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<br /> 17.Truusfer of the Property or a Aeneftciul Interest in Aorrnwer. If'ull �x uny purt of the Properry ur uny intcrctit in it
<br /> is sc�ld ur transfcrrcd(or if a bcneficial intcrest in Borrowcr is sold ur tr.msf'crrcd and Rorzowcr is not a natural persc�n)without —
<br /> �� � Lcn�lcr's prior writtcn c:on�cnt, Lcndcr may, at its nptian. rcquirc immrdiirtr p;iyment in full nf.�II �wn. tirrured hy thi� �
<br /> ,.,��,"� Security Instrument. Nowever, this option tihull not be exercised hy l.ender if exerci,e is pruhibited hy federul luw us of the date _
<br /> • ' of this Sccurrtv[nstrument.
<br /> ,w+�'�' If L.cndcr cxcrciscs this option. Lendcr shull givc Borrowcr noticc of acccicrution, Thc naticc shall providc a period of'not
<br /> ..wwar�l'+� less than 30 duys from the date the notice iti delivered ��r muiled within which Horrower must puy ull sums secured by this
<br /> ' Security[nstrument. If f3orrrnver fails�o pay thesc sums prior to the expiruticm of this period,Lendcr muy invokc any remcdics
<br /> ` permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Bormwer.
<br /> ~ IS. Barrm��er's Right ta Relnstute. If Borrowcr meets certain conditions. Borrowcr shall havc the right tn have _
<br /> ; enforcemem uf this Security instrument discontinueci at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period as
<br /> . �� upplicable law muy specify f��r reinstatement) before sale of the Propeny pursuant to �my power of sule contained in this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument;or(b)entry of ajudgmcnt cnforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditians are that Borrowcr: (a)pays
<br /> - � Lender ull sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument und the Note as if no accelerution had occurred; (b)
<br /> �c. cures any defuult of any other covenants or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security [nstrument, -
<br />; including, but not limitcd to, rcasonable attorneys' fees; und (d) t�ikcs such action us Lendcr may reasonably reqwrc to assure
<br /> �. that the lien of'this Security Instrument. Lcnder's rights in the Property and Borrawer's obligntion to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Jnstrument shall conlinuc uncliunged. Upun reinrtuiement by Oorrower, this Security instrument and the -
<br />� ubligations secureci hereby shull remain fully effcctive as if n�� accelerution hud occurrrd. However, this ribht to reinstate shall -.
<br /> not apply in the case oF acceleration under parigraph I7. _
<br /> 19. Sule of Note; Chanfie of I.aan Servlcer. The Note or a partiul interest in the Notc (togcther with this Security [
<br /> Instrument)may bc sold one or more times without prior ncnicc to Borrower. A salc may result in u change in the entity(known °:
<br /> as the "Loan Servicer") that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunty Instrument.There also may be one =
<br /> or marc chan�es of the L.oan Serviccr unrelateJ to u sule of the Note.If thcrc is a changc of the Loan Scrviccr, Borrower�vill bc E"
<br /> � given written n�tice of the chunge in accordance with puragraph 14 abovc and applicuble law.The notice wil!state the name and
<br />' :,, uddress nf th� new Loan Servicer und the udJress to which puyments should be made. The notice will also contuin uny other
<br /> information rcyuired hy applicablc luw.
<br />: 20. Ha�.ardous Substunces. Borro�vcr shull not causc or permit thc prescnce, use, dispusal, storage, or rclease of any
<br /> ' . �. Hazssrdous Substunces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not Jo, nor allow anyone clse to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Property chat is in violutiun of any Environmental L�w. The preceJing [wo sentences shull not upply to the presence, usc, or _,
<br /> : storagc on thc Froper[y ut`tintali qu�ntiiic� ui H:uarduuti SubiiuticC�ii�at illC�'CIICIillly IClVb1I1l.Cl= IU Ut;d�ipi�;piiuic io i'iorriul
<br /> • msidentiul uses and to muintenance of the Property.
<br /> ��' Borrower shall promptly �ive Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> � � governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving thc Property and any Hazardous Substancc or Enviranmental L,uw
<br /> of which Borrower has acwal knowledge. If 8orrower Iearns, or is iwtified by any governmentul or regulatory authority, that
<br /> any removxl or other remediation of any Hazardous Subst•►nce uffecting the Property is necessary,Borrc�wer tihull pmmptly take
<br />; all neccssary remedial uctions in accordance with Environmental Luw.
<br />_„ As uscd in this paragraph 2�. "H:uardous Subtitances" arc tho.e substances dcfincd as toxic or h;uardous substances by _
<br /> ' ,,,,,� Environmental Law and the follnwing substunccs: gasoline, kerosene, other flnmmablc or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> peslicides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materiuls containing asbestos or formaldehyde,snd radioactive materials. As used in
<br />� this paragraph 20, "Environment�l Law" means fcderal laws and laws of thc,jurisdiction wherc the Properry is locatcd that
<br /> •� , relate ta health, safety or environmenlal prc�tection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and LcnJcr funhcr rovcnant and agrcc as follows:
<br /> ;. ,,, • t 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give nottce to Borrower prtor to acceleratlon following Borro�r•er's breach
<br />_ ' , of' uny covennut or n�reement in this Security Instrument (but not prlor to accelerution under para�ruph 17 unl�s
<br /> � uppllcable la�v provides otherwise).The nvtice shull spec[fy: (u)the default; (b) the uctlon reyuired to cure the defuult;
<br />' (c)a date, not Iess than 30 days from the date the notice is�iven to Borrnwer,by �vhich the defuult must be cured; and
<br />-' (d) that fuilure to cure the defuult on or befbre the date specified in the notice mAy result in acceleration oF the sums -
<br /> se+�ured by this Security Instrument and sule of the Property. 'fhe notice sh�ll further Inform Aorrower of the riFht to __
<br /> �� reinstete after ucceleration und the ri�ht to brin� u court uctlon to as�;ert the non-extste�ice of a default or anv otlier ;
<br />� defense of Borroa•er to ucceleratiou and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date s{iecified in the notice, -
<br /> I.ender, s�t its optiun. muy reyuirc imroedtutc payment in fuil nf all sums sccured by this Security Instrument without -
<br /> � , further demand und may invokc thc puwcr of sulc�nd uny othcr remcdies permitted by applicablc law. I.ender shull be -
<br /> •� ' entiNed to collect all expenses incurred(n pursub��thc remedle�provided in thls pura�reph 21,includin�,but not limited _
<br /> , to,rcusuniible attorneys'f'ees i�ud costs of title e��idrnce.
<br /> ' lf the pmser nf sule is inr•c►ked, 1'rustee shall record u nutice of deFuult in euch county (n which any purt of the
<br /> Property is Incated und sbull mail copies of such nutice in the manncr prescribed by applicable law to Borrmver and ta
<br /> the other persons prescribed by i�ppllci�ble Inw.AFter the time rcyuired b��nppllci+ble I.ia•, Trustee shall qlve public notice
<br /> uf ss�le tu the�xrsnns�nd in the munner prescribed bv a�plicublc lu���. Trustec, without demund on Bnrrower,shull scll
<br /> the Property at public uuction to thc hl�;hest bidder nt the time��nd p(ace uncl under the termti detii�nated in the notice of
<br /> sule in one or more purcels und in u��y order 'I'rustec determfnes. Trustee muv postpnne sale of all or any parcel of the
<br /> Propert�� by public amiouncement at the timc and pluce of um• previously schedaled sale. Lender or its desi�nee mav
<br /> purchusc the Prupertv ut unv sitle.
<br /> Form 3028 9I90
<br /> Paqr 5 01 G
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