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�� r A <br /> .. .� . . _ _ �i,^�..'�_. <br /> �`t/i1 /> • ) ,�Qy t' _=i <br /> � .. .��.��eli!'IIRM!I�T"-' .. _ .. . . � . . � ... .. .. 'E''14: �Y'l�TJ��'��-•/. l.«� �-��.Y.. .. -.'.Tw�'Y1�� Ir'---_•... <br /> b�,� YA�. ����_,.L',:`' <br /> �. 71.,--_ <br /> , �� . � . / 1 � �..�!:�- -�-. <br /> � • � � , ` ' �7-��10�88 :�._ : <br /> ,.;:„_ <br /> . I1. Successors and Asslqns Round; Jolnt end Severul l.lobfllty; Co-slQners. 'I'he cuvrnxnts and ngre�menh henin �.. <br /> ' cunuiinrd hhnll bind, and d�r riglus I�ereuiider sl�all i�ture to, the rrsprctivr succrsson a►nd nssigns uf l.riider and Burrcnver. ,R,.,,n' <br /> � suhjrct ta tl�e provisiu�Lr• i�f paragraph 16 harruf. All cuveiwuts xnd xgreemcuts uf Burruwer sl�all be juint xud sevrtal. Any . - -•_ <br /> Burr��wcr who ca-slgnv ttiis Deed af Trust, I711I(IUCti IIOI C%Cl'UlC II1C NUIC, (a)is co-signing tl�ih Ueed of Trust unly eu grant and ��' <br /> ccmvey tl�at Borrawer's intere4t in d�e Properry t��Trustee under d�e tenns of this Qeed uf Trust, (h)ls not perscti�fxlly liablr un � <br /> � ,..-..= <br /> ., .� the Note or uiider this Deed af Trust, xnd (c) agre�a diat Lender�uiJ i�fiy uthcr BurruwCr lierruttd�r Illily il$fCC IO NRICIIV. x;�'.'.`- <br /> �', �uudify, furl�ear, or mukK any other accumrnalatiui�.1 with regard to the tcrms of thi�Deed nf Trust or tlie Nute, without that � <br /> a;i Barrower's caturnt and withaut relrx.+ing that Barruw�r ur muclifyiug this Deed of Trutit xs to d�at Burrower's Intere,t in d►r .,•i,t��=�= <br /> � Pro�CCty. �-`��:` <br /> .:.�+»*�' j 12. Nottce. Except for any natice required under applicablr Ixw to be given in anudier manner, (a) xny noticr ta '`�tii:�� <br /> °�•��^^^°'""�' Bonower provided for in this Deed of Trust sliall be givru by delivering it ur by mailing 5UCI1 pUtICC By ccrcitied mail -_-- <br /> addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such otlter xddress as 8exrower ntxy desig�wte by ix�tice to l.ender� "�.:�.�� <br /> ' provIded herein,und (b)any notice to Lxnder shall be given by certifirJ mail«�Lender's address scated herrin or ro sucb other �;;�:,�__; <br /> address as Lender may desfgnate by notice to Borrower xs provided herein. Any iWtice provided far ln thi�Deed of Trust shall �'�='`— <br /> be deen�ed ro have 6een given ro Horrawer or I.ender when given in die maruier desig��ared herein. - _ -- <br /> 13. Governin� Law; Severabllity. The state and Iocal la�vs applicable to this Deed of Trust shxll be the laws of tl►e � ,s�-:__ <br /> „ , jurisdicdan in wl►ich the Property is locatecl.Tlie foregaing sentence sl�aU not limit the applicability of federal law ro this Deed <br /> ;, . � of Tnist. In the event tliat any provision or clause of this Deed af Trust ur the Nute coiitlicts with applicable law, sucl�conflict --- <br /> '•' shall not affect other provisions of diis Deed of Trust or thc Note which c:xn be given effect wlthout the conflicting provision, ,�:i;�,,,;� <br /> }, and to diis end the provisions of d�is Deed of Tcust and die Note are declared ta be severnble. As used herein, "costs," ":a�' <br /> ' "expenses"and"attorneys' fees"include all suros to tlie extent not prohibited by applicable law or limtted herein. ,`zE1s7i�'. <br /> � � 14.Borrower's Copy. Borrawer shall be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time of �� �:� <br /> execution c�r after recnrclation hereuf. '� '*�` <br /> � ,� 15. Rehabilitation Loan Agreement. Bonower shall fulfill aU af Borrower's obligations under uny home rehxbilieation, ��"'�11�` <br /> . improvenient, repair, a•other loan xgreenient which Borrower enrers into with Lender.Lender,at Lxnder's option,may require =__ <br /> � Borrower to execute und deliver ro I.ender. iti a form acceputble to Lender, an assignment of uny rights,claims or defenses <br /> which Bon�ower may hxve agai�ut parties who supply labor,matedals or services in connection with imprc�vements made to the -_=- <br /> Property. <br /> �" 16.Transfer of the Properiy or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any incerest in It _-- <br /> � is sold ar transfened(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or trxnsferred a�id Barrawer is not a nxturxl person)without - <br /> - = LPnder'S grior wrir�rn rnrurt�s.LpndNr n�y. at its ogtion,rrquire imni�diasr pa;�u:�i i2i ful!of�!1 seuns secured 6;this D�d af -- <br /> F � Trust. However,this option shall no[be exercised by I.endet If exercise is prohibited by federal law as of tbe date of thls Deed <br /> �:� of Trust. = <br /> � If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Burrower notice of acceleradun,The ttoticr shall pravide a periocl of not <br /> less than 30 duys from the date the notice is delivered or mailed wittun which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Deed - <br /> of Tnist. If Bonower fails to pay these sunis prior to tlte expiratlon uf triis period, L.ender may invoke any remedies p�rntitteci _ <br /> by this Deed of Trust without furtlier notice or demund c�n Bonower, _ <br /> . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower unJ Lxnder further covenant and agrze as follows: ° <br /> . � 17. Acceleration; Remedies. Except as provided In paray�aph 16 hereof,upon Borrower's breach of any covwwnt -- <br /> or a�reement of Borrower in this Deed of Trust, IncludinQ Borrower's failure to pay� by the end of 10 calendar days after _ <br /> they are due, any sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender prior to accelerat[on shall give notice to Borrower As - <br /> , provided in paraQraph 12 hereof specifyiny: (1) the breach; (2) the action required to cure such breacht (3)a date� not <br /> less than 20 days from the date the not[ce is malled to Borrower, by which such breach must be cured; and (4) ttwt �- <br /> fa[lure to cure such breach on or before the date speci8ed In the notice may result in accelerat(on of the sumv secured by � <br /> � . thts Deed of Trust and sale of the Property. T6e not[ce shall fnrther Inform Borrower of the ri�ht to rein5tate after --� <br /> acceleration and the rieht to bring a court actton to assert the nonexistence of a default or any other defense of Borrower <br /> to acceleratfon and sale. If the breach ts not cured on or before the date specifled (n the notice, Lender, at l.ender's :�.�: <br /> option, may declare all of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due and payable without furttier - - " <br /> demand and may invoke the power of sule and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. I,endcr shall be entiNed �•�:: <br /> to collect all reasonable costs and expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 17, IncludinY, � - <br /> �� but not Umited to,eeasonuble attorneys'fee,s. ` . -_:_ <br /> i If the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which the Property or some =_ <br /> 1 part thereof is located and shali mail copfes oF such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable luw to Borrower and to � =:�;- <br /> a the other persanv prescriLeJ by np��iicuble lu�r•. Af:cr �he tapst� af such time ns rnay he required hy nnplicnble law, : �,r�s•- <br /> 1 Trustce shall give pubUc notice of sale to the perso�u and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee, w[thout = <br /> demund on Borrower,shnll sell the Praperty at public auM[on to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the �;,;�:;"�;�; <br /> � terms designated in the notice of sAle in one or more parcels und in such order as Truste�may determine. Trustee may "''" ° <br /> � pastpone sale of nll or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the tfine and place of any previously <br /> scheduled sale. Lender or Lender's designee may purchase the Property at nny sale. � <br /> _ Upon receipt of payment of the price b[d, Trustee shall deliver to the purchnser Trustee's deed conveying the _ <br /> Property sold. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima fucie evidence of the truth of the stntements made therein. ' <br /> ; Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (n) to all reasonable costs and expenses of the sule, <br /> i includ[ng, but not limited to,Trustee's fees ectually incurred of not more than %of the gross <br /> � sale price, reASOnable nttorneys' fees and costs of title evidence; (b)to all sums secured by this Deed of Trust;and(c) the , <br /> � excess, ii any, io ine person or persons iegaiiy entitled thereto. <br /> ; 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. Ni�twitltstaudit�g Lender's acceleratiuo uf the sums secured by this Deed i�f Truxt, <br /> ; due to Harruwer's breacl�, Burrc�wer shall hxve tl�e rigli[ tu havr auy prucerdings hegun by Le►�drr to e�iti�rce d►is Deed of Tnist � <br /> I <br /> . discontinued at any time priur to the exrlier to occur of(i)the tifth day hetirre the salr of the Pruperty pursu�nt tei die pci�ver nt� <br /> � sale cont�iued in this Deed of Trust ur (ii) eutty uf a judgntent cnti�rcing this D«d oF Trust if; (x) Burruwrr pxys LeuJer all <br /> � sums wl�ich wuuld br tl�en due under this Deed c�f Truxt and the Nute hxJ ne� accelerxtion c�ccurred; (b) Burrawer cures a!I ' <br /> breaches c�f any other ccwrnants or agrerments i�f Borrc�wer contxined in this Deed c�f Trust; (c) Be�rrrnver pays all reasoiuhle <br /> expenses i�icurred hy Lender and Trustre in enti�rcing the ccivenauts aud agre:ements uf Burruwer cuntaineJ in tl�is Deed c�f Trust � <br /> i <br /> Form 3628 I <br /> � Page 3 0�4 I <br /> � <br />