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Uurrowcr shall kccp ihc impmvcmcnts nuw cxisting �`i'r�crcuftcr crcctcd on thc <br /> , � P� <br /> Properry in�urcd .�gainst lo�s by firc, hur.ards includcd within thc tenn "extcnded covcragc' and uny othcr haiards, including <br /> _�� flocxls or tloocling. for which l.ender requires insurance. �l'hiti in,uruu�c,hull be niai�uainecl in the amnunts an�i f��r�hr peri��d+ <br /> thnt l.ender requires. The insurance currier prcrviding the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to l.ender's upprovul <br /> which shull not be unrcusonably withheld. If Borrower fuils to maintuin coverage dcscribecl ubove. Lcnder may, ut l.ender's <br />� optinn,ohtuin covcrugc to protcct Lendcr's rights in thc Froperty in accord;incc�vith para�!raph 7. <br />- �� � All insurunce �licics und renewals shall bc ucceptable to Lcndcr and shall include a stundard mortgage clausc. Lendcr <br /> shnll havc thc right to hold the{xilicies and renewuls.If l.ender rcquires, Burrowcr shall promptly give to Lender ull reccipts of <br />� paid premiums nnd renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shull give prompt nutice ta the insurance carrier and I.ender. <br /> - � ' • L.cndcr mny makc praof of loss if nat madc promptly by Borrower. <br />= Unlesti Lcnder and Borrawcr othcrwisc agree in writing, insurance proceeds shull be applied to restor�tion or repair of the <br />- • Property damageci, if the restoration or repnir is economically feasible and l.ender's security is nat lessened. If the resroratian or <br />�X,:' , .,.� replir is not economically feasible or I.ender's security would be Iessened,the insurance proceeds shall be applied ta the sums <br /> , sccured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt, whether or not then due, with any exccss paid to Borrower. If Horrower cibandons the <br />- Property, or does not answer within 30 days a noticc from I..cndcr thut thc insurunre carricr has offcrcd to sctde a claim, then <br /> ' � _'•� I.ender muy collect thc insurancc procecds. Lcnder may use the procccds to rcpuir or restorc the Propcny or to pay aunis <br /> ,;,: . <br /> - .•. -- secured by this Security Instrumcnt, whethcr or not thcn duc.Thc 30-dny period will 6cgin when the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lendcr and Burrowcr otherwisc agrce in �vritin�, any application of proceccis to prinr,ipal shull not extcnd or <br />+�'-,�:; �;t'' postpone the due date of thc manthly payments retcrrcd to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or changc[hc amount of thc puyments. If <br /> under puragraph 21 [he Property is acquired by LenJer. Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br /> :`'`'� damuge to thc Property prior to thc acquisition shall pass co Lendcr to the cxtcnt of the sums sccurcci by this S�urity Instrument <br /> ;� <br /> immediatcly prior ta thc acquisitian. <br />- 6. Occupancy,Preservution, Maintenancc and Protection of the 1'roperty; Borrower's I.oan Applicution; I.easeholds. <br /> � Borrower shAll occupy, establish,and use the Propeny us Borro�ver's principal residenee within sixty days after the execution of <br /> this Se�urity Instrument and shull continue to occupy the Propeny us Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after <br /> � —___.__ th�d:�te nf occupnncy. unless Lender otherwise ugrecs in writing,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> � � . extenuating cireumstances exist which are beyonJ Borcower's control. eorrower shu11 not descroy, dan�uge u� iiiipair ihc <br /> � . • Property, ullow thc Property to detcriorate, or commit waste on thc Property. Borrowcr shall be in dcfault if any forfeiture <br />--,5,� action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faithjudgment could result in forfeiture of the <br />?� Property or otherwise materially impair thc lien created by this Sccuriry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower may <br />•�. , ' cure such a default and reinstatc,as provided in paragraph 18, by causin�the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> i�r�,,... , <br /> that, in Lender's good faith determination, prccludcs forfeiture of the Borrower'ti interest in the Property or other mnteriul <br />"' '� ���'�' impairment of the licn created by this Securiry Instrument or Lcnder's sec:urity intcrest. Borrower shall also bc in default if <br /> ' � � "'° Borrower,during the loan application process,gave materislll• false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> � ",� :''y.1;�, to provide Lender with any muterial information) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited <br />.;��t,:�.;' to,representutions cunrerning Borrower's occupancy of the Prnperty as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a <br />�:,f:nx+�.�s�k ►easehold, Borcower shull comply with all thc provisions of thc Icase. If Borrower acquires fee tiNc to the Property, thc <br />- °n:., <br />-"^'•t-���; Icaschold and thc fec title shall not mergc unless Lender ugrces ro thc mcrgcr in writing. <br /> ' "`' � "`� ' 7.Protection of Lendcr's Ri�hts in the Property.lf Borrowcr fxils to perfor�n the covenants and agrcemcnts containcd in <br />". � `'� this Sccurity Instrument, or therc is a Iegal proceedin�tl�at may Significiintly affect Lender's rights in Ihe Properry (such as n <br /> , proceeding in bankruptcy, proNate, f'or condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and <br />�•�-�•• pay for whatever is necesssry to protect the value of the Prc�perty and Lender's rights in the Properry. Lender's actions muy <br />��� includc a in� �n tiums scrurcd b a licn which has riorii ovcr this Securiry Instrumcnt, appcaring in court, paying <br />_ , p•y �. • y . y ' P Y <br /> reascinublc nttorncys' f'ces and entcring on thc Property to mukc repairs. Although Lcndcr may takc action under tl�is pAragraph <br />�;j ' .. 7,Lcndcr dacs not have to dc�so. <br /> - � . Any amou►rts ditiburscd by L.ender undcr this paragraph 7 shall bccome additional debt of Borrowcr secured by this <br />- - Sccurity Instrumcnt. Unlcss Borrowcr and l.endcr agrcc to othcr tcrms of payment,thesc amounts shall be:►r interest from the <br /> � datc of dixhurscment at thc Notc ratc und shall bc payablc, ���ith intcrest, upon nuticc fr�nn Lcndcr to Borruwcr rcqucsting <br /> � � paymcnt. <br /> 8.Mort�;a�e Insurance. [f Lendcr rcyuircd martgxge insuratuc as a condition of making thc loan securcd by tttis Sccurity <br /> • `; [nsu•ument. Borrower shall pay thc prciniums requircd to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any rcason, the <br /> mortga�c insurancr coveragc rcyuireJ by Clender lapses ur rcases to bc in cffcct, Borro�ver shall pay the premiums required to <br /> �ibtain coverage substantially cyuivalent tc� the murtgage insurance prrviuusly in effect,at u cotit substantially equivulent to the <br /> . `i rotit to Burrowcr of thc mo�tga�!c insurancc prcviou�ly in effcct, from an ultcrnutc mort�*age insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr. If <br /> ,ubtitantially cyuivalcnt mungagc insurc►nrc covcrag� is nut uvailahlc. Borrowcr shall pay to Lendcr cach month a sum equal to <br /> cmc-twelfth uf the ycarly mortgage insuranre prerniurn being paid by Borrower when the insuranre coverage IapscJ ur ceased to <br /> be in cffect. Lender will accept. u+c an�l retain thex payments as a lutiti rescrve in lieu of mort�age insurance. Lc»s reserve <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> - Po51�3�il G <br /> _"_--'_ <br /> .. . _._...- � , <br /> .. . ......._,.,, .,�. � <br /> , -.. :, , <br /> , .. . ..... . .. .. . ..._..�t..'k..��. <br /> ... .__.__. ..__ ._.._._.. <br /> __......... .. . ... <br /> .... ..... ... . ..__._..... . ._ <br /> �.1 ._._ __ _ _ . .._._ _. <br />