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"Proceads')In connection with aondemnetlon c,r othertaking of the Property or part thereoi,or for conveyance in Ileu oi condemnatlon. <br /> Lender shall be entitlsd at Its optlon to commence,appeAr In and prosecute In Its own name any action or proceedings,and shall also <br /> bo entitled to make any compromise or settlement In connactlon with such taking or damage.In tho event eny portion of thc►Property i� _ <br /> , ..' ; so taken or damaged, Lender shalt have the optlon In fts sole and abeolute discredon, to apply all euch proceeds, efter deducting — <br /> .,, - � therefrom all coata end expenses Incurred by ft in connection with such Proceeds,upon any indebtednass secured hereby and in such <br /> �� .� • order as Lender may determine,or to epply all such Proceods,tsfter such deductlons, to the restoration of the Property upon auch con- <br /> dftl�ns as Land�r muy dctcr�nfno.J:ny �pp!!cn!lon of Proceedr,to Indehtednesq Aheil nnt extnnd or postpone the due date o(any pay- , <br /> , Q.� � ments under the Note,or cure eny default thereunder or hereunder.Any unspplied funds shell be pald to Trustor. _ <br /> � 9. P�rformance by Lender. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hareunder,or It any act Is taken or legal proceeding (� <br /> ' ,�• commenced which materially effects Lender's intarest in Ihe Prapedy,Lender may in ita own discretlon,but without obligation to do so, � <br /> n{p���'�� end without notice to or demand upon Trustor and wllhout releasing Trustor irom any obligetlan,do any act which Trusto�has agreed � <br /> � but talled to do and may also do any other act it deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Truetor shell, Immedlotely upon <br /> :'.,,, ' demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ail ccsts and expensea Incurred and sums expended by Lender in cannection wilh the exer- � <br /> ' !i''• t clse by Lender Af tha foregafng rfghts,together with Intereat theraon at the default rate provided In the Note,whlch shall be added to �"'� <br /> �� the indebtedness secured hereby.Lender ehall�ot Incur eny Ilability because oi anything It mey do or omit to do hereunder. � <br /> '� 8. Hasa�dous M�t�rlals.Trustor ehall keep the Property In complianae with all appllcabie laws, ordinances end regulations � <br /> . relaNng ta Industrial hyglene or envlronmental protec�on (collectively referred to herein as"Environmental Lawe'). Trustor shall keep � <br /> �� �� the Property free from ail substances deemad to be hazerdous or toxlc under eny�nvironmental Laws(wllect(vely referced ta herein I� <br /> - ' es'Hezardous Materials").Trustor hereby warranta end represents to Lender that there are no Hezardous Materials on or under the <br /> ' Property.Trustor hereby egraes to Indemnlfy end hoid hermless Lender,its directors, officors,omployees and agents,end any succes- <br /> sors to Lender's Interest,from and against any and all claims,damages,losses and ifabllitles arising In conner.tion wilh the prPSence, <br />-��.3.q• •• use,d(sposal or transport of sny Hazerdous Meterlals on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ANO <br /> REPRESENTATIONS, ANO TRUSTQR'S 09LIGATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREGOING INDEMNITY, SHALL SURVIVE <br /> F2ECONVEYANC[OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. <br /> � • 10.Assl�nmont ot R�nb.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a security interest in, all presant,(uture end <br /> � • after arising rents,issuas end proflts of the ProPerty;provided that Trustor shall,untll the occurrence ot an Event of Default,hereunder, <br /> have tho right to collect and retain such rente,Issues and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of <br /> d ' Qefauit,Lender may,either in person or by agent, wilh or without bringing any action or proceeding,or by a receivar appolnted by a <br />- • court and without regard to the adequacy of Its securiry,enter upon and teke possession of the Property,or any part thersof,In tts own <br />�. ." name or in the name of the Trustee,end do any acta which It doems necessery or desirable to preservo the value, marfcetabiifty or <br />- , rentobllity of the Property,or any part thereof or Interest theretn,or to increase tho Income therefrom or protect the security hereof and, <br /> -, , with or wlthout taking possesslon of the Property,sue for or otherwlse collect the rents,issues and proftts thereof,Including lhose past <br /> due and unpald,by nctifying tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,Issues and proflts,less costs and expens- <br /> " es of operatlon and coilectlon including ettomey's fees, to any Indebtedness secured hereby, all In such order as Lender may deter- <br /> r.. •• mine.The enteNng upon end taking possesslon of the Property,the collectlon of such rents, issues and proflts, and the eppliceti�n <br />- � thereof as afaresald shail not cure or waive anv default or notice of defauit herounder or Invalidate any act done In response to such <br /> -�� � default or pursuant to such notice oi default and, notwithatanding the continuance In possesslon of the property or the collectian, <br />;,:_;. .. <br />-_ receipt and epplicatlon of rents,Issues or profits,Tnistee end I.ender shall be entitled to exerofs9 every right provided for in eny of the <br />- • � ' . Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of Default,Including without Ilmitation the right to exercise the Rower of sele. <br /> '�''-'" '�� ' ' Furlhcr,Lander's rights end remedles under thts p�regrwph shall be cumulative with, and In no wey�Ilmitation on.Lenders rights and <br />=�;:: . ' � remedles under any assignment of leases end rents recorded against the Property. Lender,Trustee end the receiver shall be Ilable to <br /> ' • -. accaunt only for those rents actually received. <br />�F''�� 11.Events of Detault.The following shall constitute en Event of Default under this Deed ot Trust: <br /> i:••_ ; .-,.r:l.,. <br />� � (a)Fallure to pay any Instaliment of princfpal or Interest or any other sum secured hereby when due; <br />=�'`�', � (b)A breach of or defauit under eny provision contalned in the Note,this Deed of Trust,eny oi the Loan Instruments,or any <br />-`'��`" other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property; <br />-. f � (c)A writ of execution or attachment or eny similer process shali be entered a�alnst Trustor which shall bocome a Ilen on <br /> :�.�� the PropeRy or any portlon theraof or Interest Iherei�; <br />_ "'` '`�' (dj There shall be filed by or against Trusta or Borrower an action under any present or future federal,stete or other stetute, <br /> :�_;� •,.,,..;� <br /> ,_:;:.,� ...;;n law or regulatfon relating to benkruptcy,Insolvency or other rellef for debtars;or there shall be eppointed any trustee,receiver or <br />- , ..,.,.; Ilquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of ell or any part of the Property,or the rents,Isa�es ar profits thereof,or Trustor or Borrower <br />: shall make any general essignment for the benefit of creditors; <br /> (e)The sale,transfer, lease, asslgnment,conveyence or further encumbrance of ell or any part of or any Interest in the <br /> _ - Progerty,elther volunterily or Involunterily,without the express written consent of Lender,provided that Trustor shall be permit- _ <br />-"' ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contaln an option to purchase and the term of which does not exceed one <br />�.__" year; <br /> (�Abandonment of the Property;or <br />- _ � • "" (g)if Trustor Is not an fndividual,the issuance,sale, trenster, assignment,conveyance or encumbrance�f more then (if a <br /> - ., � corporatian)a total of percent oi Its issued and outstanding stock,or(if a partnership)a totol ot per- - <br /> cent of partnership interests,or(ff a Ilmfted ifabllity company)a totQl of percent of th�Iimited Ilability compa- <br />- . ny interests or voting rights during the perfod thls Deed of Trust remalns a Ilen on the property. <br /> ° ' 12.Remsdles;Acceleretion Upon Detault.In the event of any Event of Default Londer may,without notice oxcept as requlred <br /> . by law,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and peyable and the same shall ihereupon become due and payable with- <br /> _ F out any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.ThereaRer Lender may: <br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln, and Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustor's Inter- <br /> . est in the Property to be sold end the proceeds to be distributed,all In the manner provlded In the Nebraske Trust Deeds Act; <br /> (b) Exercise any and all rlghts provided tor in any oi the Loan Instruments or by Iew upon occurrence of any Event of - <br /> _ Default and <br /> (c)Commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or speciflcally enforce any of the <br /> covenants hereof. <br /> - No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the Loan <br /> instruments or by law provided or permltted,but each shall ba cumulative,shell be In addition to every other remedy given hereunder, <br /> in the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exfsting at law or in equity or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently,independently � <br /> or succeslvely. <br /> .. _ _ �1 T•udm Thn Tr.mfon.,.o...nainn n}onv fimn wilhnu}na�tan nnrl I unriur mav a!nnv fimn anri wifhn�d rnucn vnnnint a enr <br /> ___.__ <br /> - '-- - ....� .,._.n..�__..� _..._ ..._.__''_—_'•_"___..__. ..._� _._..� ....._ _.._ ......__''_--'—��-....---- - <br /> _ � cessor or substltute Trustee.Trustc�e shall not be Ilable to any party, including without Ifmitation I_ender, Borrower, 7rustor or any pur- <br /> chaser of the Property,for eny loss or damago unless due to reckless or will(ul misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take any action • <br /> in connection with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless indemnified,in writing,far all costs,compensation or expens�s which <br /> � may be associated therewith.In addition,Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Property(judicial or undar the power oi <br /> � sale granted herein);postpone the sale of all or any portfon of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the Property as a whole,or in <br /> - � separate parcels or lots et Trustee's discretlon. <br /> I14.Foes and Exponses.In the event Trustee sells the Properry by axercise ot power of sale,Trustee shall be entitled to apply <br /> , any sale proceeds first to payment of all costs and exponses of exercising power of sale,including all Trustee's fees,and Lender's and <br /> Trustee's attorney's fees, actually incurred to extent permltted by applicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right <br /> provided by law to cure an Evont of Dofault,Londer stiall be entitled to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actually incurred as <br /> � a result of Trustor's detault, including without Iimitatfon ali Trustoa's and attorney's fees,to the extent permitted by applicable law '• <br /> - ' 15. Futuro Advances. Upon rQquest of Borrower, Lender may, at its option,make additional and future advances and read- � <br /> ' vances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with interest thereon,shall bo secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the . <br /> . <br />