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i ':'Y':.r7?"a"A'°"r"°n"srs.r.�-- • <br /> �� ....�!�S•l7�!!;w+.•od.. . .. � .. �r, : `R•,:;�,;`��'_ __t:_=_r_= •• - <br /> •q nq . -. -_- . ... ..—` - °----- - - - <br /> -- — .��-�a��l���y/1 - '—_ _ <br /> T� <br /> Y' <br /> t���� _. <br /> -- B,TRANSFFN OF THk t'ROPKRTY OR A Hf:NI:H7CIA1,INTFRF:ST IN IiURROWh.R <br /> - Unifnrm Covenant 17 of thc Security Instrumcnt Is nmcn�lal to rcud as fnllows; �y.�� ������ <br /> 7/ <br /> Trwn.der at the Property ar� Denetkltil IntereKt In Harruwcr. If all or nny purt of the Praperty or any <br /> -� interat in it iH�nld or transterrod lor if a bencficial i�►te►�c+t In ik�n�uwcr is sold ur transfcrrcll nnd Rorrowcr is nnt � <br /> _� a natural person)without[.ender's prior wdttcn contient,Ixtxler may,ut its optfan, rcyuire immediatc payment in <br /> full of all sums secured by this Secudty instrument. However, Ihis apNo� shall not be exercisocl by I.ender if <br /> cxerclse fs prohibited by faieral law as of the date of this Sccurity Instcumcnt.I.ender also shall not exercise this <br /> option if;(a) Barcowcr causcs to be submitted to I..endcr information required by l.tndcr to evaluatc the intendal <br /> transferee as if a new loan wero being made to the transferee; and(b)l.ender reasonably detcrmines that Lender'R <br /> security will not be impaired by the loan assumption and tlist thc risk af u breuch of any wvenant or agreement in <br /> this Security Instrument is acceptable to Lcnder. <br /> — To the axtent permitted by applicable law, Lender may charge a reasonable fee as a conditfon to Lendec's <br /> cansent ro the loAn assumption. Lender rnay also reqaire the transferee to sign an assumption agceemens that is <br /> ecccptable to Lender and that obligates the transfera to kcep all tho promises and agreemcnts made in the Note <br /> and in this Saurity lnstrument. Bonower will continur to be obligata! under the Note and this Sexudty <br /> -��- Instrumene unles�I.tnder relesses Bonower in writing. <br /> If Lender exercises the option to require immediate payment in full, Lender ahall give Aorrower notice of <br /> acceleration. The notia shell provide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or <br /> -- mailed within which Bonower must pay all sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Honower fails to pay <br /> these sums prlor to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any remalies permitted by this Security <br />--� Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> -- BY SIGNiNG B LOW,Borrower agrees to the t�rms und covenants wntained in this Adjustable <br />- Rate Rider <br /> C� � �) _ (�) <br /> � 1� ---�Bortowcr •w,.�o;c::r <br /> . .(Seal) (�) <br /> - -Horrowcr •Borrower <br />—:��a <br />—_'�� <br />___�:1,�� <br />-��,�: <br /> +., <br /> ' ';�: <br /> .� _ <br /> r - <br /> -_._ ,. <br /> . { <br /> � : <br /> Form 3111 3/OB <br /> I <br /> I , <br /> � <br /> � - _ <br />