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<br /> _. . �� � 97-:ti��g8 .�:.::�:-,v_
<br /> . lf Bnrrower paq�Funds n� Lendzr, the Funds +hall hc hcld in an institutiun tlte dcpusits or accuunts af w6ich ate i�uured �•:!'s'��
<br /> ett buuru�uerd by a federal c�r+eate agency(including Lcnder if L.ender is such an institutiun). I�:nder shxU xpply thc Funds tn • _
<br /> pay said txxes, atisessmCntti. ii�.tiurance premiums xi�l bround renn. [xnder may nut charge ti�r so h��lding All(S H�1()Iy111�; IIIN "'.r'.:
<br /> FunJs. xnalyzing s�tld account ar verifying xnd wmpiling said n..�essments and hilly, unless Li:nder pxys Barrawer interetit an _,�_
<br /> the Funds xnd applicable Inw�rniiGs l.�nder[u make sucli a charge. Borrc�wer and l.cndcr n�ay agree in writing at thr time e�f `,�=_
<br /> �xecution af this Deed c�f Trust d�ut interest un the Funds ,hall t�r paiJ tu Bun���wer, and utiless such agreeme�►t is niade��r ,_.;��'_'
<br /> ,.`},;_�`,
<br /> applicahle Iaw requires such interest to be paid, Ixnder sl�all not he reyuired to pxy Borruwer any interest i�r earnings on the .;�_
<br /> . � Fmxls. l.endcr shall give tu Borruwcr, widiuut charge, an u�uiuul accaunting uf the runJs shuwing crrdits Nnd debi[,w the _t=`
<br /> Funds and the purpo�e far which exch debit tu dte Fwids was n�ade.Thc Fmidy xre pledged as additioiixl security for the sums
<br /> �� �ecured by this Deedaf Ttust. __
<br /> If the iunount of the Funds held by I.ender, together with the future mc�nd►ly it�.titallments of Funds payable prior ta tli�
<br /> due dates of taxes. assessmentv. iruur,u�ce premiums and graund renGti, sf�all exceed d�e uniount reyuired ta pay said taxrs, k.,___
<br /> � assessments,insurance premiwns unQ ground rents a5 they faU due,sucl�excetis shaU be,at Borrower's optlon, elther prompdy ;;h„;_-
<br /> repxid to Barrower arcredited to Borruw:r un uwnddy insuillments of Funds. (f d�e;unount of the Funcls held by lxnder shxll ' '"r-`°__
<br /> ;, not be sufficient to pay tuxes,asaessments,insurance pren�iums and graund rents w[hey f�ll due, Honower shall pay to Lender r�r__^
<br /> '' any smount necessxry ta make up the deficiency In one or more payments as Lender niay require. ___
<br /> �� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shxll promptly refund co Rorrower uny Funds --
<br /> "' held by Lender.If under parngraph 17 hereaf the Praperty is sold or the Proprrty is otherwise acquired hy l.ender, Lxnder shall _---
<br /> apply. no later thau inuuediately prior co che sale of�he Prapercy or its acquisition by Lxnder, any Funds held by Lender at the __
<br /> time of application as a credit against the sums securecl by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 3.Appltcation of Payments.Unles:;applicable law provides atherwise, all paymeuts received by Lc:nder under the Nute ____
<br /> � and paragraphs 1 and?. hereoF shall be applied by Lender first In payn�ent of an�ounrs payable to Lender by Borrower under
<br /> ' pamgraph 2 liereof.t4en tu intcrest payable on thc Note.and then to the principal of die Nate. -
<br />� � 4.Prior MortQa�es and Deeds of TruSt; Charges; Llens. Barrower shull perform all of Bonower's obligacions under _
<br /> any mortgage, deed of aust or other security agreenient with a lien which hus priodty over this Deed af Trust, including
<br /> Borrower's covenunts to make puymKnt� when due. BorrovvCr�liall pay ur cause to be paid all tuxes, assessments and other �`
<br /> charges, fiaes and impositiow attributable to the Propeny wiiich may attain a priority over t his Dee d of Trust, and leusehold -
<br /> payments or ground rents,if uay. _
<br /> � 5.Hazard[nsurance. Bonower shall keep the Irnprovenients now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br /> •• aguiust loss by fire.hazards included witbin the terni"extendel caverage,"and such odier l�au►rds as Lender may require and ln =
<br /> _____ ___ such xmaunts aad for such periods as I.ender n�ay require. _
<br /> � The in+urancc carrier providing the insurance shall 6e chosen by Horrower subjeet ta approv�l by Lender; provideJ, iLat
<br /> � auch approvul shxll not be uureasonably withheld. All i�uurauce policies and renewals thereof shall be in a fann xcceptable to
<br /> . �� Lender and shall include a�tundard mortgage clause in favor of und in a farni acceptable to Lender. Lender shall have the right
<br /> to l�old die(wlicies and reuewals thereof,subject to�he temi�of any mortgage,deed of tcust or other security agreement with a
<br /> lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust.
<br />_ ' In the event of los�,Bonower shall give prompt notice to the insur�nc;e canier and Lender. Lender may malce proof of loss
<br /> - f if not macle promptly by Bonower.
<br /> * lf the Property is abandoned by Bonower. or if Borrower fails to respond ro Lender within 30 clays ftom the clxte notice Is
<br /> n�uiled by Lender to Bonower d�at the insurance carrier offers to�ettle a claim for insurance benefits, Lender is authorized to
<br />. � collect and apply the iiL,urance proceeds at Lr.nder's option eitlier to restoradnn or repair of the Prupeny or to the sums secured
<br /> .� . by this Deed of Trust,
<br />- • �- 6.Preservation and Maintenance of Property; Leasehold9; Condominlumsi Planned Unit Developments. Bonow�r
<br />_=—� - sF�!! !:::=C !he P���rty in o�d repxir and shall nnc conm�ic w�ste or r�m,;r ;mpair�uent or deterioratioa of the Pruperty and _ _
<br /> -•• shall cumply witt► the provisions of any Ir.xse if this Deed of Trust is on a teasehold. If this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a -
<br /> candominium or a pla�ed unit Jevelopment, Borrower sh�ll perforni all of Borrower's ubligations under the declaradon or _
<br /> 1,,; covenants creating or governing the condominium or planned unit development, the by-laws and regulations of the "
<br /> . condaminium or plxnned u�vt development,aud constituent da:uments. �-;:
<br />"- � 7.Protectfon of Lender's Security.If Borrower fails to perforni the cove�usnGi and agreements cc�nt�►ined in this Deed��f �.:
<br />��� Trust, or if any action or prcx:eeding is canunenceJ which materially affects Lender's interest in die Property, then Lender,at �F
<br /> _ ♦ y Lxnder's option, upun notice to Borrower, may make such appearances, disbutse sucl� sums, including reasonable attor�eys' -
<br />- ; fees, apd take such actiun as is necessary w prutect Lender's interest. If Leuder required mortgage insur.�nce as a condition of _
<br /> p�aking die loau secured by this Dei:d of Trust, Borrower sl�xll pxy Nie premiums required to m�inr:sin sucl� insurance in effect - _
<br /> uu�il �uct�tin�t us di:r::qui:enien�for�uch :iusran:e trnnirutes in xeccirdxnce with 9orrower's and Lender's written agreemeut �.___.
<br /> " orapplicable law. ;-�'�_._
<br /> �M•_=
<br /> ' Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this parxgr.�ph 7, with interest thereon, at the Note rate, shull become •-.�
<br /> �.'"m�.
<br />� � additionxl indebtedness of Borrawer ses;ured by this Deed of Trust. U�iless Bnnower and Lender agree to other tenns of . -=
<br />� � pxyment, such am�ounts shall be payable upon noti�e from Lender u� Borruwer requesting payment thereof. Notliing c:ontained •'���-
<br />— , iiti this paragn►ph 7 shalt reyuire L,ender to incur any expense ar take any action hereunder.
<br /> - � 8. Inspectton,lxnder may make or cause ta be made reasot�►ble entries unun and inspections of the Prc�perty, provided
<br />� ► that L.ender slixll give Burrower nutice prior to any �uch inspeetion speeifying rc:ascnuble eause tl�erefur rrlated to Letider's
<br /> . � inrerest in the Property.
<br /> - + 9. Condemnatlon.Tlie pruceeds of any award or claim for d:tmages, dire�t or cunsequeutial, in cotmection with xny
<br /> 1 condemluttian or c�ther taking of tlie Property, or parc there��f,ur fur conveyxnce in lieu of ccmdemnation,are hereby assigned
<br /> .J and st�ali he naid w Lcuder.suhiect to dte tem�s uFxny morsbxbe,deed of trust or c�ther security agreement witli a lien which
<br />� � h�u prioriry over this Deed uf Trust. �
<br /> ' ! 10. Borrower Not ReleASed; Forbearance By i,ender Not a Waiver. Extentiion c�f the time ti�r payment or mc�dificxtion I
<br /> _ i ��f ami�rtization o�'the sums securrd hy this Dee� of Trust�!ranteJ by Lender tei xny successc�r in interest of Borrower shall not �
<br /> uperate te�relexse, in auy manner, the lixhiliry of the urigi��l Burr��wrr anJ Burrower's successors in interest. L.ender shall not I
<br /> _ � he required to ccimmence pruc;eedings against such successiir ur refuse te� extend time tiir payment or uthetwise mc�Jify �
<br /> �unortizxtian of the sums secured hy thi+ Dee� nf Trust hy reasun of any JemanJ made by thr urigival Biirre�wer and �
<br /> Borrower's ,uccc:ssnrs in intrrrst. Auy tiirbexrann by Lender in exercising any ri�ht or reii�edy herem�de�, or vtherwise
<br /> - afti�rded hy applicahle law, slixll��ut he a waiver c�f��r precluJe the exercise ut'airy such right ur remedy. I '
<br /> ; Form 3828 '
<br /> � �
<br /> _ P�ge 2 0l 4 I .
<br /> _ 1
<br /> i
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