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'� . �' . .. ' --___��L``-.. <br /> 1 . .. . `- . . "._�. .'w.-�..-� <br /> '"_" <br /> . . .. �r_ ri���.�ir�aa.�..� <br /> � . �.'. . ' ..'_ <br /> '"' ' ._.�_'_'_""_—"____..�-.-_�_""__'^'.+__" �...._...r._�•-�..-. �-_�_..�.-�.-....'"_ .,._•x.�u/F�i�77{' <br /> .._� .._. _ .. . .. _ ' _ <br /> �.��.- .-. .. .. . _ ,� '.. . _.�ixr• ��- �r.d.... " _ ..y�e.:....� .. . ._- ___ __' <br /> -:az�-ti �..:_.�....� - <br /> N� Y, a _ . . <. .... �.r--.�.^r-. ., � -.—�-- -,-..,.,,.-....r_ _ . _— <br /> l�`i. ..' .,� <br /> __..�t01' ,,.,i� -_. <br /> � ' � 13. LEt3DER'S RiGHT TO COMMENCE OR DEFEND I.EGAL ACTION9. C3rnMor shall Inmed�aioly provido Londor with wriuon notice ot any nctuel or r_^ <br /> throatenoa nctian,suit or otl�or procoedinp.�tfoclu�q the Prup�Ay �3rin;cr horeby 9ppoiN:s LOfIdC�A6 116 At10�OQyi�•IACI IU CAfI�ff100CO3 Imorvene In,end <br /> 0 aQmor,l�orh ny�ction���rroo�nust iKO9orr�Uiun.or�dolay�wr�taini g w�iho:�clions doscnWd in�hls�P��9�PP o����Y A���c�A s resull�'�cqlholrohom INothing �tT� <br /> � � oonlningd I�oroin�vfll provent Londur Irom�akinp Iho actiuns daccntxd n�Ih�s pnrapraph i��II:•ovm na�no [ .' <br /> i4 <br /> -� ' ;� 14. INOEMNIFICATION. Londor shall nat r�ss�mxj or bo�ospnnsib�•�lor tlio prilonnanco of anY ol C3rantor's ob'igations v�iil�rospoci io iho Proporly undsr _ <br />_ ; eny circumst�ncos. C�rrntor shull hiuiwdi,�,clv prov�do�ende�w��h o,r�n�rn natiw ot nnd�nda��u��ly�nd hold Lnnder and iis si��reholders,duoclara,oflicers,� <br /> , employoos nnd Rgo���s cum I�tiv�ol n�Cll�•ms�j 1portnininq�o Ili bF��ro�ert�y�!ImCl��ding�but not'I•iitr,d io!�19ios�In�volv np Hnivdons Mater nls)�i G n tor�u�pon v � <br />. . ,.� othur logal pmcoodin� ( Y , _ <br /> e uest of Londer.shall hire leq�l counsoi to de on d Lonaer irom su c h C l a i m s,a n d p�3 y'�co ns�l n o ydolonU�s c h CI�ns a�AUrnntoi sCCOSt in(3rant�or'e � <br /> • 1he r q �' <br /> ,R CoMeCtlon thcrovrNh In ih�adt�rn��rvo.Londor shRll oe amtlled io cniolo i�s own logn � �;; <br /> ;- obllgatlon lo indermity Lonccr undcr uiis par�q�aph shan survwo u���ioniu��ailoi�•roloasc or lorectosvm oF Ihis Onod of Trus� <br /> ,H�C�i:;:- - <br /> . +. <br /> ib. TAXES AND ASSFSSGIENTS. Cran�o��n������nln+or nfu�'��nnoe!�"I hn�e�dor�ArhPmo�'�ono•1 volhh(n2)��hio�osiim�tod nnualrincurancs� <br />- y+'� pf ympnt a�Sn1110 ��p011 th3�•��I�C�t uf <br /> 4�r. �e�rtlfiim.inxps and nssessmentc�oAainin^,to ihe Prr,rny 5n �rp 2� +hnre Is no def�ult,Ihr,so atnrnWS sh�ll be aoplied ro iho payrtwnt ol infcsf, <br /> �'• pay eny t xos o algainsi the Obli�ntions GA�y I�nd PsppL�ld ri�yF nt Lerdcr's ptiannbe appliod in revors��o�rder�ol ho�duo��date iheol(ihe funds so held toM <br /> iiu <br /> � 1e. INSPECTICNI OF PROPERTY,�OOICS,HEC.ORPS�aND REPOfiTS. G�amor�h�ll nlicH lnndnr or its agonis to ox��mino nnd inspect iho Proporiy ! <br /> - end oxamin�.I�spec�a�id m:�cc:c�Ples c'r����'or'�Mnk::�'��1 i nro•ds�nr�ai��np to ifin Prc�nhv�rom iimo tu tirno. Orentor sh1U provide any asslstanee <br /> .. . �ulrAte�in all espac�ne4ramor�hall ntn tho eKnter�ce o�l.e�:d��:^benefic•sl1inte est I�n�tslbcok�r.��nd rn ords perlanlnq�iho P oporty. Atldireonelly, <br /> � � Cir�aotlor shall roport,in a to•m�aus�aUOry to Lendnr.sucl�mlurn�.��inn.:s l.enoar may requost rr.g�•ding Grantor's tinanclal condition or ihe Property. The - <br />�'I� <br /> Intorrmatlon furnlised by�C3rar�torito Lender sha�l�bo ruonacair te�'�rd cor p�a e in all rasapelcis.end signodiby Grant�QlfuLonder requesis�y�S�gnete. All _ <br /> � ` �, '� 17. ES70PPFL.GER'i IFICACCS. W;��••n�er•� •,da'�s°::.r:.',, c..,i csi�y Lcntl�r,Gr�n��r shei!:'olivor Ic Lender,or ar.y inlonded;ransferae of Lenders <br /> Qiantor���^^0'PSOS:371�('OQ R15ndGl I i7G0 SsC1:JIIS�';.f,:JI Ifr1U C�:.di.S�J�dh i['�pcc:to tho�Obligalf�o s ar.d�if so,�lho�nat o ol su:h dan�is�defonsesbsoW o(fa or <br /> H��� <br /> _ lhcr oveNa�F�t G arntor`�Ilslto provido ihe req ested�a eyff:nt�n alti�inely m.�nnet�d�r�Y o��ke ic�ho fnterded iransforeo wilh rospeCt to these matler6ln <br /> 18. DEFAUL i. Gre��t�r shall i,o�i�datai,h.r•,J�3f f]Ot.d JI��iJSI 811d 6ld TI45:eo's power sha:�bocome operaGve in ihe ovent that Grarnor.Borrower or <br /> any Auaramar ot th�L'b:igatic,�s <br /> (e� tnil�to pa"ary�bli4atior'o Lendnr v�hen rue <br /> (61 fa�it in peflorm 0�`�nMiq7tlor.r.•hrrACha•.•n�Y w""�r�v or�:o��?na�l io Lender contalnad In ihls D�od of Tnist or eny other present or future <br /> , apreen�ant, ,��ai �,aterial rosoocl cr subjecis the Propeny to seiz��rn,con(isCatfon,or condemnatlon; <br /> .. (c) _!os:ro rs,lose�or<I��nagc:;Ihc�Pra�orty' Y <br /> ' (d) seeks to revnko termfi�a�c�or othe�vnbo���n�its liabiliiy wide�ai�y quaranry to Loi idor; <br /> ',S ` �e� dip�,bocorru:leywly muompc3lon�.�s aissoivotl ur��iirnui�etl bac:on�as insolvPrn.makes an assi�nn�em for the benQ(ii of creditors,fails to pey <br /> debls as tnay bocnnto duo.lil�s a peWinn�nider ihe todc�rr+l b�n�c�unlcv iaws.hae an InvoluNary politlon In banlcruptcy liled in which GranloL Bortower <br /> rvn�nnu t:aw�n unrler r�w W�i1 Of ntn��65 Of COUrt. � �� � � ������, <br /> —�-._-----_ Of AIN Uqn�niuiii�:�:a:�::..0•n�o�._:. _ <br />_ (t1 a�loNS(pods In bo used.Ir�nsponod o�gt�rnd on the�ropehy.iho possession,transponaiiwi,u����n�����•G�,��:^�n�•. <br />- • (q) auows ttny p.'�n•I otho�th�a Granto�or 9nr.cwnr to a�•:urti�ar undennko any Obllg�ilon withoui tho written consont ol Lender:or <br /> Ihl G311sos Lencer lo deom itsolf Insnc,u�o due to a sfgrn��cnm tlec!mc�m th�valua of Ihe Propeny,or if Lender,in c�ood Ialth,lor any rn»son,bellevas <br /> ;�.. .. ihat Iho p�ospecl of oayn�ent ur pnrlcnrNu.:c��s hnpa��ad <br />- 19. RI(iH7S UF LENU�R UN DEPAUL'f. u tl�ero is�do,-,c,��nd.'r tln:Decd ol Trusi.londer shan be ontitlr,d ta exerciso ono or more of tho following <br /> remedlas wilhout nouco or c�zei���ax�QP�����Q��'ed uy iarr; <br /> . (al �o dec�are tha�7bli����o�: �nmoc�alc'�dur r�^d p�y���n�n t. � <br /> . (bi tacaCer.ithec..�sic��:i41:bligr'ion-��.!tl : �•�:il:c::rcora 3:.:;:�11�i�lproco:,r: <br /> ° (cl to rnq��re G�;•��ur :�Jei:v�.� aud ua•:�3:ava�nbl:, ,u _c°d: ,mv N-'•sonal prope�ly or Ch.itlols cons'itciing tho Propony ai e place reasonaMy <br /> cornen���r 'o C3ir��or aiid�c�i do': mlment ot a recelver and, at Londor's opibn,to <br /> �p. Sl c <br /> (d) •o rntcr upan�n:l takn o•�ssoss�����^'1�r Nr•:�oon}• �vlll�o•�t a Ir��- fo�or obteining Iho appo' <br /> eppofri a rnceivo• withn�� Ixnd,wi�i:au� lir;�`:•ino:nq s.m c•� t!,e Obli4J�tions and wiihout otimrwisa meoting any slr�tutory conditlons repfirding <br /> mco��ois.'t bciinr u�lendr7:F-�t Lr:ndc��na'•�',;n udr e��:�sc�u.+l���i::!o�?P�im a r�c�iv�r: <br />_ . . (ol to ei�r:loy a�ea�aginq a�c.•u ol t!•,o're•�:::.v.�rd•�t 'e':^r a^^i^•.E M�^'�^'�°„�n'�vmm t ot a I nocortssnrv eharqes aind oxponses,o�n aocoun of <br /> _ � ,,,; recofvo t�:,rent,.inc4m3:: icsuoc,a�.�l proi;:oc;,�„i',c�:r�;y;.... �,-, � - - . • - <br /> - . ", iha Obligatlons: <br />�'- tq t�o:y.+ny swns in eiy io''����ntnu�r dr^�ned oxu�J.o•d i.y Lni da•io oroioct ;hc�^u�d„�ot this Dcod of Trust or�o curo any detRUlt othor than <br />' paynxir o inrorc:,t or F�..�c�p:,,or,ihu c�.�.i,�dtic.�:.. <br /> (g� •n�:•e•losc��F.s��f�!•�f" .'•�, '1i;�;�'�1'n ��;r�ud'r.';�P anr •>diroc�ihe;ale of+ho�roporty thraugh oxorciso of tho powor of sale as retereneed In <br /> , .� I8• i1?.t��':fe:'If. :-?7':'^c��v�.,,., ;����p�:;. <br /> , � �...�: . .� __ <br /> (h) 10 f,:l O�f G�t.'�,�f':: :)tilt,�1-7�': '{l:.t.�^'". •:'•:� 1': C''" �f,:i'?-hy I.erd^.�nCludinn. ���tl no; �I����r.d to. �m�los. Instr�ments. and depos <br /> acccunla nr.iN��u:-:HI�'�l�•��r or a��y:w�r::ody�xis�•��q.,�.�arr.�thlfaic al Londm�.and <br /> ="� � ^.. � ; (i;to ex^rd^O 0�'cJi.M flC��15.'l�'a�l�hlr�r,l.on�:Cf�.^�^•���Y��':"�w��rnr a�renimr.�or app!IC3hIe�r+w <br /> • ' ' Londer's righis.tiro ;u•m�l[�tiv:end n�y b:�ax2 :s��d lu�c+'I er,�r��•�;��y a�d in ai�y ordcr in 14e ovent ih�t Lnnd�r ir�sti�utos an ar,tlon sueking ihe <br /> ' recovai c' �n of'`�c� �rop�nq t�l��'�y ��� '•�"!'"'4''r"t ^•'n 1� Ir �•. �d:nn�qt��r:t �r�NOr. Grantor wafves iho posiing of any bond which rtipht <br /> _ .. � � elhenv�n ir rcqulred- Lend�•or i.onder't�n:ic,�^e m•rv p�:�ch��r Ihr �rrpr.r�y a�2�y sai^ Pr^^eeds of any Truslce's•sele herounder shell be applfed <br /> � ` � flrst,to 1he cosis and axponsas ot e�orc i�h�r^e�:�vnr nf s��o�uu u� �nu o���.���dud r9���o FN.�-"'•"-r��,�'(.�eiaa�c taes eclually InCURed and not to <br /> � exeeed iho arrourd wldch may bo providc+d tor in this Uood oi'fnisi,socona,to payirant of iho Cbligations securod haroby,ihird,to the payment of lunlu� - <br /> ' ! trost doeds.morigages.or other lionholde:s.and the bal�nce.�I any Io Ihe porson or persons Ict�alty ontfiled ihorota. Tho�ropctrly or any parl thereol may _ <br /> ' bo sotd ii�o�:o var:c'_�� �n s.a::i;._ncal; �'.3r,wr a .�� �a��p�^��i��150IC�Of ho obl�,ations aro patid iif ull.e cr moru oxc�iases ot ihe powor haroin g�anl8d _ <br />- � sh811 n�t e,.l:•tc ish or �rhau:a��c a.•u�:;,,:�".. . '��urc � - <br /> 20. TRUSTC��EXf:".':IS' %F��"������ f?�-' "��'-'•n�)I,i: ��L�•�dr•r cler.,s t�soll Grantor's irnorost in tho Property by exerciso of the power of _ <br /> �,., .,. ;�� . , .� •��u� :•... . -.� ',,I.,c, -- <br /> CaIO ha�c�'t�:�:iinu�i.' ,.' .• , � . , �r <br /> Upon rr.r,_•ip�0�^•uC�i� .��r^p�I.A�'�'�'' '"�• �� `:F':li.'••"� �:;• ''-`^•r ehAll�2'i:'�r b^•a:.idcd,publishod anc]ckliverod such noiiCOS of dofaull <br /> ' j and noiiccs oi salo as:��v men oa�equrc.a;-�^v�:�rd uY i�r.�.,CEJ�)� :«��� frus�ee s���II,only.»,��c dirocUOr o(Lendar�ud wilhout domand on Grantor, <br /> efler s.�u�i��'��s����y '.on bc reu��irea ay i:��n•:�����+ e< <��'�'i��ti' O1����'•11O•��C ol de�auh and aher nouco ol s,,le havinq been givon as requlred by law, <br /> � 50111hc I�rupart�..�i t1�r if.ixa.�na P���-�oi s:��e i�•.z.��..i,��s.I�:,n��� 'u •.a°�.u•tl�m as�+iu,�e o�in 5eparelo lots nr p�roels ur fiarns as Londer shall deem <br /> , oxpedirn�.ai a.�i�,uc; �wor a�..i.. ��ae.u�.n� , ��Il.,�`.,. i� ;�,I�,•li o�suth purcl:.r c�r�,r������c•msersrihereo���ils�oe��n�d�sullic'lent�doedhor�daeds <br /> , sa10,ur a:uu�•rr.isc i�ry In•..�tc��qu..9 ,, �-•� <br /> Conv�yina Ihe orooerty;o sold bw wilnouiQV,v�c,-on:n'c''�wur'v�u1o�,��i�mni onr Grpmor.T��Qire�or Il.ondor�il�yQpurc iase alrsuch sale.t Trusteolmay <br /> Conclusivn p ool ol D.r ir dh(i�nr::;+',rrc��i <br /> ---- . . . _� . _ �_.. ................ . ..i... �� . ..u��„ r.�..�1'��7_�I•.. <br /> in tne nv��u.�� ��,o����•..�,.,.,...•. ....... ...: <br /> ; ,.r.-. ,. ,.��... _ . :i r ..-;i-•••��'c'�rl+a�d a c:opy o! my notice ol salo horcundcr bo n�ailod to oach porsen � <br /> 21. REQ�:L•^_ _pp•d.)-�. �• ,.,. , � � - � <br /> ,r�.!,^�et:��� ° •.., -,.�..��."-..'.....�". , •. •��•':�••"•.�m an�'���•"C sarTr inan�er rcrnii•nd as�I�r iqh a separato roquosi th�roo <br /> who is^F ., ` <br /> had beca(der�,^ac'� � •r r.;rsor I <br /> � <br /> t <br /> po;u3d8 i <br /> N��• . • I <br /> I <br /> I <br />