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. _:_ <br /> � ._ _-. <br /> .� ��Y�. . . .. •w.'t�^.�-i_ <br /> f J��' <br /> � , _ <br /> , <br /> +�w^ <br /> . " <br /> . . _. .,.._._.��...�.__........ ,.__... _.__ . . .. ' "h <br /> . - _. . ._'__.,�'-�-i_�_. <br /> ._ _ _. .�_.._. _ ... <br /> . _.. : .. . . .�,.�..•,i <br /> .: <br /> , <br /> .. , __ L, sr�'�— . <br /> • , :wt•..-- . <br /> - ' � . ,. -,{,.. <br /> � I ' APPLtI 001-71028034 <br /> •' ML# 0000000000 " _ <br /> ' � _ - — <br /> �..,,.�.. 1-4 FAMILY R1DER g►�_ (�(Q'Q J.�'%' . _- <br /> -� �,asignment of Rent� <br /> THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER is mada this 17TH day of DECEMBER , i99� ,�d is =— <br /> incorporated into and shall bc dcemed to amcnd and supplcmcat thc Mortgagc,Dccd of Trust or Security Dccd(thc _ <br /> "Sccurity Instrument")of the samc datc givcn by thc undersigned(thc"Borrowcr")w sccurc Borrowcr's Note to <br /> HOME FEDERAL SAVIN(iS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF (iRAND ISLAND <br /> (thc"I.endcr") <br /> of the same date and covering the Property descriFxtl in the Securiry Instrument and located ak � <br /> ' . 417 NORTH CUSTER \ <br /> , aRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68803 ��' <br /> �Propeny Addresi] <br /> "�'.' <br /> 1-4 FAIV�LY COVENANTS. In addiuon w thc covenants and agreements made in the Securiry Instrument, E': <br /> � Borrowcr and Lcnder further wvenant and agree a�follows: - <br /> A.ADDITIONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT. In addition to thc <br /> Property described in the Security Instrument,the following items arc added w the Property descrlpdon,and shall <br /> also wnsdtute the Property covered by the Security InstrumenG building materials,appliances and goods of every <br /> < naturc whatsoevcr now or hereafter located in,on,or usect,or intcnded to be used in wnnection wi�h the Property, <br /> including,but not limited to,those for the puiposes of supplying or distribudng heating,cooling,electricity.gas, <br /> water,air end light,tue prevention and extinguishing upparatus,sccurity and��cu,�uui e�,pru�tu�,plutit�,ing, <br /> k� bath tubs,water heaters,water closets,sinks,ranges.stovcs,refdgerators,dishwashers,dIsposals,washers,dryecs, <br /> +� awnings,storm windows,storm doors,screens,blInds,shades, cartains and curtein rods,attachcrl mirrors,cabinets, _ <br /> �' panelling end aaached floor coverings now or hereafter attached to the Property, all nf which, including _ <br /> replecements and additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remain a pazt of the Property covered by the Security _ <br /> �� Instrument All of the Foregoing together with the Properry described in the Security Instrument(or the leasehold _ <br /> estate if the Sectuiry Instrument is on a leasehold) are referced to in this 1-4 Family Rider and the Security <br /> Instrument es the"Property." '' � <br /> B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agree to or make a � <br /> change in the use of the Property or its zoning classiCcation. unless L.ender has agrced in wriung to the chenge. ` <br /> � Borrawer shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requitcmcnts of any govemmental bady - <br /> , aPPU�ble to the Property. <br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. fixcept as permittcd by f'ederal law,Bonower shall not aUow any lien inferior - <br /> ��r% to the Security Inswment to be perfecud against the Propetty without Lender's prior wriuen pemiission. r'_: <br /> � D.RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrowcr shall maintain insurancc ageinst rent loss in addition to the other �- - <br /> �=},, ha7ards for which u�surance is requiretl by Uniform Covenant 5. � <br /> �l" F.."BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED. Uniform Covcnant 18 is deleted. '° <br />- � ' F.}30RROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Boaowcr otherwisc agrce in wriung, the Cast ��_Y <br /> � sentcnce in Uniform Covenant 6 conceming Dorrower's occupancy of the Property is deletQd. All remainin� =-_ <br /> covenants and agrecments sct forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effcct. ��-=• - -- <br /> � MULTISTATE 1•4 FARIILY RIDER-FsnN�M�elFreddl�M�o Unlform Imtrum�nt Form 3170 3193 � ^"�:".;' <br /> .--. .:- <br /> '`� ��:�-_. <br /> Pap�1 012 '.�— <br /> ' �•67(Y304).Ot VIAP MORTOACiEPOR1A9-(800)621•�241 Initltlt: "�'y��`:. <br /> •:�' .�i <br /> �.... �..,_. <br /> � Illllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllil <br /> � � � , <br /> _ �.,.._ ._-' . <br /> � _ ._.. ..._. ._. ._... ._. <br />