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<br /> Any �mounle dlsburaed by Lsnder under this Paragraph ahe11 become en eddklonal debt of Borrower and be secured by �_•_
<br /> this SecurAy Inatrument These emounts shell beer Interest irom the dste oi dlsbursoment et the Note rele, and et lhe optbn ol �_
<br /> Lender, shell be knmedl9tHly tJue encf payeb�e.
<br /> � Bonower ahall promptly dlacharpe eny Ii�n which hse prbrRy aver thfs Securlty Instrument unless Il�rrowAr: ie) a9rees �n
<br /> wrftinp to Ihe paym�nt ol the ohlip�tlon aecurod by the Ifen In a menner ecaeptable to Lender; (b) contesls ki flood(eNh the Ibn —
<br /> by, or defend6 �galnst enforesment 0� the Ilen fn, lepel proo�edlnya whioh In the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the �
<br /> enforcemenl of the Ilen; or (c� seaures from t�e halder of the Ifen en ngreement eedsfactory lu Lender subordlneting the Ilen to �
<br /> �
<br /> this SecurKy Inatrument.If L.ender determines thet any part of the Property Is subJent to a Ilen whfch may ettafn prbrity over this v
<br /> � &ecurity Instrumant, LondE3r may Owo ��rrower e notfce Identifyin0 the ��en. Borrower sha�l 5at�sly the Ilen or teke one or more� �
<br /> � ths�ctbni s�t forth abovs wRhh iQ days ol the plvinq of not�e.
<br /> _,,.w++�r�" 8. Fees.Lender may collect feea and oharges authorized by the Secretary. �
<br /> '�"'�`��� 9. (irounds fo� Acceleratlo� oi Deb�
<br /> . (e) De4ault. Lender mey, except as Ilmfted by repuiatlons Issued by the Secretary�n the caee ot peyment defeu�
<br /> requke fmmedlate p+�yment in lu�� of tll sums secured by this Seaurfty Instrument H:
<br /> (I)8ortower defauRs by f�Nlnp to pay in lull any monthly payment requred by th's Security Instrument prlor to or on
<br /> � the due dnte of the na�ct monthy payment,or
<br /> � (11)6artower defauks by f�ilinfl�tor a perbd of thkty deys, to pertorm any other obligatlons contalned In this SecurNy
<br /> Inatrument.
<br /> � .- (b) Sale Without Creelit Approvt+l. Lender shall, If permkted by spplbabls Iaw (fncludiny sactlon 341(d) of the
<br /> �` Oom�St Germah DeposRory InatRulbns Aot of 19B2, 12 U.S.C. 1701J•3(d)) and wRh the prior approval of the Secretary.
<br /> requMe knmedlate payment in full ol all the sums secured by thls Security Instrument 8: __
<br /> (I) All or part of the Propeny, or a benef�lal hterest In a trust owning all or part of tho Property, Is sold or
<br /> !� otherwise translerted (other then by devlse or descent),and
<br /> ' (U)The Property �s not oCCUpied by the purchaser or grantee es hls or her principal residence, or the puraheser or
<br /> � � grentee does so occupy the Property, but his or her credit hes not been approved in accordance wfth the
<br /> requkements of the Secretary.
<br /> (C) NO Walver. If aircumstances occur that would permft Lender to requfre immedlate payment in tull, but Lender
<br /> does not requke suoh payments,Lender does not waNe Its rphts with respect to subsequent events.
<br /> (d) REguletlOnB of HUD SeCI'Etery. In many ckcumstances repuludons �ssued by tne Secretary wi�� UmR
<br /> ' Lender6 ripht8, in the Case of ptyment deleufts, to requke knmedlate peyment In (ull and foreClose �� not pald. This
<br /> � SecurNy Instrument does not authorize acr,e�eratlon or foreclosure it not permitted by repulations of the Secretary.
<br /> x (e) Mortgaye Not Inaured. Bortower agrees that if thisu ecurRy Unst p ent and 'h�e Nohe 8dat Othe etofm LBnder
<br /> F be elipible for InsurflnCe under the NBtionai Nousinp i+i;i��th� ,. a! �� � ���
<br /> � may, flt ks optlon requke knmedlate paYment h full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. A written stetemeot
<br /> �" of xny authorized agent of the Secretary deted subsequent to 1�,0} deVB (90) from the date herea}, declfnin0
<br /> �� to hsure this Securfty Instrument and the Note, shall be deemed conclusNe proot ot such inell�ibllky. Notwkhstandinp
<br /> • � lhe foregok►q,this optbn mey �ot be exercisod by Lender when the unaval�abllRy of InsuranCe Is sobly due to Lendsr'6
<br /> �! fallure to remR a mortqeye hsurance premfum to the Secretary.
<br /> 10. Reinstetement. Borrowx hfls a rlpht to be rainatated M Lender has requked knmedlate payment In full becaus�of
<br /> Borrowers 7allur8 to pay an amount due under the Note or thls SecurRy Instrument. This right epplles even after toreCbsure
<br /> proceedhps are fnatkuted. To reinstate the SecurRy Instrument, Bortower shall tender h e lump sum ail amounts requlrod to
<br /> brinp Borrower's acoount curcent fncludhy, to the exte�t they are oblfpatlons of Borrower under ihis SeCUrily Instrument.
<br /> toreCbsure costs nnd reasoneble and customary attomey's fees and expenses property nssociated with the forncbsure
<br /> proceeding. Upon relnstate�'�ent by Borrower, thls SeCUrity Instrument and the oblfpatlons that ft secure8 shall remain In eHect ae
<br /> ff Lender had not requlred Mnrrediate payment � full. However,Lender Is not requirod to permit reinstalement If: (I)Lender hsG —
<br /> accepted reinstatement efter the comrnenceme�t ot forecbsure proceedings within two years knmediately precedhp the
<br /> commencement of a current toreclosure procoeding, (II) rehstatement will preclude forec.osure on dMterent erounds in the future,
<br /> „ � or(III) rehstatement wlll edversely aHeCt the prlor(ty of the If�n CreSted by this Security Instrument. —
<br /> „ 11. Borrower Not Releaaed; Forbeepance By l.ender Not a Weiver. Extensbn oi the tkne of payment or
<br /> � modifbatbn of amortlr8tion of the 6ums 6eCUred by this SeCUrity Instrument granted by Lender to any succeseor in fnterest of
<br /> �:' Borrower shall not operate to release the Ilabllity of the arfglna�Borcower or Borrowers sucGeasor In Intaest.Lender shall not be
<br />� requked to commence proceed�ngs egainst any successor In hterest or retuse to extend tYne for payment or othervvlse modMy
<br /> timortizetlon of the sums socured by this SeCUrity Inst�ument by reason of any demand made by ihe orfginal Borrower or �
<br /> F Borcower's sucCessors in Interest. Any forbearence by Londer In exerCising flny rfght or remedy shall not be a waNer of or _
<br /> t .:
<br /> � preclude the exerClse ot any right or remedy. _
<br /> �i 12. Succeasors end Assigns Bound; Jotnt and Several Liebil(ty; Co-signera. rne covenants and
<br /> agreements ol this SeCUrity Instrument shall bind end benefit the successors and asslpns o(Lender and Borrower, subJect to the
<br /> provisions ot Paragreph 9(b). Borrower's covenants and egreements shflll be Joint and several. Any Borrower Whent and con e15
<br /> SeCUrlty Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) �s co•slpninp this Security Instrument only to mortpafle, g Y
<br /> thet Borrower'S fnterest in the Property undor tho term5 ot this SeCUrfty Instrument; (b) is not personfllly obl�gated to pey lhe
<br /> sums secured by this Security InBt�ument; and (c) agrees thet Lender and any other Borrower may agree to exlend, modi(y,
<br /> forboar or make any accommodatlons wilh regard to tho term of this Security Instrument or the Note without th9t Borrower'�
<br /> conssnt.
<br /> 13. NOtiC@S. Any notfce to 8orrower provfded for in this Security Instrument Shall be gNen by delivering it or by mu�ling it �
<br /> _. �,,.ti,,,� The nntira chall tta�iirected to tne Property AddreSS 0�
<br /> � by Nrst class ma�l unless eppliCabb law reqwres usa oi d��0.h6� ��.a.......• •••- •-•- - _
<br /> any other address Borrower des(gnates by notfCO to L9nder. Any nolice lo Lender shall be given by lirst C�ass mail to Lentler's
<br /> address stated heroN or any address Lender deslgnetes by notice lo Boirower. Any notico providod for In this Security ,
<br /> , Instrument shflll be deemed to have bean given to Borrower o�Lender when given a5 provided in this paragrnph. �
<br />_ 14. Governing Law; Severability. This Securlty Instrument shall be govorneC by Foderpl law and thp law ol the ,
<br /> jurisdiclion in wh�h the Proqerty is loceled. In the evenl that uny provision or clnuso of this Securdy Inslrument or the Note
<br /> �
<br /> � vaqo J o1 s j
<br /> � 1 SB�J-LM(3(G/B1)
<br /> Gt�
<br />