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4844-8244- 9173.2 6 <br />2 01309264 <br />Property as indicated on the Plat. In addition, any residential dwelling <br />erected on a Residential Lot shall face the applicable Cul-de -sac Lot; <br />provided, however, so long as the residential dwelling front is parallel to <br />the street, each Owner shall have a 30 degree variation to placement of <br />its residential dwelling. <br />Grade. No excavation or change in grade or other work which materially <br />alters the contours of any Residential Lot on the Property and/or the <br />natural drainage flow pattern on the Property from its natural or improved <br />state existing on the date such excavation or other work commences shall <br />be made or done without the prior approval of the Owners of each <br />Residential Lot. <br />e. l leiaht Limitation. No residential dwelling erected on any Residential Lot <br />shall be more than two (2) levels in height, above ground. <br />f. Materials. All residential dwelling front exteriors must be brick and <br />cement board siding. <br />g. Roofing Material. All roofing shall be fire retardant composition shingles <br />of 30 year life of a substantially similar color to the color initially installed. <br />h. Garaaes. Each residential dwelling shall have an attached private garage <br />for not less than two (2) cars and not more than three (3) cars. The <br />driveway on each Residential Lot shall contain sufficient paved area for <br />the off street parking of at feast two (2) cars. All garages facing any street <br />must be equipped with doors which shall be kept closed as much as <br />practicable to preserve the appearance of the elevation of the fronting on <br />the street. <br />1. Detached Structure. No Residential Lot shall contain a detached <br />structure, excluding the residential dwelling. <br />j. Clean uo. No unused building material, scrap, junk or rubbish shall be left <br />exposed on a Residential Lot except during the period of bona fide <br />construction. Each Owner shall have an affirmative obligation to maintain <br />its Residential Lot and keep it free from debris. <br />k. Fencing. Except for underground fences, no fences shall be permitted <br />without the prior written consent of the Board. In no event shall chain <br />linked fences be allowed. In the event the Board, in its sole discretion, <br />permits an above - ground fence, then the Owner of said Lot shall <br />thereafter be responsible for all maintenance, repair and replacement of <br />Common Areas within the fenced -in area, including the lawn and <br />landscaping unless such Owner allows the Association and its agents <br />with access to the fenced -in area for lawn maintenance. <br />Screening Required. All equipment, trash cans, wood piles and storage <br />piles, shall be kept screened by adequate planting or fencing so as to <br />conceal them from view of neighboring Owners of Residential Lots. All <br />rubbish, trash or garbage shall be regularly removed from each <br />