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.. ,. <br /> ^�L�F� <br /> -- .. .. .. .+ a•o• y�.� W1YR.��18f$[y�"" -i. `.ts 3AL'K'. -, S�T. <br /> ...r...wyr��l{I����A�VM�R+M�i1YM+a+;SiE.�. _.y',:., ,�•t.-y�,�,..�d'k ' • • _ _ <br /> �� (c) All npplicaWu laws�nd ret��,�udmp.�v:ihoul Ilm�rotlon. iho Anx�ricnnr wilh Dlsabil4ios Aci.A2 U S C Soclion �2�Ot et seq. (and a�� _, <br /> ropulrfllons promilprnao Inoro���dcr)nud nll ioiuny m,d buildinq i•�w6 nnd ropulailons relatin�to iho Properiy by virluo ol;:ny fodornL stato or munlclpal __ <br /> � authoril'y wilPi junsdlctio��uvor tnn Proporty proscnlly r.rn qnd shnll l�obtorv�d nnd cottpllod with In 911 nt�loriral ros�ac�s.�nd Elll riphte.IIG6nNS, <br /> pvrnrin,and corulicnmr ol ocn�pancy Ihicl�idinp b��l no'��iry�od io 7oninp vnrinncos cper,lal axcopilora lor noi�COnlornung usas.nnd IIneI InspeCllan �� <br /> np{xovnls),�vhotncr ion�pornrv or pnrm�nani �vhlch nro m�torinl to tho nsa nnd occupancy oi Iho Proporty.prosonily�ro and chall bo obtelnad, � <br /> proservnd and.wh��ro nucn.;:.ary.ronuweJ. ' `�- <br /> (d) (3rr,mor hnc Ihu nght r.nd i�duly nui��or��na ia oxocuio:ind porlorm ila OWlpatlona undor ihis DEOd ol Tnist nnd Ihuso�ctlons do not and shall not� — <br /> Conllict wdh iho provisfon,ol niry etat�tlo.roqulation,ordinanco.n�le ol law.conirnct or oihoi nqrenment whlCli imy bo bhidinq on C3mnior nt nny Ilme; __ <br /> (o) No nclian or prnco�d�nq le :r sh�ll M p���cinq or itrantc�ed�vhlch�iJphi irrlior'nlly Ntod Ihc Properly.nnd F.� <br /> (Q Granto►Yins not vlolatr,d And Ghall nm vlolmo�ny etatuto,royul;�llon,ordinnnCO,tulo ot lew.ConirnCt or oihor ngrconx�nl(Including,bul not Ihr�ted to,�� <br /> lhoso povernfnp H^Y�rd���s Mnimmis)which nuqht nnicnally nl'�d Iho ProponY or l.ondor's riqlils or intornst in Iho Proporty pnraunnt to thls Deed oi � �. <br /> � Trusl- a~ <br /> �� S, pRIdR DEEDS OF TRUST. C�•�nlor v�arr�nts�1�^t ihore ero no prior deods of Irnst Rlinclinp nny parl ol iho Proporiy ezcept As eet fonh� <br /> on Schodula B aunch�h Ic�h�s Drod�I T�irsi.K'hiCli Granlor np'oos lo pay�nd poHonn in n unAly m�nnor II�horo nro nny pnor doods oi ituet ihsn Q <br /> �s.... Qrallor agrooa in pay all orno�m�owed.���d portorm nll abligatiuns roqulrod,under such doads of irust nnd iho indoblednuss socured tlioroby and funhar� <br /> • pgrees Ihal n dolauli i.ndur any p�ior dued ol iruet shall bo a dof.�ult undor ihls Deod ol Trust nnd eh311 oidillo Lendor to�II righis and romodlos contelned <br /> he�01n or in iho Oblipallons w v+hu•h Landor would L•o emhlod In iho cvonl of nny othor dolault <br /> ' 4. TRAN£PERS OF THE PROPFRTY OR BENFFICIAI. INTERESTS IN QRANTORS OR BORROWERS. In ihe evont of n ss�1o,conveyance,Isaa�, <br /> ' contraCt for deod or irnnsler to any parson of ail or eny p:vl of tho real propeny doscrlbod In Scho=ulo A.or any Inlerest iharoin,or of all or eny benefl�lal <br /> Interost In Borrower or Gramor(it l3orrower or C3ranlor is not a naluralp�rson or persons but is a corporation,Ilirnod Ilability compnny,parinershlp,irunt,or <br /> � other logal ernity),Lordsr n�ay,at�;s aptic��d_,la;:'�10 GLlstandin�pdnc'�al balamco ol iho OMigatlons plus¢ccrued intorosl lhoreon Irtmediataly tkia and <br /> � payablo. At Lender's requust.Grritar or Borrower,asthe case may ho,rh�ll furnlsh u comploto statamont setiing lorih nll ol Its stockholders,memben,or <br /> � partners,fls npproprl�'o,ai'd ihc exl�fll ot ihc ir rc�spx livo owrorshl��intomsis. <br /> ��1 6. ASl310NAIiENT OF RENTS. '��,:onsfderadoi of Iho Obliqaticns.�vhich ero secured by Ihl3 Doed of TrusL(iramor nbsolutely a6slpns ta LI��all <br /> 1 (;rantor's estate. rig:u, t.tlo, i.ilo•:.= cl�n:t a��d J��'%��'�� na.� ca•i.:d o• horaaftir ncyuired in nll oxisting and hituro Ic�sos ol Iho Propeny ( �A <br /> ' sxtensions,ronowals�lnd 6u4�U:1t�.:,,a�i�qream::nis br�isc and a.:cupancy ol ihe P�opoAy(all such loesas and�groomanis whmhor writton or oral,ere <br /> '�k-. horoafler ro�orred ta es iha"tosses 1,arc aU guar:i��lie�s uc!ossaos perform�nco under Il:e Loasns,toguihnr wilh iha iinnwdiato and Conlinuing ripht to <br /> collect end rocoive aq ot the rents,mcon�,reco�pis,rovonuns,issuo�,prolits and olher inconw of any naturo no�v or horonitor duo Gnduding any Income of <br /> � flny nature commg due dadnp ar,y redoi�ptiou por.od)ur,der Ih�Lcasos or Irorn or arising out ot tho Proporty Includ�ng miniitxim runta,adc!itfonal rRnla, <br /> "'; percemago renis, p�rking or coi�irron nren nalntonanco comribuuons,tox and InsuranCO conirilxitions,doticieney renis.Iiquldated dart►ages tolloWinp <br /> default In.iny Lc�aso,all procoed>payabie "��der any pu,icy o�insuranco cooering loss ot rents rosulting from umenameblhty caused b desiructlon or <br /> L <br /> damage to iho Propany,all pror.n.nds p�yablo as+�re:,i:1 ul a lescoe's oxerclso ot nn optlon Io purchase tho Proporly.all proccaeds rived from the <br /> r� termination or rojoction ol any Laaso in e bankrupicy or oihor insowoncy proceed ng,and all proceeds trom any righls end claims ot any Wnd which�rantor <br /> mey hevo npainst any losseo.,ndor�ho Loacos or any occupanls of mo Piopnrty(8�10l Ihe above arn herealior co�lectivuly referrod Io as lhe'Ren1s'). Thla <br /> fleslgnmont is subject to ihv right.power and authorny givon io ti�a�und�r lo cohea a�d�iodY�nd choate uhp`o ntho racording of hkeD�eed ofTrual all e <br /> epplicable steto law;i��o Ilen creaiod by this assfgnnwm Is Intence:i io oe specilir„pe <br /> pravlded by applicabla sta�o�aw as artnnded from Iimo to tlmo. As long as Ihere is no dofault undar Ihe Qbliga�ions or ihis Deed of Trust,Lender granl6 <br /> C�rentor n revocable I�cense to col�3ct all Renis Iroi��tlio Lea�os w��on dua and lo uso such proceods In prentors buslness oporatlons. Howevei,Lend�► <br />- may et ony iiiro roquvo 6ranlor:�daposii al�Ho�us inlo un a:,ca�nu nti3intamed by Grantor or Londer at Londor's institu�ion. Upon dofeult in ihs paylnent <br /> � ' of,or in tho periormanco of.�+ny ol uiu Ub'iqa�ion_.��mdAr nc�y ei its option Ieke possession ot tho Propeny and havo,hola,manage,lease and operaU ihs <br /> • Property on terms and for a oeriod ot tone thai L�nder daem�prop�r �ender may proceed�o eoiloct ana roeeive all Rerns(rom Ihn property,�I Ren�te� <br />____ _ ___.__.-,, �ti$li.nayp f��n oower to mako�Itmntions.ronovations,repairs or repiacomerns to ihe Proporty es l.ender rnay doem pro��Lead�r Rd�eP aynta end enV <br /> Lendor's solo discrouon to pay�r�m ot ino Ubi�gauons or h7�hn paymotn oi iii�w5i ui a�u�a���y.�C^�.�c^�:'�..-^-.•-r'- <br /> expensos Incident ta lakfng and re�ta�n�ng�issasskm ol tho Property perlodically and ihe managemant and o1•�eralion of the Property. Len�er may kaep ths <br />: Propony p�opedy insured and nwv discr�arAe���v taxes,uiarqes.clalms,assessmeNS end olher liens whkl�may acerue- 7hu expQrse and cost o1 lhes� <br /> actlons may be pald Irom ihe�e�.,s rewived,and:.ny�np��d anwu�ns shall l,e added to Ihe principal oi Iho Obligations. Thoso amounts,together whh <br />- other eosts.shall b�como p�h�f it,r Oklip�tions secured hy m�s DnPd of Trust <br /> E. LEASES AND OTIiER NGREHMENTS. Grarn�r stiall nu;ako ur fafl to takc�any acllon�vhich may cause or perrr�t thu torminatlon or ihe wfthholdinp of <br /> eny payment ir connection w'th ary Lease or other agreement('AgroomenP)penalning to the Proporty. In addiilon,Grantor,wlthout Lender's prlor wlittsn <br /> oonsent.shsJ�noe(a)cnllect any menlos p�tyalHe undor any Agrocnrant irare tha�one momh in advance;(b)modify any Agreoment;(c)asslgn or elloW e <br /> Ilen, sacur,ty irnoro�t or othor or.cwnC'aneo tu oe �Ir,cod •ipon C:rantur's riglns. Iiue and interest In und ta any Agr�ei�+n�or the arrtounis payade _ <br /> ' thernunaor:or(d)tonrn�iate u ca���.� ony it,yrennu�m eacopi'��r Ihe no��p•iymenl of any�um or olhor materlal breach by ihn othor pnrty thereto. If Qratlio► <br /> receivos h�any any wrinon�o�r.nxmiei:icr.;,;su�in�a aeiaui�by Grentor under:n Aqroormnt or parpoAing to lenrdnalo or Cancel ttny Ag�oert�ant, _ <br /> Ciranror shail promptly totwerd a copy ol suCh Cuin�urdCnlion(and mry subsoquent conununications rolating thereto)to Londer. All such Agreertnnts end <br /> tho amounts duo�o urantor ihera�ndar oro I�areby assiguoa Io Lond��r�5 addit.onal soarity lor the Obliga�lons- <br /> 7. COI.LECTION OF INDEB(EONESS f�RURI 7FIIFiU PAI31'V. Londor shali t�o enti:lea to not�ly or requirn Grantor to notity any ihlyd parly(Including,txri <br /> - not!::°'.r�±'�.•osseos i.;,ens�:�s.�iovemriar,:ai a�.liwriiir,:a�•o f��s u�ncn;,om��anios)to pay Lenticr any Indoblodnoss�r obllgation.�o�i�9 0�l GwlleciWhe �� <br /> rospect to tnc Prop.rr. (c.:.,�ilni:aly ';r.]a�t:�acu�ss � �:��ri.�:x _. i:,: s defauli oaisis uuw� �r,,, �.;�d ol .. .. .- ' Y �-- <br /> Indtabtedness oW�ng to Grantor irom ihose 1hiM pan os unul ihe g���nr,ot such notitication. In iho evont ihat Orantor possosses or roCOlves possesslon Of �° <br /> eny insirumorns or othc�r rnmivanc�ea v�4h rosooct�o tho��deMod�:3ss followii�iho giving of sueh notiliCntion or Il iho insirurrbnis or other remittanCes ¢, <br /> Constitute tlio propayn�en�ot any indeb�ednoss or ibo payn�ein o�auy ins�r�nea or eondem�a!ion proceeds.Gramor shall hold such insirumenls and other __ <br /> ruminancos�n vust to•Loncer aparl irom fis otha•propurly,onaoree iho inslrunxtnts and othor reRUnancos to Lender,end immediately provido Lender wlih s;: <br /> ' possossion u�mo insuwnorns anr cth3:i�.n i:�.,r..::: I.o.idor shr,I•.o anidlod.tut no�ioquire�,ta wlleci(by logal proceedings or othorwlsv).axtend the � <br /> tirtxj tor pey�rwnt.comnrom�s:.oYr .mg:,or rc�a:��.e:iny cbGnor ur r.ada�o�a�.ur oinarw�su coitle any af ihe Indobtadnoss wliother or not an nvoN of defeuft � <br /> exisis under mis Agroe;�nrn Lanri�•� shaY��ci ca•,ac�o;c Grm�ior iu.airy.icuon.e rror,n�isiako,o�nission or dQ�ay porlainin�to Iho acuons deseribod In thls <br /> , „ paregraph or :iny d:ima�vs �����li�nq •iu:ie.�o��i 'dunrnnsu,udmp �hu ioragrnnp, nothinca horoin shall cnuse Lender 10 lxj daemed a r- <br /> morlg3geo-i n•pcsso��.on. <br /> E <br /> tl. USE AND MAINTENANCE G'=I�ROF'ER'(Y. Grarnor stnll iaFo oli aclions and nmko nny rapairs neoded lo malntain the Proporty In good conditlon. � <br /> >, Gramor shal no;ccm��it or,��:r� ,t a�y •rr^t�• ta�r �;cr• iucd wil;rospcc. 'o tho�iopoity. Gr:m;or shall use iho Prop�rly sololy In cornpllance w(th <br /> ' apphc:,bie�.vw and.r si•anec r,o�. ioc (:�:.��.er r�,..l' i:�:' �•��:��';.�!:�-<<-�ion•,additicna cr!mpr�,,enoms to ihe Proporty�vnhout Lendc�r's prior wtliten ,. <br /> � wnser�t. Widiout!�n�;�-,�th�'��e,..:r.�,c.i .�:i��,��:':.:id_•:•�•� :��-.�"'='o•�u:�rnis ntaya to tho Pr���:orty ch,�ll bo:;ubjoct to it:e bonefldei Inturest belonging _ <br /> to Londor,sLall nat be mm�rvod vi thou';.,���aor',•r�n•w•�C�n cor-•n•i; a��d�h�ll ho m-.da al Grantcr's solo expens�, <br /> 9. LOSS QR DA6IAGE;. b::�ntor,hal nf.7�tr�r,i L•ro risk o�ai:� Ir:s,theM.dosin�ctio�or damage(cumulatively"Loss or Uamago")to the Property or eny <br /> ponion the•eof from�ny ca���,e wb�iso^vr,r h:tl�a���c�n�cl�,ny l.ns<.or(�anta7e.Grantor shall,ai i'�o option of Londor.mpair ihe altected Property to Its <br /> previous Condiron or r�y o�causo tn ba F�id•�•I.a�d�r Ih^d�•r.�^-�in Iho Irlr m-�rk�t v:ilun ot ihc��loctod Property <br /> S0. INSIIf;ANCF. TI e ProF•_iy��•+ ��b��kr r�� < •^r t�•r•�; �• i��,����;'•�c����p�acr•,cm r.os'�:�a�ins�:�I���ei.uds ric ud�ng�oss or damago tauSOd by = <br /> tlood,earhquako t�r,:�do ano I��• ihetl or cuu•� •;�_:'ty i.•�i•c���e�:�sC�nrrJ bq !oraer G'rinlor nr�Y obiain inswr•,uo on ihc Proporty Irom 6uCh <br /> COmp7niCS�5'7rn�r.c��n�8blc�c l�•,dOr iit"s�ale u:u e;in Ti�o n�••.urine:e�o��:ios snnll require t1�•i insuraneo company io provide Londor with ot loast <br /> 30 drry;writ!er.rotica trrlore�u:h pohues ae alt��rod ar cancollod in any manner Tho insurance policlos shall namo Londor as a losa <br /> payae and�xovi:'r�:��a' o ar.t a a n.esio• .d Cr�rn�:r r.r��iy rih��CMSOfI Sh:1fI 1I�OCt IhC�iGM ol�c nd„�!aProvlding notir���asnrti�y beroquir�ed by law)may <br /> IOSS or d�•-'.3�^ol 1''�P•opt�r'y ;,ih^r,^n�r.r-�t�.1�.- �'.culr•�or�min_��insuranr,e <br /> P <br /> In its risc•etfo^p�oc'.'c�appr�h•: ��"S�''�c.� :(`.^�9C,r�^��ih�Pr.°�rv� ��d ih^�r�ufa�•c^sn��shall bo 3n advTnc�^ayablo and boaring Interost as <br /> — i descnbo�Ir o,re,c,r�^h 23� �'S� °��rd n"^'••• '=•'n•�• ``•'"''r'°�1'!r�r�r••���Ih ovidr�co o�inw�rance indiniinq ihe rcquired cuverage. Londer may flet <br /> as attomoy�:�lact fo•C��artnr:n••4�tkr�g �n:!^�t��°� ^����^: ���d^'^':�u�-�c^xllcios,cancalling��y po'icy or erdorsing Grantor'c name on any draft of <br /> � nogoli:�blo inslrumeni draw�i by��Y insi�rer A'I s�ich ins�i��ncn po��^�rs sha�l tn�mnwd�aloly assiqned.pledged and delivered to Lendor as furthor socurity <br /> .. .. . . .,.... .•. .... ,..,,• .., . •., „�.. i ���•r.wd�rn�:;icn and !end�•'s a�thcrize�i lo m'�k�prooi of loss. Eflch <br /> � tor inc�o�•g3��no ���c� ..... ... .. ......... ..... .. _ . , � �. <br /> � InSieanc^::-n�cany i: dirc�r.i'n �,v'�r F.�y••.,i•s�'i•^r.l} c:t^n.: •,^:1^:`�''io�endor ir j��.�•dor Londrr Sh311 h8V^iho n4�h1 at it5 so�e option,to <br /> _ app�y suct. o i�s'c•. �i i�,�rinv��•,...,..,,. r��.��r.�.•.� . •[;1� ,•� .d•��sl:n•�r t'�.,n�-pc•�, A�iy anio.i�ls may��Lcndcr's optlon be appllod in <br /> � ihe irnr.rso rrde�of 9��•:iue c'�Ir.: '��'���•' <br /> I <br /> 11. ZO��IIJG ANO uI'�VA7f CO` �'Id(`'V", •,, ,� . ,•, .. ' , ��•'�'��:;����'�"�r' c•"��9r' •i,'�c^'ig P'�visio�:��� pri�:ic c:vonanis atiecting t o <br /> � uso cl th^ F'rc(��riy° o�.; Lon��. p���n a• ���. .rr . i i';• � '�" �r�u'I'���Fn,pu•y b o��ne;a �orcunWrn:iny�:sc undor:iny zoning provlslon, � <br /> Grantor s:,�ll nol ctt��� :or pur•'ii ,•;F i: •:�t:•us••�u;����rd ur it:in�la cJ i•,�iFcut thc pr�ur�r•i't•n cons�m ol Lendcr Gr�mcr w�il imrradiatoly provldo <br /> Lcr.d:r v��'' rn:�'�n .i�c�of,r y �r:�,��f- � ,• ;c'I • r.„��' :�i•'oi� ��rn�a'c r�vrn�nl.^•-�I�tim�tl i�Property I <br /> — ' 12. CONI?tMNAT�O�I. Gr:�na� si��U �•��i�^,,.�•". ��r• I_•n��� •r�rh •n��r rn �,phc� o' :u�v '�:�����o� tl�reatened co•d�mn�i�en or eminent domaln ' <br /> . �..:. _ ; <br /> � proccetlmo cc.lainn�r io ihe�'�or .�y nu"����r.<�-,�;�t,.,.�,.,;.��•���,r�•�,.,.,�c��con:ie��r�.ari� ���i.�4���q�ro heroby assf�n�d ic lc�ider and shall bo a�lied <br /> , firsl io�ho p�y nen•c i�31idC�: ;�'ro�r�.:; i,.� i��.,�r��..i �� :r•i„�,�•�r�ir imctuo•ig s+�v�i�.:'Iees ii�r,nnneUion w��l�the condmnnalion or e� nonl <br /> donvvn qrocecdinpe ;•o th^�� -�!•�ic or•�r��o� _r?r• �n,,. ��v,•„r.�I•:r LrSqalio��c �r�I�r r..�p•a'iou or mr.rr ol ihc P•oocny <br /> , I <br /> _. i <br /> ' . uagn2d8 � <br /> Arl)�� i �:�� � <br /> -! � <br /> - ._. ..__ . .. __._.. ._.. <br /> �._ . __. ..._ .. <br />