<br /> .. , T
<br /> ---=----- . . ....._-:� - - -- -- _---
<br /> ,.. .;,,_�,.,�:� -- _ .. - - - — - .. I ,
<br /> I t1�. 7AXlS AND A�'Jl581�ItNTB. Or�ntor thtll pay+UI Uxos and asnssrrNnts atatlnp to Raperty whsn dus�ntl Imm�dlatNy provki�lintl�r , �
<br /> � witl�no�ot paym�nt o7 um�. Upon th�nqu�nt M land�r,Onr►tm thvld�poNt wNA L�nd�►��oh month on�•tw�INh(t/t�)ol tn�uUrrµt�d a�wl � . ..-__
<br /> , Inturtnde premlum, taxh u�d asM�sm�nls p�AlYninp to Ih� Ptop�rty, So IOnp 1��itt�r�I�no cNl�u�t.th�M�uncunf�Nu►II 1��pptbd to t�� .
<br /> � p�ym�nt oi ta�n,a�s�ammn�nd inwnno�a�ngulr��n th�PropMty. In th��wnt cf dtlauft,Und�r�hali haw th�Apht,�t la rol� opua�,,o � �T
<br /> , aPPy th�tundt 10 h�ld to psy any lau��ar iqnln�t tl+�Obliy�tbn�. Any fund�appNid may,at lsrxf�r'�op�ton,b��ppllod In nwn�a�cNr oi 1n� � °.-�
<br /> , du�aaa�h�noL �r--
<br /> t6. INSPECTION OF PiiOPeHTY,dO0K6, qECQRDS AND iilPpRTB. Gnnta ehell allcriv I.�ndor or Itb I�pOni�to exumtn�and innpoat the I
<br /> PropMy and examino.In�pect md mak�wpioi of Cir�ntor'�booM�Rnd ncord�pNt�hwr►p to th�Proprrly(rom tim�ta 11m�. Qnnta ahall prnvid�� ":'=`
<br /> any auletancv nqun�d py I.�nd�r fOr theN purpoa� All o(tha Apnitur��and UfarmaQon eonminM In QrRnt�r'�book�wnd rvcuiqs tliNq�e�
<br /> p�nuln�,vue, aoounM ontl oomp4tv in NI ���pod�, Or�ntor shdl notv th�oxtotonw o}Uniivr'o bonoNoi�l inl�nst In It� buoko and ucafdo ' •' kL�.
<br /> putaln�np to th�Prop�ny. Additlonely,Qrantor�h�ll nport,In �brmµti�l�otory tq UnMr,auoh Intorrn�tlon ao L�ncNr rnay nquut npudlnp
<br /> nrentar'�An�nai�cerMiqen vr fh�prop�rty. 'fh�Inforrrlatbn ah+l ba 1ur �uoh pw(od�,Null nflw�Cirwntor'�r�cerdP pt eueti Um�,w�d�hall be� ,_�:�'�
<br /> nndu�d with auch h�qu�noy rs Lendsr m�y dnipnai�. NI Inform�tion furnishwd by Qrentor to l.�ndar shall b�true,accurat�md eompl�h In ul� —
<br /> ra�pects,and slpned by(3rAntOr Of L�nMr nque�c�. Q ,��`��
<br /> yi. EBTOPPE4 C6SiTIFIQATfB. �u��n tan p�}dryi rltor any requ�at�y Lendur,Gr�,ntur shull etoilvur to l.onclar,�r�ny Int�nd�►d uansla�of� --.,, -
<br /> Lender'�ripha wt�h mp�a�eo sh�0411paUon�,a ct9n�d antl aoknowl�dp�d etat�m�m►p�oNylnp(y thu out4undlnp iwl�no�on th�Obl�p�lipm; ' ,=-
<br /> end (b)whnher Qranror poqeawt any cfume,d�t�nws,r�t-vflo ur aount�rdaime With rap�ot to th�Obllpationa and, If eo,the nafun ol aue� � ;`'N
<br /> � d�imo, d�t�nrrs, at-0th ar count�ra�lma. ar�mor wIM be oondusNUy 6ound by�ny npreantatlon thM lindK msy mak�to th� inund� -
<br /> � tr�nsi�ra with n�at to tha�m�tta�in tl�s�wnt th�t pnntor fak to provid�tM r�quntrd�ul�m�nt in�UrtNly m1uM�K. ___
<br /> I �8. DERAULT. Or�nlor�hnll be in def�ult und�r this OMd of Tmrt uid tl�1'►u�!v�'4 powK tln�l becom�opu�tNe In ths ewnt Ih�t Oranta, �
<br /> � Borrow�r or any puar�nto�ol th�aWlpRtlonr, ��;b::;,
<br /> � p) ldit to pay ury Obllpaticn to L�ndsr wh�n dw; ,-�;�=°=,_
<br /> i �o� failt to p�riorm sny OOitptilon or br�tohet eny warrenty a¢ovmanl to i.indet comalned In thl�Dued of Trutl or any atha pnunt or futun � �
<br /> aqramenr
<br /> `e) d�strqro,ba�or damapet th�Raparty I�any m�t�rlal rapect or aubjrots the Proprrty to s�izun,oonilcoatlon,or cond�mn�tfan;
<br /> .I (d) N�k�lo rwok�,t�rminats ot othnwtaa limM Its Ilabilly undu wiy gutrany to Und�r,
<br /> ; (s) dle�,bocomea Iepaily Inwmpeiient,ia dlssolvod or tormiMtoa,bocanes(nsolvont,muke�an assipnm�nt lor Ih�bonatit of cnditon 1ai1�to '
<br /> I pay debtt�th�h�com�dw,fU�a a psttUon under tho i�d��al bankruptcy law�s,Mc an Invotuntary p�Hlion in b�nkruptay fiWd in which�iranloc ^t�;
<br /> 1 gwrow�r a ar+y yu�rontor b Mm�d,or ha�prop�rty tUan undot any writ or proqu of oourt; ,c�/A�"'
<br /> 1 (p olows pood9 to be used,lrrrispptiQd cr Ytvtod on ihr P►op�rty,tho posceaion,t�rniportatlon,or uc�of�rhlah,fa IlMOnI;
<br /> (y Niow��ny p�rty vtha th�n ar�nta or Borrow�r io�aurnr or�nd�rtlk��ny Opliqadon wlthout the�ttimn comant ol Lender or ' r���
<br /> L� (hj cavae�Lendtr to desm 11neN Ine�oun du�to a�I�nlfloanl d�dln�in ttin valu�of the Propeny;or!f Untl�r,In good f��th,;a�ny ntaon,
<br /> bellwes that the p�ospaat o(peyrrnnt or pedormanoe la Impak�d. �'
<br /> loqowlnpH�d w Nthout o Ira ad�muW (exapta�nqulad bylawl�ls IHed cf Trust, Lender sh�ll bo mlNisd to�x�roia�on�or moM af th� .
<br /> �a) todeolenthtqbll8atlumlmm�dlatelyduo�ndpay�bI�IMWI; '�"�:
<br /> (b) to ooll�a th�aut�tandlnp Oblipatlons with or wkhnut r�soNnp 10�udlold proo�ar;
<br /> (c) to requlro�rerttor to dellver and mnke avnlleble to Lender�ny persanal propaty or Chattela aunstltutinp tht Prop�rty at�plaa r��onady ��+�""'-
<br /> conwni�nt to(3rantar�nd Und�r, ?
<br /> (q) to ent�r upOn antl tak�pott�sslon ot th�Prop�rty withou��pp�ln0la or odt�ininy the appointmtnt ot a ncNwr and,at L�nd�r'�option,to
<br /> �, �ppolnt�nalwrwithout bond,wtthout Oru brinpinp iuk onNO d0lfp�tiom�nd wlthout oth�nvia�maetinp any statutary oonditions rparding
<br /> rAeelven,It belnp Intended th�t l.ander chall hava thia oontracdual ilpht ro ippoht a t�oalwr, ��:�`�
<br /> 1�� to ompby a man�ging ag�M of ths Prop�rty snd I�t t��am�, �Ilh�t k1 Tru�tN'�own n�m�,in th�name of Lencier or in th�nurw o(
<br /> Cirantor,and r�aiw th�r���,Inoom�s,ie�ws�nd profits ul ih�Proqrty�rrd eppy ths same,aRar paym�nt of all n�c�sury oh�rg►a�nd
<br /> �xpmat,on�oenunt of th�Qh1lpallons;
<br /> othi than�ymmt of Interisaor �nd al an thi�ObYpatlnn�ent by Landcr to proteat the sRCUr1ry of thls D�W o)Truct a►to cur0 wny tl�hult
<br /> � (y) to fono�loYi�lhle D�td o1 Trus�t Judict�ly or nonJudlclaliy v►d io citraot the eala oi the proptrty throuph�x�rclea of th�pOw�r d enl�ae
<br /> referonoed In perupreph 20 hereof In rcaanlanod wBh appNoaGs law;
<br /> �h� to �t-0fl prmtor'a phllg�don�apalntt any amountc a+rM Oruttor by Lendet indudfnp, but nvt limited to, monla�, inauummt�, md
<br /> depoeil Rwourtts malntA:n�d with l.�nd�r or rnp curtently exlrtnp a tutw�afHNats of Lend�r;�nd
<br /> (q to eYUCIa�al other riphti nvallabb to L�nder under any other wrkten apn�rrMnt or applle�bM I�w.
<br /> Lender's riphts nre oumuiative and mey ba exerolaed topethsr,seprately,and In any ad�� M th��wnt 1hRt Und�r institut�e an eatlon seekln�the
<br /> noovsry ot any of th�Prop�rtyt by way of a pnJudgm�nt nm�dy In m utiOn agdinit f3r�ntOr,finntor wriv�a ths postlnp ol eny bond whtt�mipht
<br /> oth�rwie�b� required, Nnd�r or L�nWr'e d�alyne�msy puraha�e the Praperty at any pi�. Pro�Nd�of any Trust��'s��I�Iwnundwr ahatl 6� �
<br /> �ppllsd tlnt,to th�oos�s�nd�xp�nies ot uxerci�inp Ihe pawu o1�I�and o1 tl►�ul�,Indudinp thv p�yrn�rA vT the T►uetse'a teer�ualiy Inaurrw _
<br /> �nd not to sxoMd uu tmoum which may bs provldid fqt In thl� Owd d 7ruK,eecona,to p�yment ot me Obilpatlons acund Mr�py,thirtl,w tne t�
<br /> � payment of Junbr tru�t deed�,rtwrtpapae,or otha Ilenhoid�r�,u�d th� bd�nw,if�y,W tA�p�rton or�rwne I�peHy endti�d tl►rr�ro. Th� -
<br /> prop�rty ar any pan tl+�aat may L»sold h on�parwl,or in��ch O+uuis, m�nnn cr crd�r a�t�nder In R�iol�diocntlon may�I�o6 w�d on�a
<br /> mon�x•rolws of tho pow�r h�rvin prwitod�hall nct oxtingufoh or�h ausl tM pow�r unlesa�he�ntin prop�rty it wld or th�Obllpation�nro pald In 6-u�-i
<br /> tull. �
<br /> �1:"�--
<br /> Zp. TRU8TlE'S DfERC10E 01'POW�R GF SAL�'ON DCfAIJLT: it L�nder ei�ata to setl Grantar's Inur�at In tnt Prop�rty oy exKCiee of the r'-�---
<br /> pow�r of eN�hanln contained,Lend�t shNl notily Trustoe In tho mNnar th�n aqulr�d by iaw. �-
<br /> � Upon r600ipt of tucn nattCO o}UntWr antl at thu dkeativn of Len�w. 7ruatae nhall oautr to br ncordad,pupll�hvd and d�liwnd nuch nolk�o of �:�
<br /> defeuit and notioes o�sale as may then be requlnd by Ixw and hy 4h��De�d oi T�uil. Truuta�e►:a.l,cnly at the dlnotlon nt l.�nd�r pnd withat �w
<br /> d�mand on Gnntor,aftw weh Qm�aa may than b�nquind by Irx end aftor rdaardatlon of suah noNa nf d�fault and�her notlea ot ssle ha�ing ���"'-
<br /> beeny�iven as roqutred by Iaw,sell ths Propsrty at th�tim�and p�ace ol awb Nxod by d in euch noticn of salu�hha as whal�or in sepArato Inte or "�;=::�-?�'
<br /> paroels or itema as I,Ander shall drem ex edien;,arxl in euoh order e�it rnay datormine,r udl►o auCtion to thv hi h�tt bidar tor cuh In lawlul �'��""
<br /> merwy at tho United Stntea peyable et the time of sale,a as othrwts�may ltun b�r�qulrepd by Iaw. Trustee�rll d�nwr tn wch purch��w or l`�_�T;::_
<br /> purohaaers thereof Ib good and aufAel�rt deed or w�tls conv�ying tt;e prOpl.ry�0 sold,but wlthout any cov�nant ar w�trranty,vxpreas vr I.�npfled. x•;;�_,,,,.o
<br /> � TAi fYdtl�ls 10 1u411 d6iG Ot Any mRttifl Or tacta shall bo aancfudv�proof o}tho ttulhtulMt�thoreoi My person Includlnp,wt�hout Ifmitntion, '���-
<br /> Orantor,Trustee or l.ender,mey purchase at suoh s�l�. Trust��may In th�rtt�nner provided by law poitpon�aa�o ot�II or�ny portion oi the �=->_="�``��'-�--
<br /> ' FroP�rtY. ;�%f�--
<br /> Zt, RlQUES'T FQH NOTiCEB: Or�rltOf nquea4 thwt a copy of anynot�e of d�tautt and a copy pt�ny notla al�ale hemund�r h�mdl�d q v�clt "' ��»r v�'..
<br /> psroon who Is a pnrty twreto nl the eddros�of such pwson ut IoAh h�r�ln wt th�IUm�tlm��nd In the sarrw mann�r raqulnd�t thouph s teparnu ''`X'« ���'+'�•
<br /> roqwst th�root had been}iled by e�ch auah pereon. • ��
<br /> 22 aECURrtY INTEREBT UA1D�q T1iE UNI��RM COMMERCIAL CODE This Oeed o1 Trust shal�h�cOnild�nd end be effecflv�u a fnnnel ' ' �
<br /> �tRt�m�nt�nd w nxtun fillny punuant tn the provislona of the Un Ifam Commuciai Coa�(��deptod In trw stste whrn L^��raal prop•rty ia lovate� •
<br /> cov�r�nq f�xtunc,chattds,and uM1ol�� of p�raon�l prop�rty nowowned or ha�aher mach�d to or to b�uaed in connecflon with th� Prop�rly
<br /> to481N0t wiUl any pnd oil rYpIwerrwnts thoreof end addltlona thorno (th�"Chettd�'),�nd Oraatnr h�reby p�anu L�nd�r a ue�rity fnto��st In such •
<br /> CnAttolc. Ths debtnr Ic th�Gtsntor docCilbed ebov�. Thia Owd ql iruaiwill W vttoothro as a tinandnQ slat�mrntfll�tl�u a fatu►e flllnp rvith respwt
<br /> I to 4i1 nxturas Inalud�d wHhin s�id pnmisaa u�d fe te be flkd tor neord In th�nai�awt�noord�ot�aah county wh�n any�,rt ot e�ld pnmltes '
<br /> (�noludin�said fixturea)is eRuated.Thls Oeed of iruat ahall r�o b��N�clivo N a fln�nclng statement eow�rtnp�ny othfr pnm•a�e nnd m�y o�fllKl
<br /> In nny other eppropri�tc f�linp at noordi�p oftice. A ceibon,phoKqiapluc vr other reproductlon o�ihls Q��q o1 Trutt or of any flnana(np �ut�m�nt
<br /> I r�lnting to thls Dnd ol Truet shall b��ufNeiont�t 1�fln�nolny stahmont tor fny cA th�purpoa�nt�rnd to in thi�Puayraph. Th�aaeurad p�rty la
<br /> � the Londer cleecrbed above. Upon darnand.Qrontor shal�maka,�xACUm and qNIWt ouch soaurfC/agroem�rnc (an auoh torrn It pefinti�In s�ld
<br /> j Uniform CommercJal Cor1e)ac Und�r at any tlm�may do�m noauaryor proper vr reyui�ud to�rant to L.ontl�t R p�n�OtYq WlCUtify f�tOf�p I�Me
<br /> j Cnamle,and upon C3nrttor's lallun ta do�o,Lend�r ti authvrizeu Io sfgn any suoh agroWn�M os�h�agpnt of GraMcr. (irantor h�nby eulhOriseo
<br /> i Lender te fpe t�nancinfl statementa(as buah t�rm Is d�fiMd k1 Baitl Utl((Offt1 COR1m�fCIPI CGdt!)WNh tO5pE0t 10 th�Ch�tt91�,at any tlme,without th�
<br /> signatura of Gr�nte�. Oranter wiN,how6vl�,�t Any time upon raqeeH ul Lendrr,�Ipn such tlnanclrip st�tamrnts, Crantor will pay�ll filing leas�or
<br /> , the iding vl auch finAnciny etatemtnts end for the rof111nQ therent atthe timoe requlred,In tho op�nlon of Land��,by o1�ltl Uniform Commerclal eotl�. i
<br /> N tt+e Uan of thU Deed of 7ruet be wUj�ct to any avcunty ryroemeui c5overing ths ChattNt then fo tha event of nny dn�ault untlyr Ih��Doud ot Trusi,
<br /> atl the right,tiUe and Intereet of Orantur In end to any and aN ol tha�he�H61�id heruby asslpned to Lender,together with the benefit of any deposlti Or �
<br /> payments now or hon�tta mada thoroaf by C3rxnlor or thv prodecQSSOre ot sucoessors In tit1�of Gruttor In the Property. '
<br />- ia. n�iinounaciricri7 V�RMWW t0 CRI"CNYCY O�LQNUCII.LEf10Cf,ai i.ender�e opuon,mny expena funas pnGudinp ariannys• letc and '
<br /> lepel expeneQS)t�pertorrn any act reyulrW to bs taken by dre�ntor o•to axcrciso any tlpht or nm�tly o}Lender under lhls Dnd ol Trun Upon
<br /> demand.dramor nhwil immedtntnly r*j�mburse len�r ior�i cuch unountt oxpended by Lsnder topsthnr wifh Interost therenn at tha lowu ot thv �
<br /> hlphest rate dascrlbed In any pbl'p�tlon or rno hlphatt rAto allowal by lew f�am th�dats of paym�rtt until the dato oi r�ImburtemMt. TT�vae tiuma
<br /> shafl bo�n��ludKi fn th0 d6tiniGOn ot OqAnptiont h�iWn end shall D� s�cur�d by tn�b�n�flcial Interest prant�d h�r��n, ry the CJhilpn[lons are peld
<br /> ufter the bepinning o1 publieat�on of notico ot wU,pd herem provbed,a In th�wv�nt lande�eliAll,at ita sc>le opHon,p�rmit(3runtor to pay my p�rt
<br /> of tn�Ohlipalion�aHa Iho beginning cf pu�I�caGnn of noUa o1 a+l�, a�her�ln provld�d,thdn,OruAnr ohaN pAy On d�marid ell rxp�ntad InOUrred
<br /> by the 7rusi��uid Lvnd�r (n connevtlon wlth u�,d publlcetion, i�roludlnp reesoneble altornsyi'fi�e tv tt�e attaneye for tha Truato�and lor tho
<br /> Wndvr,ancl�ruasoneDl�foe to the 7rusta�,�nA fhi�Ooed ul7iust�hati he sucurlry for all such oxponney�nd fees. ,
<br /> 2�. APPLICATION QF PAYMENTy, T�0 Tfusle�al�all bpWY tt�v Vrcx:wdc uf thY truil��'�wlu,tuut,Io th�ooam�rlp�xp�ntet o}exnrdtln N�
<br /> How�r of pal��nJ nf th�swlv,In�iu�lny llie puymunt of th�Trucu�Y f.N antuwl ly Incurrad not tu�xdYd►he amount whlvh may tw p�ovld�d�r In
<br /> the Dood ol Trutt,avaond,to p�ymvnt ot tnu OGllpetbn seouwd by th����d ot TNtt,tillttl.to th�payment o}�unlor dude oi fn,�t,monp�pe�i w
<br /> other Ilenhald�re,end ths balano�,�f any,to th�pa�on or ponoii�uyw y�ntil4d tMr�to.
<br /> RK(:�Hev�/9!1 N4P64PC op�:t d 0 --
<br /> .._..._..--..._. _ ._--�
<br />