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;;� . . . <br /> _J - . . . . '_��e/- .. � _ <br /> . , ti+Id �..���1�'��A�Xd?.��`. . .. . n' ' . . ' . ..�.}�� '!. <br /> . .� } . , .r . :'v�ir"_ <br />_ ;,.f.-��;� 98- 112474 - <br /> �xjh2 ° <br /> vy�� ��� • <br /> ;:. ,t„K, A, INSUFiAIVCE. Tru�tor, at Il� �xp�n��, win malnt�in w�h Intunn�pprov�d by B�n��Ciary,I��urena wdh rnp�cl to th� <br /> T r., ,.. � Improv�m�nt�and p�rtonal prop�rty,con�tduNnp th� Prop�rty,aflamst bn by fir�,liphtninp,lornado, and oth�r p�nl�and hazerdc <br /> 111:::,,, cov�nd by�land�rd �xt�nd�d cov�rap��ndors�m�nt,In�n�mounl�qud tu et I�a�t on�hundr�d pwrant o1 th�(ull r�plac�m�nt _ <br />="°" "`q� • valu�th�r�o1�nd inwnnc��yaln�t�uch oth�r hu�rd��nd In�uch�mounts u i�cu�tomany oan�d hy own�n and opvatar�01 <br /> . . ;Y �Irmler prop�di��or e�B�n�ficlary may r�quir�(ot NI prot�Ction.TfWtor will comply wAh tuch olhar nquu�m�nl�a�B�n�ficiary ma, _ <br /> . }rom tl:n�to tim�nquot for lh�prot�ctbn by Intwartic�of th�Int�rNN o}lh�rap�ctiw pad»s.All irnurnnc�pohci�e meintem�d - <br /> „ purwenl to Ihis p��d olTrutt�hnll nam�Tniator and B�n�ficlery a�insunde,at thou r�ap�ctn� iM�rwtt�may nppmr,and prowd� :. <br /> .;,,.;... thRt th�n�h�ll b�nu c�ncNlatlon or modification wAhaut no N��than i 6 day�prlor wnKen notfic�lan to Truet��and B�n�ficlary.In <br /> �• ` ' th��wnt any policy hmund�r i�not rm�w�d on or b�fa� 16 drye prlor to ft��xpitntlon dat�,Tru�t�s or 8�n�i�ciary may procun - <br /> auch Ineuretnco In eceordance with the provielone of pamgrnph A.6 heroot.Trueror ehell deliver to Benehci�ry Ihe orbinel pol�ciee u1 � <br /> :_�� in�uranc�And��MWAI/th�not or m�mo copi�s oltueh policN�and nn�wal�th�rsol.Failunto tumish�uch in�uranc�by Tru�tor, <br /> ,�,�,,, or nn�wal�u nquind h�nund�r ehall,et th�optbn of Bm��eiary,conddut�a d�fauR. <br /> =� 6. TAXES, A9SE9SMENT8 AND CHAROE9.Tru(or shell pay all tuca�,n�ssummts end olhwr charp��,includinQ,vnthout <br /> Iimftation, fin�s �nd impotllion• Attributabl�to th�ProF�rty,and I�as�hold peym�nts or grourid nnt�, if any, tHfor�ths sam• <br /> b�com�dNnqu�nt. 7ru�tor ehesll promptly furnish to O�n�fi=1�ry all notic�a o}amounts du� und�r Ihfs paragraph,and in ths�v�nt <br /> .� ,,�.�j+� Truator�hell mt+k�payment dirsdly,Truetor ehall promply iurnieh to B�i�ficfary roniph widmnp su�p�ym�nt�,Tru�tor�hell _ <br /> . . pay all tnx��4�d assu�m�nts wh�h may b�I�vi�d upon B�n�fici�ry's inbnst h�nin or upon thdD� a4.'irrat�vdhout nperd to <br /> any law thetmery b��nact�d Imposing pnym�nt of th�whol�orany pnrt th�nof upon th�B�rnficiary. <br /> ,='L'` � 8. ADDITIONAL UENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S 3ECURITY.Tructor shell mek� ell paymsnh o}Int�ract end <br /> c.�<<��.,• principal end pnym�nit of any oth�r cherp��, ta� and �xp�ne�s contract�d to b� pnid lo eny oxi�tinp li�n hold�r� or prlor <br /> � _� ben�ficiari��undu any pnor de�d o}trutt or mortQep�6�for�Ihs dats th�y ars dslinquent end promptly pdy end diicharp�eny end <br /> ,�.•:A all oth�r li�n�,clalms or charp��whiah may��opard¢�th�s�curity pranbd h�rsin.If Truttor}pis to mak�any�uch peym�nt or iada <br /> �'��,..,r:• to p�rform eny ot th�wvsnant�nnd aymmmt�contain�d in thi�Oe�d o}Trust or in any prar mortr�ap�or d��d of truat,or i}eny <br /> - " eclbn or procnading io aommsncad which materielly aflecte Benefic(nrye intereet in ihe Prope�y, Includinq, but nol limit�d to, <br /> - •min�nt dor�iain proc��d�np�,or procsedinpe fnvoMnp n d�cbent,or if Tmotor fails to pay Truator�debte A�n�raly ns th�y b�come <br /> � ° '�=t- du�,th�n Bmeficiary,et Bmsficiary i optbn and wdhoul notia to or d�mxnd upon Trwtor and wlhout nloa�mp Trueto►from eny <br /> oblipation hueunder,may mak� such app�aranc�s, disbw�s euch wrne and tak� �uch e4dan ae ie neauery to prot�ct <br /> �,;�3�;�ty, B�Mficinryi Inbnst,klcludinp, but not limftsd to, dieburs�m�nt of nnsonablr ettorn�y's Itsy,paym�nt, purchas�, cont�st or <br /> _ .°.y;.•.' compromis�of eny�neumbranc�,charp�or li�n,�nd �ntry upon th�Prop�rty to mak�npein.1 n 1hs �v�nt that Trustor shall fail to <br /> _�a�" procuro Inaumnce or lo pny taxte,ainasaments,or any olh�rcharp�s or to mnk�any peyments to eny�xistiny prror lien hold�re or <br />��--n• bnvfleiari��,B�n�}iciery may procun�uch In�urenc�end m�k��ueh pnyment.Any nmounu diiburssd by Bmeficinry purwant to <br />-���'�•`� thla Peregreph A.8 sh�N b�com�addRional indobl�dn�a of Trustor��cund by thia D��d of T�ue�t Such amounto thell b�peyabl� <br /> "�"'� upon notic� from Bmeficiary to Truetor nqu�stinp peymeN lhenof,and�hell b�er intersst homih�det�of dUburumant et th� <br /> ���1�'t..•,- rab pnyabl�4rom tim�lo tim�on oubtandinp principal und�r Ih�Noto unl�s�paym�nt ol inbnst el suth rab woukl b�contrnry to <br /> ::•�.. applicebl� Inw. In whkh �v�nt �uch amounts shell b�er inur�st nt th� highe�t rnta permqsibN und�r applicebls lew. Nothiny <br />°��`-'�'' contsinod in this Parepraph A.6 shall nquin B�n�ficinry to i�cur any�xp�n��or tak�any ection t��r�und�r, <br />_ .v.Y!� <br /> �;`� B. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: <br />_ xt�, <br /> n,:.�'�.°,:: 1. ASSIGNMENTOF RENT9.B�n�ficMry shell haw th�rpht,pow�r snd authority durinpth�wntinunnu ollhls D��d o}Trust <br />-_:;;�„�_ to colNct th�rwntt,fsa��and profit�of th�Prop�rty and of eny p�nonal prop�rty Ioc�tW th�nonwith or without takinp pos��sdon <br /> °-j;�-- - of th� prapety efl�d�d honby, end Tru�tor h�nby ebtoluldy end uncondRionnNy auiyn�all�uch rmb,isaws and profit�to <br /> �=��� Ben�ficiary.B�n�ficiary,howw�r,h�nby eon��nit to th�Truitor'�eoll�ctbn and rountbn o1 wch r�nU,faw�s and protd�ns th�y <br /> �``7�'� eccrw and bsaom�p�yeibN to bnp a�Trustor if not,el wch tim�,In d�feult wdh reipect to psymmt o1 nny inda6t�dnnss e�cursd <br /> �tY��� <br /> :��'Sbt7.R,.� h�nby,ot in th�p�rfo�manc�o}eny apn�m�nt h�round�r. Upon any auch d�}euk,B�n�liciery r�ey at any tima,a�har in pereon,by <br />;,��� ep�nt, or by a nc�iwr to b� appoint�d by a couR, wilhoul notia and wRhout nyard to th��d�quacy ol �ny s�curity for tho <br /> ��rv 7� indebt�dn�N M�nby ncund,(a)snt�r upon end takw po�s�ofon o}th�Proputy or eny partth�r�ot and in it�own nam�w�for or <br /> -°�..^x-�:r� olh�rwh�eoll�d�uch nnt�,Iswa e►nd profib, includinp thou pAtt du�and unpaid,and apply th�tem�,la�eotls and�xp�nt�a <br /> -=-�:-� ot op�mtion nnd colNction,includinp newnabl�attomeya IN�,upon any ind�badn�ts ucurb h�nby,and in such ord�r ns <br /> �• 1:.. B�n�ficinry me►y d�t�rminr,(b)p�r(orm�uch act�ot r�pelr or prot�ction et may bs n�c�nary or prop�r to cons�rv�th�vel��01 th• <br />--��� Prop�rly: (e)I�a� tM sem�or eny per!th�nollor �uch nntal,t�rm,end upon�uch condeion�as A��udpmmt msy dktab or <br />�^^^^.�yr� brminRt�,or adjutt tM torms and conditbn��f�xistirp i�eus. UnNss Trustor and B�n�ficluy Ih�r�of eqn�oth�rwit�in writinp, <br />,_,�,o�_�,:,�� any applicalion ot nnit, b�ue�or profib to eny Ind�bl�dnau s�cund h�roby chell not�xtmd or pottpon�th�du• det�of th� <br /> _ �=-��� inatellm�nt paymmt�a� proWd�d in teid promM�ory nots ar chenp� th� amount ot �uch In��Wm�nts.Tho �nt�rinp upon snd <br /> _,�,�,.�•W��� takinp po�tusMn of the Pr�p�rty,th�coll�ctWn ot auch ront�,Issu�s and proffi�,and th�applieation th�nol ss efor��eld,�hell not <br />-��;:,�1�., wsivo or an �ny ddeuft or�otic�o}d�fauft h�rwnd�ror invalidet�any eat don�punu��tto such notic�.Tru�tor elw etsbn�to <br />_-�i„_��a�_`- B�n�Hclary,es Nrth�r t�eurity for th�p�rtormnna of th� ob[gatbns s�cund h�nby,all pnpaid ranu end nll monN�wh�h may <br /> �t hev�ba�n or mey he�eRer be depofit�d with ��kl Truttor hy �ny f�u��of th�Prop�rfy,lo tKUr�th�p�ym�nt o}any nnt or <br /> _�:i d�map�s,a upon dNeuk In th�p�r(ormenc�of any oi th�provi�bns h�nof,Tru�tor aQr���to d�liv�r wch nnt�and d�po�ih to <br />_„�=t��� B�n�ficiwry.D�liv�ry ol wrRt�n not�:�of Bm�ficlery's�x�req�of ths tlyhtt prent�d h�rNn, to nnyt�nent occupyinp�aW pnmh�s <br /> — shall k»sutfici�ntto rpuin�ald t�nant to pay r�ntto th�B�n�ficiary untillurthsr notk�. <br /> -. �_.=�— <br /> �����°� 2. CONDEMNATION.I}titN to sny part of th�Prop�rty thall b�tek�n in cond�mnetan proc«dinq�,by rpht o}�min�nt domein <br /> v�![![��5��� <br /> :���"„ , or similar�ctlan,or�hdl t»�old und�r Ihr�at o}cond�mnntian,sll eward�,demeq�t snd procwd�ers h�nby aaipn�d and shell b� <br /> 1 '�'�P' � eid to B�n�ficlu wM shell eppy�uch awards,demeq�s and prou�d�to th�tum wwred by thM Dad of Tru�t,with th�sxc�u, <br /> '_��.F,!�•. �� - }eay,paW to 7r stor.N Trustor r�c�iw��ny nolic� or othu�ntormallon nperdinp auch nctions or proce�dinp�,Tru�tor shall piv+ <br /> . �: :, '- prompt wr�tm notie�Ih�rwf to E3�n�ficlery.[i�n�ficie�ry�hap bs�ntdi�d,et R�optbn,to comm�nce, �pp�er in end proseeut�in its <br /> " " own nem�eny euch ectien or proc��dinp�end ehell b��nt�bd to mak�eny compromiu or uttUm�nt in connaclion witf�eny�uch <br /> ection or proco�ding�. <br /> ��' 3. FUTUFiE ADVANCES.Upon nquset of Truttor,Bsn�ficiary nt Ben�ficiary's optbn, prbr to raconv�yanc�of th�Prop�rty to <br /> � Trustor, mey mek� tutur�edvena�to Truttor. Such lulur�edvenc��,wdh Int�ntt th�reon,shel b�t�cund by thi�Trust n��d <br /> ' i wh�n svidenced by promie�ory not�s�tatmy thet�eid rrot�a e�s a�cur�d hereby;provid�d thal eat no t(me ehell tha sacurod principnl, <br /> • lutun edvencee.not Ncludinp eums ndvenced to proted thr sccurity,oxc�ed Two Hundr�d pe►runt (200%)of the uriyinel principal <br /> nmounts securedhsnby. <br /> 4. REMEDIES N07 EXCLUSIVE. Trust�u end B�noficlary, and �ach ot th�m, shall bo�nt�tl�d to�nlorca peym�nt and <br /> partormnnn of eny hdebt�dn�rt or obligetlono acund h�nby end to ex�rcf�s all rights and powsro und�r thy De�d of Trutt or <br /> ' ��r,d.r env oihor ear��mont axecutod In conn�ctan henw�th or eny lew�now or h�nett�r In tore�,notw�thstendinp some or ell 01 ths <br /> • such indsbledn�ts end oblgations sacurtd hor�6y mey nowor h�neft�r ba othorwi�a socund, wh�thv by mortyeg�,d��tl oT trust. <br /> � plodg�, Il�n,nsfignm�nt or oth�rwi��.N�fth�r th�ecc�ptnnN ef this D�sd of 7ruat nor ds�ntorcamont wh�ther by court echon or <br /> pursuent to the powu of eal�or oth�r powere hu�in contenad,ehell pre�udica or in eny mannu atfeet Trust��i or B�nsf�cinry's <br /> ripht to reahza upon or enlorc�any other e�cunry now or henaRer held by Truet��or 6en�ficiary,d bemp epre�d lhet Truslse end <br /> Ben�fiaary,and each of th�m, ahell ba�ntitlMd to �nlorc�thu Daed ot Trust end eny olhsr acurrty now or hennfter hatd by <br /> Beneficiary or Tmstee in such order end mnnnu ea lh�y or enhar oi tlum mey In thair nb�olub discretion detennine.No remedy <br /> heram conferred upon or reserved to Truet�e or Bemhciery ie intended to 6e excluaivs ot rany other remsdy herein or by lew <br /> provfded or parmitted,but each shell be cumulehvs end shall be in edditlon to w�ry other r�msdy giv�n hsround�r or now or <br /> herenRer exi�ting et lew or in equdy or by etntute. Ev�ry pow�r or remedy provded hor�mider Ihia Deed of Trunt to Truet��or <br /> Beneliciary or to which either of tham may be oth�rvvu��ntAl�d,may be exerc�esd,concurr�ntiy or indep�ndmtly,trom hme to t�me <br /> nnd ae oRen ae maybe dcemed expodient by Trusta�or Bensficiery and either of lhem maypuraue inconei�tent rem�diee.Nolhinp <br /> I herem shen ba con�tmed ee prohibitinp Henefidery irom neeking a defiaency�udpmont egemat :he Trw�or to ths�xtent euch eet�on i <br /> is pormdted by lew. <br /> , 60107t NoUrerie 0075700� <br />