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Upon the assignmcnt,Lender _ <br /> � � shall havc the right to modify,extcnd or tcrminate the cxisting leases and to exccutc new lcases,in Lcndcr's solc - <br /> � discredon.As used in this paragraph G,the word "Iease" shall mean "sublease"if the Security Instrument is on a _- <br /> lcaschold. - <br /> #• H. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS; APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER; LENDER IN POSSESSION. <br /> '• Borrower absolutcly and unconditionally assigns and trnnsfcrs to Lendcr all the rcnts and revenues("Rents")of thc __ <br /> ?�, Property, regatdless of to whom thc Rents of the Property arc payabk. Borrower authorizes Lcnder or Lendcr's '��� <br /> � agents w collei:t the Renu, and agrecs that each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to L.ender or Lender's — <br /> � agents.However,Barrowcr shall reccsive the Rcnts undl(i)Lender has givcn Borrov�er nouce of dafault pursuant to - <br /> paragraph 21 of thc Sccurity Instrumcnt and(ii) L.ender has given nodce to the cenant(s)that thc Rents ace to bc _ <br /> paid to Lcnder or Lender's agent This assignment of Renis cansututcs an absolute assignment and not an �. <br /> �: assignment for addidonal security only. _ <br /> If Lendcr gives nnticc of brcach to Hoaowcr:(i)all Rents reccived by Bonower shall be held by Bonower as _ <br /> „� trustec for the bene6t of Lcndcr only,to be applicd to thc sums sccured by the Security Instrument;(ii)Lender shall <br /> bc endded to callcct and reccive all of the Rents of thc Prop�rty; (ili) Borrower ugrers that each tenant of thc <br /> ,� Praperry shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lcnder or Lender's agents upon L.cnder's wriuen demand to thc <br /> tenant; (iv) unless applicablc law provides otherwise, a11 Rents collected by Lender or Lender's agents shall be <br /> > applied Cvst to the costv of taking control of and managing the Properry and collecdng the Rents,includ'uig,but not <br /> limited to,attomeys' fees,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's and maintenance costs, insurance <br /> ' � premiums, ta�ics,assessment�and othcr charges on the Properry,and then to the sums secured by the Securlty <br /> - -Y--_ <br /> Instrument;(v)Lender,Lender's agents or any judicially appointed receivcr shall be liuble to account for only those <br /> _ Kents acwaIIy received�and(vi} ;.e��de� shall be:,�ui2:,ti ta have� teeei�et�g¢o�t�+� to tnke Ix�ssession of an <br /> managc the Property end coUect the Rents tu►d proCits derived from the Pruperry without any showing as to the <br /> inadequacy of thc Property as sccurity. <br /> If the Renu of the Property are not sufficient to cover the costs of taking control of and managing the <br /> � • Properry and of collecting the Renu any funds expended by L.ender for such purposes shall become indebudness oF <br /> Borrower to Lender secured by the Security Instrument pursuant ta Uniform Covenant 7. <br /> ,. Borrower represcnts and warrants that Boaower has not executed any prior assignment of the Rents end has <br /> , not and will not perform any act that would prcvent Lender from cxcrcising its rights under this paragraph. <br /> • Lender,or Lender's agents or a judiciaUy appainted receiver,shaU not ba required to enter upon,take contrnl <br />_ of or maintain thc Property beforc or after giving noucc of default w Boaowcr. Howevcr,L.endcr,or Lcnder's <br />� ' agents or a judicially appointed receiver,may do so at any time when a default occurs.My application of Rents <br /> : . ' ;i �, shnll not care or waive any default or invalidate any other dght or rt;mcdy of Lcnder.This assignment of Rcnts of <br /> the Property shall tccminate when all the sums secured by the Security Instrument are paid in iuU. <br /> I.CROSS•DEFAULT P[tOVISIUN. Bonowcr's default or brcach undcr any note or agrecmcnt in <br /> which L.ender has an interest shall be a brcach under the Sec�uity Instrument and Lender may invoke�ny of the = <br /> ��. remedies perrnitted by the Security InslrumenG <br /> BY SIGM er accepts and agrces to ihe terms and provisions contained in Ihis 1-4 Family -- <br />'^ Rider. • ! <br /> . p � ✓ � ' <br />_ "�—. (Jc31) (SCal) o, <br /> MARC A NEPPL -Aorrowcr PAULA S NEPPL •Borrowcr _ <br /> �S�) �5�� — <br /> -Aonowcr •Borrower � � <br /> '��:.�. <br /> ..,:, <br /> . -.:� <br /> �•b7 tesoa�.o+ rao•z oi z , Form 3170 3fo3 <br /> - � • �___ . <br /> � _ <br />