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"�:l�.. <br /> • ' �� d <br />_.,��� .. � 97-- �10'�6'� <br /> T�r- � s: <br />-�,� . �;,, TOGETHER WITH ull thc improv�mcnts now on c�reafter crectcd on thc property,and nll casements, appurtenanccs,und <br />�.� ' fixtureti now i�r hereaf'ter u purt of the property. All replucements and additions shull ulso be covered by this Securiry <br /> '' � � � "�' lmn•umcnt.AU of thc foregoing is rcfcrrcd lo in this Scc:urity Instrumcnt us thc"Aroperty." <br /> 13C)RROWEC2 CUVENAN'l'S that E3armwcr is lawfully sciscd of thc cstatc hcreby convcyccl and hns thc right to grunt nnd <br />.i;',� ,.� convey the Property und thut the Property is unencumbered. �xcrpt fur encumb�ances nf rccnrA. R�rrower wnrrants und wiU __ <br />-. � defend generully ttte tide to the Pmperty ugninst all duimti und demxnds,subject ta any encumbrances of rccord. <br />= •;;, "fH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT r.ombines uniform covenants for nutionul use und non-uniform covenants with limited <br /> "�" � vuriutiuns hy juri�:diction to constitute a uniform securiry instrument covering real property. <br /> � " UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcrund Lcndcr covcnant and ugrec as follaws: <br /> ' �"'�� ,;. 1. Nuyment of Principul nnd Interest; Prcpayment and LAtc Churges. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when due the <br /> , principul of und intcretit on thc dcbt evid�nccd by the Note anJ any prepayment and late chargesdue under the Ndte. <br /> �.�c: .`„', �_ <br />��. ,i.,,�;',;;,;., 2. Funds Por Tuxes und Insurance.Subjcct w applicable law or to a writtcn waiver by L.ender, Barrower shall pay to <br />� '�"•�' � � Lcndcr�in the duy monthly paymcnts ure duc undcr thc Note,until the Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly ta�ces <br /> v.,: <br /> W�.'. <br />�_+�'•' ' and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as u lien on thc:Propeny: (b) yearly lease o paymcn s <br />��., . <br /> ;����;�,'.,'',. or grounJ rents an che Property,if any: (c1 yeurly ha�ard or property insurance premiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums, <br />�a.;,;�•`':` � if uny: (cl yearly mortguge insurance premiums, if any; and (f� any sums payable by Borrower to I..ender, in accordance with <br />''"- � �� thc provisions of paragrnph R, in licu of thc puyment of mortgage insurunce premiums.These items are called"Escrow Items." <br /> '.x���• .:,o �.;�, L,ender may. at uny time, collect and hald Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount u lender for a fcderally <br /> �;" ' � relate<i rnortgage loan may reyuire for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of <br /> � � 1974 us amended from timc to timc, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 e►seq. ("RESPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds <br />>-�.,. <br /> • sets a Icsser amount. If so, Lender may,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excecd the lesscr amount. <br />�;' Lendcr may cstimate thc amount of Fund�duc on the basis of currcnt data and reasonable estimates of expcnditures of fuwre <br /> • .t Escro�v Itcros or othcrwisc in accordanrc with applicable law. <br />#�: , The Funds shall bc hcld in an institution whose dcposits urc insured by a fedcral agency, instrumentaliry, or entity <br />}f,±� � (including[.ender,if L,ender is such an institution)cr in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br />,. ' . Escrow Itcros. Lc:ndcr may not chargc Borrowcr i'or holding�nd applying thc Funds, annuaUy analyzing thc cscrow account,or <br />-�'�' " • verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lcnder pays Borrowcr interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to makc such <br /> ;,.t. <br /> ��tia�o_,}I„w�ver. IAnder may require Borruwer t��pay a one-time churge for an independent real estate tax reporting serwce <br />-�!v�%� ' usecl t�y Lender in cunnection with this loan, unless applicable law prov�des othenvise. li��ic�. u�� :,gr�c�r:.nt is ma�s Qr <br />;.;�:`,{'��''`.,� � applicable law requires in[erest te be puid,L.ender shuU not be requireci to pay Bonower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br />:.;-,�Sb��Y�M� � Borrowcr and Lendcr muy ngrec in writing, howevcr, that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lcnder shall givc to Horrower, <br />_;.::�.'-. •.�°'•, withaut charge, an unnuul accouncing of the Funds, sho�ving credits and debits w the Funds and the purpose for which eaeh <br /> '��� '' " dcbit to ihc Funds was madc.The Funds arc pledged as additional sccurity for all sums securcd by this Security Instrumcnt. <br />�.rx. .• <br />-�'��.''`� If the Funds hcld by Lender exceed�he umounts permiued ro be held by applicaHle law,Gender shall account to Borrower <br /> ''''" �' • •.� for the excess Funds in accurdance with ihe rcquirements of applicable law. If the amuunt of the Funds held by Lender ut any <br /> ;' time is not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Items when due. L.ender may so notify Horrower in writing, and, in such case Boerower <br /> ..� < <. shall pay to L.ender the amount necessary ta make up the deficiency. Borrower shall muke up the deficiency in no more than <br /> � :�''•: . twetve monthly payments,at Lcnder's sole discretion. <br /> � `�`;'.;; :,.r�; Upon paymcnt in full of all sums sccured by this Secw•ity Instrwncnt. Lcnder shaU promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> '�""'�"'' '�� Funds held by Lendcr.If,undcr parsgraph 21, I.endcr shall i�cyuirc or sell thc Property, Lendcr,prior to thc acquisition or sale <br /> ^�`'' f'"' �'�`"�• of th� Propeny, shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the timc of acquisition or sale as acredit against the sums secured by <br /> ':F.'"�+'' �•�. '• this Sccurity lnstrum�nt. <br /> � 3.Applicatfon of Payments.Unlcss upplicablc luw providcs othcrwise,all paymcnts rucived by Lender undcr paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: fir�t, tu,my prepayment chargea due uiider the Note: second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2: <br /> �• • third, tn imerc�t due;faurth,to principal due;und lust,tn any latc charges duc undcr the Note. <br /> � 4.Charges;Liens. B��rrowcr shall pay all taxcs, asscssments, charges, fincs und impositions attributablc to thc Properry <br /> , . <br /> _ °�;�;;,;� �- which may anain prioriry crver this Sewrity [nstrument, and lesschold payments or ground rents, if uny. Borrower shull pay <br /> • M thcsc obligations in thc manncr pruvidccl in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrawcr+hull puy thcm on timc directly <br /> - • � L to th� person owcd paytncnt. Borrowcr shull promptly f'umitih ti� Lcndcr all noticcs of amoums to bc paid undcr this paragraph. <br /> �` If Burrowcr mukes the+e paymentti directly. Borrnwer shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidenring the payments. <br /> • � Bnrrowcr shall promptly Jischarge any lien which has priority over this Security Insu•ument unless Borrower: (a)ugrees in <br /> •� � writing tn the payment c�f thc obligation aecur�d by the lien in a manner acecptable to Lencler;(b)contests in giuxt faith the lien <br /> !' by, o►'JcfcnJ� ag.tinst cnforccmcnt of ihc lir❑ in. Icgal prc�cccdinEs which in thr Lcndcr's opinion operatc to prevcnt thc <br /> ' � cnforccment of'thc iicn: or(c)sccures from thc holdcr c�f thc licn an�igrecmcnt satitifactor}�to Lcndcr subordinating the licn to <br /> � this Suurity In}trumcnt. If I.cnJcr detcrmincs that any pun of thc Pruperty is+ub,j�ct to a licn�vhich may iutain pricirity ovcr <br /> thi� Sccuriry Inslrununt. L�ndcr may giv� Hurrowrr a notirc iJcntil'ying thc licn. E3urrowcrshall satisf'y thc licn or takc onc or <br /> ' tnore of lhc acliunti ut forih abovc wl[hin 10 day,of Ihc giving��f noticc. <br /> Form 3028 8190 <br /> PaUO 2 0�6 <br /> ----'— <br /> ' � ._ ... _ ._._' '_. -- .. .r '_.._.....�..._" _,'_. <br /> ....�...��. __. <br /> � .. . .. .. ' '.i'.---`.K�:. � y.?. .. - - . <br /> "# <br />: -�° � ._ .. . . _ .. <br />