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ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDE.R <br /> `":"�����:�: _ p YcarTreasury InJex-RnteCsqs) 20028053 _ <br /> _ :;�....:;:.. 9r1�--�1a'7f'7 <br />::T����4�� <br />:�'"�,``:�?3+�� TH[S ADJUSTABLB RATB RID�R is madc this 18TH dAy�f DECEMBFR <br />__;;;��-;��;_„�,o,�,� 1997 ,and is incorporatrd into and shall b:dccmcd to amend and �upplement the Mortgage, D�cd of _ <br /> '° - Trust or Securiry Ur,ed(the"Security Instrument")of the sume date given by the undcrsigned(the"Borrower")to <br />_� secure 4hc Borrower'ti Ad'ustablc Rntc Note(thc"Note"1 to <br /> T6e 6q�ihble enilding aa� 4o�a Aeaaci�tian oi Uned [alud, Nebr�et�, A Pedenl 9niasa Bant � <br /> -" (the"Lender") of the same date and covering the property describeci in the Security Instrument and located at: <br />"''�:��''''�" 2826 BRENTWOOD BLVD CiRAND ISLANA, N�BRASKA 68803 <br /> •-..�r�,.�. <br /> '���r�.,��, �Praperty Address) <br />_''.l�p;i�;� <br /> i�w THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIUNS ALLOWINO FOR CHAN�ES IN THE INTEREST • <br /> ��` RATE ANV THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE <br />.����.1.i:f,�V�' . <br /> ' '"''�'�`'�� BORRaWER'S INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE <br /> .K�. _ <br /> =- MAXIMUM RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. <br />-_�:�.. <br /> V;,:.�„ ` AllAITIONAL COVENANTS.In additian to the covenants and egrecments made in the Sec:urity Instrutuent, .� <br />-_`y t_w;;p.� Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> '_��,;�+,:~ A.INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> :;i .r The Note provldes for wi initial interest rate of �•3�S %.The Note provides for changes in <br /> -;,•.,,,�,,�' the interest rate and the monthly payments,as follows: <br />--_ ',i <br /> `'���r�':• 4.INTERFST RATF,AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> ,�. <br /> --;i-:%�;_... <br /> =;-:-�,.,,��� (A)Change Dates <br /> -:;'�.;� t��y r b Y JA*?IIAFiy ?nna <br /> Tne incerest rute I wili a ma cir,u��C un iLc iir�i du �i ,an3 an ihai <br /> �^��'R��"� duy every 12th month thereafter. E�ch date on which my inte:rest rate could change is�called a"Change Date." <br />-- VK <br />,,,`_`_�-_�p��;.- (B)The Indcx <br />'"'��'�': Bcginning with the first Chan�c Dute, my interest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the wcekly <br />-- �__,�,<t•••' average yield on United Statcs Trcasury sccuritics adjusted to a constnnt maturity of 1 year,as made available by <br />--��';' •°ti the Federal Keserve Board.The most recent Index Ctgure available as of the date 45 days befor�each Change Date <br /> . -_...-.'-4 I <br />_-_l�'�...•� <br />_- - .�. is called the"Current Index." <br />=-`-`' If the Index is no longcr avuilable, the Notc Eloldcr wiU choosc a new index which is based upon comparable <br /> _"';',��� Informution. The Note Holder�vill give me notice of this choice. <br /> -- _�, <br /> _.�_.,�. _:::� <br /> �_r.:�-,�,� <br />- .�„rf„�an„� (C)Calcnlation of Changes <br />-�--=�=:.�'".:..�� Before each Cha�ise Date, the Note Holder will calculnte my new interest rute by udding <br />'���'a r��-� ' TWO perccntage point(s)( 2.000 %)to the Cunent <br /> `""�'?�" Index. The Notc Holder will then round die result of this addition to the nearest one-eighth of o�c percentagc <br /> _= '��i"•'�� point(0.L251).Subject to the limits stated in Section 4(D) below, this rounded amount will be my new interest <br /> �•��r.,: <br /> " -_ • rate until the next Change Date. <br />��:•';�'" �, The Note Holdcr will then detennine die umount of tl�c monthly payment that wouldbe sufficientto repay the <br /> - �� unpaid principal that I am expected to owe at thc Change Date in full on the Maturity Date at my new interest rate <br /> -""'�'``"': in substantially equal paymcnts.Thc result of this calculution will be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br />""'.`�:�;:: <br />_�� <br /> .;`;�.:'""� (D)Limit.s on Intcrest Ratc Chen�es <br /> � fi Thc inlcrest ratc I um rcquircd to pay at thc first Changc Datc will not bc greatcr than 9.3 7 S % <br /> � or less than $.3 7 5 %.Thercafter,my interest rate wiU never be increased or decreased on <br /> any single Changc Date by more than two perccntagc points (2.O lo)from the rate of interest I have been paying <br /> � for thc prcccding twclvc months. My intcrest ratc will ncvcr bc grcatcr than 12.3 7 5 `�• - <br /> , My interest rate will never be lower than 5 .375°G. <br /> " (F,)Effectir•e I)nte�f Chunges <br /> My ne�v intcrctit rate will bec�mc effu;tivc on cach Changc Date. i will pay thc amount of my new monthly <br /> payment bcginning on the first monthly p3ymcnt datc aftcr thc Chan�;c Uatc until the amount of my monthly <br /> paymcnt changcs again. <br /> I (N�Notice of Chun�cs <br /> , The Note HolJcr will dclivcr or mail to me a noticc of any changcs in my intcrest ratc nnd the amount of my <br /> 1 <br /> . -=--"=� moniitiy payn�cnt iu;turc ii�c ciicciivc u.ttc ui any cnangc. i nc noticc wiii inciuuc iniormaiiun rcyuireci oy ia�r io <br /> bc givcn mc and slso the tidc anJ trlcphunc numbcr of u person who will answcr any qucstion I may havc <br /> � . rc�arding thc nolicc. <br /> � - <br />_ i <br /> iMULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER•ARM 6•2-Sintilu Fumily•Funnlo MnelFroddlo MAC Unlform Inetrument <br /> Form 3111 3!$6 <br /> I � -8Z2/1�930;i VA1P MOH7G�GE FOHMS 1800152� 77B 1 " p„ntud on Hocyclod Popnr <br /> O <br /> � , <br /> � i <br />, i i <br /> II <br />- i <br />