<br /> -- ---------
<br /> . -�--- —.. . .
<br /> . - � . _ ----_----
<br /> � ' "°-
<br /> � (q) Or�ntor h�the rlyht�rna i�dury�utndr��d to ex�arl��nd�I�inoe���u�l�iof�iM+v�oa v�iot�vr vtn�apn�m�n whrot�m y b�hln�lnp on �� �y-•
<br /> � {hill not aonIAC1 wl0t Ih� prOvtciont of eny ttari=h,repulatlon, , ��-
<br /> i Cir�ntor at any tlm�;
<br /> 1e) No Rotion or prca�dmq Is or chNi q�p�ndlnfl ar ti�rMNn�d whkh mlpht maudallyaff�at!M Prop�rly;�tld
<br /> � (� prantw nea not vlolat�d and�h�l not v�oltt�rny�tttut�,r�puintlon,ordltsAnc�, ful�al law,oonfrRCt or mhar apn�m�nt(�noludlnp, but not
<br /> ; IImItW W�lhoie pweminp Huatdou�Maud���whluh mKjht mata�Rily�H�w th�Property or LvadYr'�nphh nr InUntt In th�Prop�Ay puiwtnl � __ _.
<br /> 10 th��a�d O�TN1L �_
<br /> 3. PNIOR p!!Da OP YAUSS.�antor r�pra�nu an�w1�:nnta tt�aOt th�n W�no ptbi d��l�of trurt a�acdinp�ny p�tt al eh�PropA�dNOS otuult .
<br /> , tanh on 6oh�duls B�ttavh�d te Ihla DNd o1 Trua,wldoh Qr�nWr a r�N to pa�Rnd p�rtorm in�1Arnl mann�r, 11 th�ra W�Iuty p �
<br /> � th�n Wamor�yrN��o pay dt unounu owW,uW p�Aam 41 oCliy�Uona nqu nd.wtd�t Woh d��d�ot tru�t Iuitl th�Indebt�dn��llwuud thu�bY _
<br /> and lorth�r•pnu that�ddault und�r�ny prior d��d ot ku�t�htll be e chN�ull undrr thl�tM�tf of Truat and eheli enthl�L�nd�r to �II rl�hu wna r _
<br /> ' nm�dlea ccniWn�d nenln cr In�h�Qh��pRUvn�tn whlah l.�ndK wtuld b��MiU�d IAtlf��v�M o1 any oth�r tl�fauh. ��, .
<br /> b
<br /> ' �. TRANS�ERS OF 7FiC PRQ�&RTY 0�1 S!NlFICW.IHTlREBTi iN GRAMOR�QII BORROWlWS. In tho�vent ol a ui�,wnv�yanc:�,Nau�, � .,.
<br /> i oonnact for dnd or a�nsf�r to�ny perwn ol�M a� Ny prt of fh�rwst propuhr cNbrlb�d In 6oh�dul�l�or�nyralbn,rlmlUG'ii�'�'�a'mPa�Y� `.r�
<br /> pp��Nmsl Inhrstt In Qo+row�r a OrantA�Q)Bo�rowrr o�Ci�aMOr ie n01�natur�f putOtl Of p�rton�but n R vorpo �h' W
<br /> partnershlp,Vuat,a otMr u�a��ntlty),LMdN AYyr�t l►�W+tlai�clara w�uutcli�dtnp princlpnl b�lwnN ot tho ODllyet�ort p�u�accru�d Int�r��t
<br /> I p,�r.on Imm�dlRt�ly due and pryabU. At Lendlr'a aquest,�3r�ntot or Oorrawer n th�o�N msY b��thlJ�fumlah a compNto 1t�t�m�nt tettlnp ,.+ti E�
<br /> � tqrth Nt a1 ita Gtuckh0lWra,m�mbv�s,or partnera,ar approprlats,nnd tt�o�Kt�rt a�thel�ouspYCtiv�ow^�nhlp Intor�al. l ,:____
<br /> ; ti. AA81�N�lNT QF AENTB. Inconnid�rRtion o1 th�Ubl�pationc,whl�h Wv Mound by thla Quw�01 Truct,Cirantor rb�dutdy au�yns to L�nd�r oll I •�„__
<br /> � Oran�or'a tstRt�,ripht,tltl�,int1nst,elelm�nd d�maMl nuw own�1 or h�+��fur waluind In all existlno wnd futur�leafei ot tt»Prop�ny pnGudinp .�.
<br /> oxt�nlfonc,ronuwalg and cubknses),nll�rramant�ta uN nnd oocupwn0y o11h�P�op�rty(�il u,�•�rcao snd wQn�m�nts whether wnhv��ar 4�+�, ;,
<br /> aro hRV�n�r ntnrad to�I�h�'Leaara�,�nd di puarent���ot I�ss�es'portormu►c�under m•Lu�a,toqnher with►h�fmm�dl�a and oontlnuinp R�s,,,`_--
<br /> ripht to cvil�Ot�n neaiw all Ot th�anta,Incem�,r�cdpte,rev�nuo�,I�sue�,profitt ind oth�r N�aom�ot�ny naturr now or h�ruft�r du�(fnclud�np y;.,
<br /> ., any Income at any dawn oominp du�durinp any r�d�nnptlon p�riod)und�r ihe I.n�O 0�trom or�risin�out of tho Prop�iiy Invtuding rn�nirreum A:�:. -
<br /> r�ntc,addiWti�l r�nts,parc�nlAp�nnte,parking or cart:mon uF�m�tintm�ncs oontrlbutlona,luc and intur�nao onnVlbuUont,dafidorrny unte. ,;i ;�,�
<br /> iiquld�t�d d�unep�e follOwinp detault in �r►y Loae�,dl proewds pay�bl� und�r my{wiby M inwrinee aovWinp(0�of r�nt� ���uKinq ftom :���__
<br /> untenantaGlliry uused by das�iuctlon or d�m�s�to t�e Propariy,�II preoeedt�y1�Dl�as o ncuit ot�Neco�'��y�rcise ot en opUon to Furet�so tr�e —
<br /> ' ptpp�rty,oll prooeodt dorfuW hom th�Urminetlon ai iejeoUon ot eny I.o�w In F b+nkruptsy or otA�r Incolvuncy proa�dinp,and dtp�uo��N fran
<br /> any dphb 1�ntl dtims ol�ny kind whlah Or�ntOr m+iy htvs ap�intt ar�y��sue undsr th�U�s or any ocCup�nt4 of the Propwiy(+II a/th�above rre
<br /> t»naft�r coll�cUwN rN�rted to R�th�"R�nt�"). Th��a��pnm�nt��nub)�d ta th�rlpht,pcw�r 1u1d�utharlty piwn t0 th�L+nd�r to ooll�ot wnd�pply
<br /> th�F1�nU�. 7hb aesi�nM�nt It►scord�d IM1 noeader�w with Ppp�iotbk ttat�Ipw;11w �aan�,:�`.I�wta��!rsi^dntrmd from Umi o�t�1rTM 6M�b�qitiy .'��•-�
<br /> � p�rtrctW,and ahott�upon th�r�oordin�ot this D�Id of Trust �il��ptov(d�d bY�PP�
<br /> 1Mn I�na d�lwtt und�r t��Wl�p�tlons ar thu Us�d cf 7as1,�nder pr�nts Gr�ma�rwooWN Ilan���oollwt�il R�nu from th�Uwt whxi
<br /> +� du��nd to uce nuoh proa�d�In 8nu+tcr'�bu��n�tt vp�rtiion►. Hawewr,i.�ndlr mty st any timf nCUli�OranMr to d�poilt�11 R�rm Nta en
<br /> �eoount msint�ln�d by(inntor or Und�r�t UndK'1 InaUtudon. Upon dMault In th�paym�M ot,a In ths p�dormano�ot,+ny oF th�0�aN�e
<br /> 6�nd•r may at Its optlo�bko pou�tNan af th�Prop�rty und hw�,hdd,m�n�p�.�Nd oD�►s������ �'�urrrH�nd Int a
<br /> thnt LRrndv d�eme prop��• Lxidet mRy proa�d to cuiNot�nd r�o�lv�all R�nb from th�prop�rty, Rnd I.�►d�r �hr{haw tull pow�I to moke
<br /> •Itxattons,renovutlont,repnirt or nplu�ments to thl Prop�rtv at Und�r may do�m proper. Lendtr msy�pply aU FMna in L�ndrr'a aol�dlwr�UOn
<br /> to paymmt af th�ObilpaQon�or to tMpa ynw►K of 1h�CWf<�f tuoh�1l�ratiofl,r�novattons,npair�u�d nplaoam�nt�n��nm+Y P���,pdo��
<br /> taMnp�nd rotainiry pouo�slon of th�Proporty perbdic+dly�nd t►»mnapurrnt�nd o ruion of 1M Prop�Ay k p - ___
<br /> p�op�rly Inwnd end mAy diseharpe any taxet,cha�p�s,daim�,�NYUm�nn�nd oth�r I�m whl�h may axrw• Th�orp�nse�nd coet d theM ,
<br /> satlonc may b�pNd irom the Renb reoelved,and any unptld�mounta�hall t»�dd�d 1cth�Pr�ncip�l of tR�Obllp�tlono. 71�ea�mount�,top�lnK
<br /> '� wlth other aostc,ah�ll becomt puR o}tha OhllpttlOM Nouted by t4i0 DYYd of Ttu�t. �_
<br /> b. LEABES AHD OTtIEq A3REalYIiNTC. Onnea chall not tRk�or(�il ta f.ak;�n���,^o teathi�Properiy In�WddilfOnrOr�ntd withou
<br /> wlthholcfiny ot�ny p�ymunt In aonn�nMon with�ny Lt��or alher aynrrn�At('l1Q ,
<br /> Lendar'�Prbr wrlttan oonsMt,chal�no� (p)coll�at any monbe peysdls und�r em A�a�m�nt mor�then a�manth In.dvma�; (Dl m��y�ny
<br /> Aprr�mont; (a�����gn Q�d��������o�urity irttenn or mhrr encumbr�AO1 M h� acud apoA t3raMor'a rlphta, tltl�Ynd InUnst h and to my �V�T
<br /> Apn�m�nt or th��mounts p�yeble th���undrr,or (�torminl�l�or cancet any/1ymm+M�xo�pt tor th�nOnptymnM o1 any sum or olh�f mRt�riat
<br /> �iz�,y�f�.fly,�s M�y ihrr�to. If t3rontor r�c�tvn at�ny tirt�any wdtNn oommun(c�tiOn�inRinp a detault Gy tir#ntor undn an Apreetn��t ot
<br /> purportlnp to termtrtri� or caneel �ny A�reemsm, (3uutlor �na�l pramptly raw�rd a oopy ui such vor������k.sian i:J'�d =nY=:.s�-'�%'�^'
<br /> oommumoatbns rel�t�ng th�nto)to Lend�r. NI ruch Apn�m�nb�nd amounie du�to Quntar Iheraundu�rv h�r�by a�lpned ro L�nd�r 1u
<br /> atiGltional0�aurltytorthe OC�ligations.
<br /> 7. COLlECT10N OF INDESTEDNE55 FROM TtIIRD PI1H7Y� Unnnr shnil be entltled�c+ notNy or rQqulre Gr�ntor q noUty �ny thlyd puty
<br /> p�Cluding,but nvl limit�d to,lasaeua,lioen6oe�,governmantal 1�uthnritl�a and Insuirncv Companl�s)to p�Y Lvnder�ny ind�bt�dn�se ar oUYQalan
<br /> owing to drarrtor with respnct to th�Prop�ny(cumW�tiwly"�nd�ntedness")wnelh�r ol not+�Uotautt�xivte unda thli D�ed of Truart, drwnWt�hwll
<br /> diiipantly cvllect the�nd�btednet�ow�ng to Gir�ntortrom tn�p th�rd panle��until fhr givinp ot cuoh not�tlo�UOn. In tM�v�nt Ihat Orantor pa�feee�s
<br /> or r�wiv�a possesslon ot any Instrum�nt�or c�h�r i�mltWice�vrith hip�et to tAe Ind�bi�dnN�t011owinp the pivi�o of wOh notifio�uon or ff th�
<br /> inatrumrnt�or other r�mlttKno�s conntltute tM pr�paym�nt oi any ind�bl�di����o�11a WYrt►ani cf tny Insunna or cond�mnatlon proawd�, `,
<br /> (irantor rhali hald woh Inatru�nenw and oth�f r�mktances In tr�st tor I,�nd�r �put frum fl�otltw prop�rty,endors�th�imtrum� �nd ahn► n--
<br /> - remlttenc��W L�nder,and imnNdlu�ly provid�lend�r with posaaasbn of the In�Uum�ntr and olhw nm�tt�no��. I.md�r sh�li bs en6tl�d,6ut not „
<br /> nquind,to ooil�at 1bv I��1 prow�ding or oth�rwla�),�xt�nd th�tlnw�or p�ymmt,aompromi��,�xoh+np�or rei�au xny obNpor or coll�hral,or
<br /> ethawis�Nttl�sny oi the Ind�bt�dn���whether or r.ot an w�nt of d�fauR ext�ta und�r thN AQ�+���t• Lenda ef►vl not b�Iiahi�to Gr�morio�eny �._.�
<br /> wdon,�rror,misbk�,omisalon or deley peR�fning w th�scttona d�tcrlWd In thla parepreph or�ny dpmap�c nsultlnp thxMtran, tVolwftMundlnp
<br /> thefonqofnp,nrnhlnp haetneheli eauae Londarto a de�d�mortpape�an•ryolNHlon• �'�'"'�`°
<br /> �,a�r�nrar�
<br /> �, ugp AND MAINTENANCE OR PAaPlRTY. Or�nbor ahail t�ke vl aatlon�Ird m�k�any nptirs noodod to maintain M�Ptoperty In ood T���
<br /> 9 �:��:��
<br /> condttion. Ot�ntnr shall�ot oommlt a p�rtnit rny w�sN to b�commlK�d wlth r��p�ot W Ih� Propwny. Ciruitw�haN uw tM Proprrty tcl�Y�n ._,_
<br /> eompllanoa w�it�:pESI(aabl�I�w and InnuMnC�pelle�+• C�rantor ahaU not rn�kw any dteratlon,addltiont Or Improwm�nts to the Pr without "�;;;..
<br /> Lender's ptiu wrltt�n cons�nt. WithOut Ilmltlnp the ioroyotny,�p alnrallons,addiuone and knprowm�nu rnade to tn�Mrop�rty�h�li r wbJ�a lo �: ��
<br /> th�b�ntflciai int�r«t twlonpinp to tand�r, �hall not d� ramovQd wHhout landu's pAor writt�n oonunt, and sh�ll W made at Oranttr's at� - __
<br /> exp�na. :."-
<br /> 9- LQS.4 OR DAMAOR'. Orantor shall beu th�M1tin risk of any oae,thett,d�Hruotlnn or d�msye(aumulktle9ly'IAw or Dm'iap�")to 1h�Propnty -�� .. °
<br /> or�ny portbn thereot trom my caasr whateoev�r.In th�ewrtt et any Loss or Damay�,Ortntnr chail,at the option ot Und�r,re p�k th��it�aud ��'�';`�,>=�
<br /> � Properiy 10 tte peNlous oondiGon or pMy or cius�to 6e p�ld to lvndvr the ducr��in the talr markvt value of iht Atf�cl�d Proparty. '�!�^��
<br /> • _ �,�;.
<br /> 10. INSURANCE The Prop�Ry will b�kept insui�d tor it#lufl In:u�bls vnl��(��pl�arnNtt eo�t)apafnst ali hszards Includ(ng IoN or dam�p� , .,.:;,��
<br /> eaus�d by flood,d�nhquak•,tornsdo entl tlr�, �IIR Ot 01�10t 0•19U8I�r l0 UIO 11(��nt nquind Cy l.ender. Onntor mdy obtun Inauranoe cx�the �y'�.V:+-
<br /> Prop�ny trom such camp�nk� a�arr accoptabt�Io L�nd�r�n I[s sole dlacratfou. 1"he ineur�noe pollel�s shall roqulr�th�imur�na aompany sn .., ,�;.
<br /> 'j providt Lend�r w1s,�+t least day�'wriHen noUa beton ouch polldu aie a{t�red v�oanoNl�d in any m�nn�r. Th�Insm�na pollc�ra . ,'h,.:
<br /> � 4h���nam�Lender as a Iooa PaY��a providu that no 1�ct or nmisclan of C3rentai or any oih�t p�rton oh�tl aM�ot tlw ri0ht ot Lend�r l0 b�pAid Iho �, ,
<br /> insurpno0 preoe�ds perinining to th�IoSG or darn pe d tha prop�rty. In th� �wnt Grantor fdle to acquira or malntnln Incu�arK.v,Lentltr (atter
<br /> i provldlnp notice ae may bo rpulred bY law)mRy In Itz dlwntlon prooure apDfOprl�tM inuuana cowrrge upon the Prvputy uxJ th�Int.�unoo ooct
<br /> shali U�u+advxncu pRy►h9��nd b�9ring inter�st N dNOfib�d In Pttaprnph 23 and s�oufW h�npy, Qrantor chall turnlsh lantl�r wilh�vld�no�oi
<br /> Insurnnco indlostinp th�rsqulred covorMg�. landW may aot ea ettorntyInaRat for C;ranto►In m�kinp ar►d settlino cliim�undK Ih�uano�polia�s, ,
<br /> canceUlnp any pWlay or andacinp Gnntor's n�m�on tny dtari cv n��otlabb fn�tNment dnwn by any insurer. A11 such Inauranoe paGcle�xhall bs
<br /> Imm�dl�tNy uslgnad,p►rdg�d�nd ddl+nnd to l�ndet a�fuRh�r��oudty lor th�C7���0+►t�ony. k�tt�s�rvnt Of IOtt,Ol�rltor chall imm�d�t�Iy plw
<br /> L�nder writlen nottw And Lend�r Is authorizW to m�ko proaf ot los�. Each InwranC�OompBny it dinoted to mak�p�yrranM ditacthr to l.and�r
<br /> Inatead 0!to l.ondet and Qranto�. l.�nd�t shall havo th�ripht,I�t Nt oole optlon,to opply cuoh mCnWf�1oweUd th�ObII�AUan�or towvd ffi�co�e of
<br /> [ebulldinp and restarinp the P�operty. My amou nesm�yat Lenprr's aptton W sippll�d In tM inv�n�adar ot the du�dr de thono�.
<br /> 1 i, 20NINp AND PRIYATE COV£NANTS. O�anto�shell not initiat�or conelnt�o any chang�In tha zoning previsfone or priv�te covenuitt�Hec�lnp
<br /> the uve ot the Property vrlthout LontlorY prio�wrin�n consent. �f Cirantor'�ua�ol t>i�Property lwaomas a nonconforminp use under any xoninp
<br /> i provi�lon,Grantor dhall net eause or parmlt cuch u4o to M dieaantinwd a abmdaned without thA pri0r wrftt�tt COflt�nt 0�Llfldir. Gr�ntor will
<br /> Immedlately provipd L�nd�r with writl�n nodC�ot�ny propas�d chanpes fo tl�e loninp provisi0na or prtvat0 eorenant�a11�:tlnp ths Properry. (
<br /> 12 GONDEMNATIOH. Grontor¢h�tl Immedletely proNda I.�ndor wIM wrkun notlee of nny satual or thntat�nod aondomnati0�ot�min�nt domAin
<br /> � proc��dinq penelnlnp to the Prop�rty. All monlea pdyable to(3iantor hom�uah cond�mrlo�don ot takinp are hereby�salpned to L�ndu�nd ehsll b� ,
<br /> • oppll�d 11rst to the payment ol Lander's etlomeys' teoa, legal expMOa a�nd other oosts pncludlnp npptntsal taee) In connlcdOn with Wi ,
<br /> rnndemnaUon ar emincnt domafn p�ocbedinps an0�hen,at tha opilon ot Lender,to th�paYm�nt ot th�Ob�lgatlona ar the rastoraUon oi rapalr ol the
<br /> ProPerry• _.. �� '
<br /> 13. LHNDER'S RICiMT TO GpMMENGt UFt UttCMU iGtlAl.AC:tiVrio. Vraniot riuii itnmouinioiy j�wrnio i.oiwci wiu�:iin�iu t�vuw v..������.�
<br /> vr threAtenod neden,suit,or other proci6dlnfl aN4ainq the Propxtty. Grantor t�c�eby appointn Lvnder ae its sttorrteyin-toct te commmce,Interv�n�
<br /> In,nnd�etond euch�a�ons,sults,or oth�r I�yel prnCO�dingl Rnd to campromiu of atll�any olvm or cuntrovetsy pertaining 1hor�to. �.andor ahalf ,
<br /> nnt be Il�ble ta L3rantur(or any aation, �rrer, mistake,omissJon a��Nlpy pertdninp t0 the ACtiont describ�d Ir�thls parapr�ph or any darnapns
<br /> resWting theretrom. NoWtng c4nuined hereln wiN pievent Londer 1rom 11�kinp th�aadon�d�ac�ib�d In thls pangrsph In Ifa own nnrne.
<br />' �a. INDEMNIFICATION. Lencler ehdi not assum�or be respons�biu for the perlormanco ol any ot(irantor'a obllg�tlona whh resp�elto th�Propetry �
<br /> undor any circumstances. (irRnro� uhull immedimly provld�lender with writlen nolloe of and Inclamndy and hold Lende�Md d!shetettoldor8,
<br /> dlrectas,oflicaro, vmplOyAOS and ad�nts harmless ioim aIl clafnt9,dwmapos,li�bilitiis (ncludinp attornsys'l�es�tntl I�prl expen;�s),cnusea of I
<br /> actlon,uations,�uite and Olnor lugxl pror.00d�nps�cumulalNely'Glaims')pertudng to tttt f��ap�rty (inclu.,mp, hut not IlmNrd to,lhose invnlvl�p
<br /> I lusurdoun Materlalt. Grantor,uPon 1h�ro u�pt of I.ondn,chall hltu leyul oounwl tv qularnl Lvndor;rum cuoh C�almc,antl p�y tM tttornnys'luex,
<br /> lepal eKpensae end ouxr coate Inournd In cnnnactton th�nwutth. In th� �Itsm�tl��,L.nd■r sh,�n be entltlad to vmpioy it�own t�gwf oounn� to
<br /> d�f�nd tuah ptlma et Grentor'o onst. Cironto�'�obllpaUon to Indemn�fy 1..vnda und�r tni� p�nqraph �t+�i survive tho tami�aVun,�a�e�eo vr
<br /> lorecloeuro o�thi��e�d of Tru st.
<br />' A�LC;ter!;°`-;NEC`EN �aQt 2 uf 0
<br /> .
<br /> — _ ___ _
<br />