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<br /> S. In the cvent the properry. or any pxn tt�ereof, slu�ll be taken by eminent domAin, thc Hencficiary is entitltd to collect and , _
<br /> receive all compensation which mny be paid for any prnperty tnlcen or for damages to property not taken,�nd tlic Beneficiary shal! ,;-•��.
<br /> apply such compensation,at its option,either to a reductian of the indebtedness secured hereby,or to repair ai�d resiore the property
<br /> ,,,•.,;�-:.
<br /> , . <<
<br /> so takcn. `"'.=
<br /> ' � 6. Thc BcncCiciary may. but shall navc no obligation to, do nny act �vhich Trustors have agrccd but failcd to do. and thc
<br /> Hcncficiary may also do any act it dccros nccessary ta protcct thc licn hcrcof. Tntstors agrcc to rcpay.upon dcmand. �ny sums so .�..�.;�.i 7s,
<br /> '. expended by tlic Beneficiar}�for the above purposes.nnd any sum so expended shall bc added to the indebtedncss secured hereby and , ,�"�
<br /> " bccomc �ccurcd by thc licn hcrcot Thc Bencficiary shall no incur any lit�biliry bccausc of anything it m�y do or omit to do ., :��T?�_`
<br /> hcrcnndcr. '� : �. �_.:�-
<br /> � 7. Thc Bencficiary shall liavc thc right, potivcr and authority during thc cantinuancc of tlus Dccd of Tn►st to col lcct �hc rcn��. ��,�_r
<br /> '�"�,�, ' issucs and profits of thc property and of an}�personal property laated thcrcott with or withaul taking posscssion of titc propert}'
<br /> t;,.
<br /> affccted hercby,and TNStors hereby absolutely and unwnditionally assign all such rcnts,issues and profits to thc bcneficiary. Thc ';I.�`�.
<br /> , beneficiary.ho�ve��er, hereby consents to Trustors'collcction and retention of such renis,issues and profits, so long as Trustors are —"`'; .;
<br /> ' not,at such time.in default��tith respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby, or in the pedorrnance of any agreement ���,.�,�
<br /> licreunder. If any event of default described hereafter in respect to this Deed of Tmst shall have occurred and be continuing, the �-w=••--
<br /> ' Beneficiary,As a matter of right and�vithout notice to Tnistors or anyone claiming under Trustors.and without resard to the vatuc of �';i.�
<br /> •�' the trust estate or the interest of the Trustors thercin, shall t�ave the right to apply to any court having jurisdiction to appoint a �£;,:
<br /> � rcccivcr of tlic property. for thc �
<br /> � � 8. Thc Deneficiary,or its agents. are authorir.cd to enter at any rcasonable timc upon or in any p�rt of thc property .„:_
<br /> ,��
<br /> purpose of inspectin�thc same and for thc purpose of pedorming any of thc acts they arc authorizcd to pedorm under the tcrms of ��
<br /> � any loan instrumenls esecutcd by Truston � a-
<br /> 9. If all or any part of the property or any interest of Trustors is sald, transfcrred or fiuther encumbcm,cl wilhout the«..:::n G __
<br /> " �: wnsent of the Beneficiary,tlic Heneficiary may declare All swns secured by this Tn�st Deed to be immcdiately due and payable und a:
<br /> procced to the remcdics available to it undcr the dcfault pruvisions contained hcrein. F,.
<br /> � 10. Any of the following events shall bc dccmed an cvent of default hcrcundcr: _
<br /> t a. Trustors shall have failed to make payment of any installment of principal ar interest or any other sums secured hereby when "'
<br /> due: � ��
<br /> �- � b. Therc has occurred a brc:ach of or default under any term, covenant, agreement, condition, provision,representation or =
<br /> warranty containcd in this Aeed of Trust,the note or any other�nortor s b Cnuent lien or encumbrancc in rapect to ull or any
<br /> ,'� c. There has bcen a default by lhe Tcustors in the payment of any p �4
<br /> ; part of thc property:
<br /> ` d. Trustors sliall file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or shall be adjudicated bai►ktupt or insolvent. or shall make an
<br /> �' assignment for the benefit of creditors in respect to tne properiy;or a,t actian ta cnf'orcc an�licn ot en�nb�?°`-'-e°r judements _ —
<br /> � . agaic�st the property is commenced.
<br /> I1. In the event of any defanit,the Beneficiary mal�dalare aU indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same
<br /> � shall thereupon become due and payable without any presenunent,demand,protest or nouce of any kind. Thereaiter, the Beneficiary _
<br /> �;, may:
<br /> a. either in person or by agent, widi or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by receior any part thereof,n u own
<br /> without regard to thc adequacy at u►Y security•entcr upon and take possession of the property, �_
<br /> namc or in thc na►ne of the Tmstce, and do any acts which it dcems ncccssnry and desirablc to preserve the value. �
<br /> marketability or rentability of thc property.or part thcreof, or interest thcrcin,increase thc incomc tlierefrom or protect thc
<br /> security hereof and,without taking possession of the property.sue for or othenvise collect the rents, issues and profits thereof,
<br /> including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operation and collecdon, inciuding
<br /> attorney fecs,upon any indebtedncss secured hereby, all in such order as the Benefici�y may deternune. The entering ugou
<br /> '� and taking possession of ehe trust estate, the collation ot such rents,is�ues and profits and application thereof as aforesaid �v
<br /> " shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder ar im•alidate any act and in response ta such default or ___
<br /> . � pursuant to such notice of dcfault and notwithstanding thc continuance in possession of the property or tlic c�liection,receipt _
<br /> and application of rents.issues or profits,Trustee or the&neficiary may be entitled to exercise e��ery rigtat provided for in any
<br /> _ �•� of the loan iiisuuments or by law upon occurrencc of any event of default,including the right to exercise tlie power of sale; —
<br /> '�� b. commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trast as a mortgage, appoint a receiver, or specifially enforce any of the �_—_
<br />" � covenants hcrcof;
<br /> c. dcliver to Trustee a written declaration of default and demand for sale, and written notice of default and election to cause �
<br /> Trustors'intemst in the property to be sold.which notice Trustee shall cause to be duly filed for record in the o�cial rccords �
<br /> � of thc county in�vhich thc property is located. ���
<br /> ��,�:��._:...-,,.,.,.
<br />- 12. Should the Beneficiary elect to foreclose b}•exercise of the po�ver of sale herein contained.the Beneficiazy sliail notify Trustee <<��_�,.,��.
<br /> and shall deposit�vith Trustec this Decd of Trust and the note and such receipts and evidence of expenditures made and secured .;�:_:n«'_�._
<br /> - hcreb}�as Tiustcc ma}•rcquirc,and upon rcqucst of the Bcneficiary.thc Trustcc shaU cause to bc recordcd.published and delivcrcd " _�%•
<br /> to Trustor such Noticc of Dcfault and Noticc of Salc as thcn rcquired by la�ti�and by this Dccd of Trust.Trustcc shall �vithout demand "' '.` .��'4` `.
<br /> on Trustor. after such time as may then be required by law and after recordation of such Notice of Default�nd after Notice of Sale
<br />` having becn gieen as rcquircd b}�law.sell the property at thc timc and place of sale fixed by it in such Noucc of Sale, cithcr as a ,
<br /> _ �vhole. or in separatc lots or parcels or items as Trustee shall decm expedient, and in such order as it mav d���la•�ns s elm
<br /> a u c t i o n t o t h e h i g h e s t b i d d e r f o r c a s h a n d shall deliver to such purchaser or purchasers thereof a deed to the property ,
<br /> �ti ith tlie la�r�tlien in et'fect. Recitals in il�e Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidenee o f t he trut h o f t he s ta t e m e n t s m a d e t h e r e i n.
<br /> Tnistec shall apply tlie procecds of thc sale in the follo«�ng ordcr: (a)to all rcasonable costs and expcnses of thc sale, including but
<br />= not limited to Trustee's fecs of not more than 2'%of the gross sale price.reasonable attorney fees and costs of title evidence;(b}to all
<br /> ...._,,., �.. �h�� n,.,.d �t Tn�ct: and (c) thc cxccss, it an}�. to the person or persons Icgally cntitled thcreto. Any person.
<br /> ------ _— __�....c..�i
<br />_ � �wu� a��....... ..: ...._ ---- - - -_-�-�=-_--.
<br /> : "' . . _
<br /> including the Hcncfician•,nia)�purchasc sa�d propcm� al said salc. Trustcc ma}�in tlic manncr proviaca o}•iaw.pv��w.���p���•�.•
<br /> or anr portion of thc propert}•
<br /> " I 13. Tnistcc and thc Bcncfictan�. :uid cach of tlicm. shall bc cntiticd to cnCorcc pa}�ment and perfomiancc o(am•mdcbtcdncss or
<br /> � obligauon �icurcd I�crcbJ•:+nd to cxcrc�sc alt ngiits and po��crs undcr this Uced of Tn�st or undcr an�•loan mstrument or othcr
<br /> aigrecmcnt or an}' la«�s nor on c�reallcr cnforccd not��nhstandfng sonu or��Il of thc indcbtcdncss and obligauons sccurcd hcrcb}•
<br />- � ���hich m;n� no«� or hr.rcaflcr tx othcrnisc sccurcd. ��lictl�cr bq mortgagc. dccd of trust. plcdgc, hcii, assignment or othcrn�isc.
<br /> ' Ncitlur thc,►cccpt:uuc of ttus Dccd of Trust nor its cnfnrccmcnt. «�hcthcr b}• court action or pursuam to thc po�scr of salc or othcr f
<br /> po��crs hcrc�n coutamcd shall prc�udicc or in an}' manncr affcct Tnistcc's or tl�c 3cncfician's nght�o maliic npon or cnforcc an}� I
<br />� � othcr sccunt}� no�� on c�rcattcn c�id b� "I'n�stcc or tlic 6st�cfict:�n�. tt bcin� :iprccd lhal TntstCC and tiic Bcncficiary�. and cach of
<br /> thcm.shall bc ciuulcd to cuforcc this Dccd of Tnist aud am•olhcr sccunt} non�on c�rc:iftcn c�ld b�thc�cncfic;ian•or Trustcc m
<br />;� I sucl�ordcr and uianncr:is ihc�icia>� m tlicir.�bsolutc discrcuou dctcnnmc No rcmcd}•hcrcin confcrrcd upon or rescn•cd to Trustcc ;
<br />