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„�., <br /> .'�I� ' . <br /> -- - • - - <br /> _.. - -- --- ----- --- -._.. _ <br /> . _ . _. _ _ --- -___ - <br /> . . ;��-� _- <br /> ._.,.� ....�,�,i�ifl .l�!w�'"""”" ... •:� . . �:,f�-�:., <br /> ... I ` ,� <br /> , i . --- – <br /> � canllbts wifh�pplbabYf law� 6uch conllbt shell nol aflect other provislons of this Seaurity Inatrument or lhe Note whbh Cen be =�� <br /> gNan etlect wRhout the conflbthp provlslon.To this and the prnvislona o� thfs Security Instrumont and Ihe Note are declared to ���- <br /> � bo 88verflb{e. y�~• <br /> �r•;j;` <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy Horrower shall be pi�en one conlormed copy ot the Note and of this Securilr�nsirument. ���;� <br /> �:��:= <br /> 16. Heterdous Subetencea. Horrower shell not cauee or permil lhe presence, use, disposei, storage, or re�ease o� _.N__ <br /> eny Haurdoua Substances nn or h the Property. Borrower sheu nol do, nor allow anyone else to do, enything aHOCthp the _— <br /> property that Is in vlolatlon ol any EnvYOnmental Law. The procedfnp Iwo sentences shall not eppry lo the presence, use, or _ <br /> " stornpo an thv Properly of amall quunlities o� Hasardous SubstanCes Ihat flre generally rer,ognized to be approprlate to normal� <br /> i �--- <br /> resldentlal u6ss and lo mahtentnce of Ihe Properly. <br /> .,�.���^" Borrowor 8hlll promplly pNe Lender written not�e of any hvesllpatlon, clakn, demand, lawsufl or olhot nctlon by a�Y <br /> ;• ^"� ' I povemmental or rapul�tory egency or prNate pahy��oivinp the Property end any Hezardous Substance or Envkonmentel I.nw ot� <br /> whbh 9orrower h�s ectual knowk+dge. If Bonower Ie4rns, or Is notHNd by any governmentel or regulatory sufhority, thet a�y�.i <br /> � � removai or olher remedlatlon of any Hazardous Substances aHecting the Property Is necessery. Borrower shali promptly take all� <br /> nxessary remedlal ectlone In accordance wRh Envfrdnmentel Law. <br /> As used k� thls paragraph 16, "Hazardous Subst�naes"aro those subatances defined as toxb or hazardoua subatances byN __ <br /> Envkonmental Lew and the followinp subetances: yasoline, kerosene, other 1lammable or toxb petroleum produCts, toxkN <br /> �� pesticldes and herbVcldes,voietile sotvents, materietx containfny asbeslos or formaldehyde, and redloactNe materials. As used in <br /> t the paragreph 16, "Envkonmental Law' means federal lawa and laws al the Jurisd�Ctlan where the PropeRy Is located that relate <br /> �,,I to health, selety or environmental protectiAn. <br /> � I NON•UNIFORM COVHNANTS.Borrower and Lender lurther covenent aad agree es follows: <br /> II 17. Aasignment of Renta.Bortower unCOnditionfllly a68�gns and transfers to Lender ell the rents end revenues ol the <br /> � Property. Bortower outhorirss Lender ar Lender'6 agents to Collect the rents and revenues and hereby dkecls each tenent of the <br /> I Property to pay the rents to Lander or Lsnder's agents. However, prior to Lender's not�ce to Bomower nf Borrower'8 breach ot <br /> � � any covenant or agreement In the Secu�Ry Instroment, Bortower Shall collect and re�eive all rents and revenues of the Property <br /> as trustee lor tha benefit of Lender and Borrower.Thls essfgnme�t ot rents constitutes an ebsOlute assignment and not an <br /> 1 � agslpnment for additlonel securRy onty. ' <br /> � �.' It Lender gNes notfce 01 breach to Oorrower: (o) all rents receNed by Borrower sh811 be held Dy Borrowe� es tru6tee for <br /> benefR of Lender only, tOfbLhePPro erty;tand (clsee hu enent ofethe Propertytshallnpayb'aleents due andonpeldt ocLedeaor <br /> �i " : receNe all of the rents o P <br /> Lender'S ayent on Lender'S wrftton demand lo the tensnt. <br />_ _ �prrow?� has not oxecuted eny prior essbnment of the renis and hns not and will not pA�otm eny att thet wouid prevent <br /> Lender from exeralshg fts rights under this Paregraph 17. <br /> Lender shall not be required to enter upon,take controi ot or mahtain the Property before or after givh8 �otfce ot breach ta <br /> `- Bortower. However, Lender or a JudfCially eppohled receNer mey do sa at any tlme there is a breach. Any apPi�Catbn of rents <br /> �5 shall not cure or wefve eny defauft or invalidale any other ri�ht or remedy of Lender. This assipnment of rents ot the Property <br /> ; : shall termhate when the debt secured by the Security Inslrument is pald in full. <br /> � 18. Foreclosure Procedure. If Lender requtrea immedfete payment in Yull under Peregreph 9, <br /> � Lender may invoke the power of sale end eny other remedlee permitted by epplicable lew. <br /> ti�� Lender shall be entitled to collect ell expensea i�curred in pursuing the remedtea provided In <br /> ", thia Paragreph 18, inciuding. but not Iimited to� reasonable ettorneys' fees and coata ot titie <br /> � eviden�e. <br /> ;� If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of defeult In each county in <br /> whloh any part oi the Property is located end shell meil copiea of auch notice in tlicable lew. <br /> •+ �• prescribed by epplicable It+w to Borrower end to the other peraons preacrlbed by app <br /> � Atter the time requlred by epplicable lew, Trustee ahall give public notice of sale to the persons <br /> and in th� manner preacribed by applicable lew. T�ustee, without demend on Borrower, ahall aell <br /> � � thc Property et public auctlo� to the higheat bidder et the time end plece end under the terms <br /> ; deaignated in the notice of aale in one or more percela and in eny ubdc�pnnoutncement et the =� <br /> • `+ 7ruatee may poatpone sa�e of ell or eny pa�cet of the Property by p <br /> � � time end plece of any previoualy schtduled ea�le. Lender or ita deaignee may purchese the �;_ <br /> � Property at eny sale. �'�::; <br /> Upon receipt ot payment of the price bid, Trustee shell deliver to the purchaser Trustee's <br /> deed conveyfng the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shatl be prlma fACie evidence of <br /> ' the truth ot the atatementa mede therein. Truatee shall appty the proceeds of the sale in the <br /> following order: (a) to all costs end expenaea of exercising the power of sale� end the sal� <br /> � � � including the payment of the Trustee's fees actually incurred, not to exceed 3 <br /> ; of the prircipal emount of the note at the time of the decieration of defeult, end reaaonable <br /> � attorneys' fees as permitted by law; (b) to all suma secured by this Secu�lty Instrument; and (c) <br /> I any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to It. <br /> i If the Lender's interest fn this Security Instrument is held by the Secretary and the Secretery <br /> requires immediete payment in fuli under Paragraph 9, the Secretary may Invoke the nonJudicial <br /> power of sele provided in the Sf ngie Family Mortgege Foreclosure Act ot 1894("Act") (12 U.S.C. <br /> f 3751 e3 se .) by requesting a foreclosure commisaloner designated under the Act to comrt►ence <br /> toreclosure and to sell the Property as provided in the Act. Nothing in the preceding sentence <br /> � �_ �____.__.. ... e.,.,ri�htc A1hA�W{RP.AV8II9b{@ to a Lender under this Paragraph 18 <br /> � ' � 5�1811 dcprive UIC .�co�c•a.� ... ....s ••a...- -•---. .._ . r- <br /> or appliceble Iaw. I <br /> 1 g. Reconveyance. Upon peymenl o�all sums secured by ihis Socurity Instrument, Lender shall roquesl Trustee to I <br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrender Ihis Securdy Inslrument and au noted evidei�Cng debt secured by ihis Security � <br /> InStrument to Trustee. Trus�ee sha�l reCOnvt3y Ihe Property wilhout vrnrranty end without Cherge to Ihe persan or persons legally I <br /> l <br /> entdled to it.Such pe�son or persons shnll pay any recordatfon costs. I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> P�pe 4 ai S <br /> FSB�JlMO(6/U71 � <br /> i <br /> r,ia <br />