, <br /> `�' egree In writh ar unlese appl�Cable law otherwlse provldes, the proceeds shail be app =�v__ <br /> � '- Instn,ment whethe� or not the sums are then due, - <br /> 's If the Property ia abandoned by Borrawer, or M,after not�ce by Lender to 8vuuw�r ihai iha�ondemn^-r oN^ra rn make an aw4rd or : <br /> }r� settie a ciafm Mr damapes, Bortower fails to respond to Le�der wRhh 30 days atter the date the notfCe Is qiven, Lender is authorized <br /> � �:.� to coilect end apply the proceeds, et its option,efther to restoration or repak of the Property or to the sums secured by thls Sacurity <br /> In&trument, whether or not then due. <br /> Unluss Lender and Bortower othervvise agree in wrRhg, any applfcatlon ot praceads to prk�cipal shall not extend or postpone !he <br /> due date ot the monthy payments reterred to In parayraphs 1 end 2 or chenpe the emount of such payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Releeaed: ForbeArence By Lender Not e Weiver. Extenelon o� cne irne ror paymen� or v _ <br />_ �: modMfcatbn of amortiratbn ot the sums secured by this Seourky Instrument pranted by Lender to any successor In interest ot Borrower <br /> shall not operata to release the IlabilRy of the origlnal 5orrower or Bortower's 6uccossors h hterest. Lendet sh61i not be requYed to <br /> commence proceedin9s ayalnst any successor in interest or reluse to extend tkne for payment or otherwise modMy amortlratbn of the <br /> sums seCUred by t�ls SeCUrity Instrument by reason of any demand mede by the orighal Borrowor or BOrrower's suCCesso�s In <br /> - � interest. My forbearance by Lender in exerCfslnp any r{ght or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exerc�se ot any r{pht or <br /> remedy. <br /> 12. Successiora and Asafgna Bound; Joint end Several LlabiUty; Co-algners. The covenancs and <br />- aqreements ot thls SecurRy Instrument shall bind a�d benefil the successors and assi�ns of Londer and Borrower, subJect to the <br /> provlsbns ot paragraph 17. 8orcower's Covenants and &greements shall be Jok�t end sevoral. Any Borcower who Co•sfpne this SecurRy — <br /> Instrument but does not exeCUte the Nota: (a) Is co•s�gnMp this Securky Instrument onty to mortgape, grant, and convay that <br />– - – Borrowe�s fnterost In the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) fs not personally oblipflted to p8y the sum5 eeCUred -- <br />; �� by thls SeCUrity Instrument; and (c) agrees thal Lender and any other �orrowar may t�gree to extend, modity, forbear or make eny <br /> • � acCOmmodatlons with repflrd to terms of this Security In�tcument or the Note wRhout thet Borrower's Consent. �� <br /> 13. Loen Chergea. It the loan seCUred by this Securfty Instrument IS SubJeCt to a law whiCh sets mexknum loan Charpes, <br /> • and that law fs finally hterpreted so that the interest or other laan charpes coliected or to be collected In conn6ctlon wRh the ban — <br /> exceed the permitted IImRs, then; (a) any such loan charges shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduCe the charge to the <br /> ' � permitted Iknit; and (b)any sums akeady colleCted irom Borrower whlch exceeded permitted Iknfts will be rA�unded to Borrower. Lender �_ <br /> mey choose to make this refund by reduci�g the principal owed under the Note or by making n d(reat payment to Borrower. If e �,:_� <br /> retund reduCes principal,the reduction wlll be treated as a pertlal prepeymont wRhout any prepayment charpe under the Note. ��X-__ <br /> 14. IdOtICCB. Any not�ce to Bortower provlded for in this Security Instrument shali be qNen by delhrerinp it or by mallinp R by � T,�A <br /> �A,s� <br /> flrst Class maii un{ess eppliCable law requkes use ol another method. The notbe shall be directed to the PropeRy Address or any -1 <br /> other eddress Sorcower designates by notfCe to Lender. Any notiCe to Lender shall be glven by tKSt Class mall to Lender's address '-�_�__- <br /> . etated herefn or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided 1or in this Security Instrument shall .' <br /> bo de9med to have been pNen to Borrower or Lender when gNOn a5 provided h thls paragraph. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severebility. rn�s secu�ay Instrument snan be 9ovemed by rederai �w ond cne �aw ot tne <br /> IjurisdicUon In whfch the P�operty is �oCeted. In the event thflt any provi;lon or Clause ot this SeCUrity Instrument or the Note ConlliCts <br /> I wdh applicttble law, suCh Conflict shall not aflect other provisfOns Ot this SeCUrRy Instrument or the Note whiCh Can be gNen etfeCt <br /> � without the conflictfng provisfon. To this end the p�ovislons of this SeCUrity Instrument and the Note are deciared to ba severeble. <br /> � �R Rnrrnwer's CODV. Borrower shell be gNen ono confortned Copy ot the Nate and o�this Securfty Instrument. <br /> n,......w.. <br /> � '�' __"_ . � - ... <br /> 17. Tranafer of the Property or a Beneficial Intereat in Borrower. �� au o� a��r Nn�� �� ��� . <br /> .v�r...y .^..' _.^.i �:._..__. . <br /> iinterest in it is sold or transferred (or il n baneficial Interest in Bortower fs sold or trensforcod nnd Borcower fs not e natur(il person) <br /> , without Londer's prlor written consent, Lender may,at its option, require immedlalo peyment �n full of all sums secured by this SeCUrity <br /> � Instrumont. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender II exercise is p�ohiblted by federal law as of the date o�this S6CUrity <br /> � instrumont. <br /> � If Lentler exerCises this option, Londer shall give Borrower not�e ol acCe�eration. The not�o shflll provide a poriod ol not less <br /> � then 30 days kom Ihe date Ihe not�e �s delivered or maited within which tho Borrower must pay ell sums secured by thfs Security <br /> � ,.�......�� jny�ka anY r?ma�llut nnrmit[ed bv 1h15 <br /> InStrument. i� ''orrower (ails to pay theSe sums prior to lhe ezpiretion ui 1���5 Pe����,��..��. Fo,m:,�ze oroo <br /> Secu��ty Instrument wdhoul funher notice or tlomand on Borrower. <br /> � 1��07UIM(7(t0�B7) Pago 7 0l 5 ( . <br /> � i i <br /> l_ I <br /> -.a ,a7 I <br />