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<br />�.•�u��,;:,,��;�� principal emount ot the indsbtedneaa secured b�thls Deed ot Trust,not including sums ad�ahicheverps greate e security of this Deed of
<br /> -. Trust,exceed the original p�nclpal amount stated hareln,or S � , �
<br /> � 18.MlocNlansaus Provlslon�. _
<br /> . .-�.:-:..,�i '
<br /> (a)Borrovr�r Not Rti��s�d.Extenslon ot tha tlme/or peyment or modiflcatlon of emortlzeBon of the sums socured by thls
<br /> Deed of Trust grented by Londer to any successor In Int4rest ot Borrower shall not oporate to release,In any manner,the Ilabtil•
<br />-:�� �, , � ty oi the orlginai Borrower end Borrower's aucceaeora In interest. Lender ehall not be requlrod lo commence proceedings � _
<br />��yagainst such successor or refuso to extend tlme(or payment or otherwis�mod�fY emortlzcitlon ot the sums secured by t�ds
<br />_:_. .• � Deo d o f Trus t b y r e a s o n o t e n y d e m a n d s made b y the orl glnel Borrower and Borrower's succeasore In Interest. I
<br /> �'�'� �'� (b)L�ndn'�Povwn.Without afiecting the Ileblllty ot eny other person Ilable for the paymen t o f any o b l i ga t b n h e r e l n m e n-
<br /> � tlonod,and without affecting the Ilen or charge oi this Deed of Trusl upon eny portion of the P�operty not then or theretofore
<br />�,�'', released as security fa the full amour�t ot ell unpeid obligetlone, Lender may,from Uma to dmo and without natice(I) release u �
<br />_;�� ,.;.
<br /> eny person so Ileble,(II)extend the maturity or aiter any of the terms of any suah obligetiona,(iii)grant other indutgencea,(iv) �""
<br />,� , release or reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time et Lenders option any parcel, portlon or all of the ��
<br /> - - Property,(v)teke or releasa any other or additlonal socurity for any obligetlon herein mentlaned,or(vl)make compositions or
<br />��, ather arrangements with debtors in relation thereto.
<br /> (c)Fo�arance by L��d�r Not s Waivs�.Any forbaarence by Lender in exerclsing any rlght or remedy hereunder, or oth- �
<br />- �. � erwise etforded by applicable law,shall not be a waiver of or preclude lhe exercise of any such ripht or remedy The prceure-
<br />�;^;.� .:; mant of insurance cr the payment oi texes or other Ilans or charges by Lander shall not be e waiver or Lenders�ight to acceler-
<br />�, ;,�, ate the matu�ity of the Indebtedness secured by thls Deod of Trust
<br /> : ,:�c � (d)3ucc�ssors end Asslgna Bound;Jolnt�nd 3�v�ral Llabltity;Ceptlons.The covenants and egreements herein con-
<br />�'':t•: tained shail bind, and the rights hereunder shail Inure to, the respective successors and assigns ot Lender and Trustor.All
<br /> � covenents and agreements of Trustor shall bd Jolnt and aeverel. The captiona and headings of the paragrephs oi thls Deed of
<br /> '�.�; ,�;�,.` Trust are(or convenlence only and are not to be used to interpret or define thA provislons hereof.
<br />��,.� .��.. (e)R�qu�st for Notica�.The partles hereby request thet e copy of eny notice of default hereunder and a copy of any notice
<br />' �•°�A � oi sale hereunder be malled to each party to thls Deed of Trust at the eddress set forth above In the menner prescribed by
<br />->,,' `..:4i'.'� applfcable lew.Except for any other notics requlred under aQpliceble law to he given In another menner,any notice provided for _
<br />�,�. ������; in this Deed of Trust shell be given by mailing such notice by certifled mall addressed to the other parties,et the eddresa sat
<br /> x: .:+� • forth ebove.Any notice provided for In this Deed of 7rust shall be effectfve upon malling In the manner destgnated herein. It
<br /> T►ustor is moro than one�per�on,nadce sent to the eddress set forth above shall be notice to ail such persons.
<br /> _ _.;r:,'� ' (�(nap�ctton. Lender mey make or ceuse to be made reasonable entries upan anJ Inspections of the Property, provided
<br /> � that Lender shall glve Trustor notfce prlor to any such inspecllon apecifying reasoneble cause therefor related to Lenders intor-
<br />'� est in the Property.
<br />�: :�.,",''� '
<br /> (g)Raconvsyance. Upon peyment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request 1'rustee to reconvey the
<br /> r� `i Property and shell surrender this Deed ot Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br />�,�1 Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey 4he Property,without warrenty end without charge to tho person or persons legelly entltled
<br />_�'�`� ' thereto.Trustor shall pay all costs of recordation,if any.
<br /> `,�_ ,..•� '. . ,
<br /> _ .,.:,
<br />�;'; (h) Psnon�l Prop�rty; Sscurity Apr�rrNnt.Aa additlonal securiry tor the payment of the Note, Trustor hereby pran s
<br />��•'-�� - Lender undor the Nebreske Unifarm Commercial Code a security interest in ell flxtures,equlpment,and other personal property
<br />=- ���_������l�n;y���Q fs,��Aarat�or Improvements located thereon,and not otherwise declsred or deemed to be a part o(
<br /> ��� ' � �� the real estatA sQCUred hereby.This Instrument shall be construed es a Security AgreemonE under�ni�i Co�ie,and iS�s��cst�er
<br />'^°.r�; , ,�:;, shall have all the �ights and remedles of e secured party under seid Code in additlon to the rlghts and remedles created und�er
<br /> +:.,<.�:�j: ,` and accordeci the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust;provlded that Lander's rights and remedles under this ppregraph shall
<br />�__�yr:.�,;..,�.:' b0 CUR1UIei1V9 wlth,end In no way a Ilmitation on,Lender's rights and remedles under any other securiry egreement signed by
<br />�,��3:". : ��., Borrower or Trustor.
<br />�a�: (q Ll�ns end Encumbranc�s.Trustor horeby warrents end represents that there Is no default under the provislons of any
<br /> `'`��",j'''���� mortgage,deed oi trust,lease or purchase contract describing ell or eny part of the Property, or other contract,Instrument ar
<br />_�.°�,�._....�
<br /> �;,��.�•-',�. . egreement constituting a Ilen or encumbrance egalnst all or any part of the Property(collectively, "Liens'),exisdng as of e
<br /> ;,•.��•�K'• date ot this Doed of Trust,and thet eny end all existing Llens remein unmodifled except as dlsctosed to Lender In Trustors writ-
<br />�-�'�.;=•-�r,� ten disclosure of Ilens end encumbrances provided for herein.Trustor shall timely perform all of Trustor's obligetions,
<br />"'�`•°�••:;-;�; covenents,representetions and warrentles under eny and all existing end tuture Liens,shall promptly forwar�to Lender copiea
<br />� �.;;:r�:''•, of eil notices of defeult sent in connectlon with ony and all existing or future Liens,and shell not wlthout Lendars prfor written
<br /> =•;:,i„e,�.,, consent In any manner modify the p:ovislons of or ellow eny(uture edvances under any exlsting ar tuture Ilons,
<br />�:�t�::" ', �)Appllcation of Paym�nts.Unless otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,Inciuding without IlmJtation
<br /> ""`'�° ments of dncl al and Interest, insurence proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and proflts, shall be applied bY
<br />�'���': :-°•-:" Lender to the emounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower in such order as Lender In Its sole dlscretion deems desir-
<br />=��.:.' _`•�*.:- ebte.
<br />�: � r.::';� (k)S�v�rabitity.If eny proviston of this Deed of Trust conflicts with applicable law or Is declared Invelid or otherwise unen-
<br /> forceable,such conBict or Invalidity shall not eNect the other pravisions oi this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be givan
<br /> — effect without the conflicung provislon,and to this end the provision�ot this Oeed oi 7rust and the Note are declAred to be sev-
<br /> � �' erable.
<br /> _ _ ���� (I)Tsrms.The terms"Trustor"end'Borrower"shall Include both singular and plural,and when the Trustor and Borrower ere
<br />—. ,,«=;��r'. the seme person(s),those terms es used fn thls Deed of Trust shall be Interchangeable.
<br />°'��`-'=����-" (m)Govarning Law.This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraoka.
<br />. �
<br /> , i -
<br /> �
<br /> j 7rustor has executed thts Deed of 7rust as of the date�wqlt�n above. . � ;�� '
<br /> �� " C . �f,; � ,
<br /> ..�6�� t f:� '' ' .
<br /> J Trustor
<br /> Trustor
<br /> . � �.,....e..soi,� Nus6and
<br /> .,--.—_ - ��-�–� tiauuj a. .,.+......._--- ' — '
<br /> �"'r"'�� ����� Trustor
<br /> Stephanip J S�nnenfeld , Wif�gror ,
<br /> �
<br /> . Y � .
<br /> �
<br />