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Evcry R <br /> _. ,, ; ��; powcr or rcmedy givcn by �ny of thc loAn instrumcnts to Tnistce o� thc�eneficiacy or to which eithcr of thcm may bc othcrwisc ' <br /> �.,... �,� entitled may tx.exercised,concurrently or independently, from time ro dme and as often as may be deem�:d expedient by Tn�stec or � f.�.:• <br /> , � Rcneficinry,and cithcr of thcm may pursuc inconsistcnt rcmcdiGS.Nothing hcrcin shall bc constnscd as prol�ibiting thc Bcncficiary � �,� <br /> q� from sccking a dcficicncy judgmcnt against Trustors to thc cxtent such actlan is permittccl by law. __ <br /> ;;^:=r���' l�t. Tcustors hcrcby rcqucst a copy of any noticc of dcfault and that any noticc of salc hcrcundcr bc mailcd to Trustors at th� M �y;= <br /> ' � �� uddress set forth in the first para�raph of this need of Tnut. I1otivled ed b Br,neficiary.mailed to Trustors and recoTdec! in � �_� <br />;��� " 1S. T he H ene f iciary m a y.b y a w n t t c n m s t r u n►e n t e x c c u t c d a n d a�k S Y _ <br /> thc County in which thc property is locatcd and by othcnvisc camplying with thc provisions of thc applicab lc lAw o f t hc S ta t c o f <br /> ��' . Nebraska,substitute a successor to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder. <br /> ' 16. This Dccd of Tn�st appiics tu and inuns to the bcncfit of and 6inds�ll partics ticrcto, thcir tieirs, personnl rcprescntauves. <br /> ' � successors and assigns. Thc term"Bencficiary" shall mcan the owncr und holdc�of tl►c notc,whelhcr or not named as Beneficiary <br /> `' .�. �" hcrcin. <br /> �;. 17. Without atl'ecting the liability of any othcr persan liable for thc payment of any obligadon hcrein mcntioned, and wi out <br /> '•erv��"°-�` . <br /> • -..:.•���., afl'ecting tl�e Yien ur charge of this Deed of Tnut upon any portion of thc property not then or theretofore reie�sed as security for the <br /> �������'� �� ' full paymcnt of all unp�id obligadons,thc Beneficiary may,from umc ro timc and without notice: (a)release any persons so liablc; <br />���`,,`.`,`:� (b)extend the maturity or atter any of the terms of any such obligation;(c)grant other indulgences;(d) rclea�c or reconvey at the <br /> �.���.4.�� IIcneficiaq�'s option any parcel,portion or all of thc property; (e)takc or relcase any other or addiuonai accurity for any obli8ation <br /> ��e�'*""t"�•• herein mcnuoncd;or(fj make compositions or other arrangements with dcbtors in mlation therero. <br />;.:.�,..,�<,:.._; <br /> ' 18. This Dccd of Trust�tial!be governcd by the laws of the State of Nebraska and,in the event any one or more of the pravisions — <br />':�:'. :,. �,.. wntaincd hcrcin,or the notc or any othcr sccurity insuument givcn in co�ecuon with this uansaction shall be for siry rcason held <br /> °� to bc invalid, illcgal or uncniorccable, in any respect, such invalidity. illegality or unenforceability shall not a�2ct any otlicr <br /> • ; ,� provisions of this Decd of Trust,but the Deed of Trust sliall be constnied as if such invalid,illegal or uncnforceable provision had <br />° � • never been contained herein or ther�in. <br /> - 19. Any forbearance by the Beneficiary or Ttustee in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or otherwise afforded by <br />= ' a, applicable law,shall nat be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy hereunder. Likewise,the waiver by the <br /> ;::::..�:.;a Heneficiary or Tnutee of any default of the Tnutors under this Aeed of Tcust sha�l not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or <br /> � similar dcfault subsoqucntly occurrinB• — <br /> ,'� 24. Upon the written request of the Beneficiary stating that all sums securcd hereby havG been paid, and upon surrcnder of this _ <br />-"``���''�" I Decd of Tn�st and tt►s note to the Tnutec for cancellation and retention and upon payment by Trustors of Trustee's fees,Trustee shall <br /> ,r•.,� rtion of the pro then held <br /> .-�;�,;� ncconv� io Tru�arv, or st� �^.rQn nI;,ercons levally entitled thereto. without warranty, anY 1� ��' <br /> •• hereunder. Recitals in such reconveyance of any matters or facts shall bc conclusive proot oi the uucl►fiulnc�s ther�f. irante�in <br /> - the ra:onvcyancc may be described as the"person or persone legaUy entitled thereto." <br />�.�:�,.;• . <br /> `��`��``'j�.� IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Trustors have executed this Deed of Trust on the date first noted above. <br /> :..�:,. <br /> N;_�Y;�,,.. <br /> �;�at�'.,,..�. � <br /> r:r:. . <br /> - -::u)�. •.•`'i <br /> . .,�': ' <br /> --`-.::,•:.._�.,,...� DENNIS R BONSl�CK <br /> �;:��t,��;� ; STATE OF NCBRASKA) <br /> = . ) SS <br /> ._�.;.. <br /> ����-���`'^�'`"" COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> 'A� <br /> -;_-:.�1.•. .� <br /> - 1997, by DENNIS R <br /> � ' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me emb�r 11, <br /> �� �,..e BONSACK,A single person. <br /> _�_:;�.�.: ._� <br /> ""_ „ iENEW,NO1�It1 St�bd N�pn;�- NO'TARY UBLIC <br /> `:��_ GRACE SCHNASE <br /> - wao�,.�. s,zoo� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � — <br />_ � ��: <br /> � <br /> , _. <br /> f <br /> � <br /> � <br /> , , <br /> � ; <br /> ' i <br /> � <br /> � <br /> _ � <br />