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, ��131�1�� <br /> consent sha11 not be unreasonably v�rrthheld, or unless ext�nuating circumstances ex�st vvhich are beyond Bvrrflvver's <br /> control. <br /> 7. Preserva#�on, Maintenance and Pratection of the Property; Inspections. Barra�rer sha11 not destroy, <br /> damage ar impair the Praperty, a�lov�r the Property to de�eriorate or commit vWaste on the Property. �LThe�her or not <br /> Borrnwer is res�ding in the Propert-�, �orrav�er shall main�ain �he Property in❑rder to preven��he Property fraxn <br /> deteriaratzng❑r d�creasing in value due tn�ts conditian. Un�ess�t is determined pursuant to Section 5 that repair ar <br /> restarativn rs not ecanvmically feas�bxe, Borrov�er sha�l promptiy repa�.r the Prvperty if damaged�o a�roid further <br /> deterinra�ian or damage. �f�nsurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in connectivn v�ith damage to,or the taking <br /> vf, fhe Prapert�r, Barrov�er sha11 be responsible for repairing vr restoring the Propert�r only if Lender has r�IeaSed <br /> proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds far the repairs and restarat�on in a sing�e payment or in <br /> a series of prpgress payments as the vvork is completed. If the insurance ar candemnation proceeds are not sufficient <br /> to repair or restore th�Prop�rty,Borravv�r is nvt re�ieved of Bvrrov�rer's oblxgation for the completion af such repair <br /> or restoration. <br /> Lender or i�s agent may make rQasanable entri�s upon and inspec�ivns of�he Property. If it has reasonabxe cause, <br /> L�nder may�nspect the interivr❑f�he impro�ernents on the Prvperty. Lender shall give Borrvv�rer notice at the time <br /> of or pr�or to such an inter�or inspectian spec�fying such reasonabie cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Appl�cation. Borrovver sha11 be in defauit if, during the Loan appXication pracess, <br /> BorroWver❑r an�persons vr entities acting at the direction af Barro�er or with Borrovver's knavvledge flr consent ga�e <br /> ma�erxall� false, misl�ading, or inaccurate information or s�atements ta Lender �ar failed tv pro�ide Lender�vith <br /> ma�eria� informa�ion} in cannection vv�th the Loan. Materxal represen�ations inciude, but are nat I�mit�d tv, <br /> representativns cvn�erning Borrower's❑ccupancy of the Property as Borrav�er's prxncipai res�dence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's In�erest in the Praper�y and Rights Under this Securi�y Instrument. �f�a} <br /> Borro�ver fa�1s ta perfvrm the ca�enants and agreements contained in th�s Security�nstrument, (b) there is a legal <br /> proceeding that migh�significant��affect Lender's interes�in the Proper�y andlor righfs under this 5ecuri�y Ins�rument <br /> (such as a proceeding in bankruptc�, prvbate, for candemnativn ar fvrfeiture, far enfvrcement of a lien v�h�ch may <br /> a�tain priorit� o�er this S�curify Znstrument ar�o enforce lavvs ar regulations}, or �c} Bnrr�wer has abandoned the <br /> Propert�, then Lender ma�do and pay for vvhate�er is reasonabXe or appropriate tv protect Lender's inter�st in the <br /> Prvpert�and rights under�his Securi��nstrumen�, including protecting andlnr assessing the�alue of the Prvperty, <br /> and securxng andlor repairing the Proper�t�r. Lender's ac�ions can�nciude,but are not 1imi�ed to: �a}pay�ng any sums <br /> secured hy a lien v�hich has priority o�er th�s Security Ins�rument; �b} appearing in court; and (c}paying reasonable <br /> attarneys'fee��a protect its int�r�st in the Property andlar rights under this Securit��nstrument,including its secured <br /> pasition in a�ankruptc�proceeding. Securing the Property includes, hut is nat�xmited tv, entering the Property ta <br /> make repairs, change Xacks, replace or board up doors and windo�vs, drain wa�er from pipes, eliminate buiiding or <br /> other code�iola�ians vr dangerous candi�ions, and ha�e ut�li�ies�urned an❑r aff. Although Lender may take action <br /> under this 5ectivn�,Lender daes not ha�e�❑d�so and is n�t under any dufy or vbliga�ion to do so. It is agreed tha� <br /> Lender incurs no liability for na�taking an�r�r a�X actions authorxzed und�r this Sectxan 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this S�ction 9 sha11 become addi#ianal debt of Borr.ower secured by this <br /> Security Ins�rument. These amoun�s shall bear interest a�th�Nvte ra�e from the date of disbursemen�and sha�l be <br /> payab�e, �vxth such intQrest, upon no�ice frvm Lender ta Borrov�er request�ng payment. <br /> �f this Securit� Instrument is an a leasehold, Barravver sha11 comply vvith a11 the prnv�sivns af the leas�. <br /> �orrvvver shall not surrender the leasehol�estate and intQrests herein conveyed or terminate or cancel�he ground l�ase. <br /> Bvrro�er shall not, vvithout the express�rri��en cansent af Lender, al�er❑r amend the ground iease. �f Bvrravsrer <br /> acquires fee tit�e tv the Property, �he�easehald and the f�e titie shall not merge unless L�nder agreQs to �he merger <br /> in�v�riting. <br /> 1D. Mortgage Insuran�e. �f L�nder required Mortgage�nsurance as a condition af making the Loan,Borro�er <br /> sha11 pay the premiums required to ma�intain the Mortgage Ynsurance in�ffec�. xf, for any reason, the M�rtgag� <br /> �nsurance covera�e r�quired by Lender ceases to be a�vailable from the mortgage insur�r that pre�iously prv�ided such <br /> insurance and Bvrravver vvas required to mak�separa�ely designated paymen��ta�vard the premiums for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, Svrrvwer sha�l pa�th�premiums required to obtain co�erage substantial�y equ��a�ent tn the Mortgage <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM INSTRUMENT-MERS pa��y���� <br /> Form 3�28 �!�� Page 7 of�i 5 www.dacmagic.cQrrr <br /> N�sazs.�a.X� <br />