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Tournor, Itushand and wife � <br /> (h�n�n'Trwtor');�nd Jerry J Milner ___ <br /> ,whoca mailiny addrue h 1503 W.2nd Street�,_,_Gran,SLI;l�lld __ <br /> NE 68801 _ — <br /> (h�n�n•TrunN'); �nd Associates Fi.nancial Services Company of Nebraska Ine. <br /> who��m�Ninp�ddr•s.i� 2014 N Lawrer►ce Lane, Grand Is land NE 68803 <br /> ^ (hrnln'B�n�fici�ry"). <br /> FOR VAI.UABLE CONSIDERATION,Tru�tor Irnv¢caby prant�,tr�nsfu�, conwyt wnd a��lpn�to TrustN. IN TRU9T, WITH <br /> POWER OF SALE,for th�Wn�fd�nd s�curity of B�n��r,und�r and subNet to th�I�rm�Co nty,N�br skathia O��d of Truat,th� <br /> 1olbwinp d�scdl»d nRl prop�rcy,louhd M <br /> Lot ThirtePn (13j, lndianheaci �, iu i,i�c �ity of Granu Tsla:.d, H,^.Z: <br /> County, Nebraska. <br /> TOQETHER WITH,dl nM�,pro�tt,roy�kNs,fneom�and oth�r k»n�fiu d�riwd hom th�nnl prop�rty;�N I���N or�ubNuo� <br /> cowrinq Ih�n�l prop�rty or�ny porlbn th�nof,now or hsnsR�r trzhtinp or mt�nd into,end all ripht,tRl��nd Int�nst o}Tru�tor <br /> th�r�und�r;�A Int�n�t�,��tRN or othu ciaim�,both in lew and i��quity,wh�h Tru�tor now ha�or may h�r�dl�r sequln h th�nd <br /> pro{»rty��11��s�msnu,riphts-0f-way,t�n�m�nt�,h�r�ditam�nb�nd appurt�n�na�th�rwl and th�nto;aM ofl�nd p��riphb�nd <br /> profit�,w�t�r riphta�nd w�t�r stock;eN ripht,tit{��nd int�ntt ot 7ru�tor,now own�d or h�neft�r acqulnd,In Rnd to eny I�nd lyinq <br /> withfn th� rpht�of-w�y ot�ny suNt or hlphwRy�djoininy th� nsl prop�rty;any and�II buNdinp�,fucturn, improwm�nb,and <br /> �ppurt�n�na�now or h�n�tt�r�r�ct�d th�rwn or l»bnphip th�nto,(h�ni�nl�rnd to�"Improwm�nt`or'Improvsm�nta');�nd <br /> �ny�nd sH�wuds mAll ot�lh�lork oin y���,t�ntP�oma��and�nt�nst�y�d rtoTru t��'h�ninhcoll�ctlwN•H��d�o seph� <br /> of th� n*I prop�rly. �fl O P° <br /> 'Prop�rty'. <br /> FOFi TH6 PURPOSE OF 9F_CURINd: <br /> (e Th• p� m�nt o1 Ind�bt�dn��� �vid�ncvd by Tru�tor'� not� uf �v�n d�h h�r�wdh In tphol�p��iPA�s�u��}�n�red <br /> ►op�th�e with fnHrNt�t tM t�b or r�t�s provid�d lh�nin,'or th�prindpsl�nd intentt on�ny tutur� advanai�vid�nrwd bY <br /> promluory notes st�tinq lh�y u���cur�d h�nby,(h�nln'Not�"or'Not��') end eny and all nn�wal�,modificatbn�and�xt�mfom <br /> ol such Noh,both pilncipel�nd inbr�tt on tha Not�b�inp peyabl�fn accordanc�wilh th�t�rm�s�t forth thu�ln,nf�nna to which <br /> u h�r�by m�d�. <br /> (b)7h�p�Mormanc�01�ech sqn�m�nt end cov�nant of Truttor hanin aontain�d;end <br /> -- (c)Ths paymsnt ot any sum or�ums of mon�y with fnt�r�st th�rson which mey be huaeflar peld or advanc�d u�d�r Ih�hrme ot thi� _ <br /> p��d ot Tru�t. <br /> � A. TO PROTEQT THE StCUR17Y OF THIS DEED OF TRUS7,TRUSTOR HEREBY COVENANTS ANn AGREEB AS FOLLOWB: <br /> � 1. PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEAEST.Tru�tor �hell promptiy pey wh�n duo th• principel of and InNnst on tM _ <br /> md�bbdn�f��vid�ne�d by th�Not�,Rnd ell oth�r cherp�s nnd 1e�r at provid�d In the Nots,and ths principal of and int�nst on any <br /> -� Fu�ur�Adv�nc��ucur�d by thf�Q��d of Trwt. _ <br /> �� 2. WARRAN7Y OF TITLE.Truoror i�lawtully s�iz�d and poauss�d ot pood end ind�taesibl�titl�and�atat�to Ih�Prop�rty � <br /> �� h�r�by conwy�d�nd hM�th�riqht to qrent and conwy th�Proporly; th�Proparly Is B��end c{�ar of sll Iwns and ancumb�ena� _ <br /> �xc�pl I�n�now o}ncord;end Trustur will wbrrent and d�f�nd th�tdl�ta th�Prop�rty aQe�nst dl clelmt and d�mand�. <br /> 3. MAINTENANCE AND COMPUANCE WITH 1�4WS.Trustor thnll k��p the Prop�rty In yood npefr and conditbn and sh�ll not <br /> commd w�rt�or p�rmit Impefrm�nt or d�Nrqralbn of lh�Hrop�rty and�hnll comply wdh th�provialon�ot eny I�eso it Ihis Daed o1 _ <br /> Truri i�on�Na��hokl.No fmprowmsnt r�ow or h�r�aN�r�rtcNd upon th�Prop�rty shell b�ek�nd,nmowd or d�moli�h�d without <br /> Ih• prwr wr�t�n cont�nt o1 B�n�hclsry. Trustor shall comply with ell lawt,ord;nanae, apulatbna, cownnnt�, conditions and <br /> ���tnclion�aH�ctinp tfi�Prop�rly end not commA,auN�r or pormR nny eci tq b�dons in or upon th�Propady in violatbn ot any law, <br /> ei ylnlmp ov�m�etlon t�V f rop�rty which mey b�Cdamap�dt or d�elt oy�d'e`nd pay,twhmr du�ti ell claim�lor�nhcr parlormedn nd <br /> mnl�nelf turnioh�d th�nlon and for eny ell�retlons tharsof. <br /> ORIaINAI.(1) <br /> tUiO����LV ��06NW�uka <br /> sORROW ER CO PY(1) oo76a�.o� <br /> FETENTION COPY(1) <br />