<br /> .
<br /> not be exercised unreasonably. Lender may require Bnrrov�rer to pay,in connection�rith t�is Loan,either: �a}a one-
<br /> time charge for flood zane determination, certificatinn and�racking services;❑r�b} a one-time charge fvr flaad zane
<br /> determination and certifica�xon ser�ices and subsequent charges each time remapp�ngs or simi�ar changes occur vvhich
<br /> reasonably might affect such determination or cer�ification. Barrovver shal�also be responsxble for�he payment of
<br /> any fees imposed by the Federal Emergenc�Managern�n�Agency in cannect�on vvith�he re�ie�of any flood zane
<br /> determination resul�ing from an abjectiori by Barro�er.
<br /> If Borrovver fails�o main�ain any of�he coverages de5cribed abn�e, Lender may obta�n xnsurance coverage,at
<br /> Lender's aption and Borravver's exp�nse. Lender is under nv❑bligat�an to purch.ase any particular�pe❑r amvunt
<br /> , of co�erage. Therefore, such co�erage sha11 cover Lender, but might or mighf not prot�ct Borrnvver, Bvrro�er's
<br /> equity in the Propert�, or the c�ntents vf the Property,against any risk,hazard or�iability and might provide gr�ater
<br /> � or lesser co�erage than v�as previous�y in effect. B�rravver acknvvWledges that the cost af the insurance coverage sa
<br /> abtained mxgh�significant�y exceed the cos�of�nsurance�hat Barravver could have obtained. An�amaunts disbursed
<br /> by Lender und�r this 5ect�on 5 sha11 become addi�ional debt�f Sorrvvver secured by this Security Instrument. Th�se
<br /> amounts shall bear interest at�he Note rate from the date of d��bursemen�and sha��be payab�e, v�ith such int�r�st,
<br /> upan no�ce from L�nder tn Bvrravver r�questing payment.
<br /> All insurance policies required b�Lend�r and renevvals of such polic�es shall be subj ect to Lender's right t❑
<br /> disappro�ve such policies, shali include a standard mortgage clause,and sha�l name Lender as martgagee andlvr as an
<br /> additiana�loss pa�ee. Lend�r�ha�l ha�e the right to hoid the policies and renev�ral cert�ficates. �f Lender requires,
<br /> Borrvvver sha��prompt�y give tv Lender aI1 recexpts�f paid premiums and renevval nnt�ces. If Borrn�ver obtains any
<br /> form af insurance ca�erage, no�othervvise required by L�nder,for damage to, or destructian of, the Property, such
<br /> po�icy shall include a standard mortgage clause�nd 5ha11 name Lender as martgag�e andlor as an additional �oss
<br /> payee.
<br /> In�he e�ent of 1oss, Barra�er sha11 give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. L�nder may make
<br /> proof vf Iass if nat made prompt�y by Barro�ver. Unless Lend�r and Bvrrovver ❑thervvise agree in�riting, any
<br /> insurance proceeds,vvhe�her or nat the und�r��ing insurance vvas requir�d by Lender,shal�be applied to restoratian
<br /> � or repair of the Property, if the restorafion vr repair�s ecnnomically f�asible and Lender's securiiy is not lessened.
<br /> Dur�ng such repair and restaration p�riod, Lender shall have the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender
<br /> has had an apportunity tn inspect such Property to ensure the vvark has been campleted �o Lender's sa�isfactian,
<br /> pro�ided that such inspection sha11 be under�aken promptly. Lender may disburse prviceeds for the repa�rs and
<br /> r�storatian in a singl�payment or in a serx�s of progress payments as the work is comple�ed. Unless an agrQemen�
<br /> is made in�rri��ng or Applicabxe La�requir�s interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall nat be
<br /> required to pay Borr�vver any interest or earn�ngs an such proceeds. Fees far public adjusters,or other�hird parties,
<br /> retained by Bnrravver shaii not be paid out vf th�insurance proceeds and sha11 be the svle abligativn ❑f Borrav�rer.
<br /> If�he restoratxon vr repair is not ecannmicaily feasible or Lender's securit�would be Iessened,the insurance praceeds
<br /> sha11 b�applied to the sums secured by this Security�nstrumen�,whether or nat then due,�vith the excess,if any,paid
<br /> to Barrvwer. 5uch xnsurance proceeds sha1�be appl�ed in the order prv��ded for in 5ection�.
<br /> �f Borro�er abandans the Prapert�, Lender ma�file, negotiate and sett�e any a�ailable insurance cXaim and
<br /> related matters. If Borro�er does na�r�spond w�thin 3D da�s�o a natice fram L�nder that the insurance carrier has
<br /> offered tv sett�e a claim, th�n Lender may negotiate and settl� �he ciaim. The 30-day perind wi�� begin when�he
<br /> notice�s gi�en. In ei�her e�ent, ar�f Lender acquires th�Propert�under Section ZZ or athervWis�, Borra�er hereb�
<br /> assigns t❑ Lender (a} Borrov�er's r�ghts �❑ any insurance proceeds in an amoun�nvt�a exc�ed the amoun�s unpaxd
<br /> under the Note or this Security Ins�rument, and(b} any ather of Borrovver's rxghts (other than the right to any refund
<br /> af unearned premiums pa�d by Barrovver} under all insurance policies cavering the Praperty, insofar as such r�ghts
<br /> are applicable�o the covera�e of the Proper�y. Lender rna�use the insurance prviceeds either tv repa�r ar res�are the
<br /> Prapert�vr tv pay amaunts unpaid under the Note or�his 5ecurxty�nstrument, vvhe�her or nn�then due.
<br /> s. �ccupancy. Barro�er shal� occupy, estabiish, and use �he Properi�as Barrovver's princ�pal residence
<br /> � within 6�da�s after the executian nf this Securit�Instrument and shal�cvn�inue to occup�the Property as Barro�rer's
<br /> princ�pal residence fvr at least one�ear after the da�e of occupancy,unless Lender other�vise agrees in vvriting,�vh�ch
<br /> NEBRASKA--S�ngle Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFaRM 1N5TRUMENT-MERS D�cNla��c
<br /> Form 3��8�1�� Page 6 of�5 www.dvcrr�agrc.com
<br /> Ne3�28.mzd.xml
<br />