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<br /> 12. As nddiiinnnl Eecurity i�orrower dots hercby assipn,transfcr and sct over to l.cndcr,in cosc nf dcfault in ihc pedortnnnce of any of the tcmu or con iuons
<br /> � n(this;fn�st I)ecd,the nola��r thc Icrtns of nny inJchtcJncss securcd hercby,nll of thc rcnts,rcvcnua nnd nny incomes of uny typc whn�RUCVCr to hc dcrivcd from �-�.-
<br /> . ����p�„prhy,including trmd cnntncl paymcntq. 1•ciidcr,in person,6y ngcnt m hy rcccivcr,without rcganl to thc Falvcncy or insolvcncy��f thc Rorruwcr or Ihc�ru�
<br /> y , nl Ihc pm pert y,shall hc cnliticd In Inkc posscssiun n(,rcpav,rcnt and mana�c thc pw�niry�nd io collcct thc rcna,rcvraucc nnJ inrnmc Iherc(ro�ii nnd i�ma �
<br /> uut nf 4aid incumc nll cxpcnccc nf rcpair ind cnsls incurted in rcnting nnd managing thc pmperty nn d cn llcctin g,rcnlals nnd fitt p�y�ncnl of insur.mcc prcmiumv wiih � �,t.y
<br /> ' ' 8P•Y ' '
<br /> any rcnmining h;dancc io hc applicd 1��thc laat mmwin � mcnt 111 renls��hry i cnrca nJrpndi�s'nc�nu�i�tt�tl crrat1rr�accn�mG tunlhc'I'cn cr uni I funhcr iud ce frnm
<br /> icnanl or a,Nroct purrhnscr of ihc prnperty.xuch pcicun shall pay•
<br /> - ihc l.cndcc
<br /> �3. I(nli nr nny part uf thc propcdy or any interesl thcrcin is dccdcd,cnld hy Innd comiact or olhcnvisc ronvcyrA,nlicnntcd or furthcr cncwnhcrcd cithcr
<br /> �•uluntnrily nr mvolunlatily wilhnut I.cndcr's prior wriUen cunscnl,nr if Ihc I ruslnr ic n cnmom�ion and thcrc is n ch�ngc in owncrship n(50".'o ur more nl'Ihc
<br /> cnrpnmtinn's slnck nr if�hc�f'n�1coant m(h)Ihe gront�dany Ic�schc,�ld iucrc t nmm m nini�igrnn opti�nu'In purch:isc with n Ic sc tcr n'af t�vu yc rs urrles�<u'r't thc
<br /> af Inw��prni ihc dcath nl n� .
<br /> ; •�' erealian of n purehnse money seeurity imercst m hnusehnlJ npplieuces,�hcn l.ender may.at its nptian,Jeelvve nll cums Freurcd hy lhis I�rust I)eed to he immedinlely _
<br /> `' duc nnd paynblc. In ihc cvcm thc I.cndcr cnnscn�s to nny euch changc in owncrship.C��tlItOI Pf dI550IUUOtl Oi lfiltl5�!(���8II l�i 8�1y r��1 P�II1C�1f�1�)Clly,ihcn Lcndcr
<br /> �,rriqr�'!' � may al iis oplion ndjust�he inlcresl ntc to thc qrcvniling n10 of inicrcst Ihat is churgcd an nca�sccured lonns utlhc types sccurcd hy Ihis 1'rust Uced at ihc Iinu of Ihc
<br /> ..q�waaxrfY� changc in mvncrship,cnntml,dissoluuon nr fnnsfcr nnd may nlso chargc a innsfcr fcc. 4��^''
<br /> • 14. Upon Hurtowcr's hrcach o(any covcnant or ogrcemcnt of liorrowcr in Ihis Trust I)ccd,including Ihc covcnnm�i�p�Y When duc uny sums sccurcd by Ihis �F�
<br /> Trust pecd,�.ender nt its optiom m�y declare oll o(the sums sccurcd hy this"frust Deed to be immediolely due und payahle wiihout fuither demund and mny invnkc
<br /> �';_'
<br /> thc pa��cr of Salc andlor�ny oihcr rcmedics pcnniucd by applicnbic Inw including thc right to foreclosc this TNSt Ikcd in�hs manncr pm�•idcd by la�for thc �•.—
<br /> foreelosure of mongages on rcal eslate. Lender sholl be rntiUeJ to col!ec�nll rcasonable costs and expenses incurred in pursuin cuch remedies includin ,hut nn1 � ��:
<br />' • limitcd to,and to Ihc cz�cnt pe�miltcd by law,rcasonablc ettomeys'(ccs. ��_;
<br /> `' crt or somc urt�hercof is locntcd and pmvidc noticc thcrcof F.
<br /> .. If thc pawcr of xale is im�akcd,I'rustce shnll rccord a notice of defeult in cach county in which the pmp Y � _
<br /> ,. ,; ' in thr manncr prc+cribcd by applicnblc law. At[cr ihc lapsc of such umc ns may bc required by npplicabic law,I NSICO SF1II$���C(�UIIIIC OOIICC OP 58IC 10 II18�CK6I15 --
<br /> #- nnd in thc mannor prescribcd by npplicnble law. "irustcc,or tht anomcy for thc'frustcc,withnut dcmand on Barmwer.shall scll thc property at public auction to thc
<br /> ��", highesi hiddei at�he time and place and under the tem�dcubl c tn n uneemeot at he tune und pince�f�ny previ�u ly scheduled saleNl`enJer�r�l.en(�4�5(IC516'Ol'C
<br /> may post�nc snlr n(nll nr nny parccl nf thc property y p �
<br /> mny purchasc thc property a�any salc. _ _
<br /> • �• Upon rcceipt of paymcnt of the pncc bid,l�rustce shall deliver to thc purchas�c c th rci�nc 1'rustce sha I apply tl c procceds of U�e sa�r�n thc falluw ig�rder�ln)'t i`all
<br /> T'rvstce's Decd xhall be prima facic evidence uf the trusl of the s�mements m d
<br /> �� reasonnblc cncts and expenscs o(thc salc,including,bui not limitcd to.Trustee's fces o(not more Ihnn Fivc f lundrcd and Nn/100(5500.001 plus I/2 nf I%of thc �
<br />- �d� ntnount setu�ed hercby nnd remaining unpnid,und costs of title evidence;b)to nll sums securcd by this Tmst Uecd;nnd c)Ihe excess,if nny,to the person or persons
<br />_. Icgnlly cnlided thcrclo. `
<br /> �5, Any forbcarance by l.ender in excrcising any right ar rcmcdy hcrcunder,or othenvise affordcd by opplicablc law.shall not bc a waivcr o(or preclude thc
<br /> "' cxercise of ony such right or rcmcdy in thc evcnt of conlinuing or future brcachcs by the f3orrowcr. _
<br />` ' I 6. All rcmedics provided in this 1'rust Decd nrc distinct and cumulative to nny other right or remedy under Ihis Trust Decd or afforded by Inw or equity,and
<br /> ' • may be exercised concurtently,independently or successivcly. If Dortuwer has given Lender a chattel mortgage, or sccurity agrciment on personol property as
<br /> °- '""--- � uduiiiouai sc.a::p•`�::�=L"!`!`-"-"'�"''�hrmhy. In the cvcnt o(dcfnult hcrcundcr or thcrcundcr,Lcnder shnll havc thc right and optionKa rF,�ti,erco nl ropcnv
<br />_ � persanal property aithout prcjudice to its right to thcrcaflcr sell or forcclosc thc property or to pursue aii sccuriiy ut ii������:��"��'^r�•-��-
<br /> afler thc salc or fomclosure of Ihc property.
<br /> �7, Upon payment of all sums secured by this Tnrst�ecd,l�ender shall rcquest Trustee to rcconvey lhe property and shall surrcnder this T�ust Deed nnd all
<br />- noles evidencing indebtedness secured by lhis"frust Iked to Trustee. T�ustee shall rccunvcy thc property��ithout wartanty to the(�nun or persons legully entilled
<br />_ thercto. Such person nr persons shnll pay all eosts of recordation,i(�ny.
<br /> 1 g. Lcndcr,at Lcndcr's option,may from time io timc rcmove Tru+tce and appoint a succcssor Irustcc to any Tmstcc uppointed hcrtundcr by on instrumcnt
<br /> mcorded in the county in which this Trust Dccd is rccorded. Without con�cyancc o(thc property,the successor trustce shall succecd to all title,power nnd dwics
<br /> . confcrred upon thc Trustcc hcrcin:md by�pplicablc la��.
<br /> [ Y �g, F:xccpt for any noticcs,demaads,requests or uther communications rcquircd under npplicable Io���o be given in nnotlur manner,whenever L.ender,
<br /> ,� Rorro�ver or'Prustec gives or scrves ony notice(including,without limitation,notice of default nnd notice af sale),demands,rcquests or other communlcaUon�vith
<br /> " ' ' ' rcspect to this Tnrst Deed,cach such nolice,demand,requcst or other communication shnll be in writing and shnll be effective only if the same is dclivercd by
<br /> ' personal servicc or mailed by certified mail,postagc prcpaid,rctum rcceipt rcques�cd,eddrcssed tu thc address as set fonh at the bcginning of this Trust bced.
<br /> 20. The covennnis and agreements herein eanlained shall bind,und the rights hereunder shall inurc,to me mspec�ive i�ci��.�Cpresentatives,successors and —
<br /> assibms of ihc partics. All covcnnnts and agrcemcnts of E3orrowcr shall bc joint nnd scvcml. Whenevcr rcfcrcncc is made to the singulan c�rcundcr,it shall include
<br /> thc plumi nnd thc plural shall include thc singulnr.
<br /> � 21. The 1'rustor ccAifics�hat it has excrcised duc diligence to nsccrtain whe�her the,premises or any site��ithin the vicinity of the prcmises is or has been
<br />� aficeted by thc prescncc uf asbestos.radon,Iead,hmardous or nucicar wnslc,loxic substnnces,or ather pollumnts or haznrdous wnstes or mateiinls thot could be a
<br /> -� detriment to the prcmises or its vnluc and will provide beneficinry��ith writtcn summary of nll such mn�eriols(ound nnd the disposition thercof. 7rastor furtficr
<br /> cenifSes Ihut it hos exerciscd due diligence to asccnnin whether the prcmises or nny opemtion thercon violntes nny locnl,stnte or fedeml laws,rcgulations or
<br /> • slandards.
<br /> 2�.�, Tnislor,i1s succcssors and assigns and Truslor's guanntors agrcc to dcf'cnd,indemnify and hold hotmless Bcncficinry,its dircctors,ofticca,cmployccs,
<br /> ogents,contmctors,sub-contraciors,licensecs,in�itecs,successors ond assigns(colleclively rcferrcd to in thix Par�grnPh 2I.I as"I.ender'),fron�nnd a�ainat any nnd
<br />— all clnims,demnnds,judgmcnts,dumagcs,actions,causes of nction,injuries,ndministrntive orclers,conscnt agrccmcnl ond orcicrs,linbilitiex,pcnaltics,costs,and
<br /> expenscs of nny kind�vhatcoever,including claims arising out of luss o(lik,injury to persons,property.�r business or dumnge to nntunl resources in conncction
<br /> with activitics oF1'rustor,its prcdccessors in m�ercst,ihird partics�vho have trcspnsscd on ihc prcmises,ur pnrlics in n contmcwal relationship with'T'rustor,nr eny o(
<br /> thcm.«•hcthcr or nnt occnsioncd wholly or in pan by�ny condi�ion,acciJcnt nr cvcm causeJ hy nny nct or omissian o(I.cndcr,which:
<br /> ��) Arises out of the ncmal,alleged or threatcned discharge,dispersal,rcicase,stor.+ge,trcalment,gcneration,disposal��r escape of pollutants or other toxic or _
<br /> ha�ardous substanccc,including iny solid,liquid,gascous or Ihcmial irti�ant or con�aminant,incluJing xmakc, vapor, suu1,fumcs,�cids,alkalis,chcmicals and
<br /> ����s�cs(includiug ma�crials�o hc rccycicd,reconditiaucd or rcclaimcdY,or
<br /> � (h) Aclually nr:+Ilcgcdly:IfISCS U111 OI (I1C UY�cpailic:tlion,or in�lu<iun ul nny pruJuct.malcri:d��r pn,resc contafntng chcmicJa.Ihc I;�ilu�c to Jdcct Ihc
<br /> I existenee or pmpohion of chemicals in Ihe soil,air,surfuce wa�er or ground�vater,or Ihe perfommnce�r failurc Io ped'orm�he abatemenl of any pollulion source or
<br /> _ � �hc rcplaccmcnt ur rcmoval of nny soil,wa�cr,surfacc��atcr,or�roundwatcr conlaining chcmicals. _
<br /> 212 1"hc rrustor,its succcssors and acsignx,shall bcar,pay aud Jisch,r���vhcn�n�I�h�hi I�n irhC nnlc.ss I'or�sc juJgmcros or el•rims iUd�hnll`assume'thc
<br /> _ . .__ . � for damu�cs,pcnaltics or uthcnaise agams�i.cndcr uc>���t�������'e�f.•.r.._...._..:_.._ F
<br /> I burdcn nnd czpcnsc uf dcf.nJing all 5UII5� :iJmimainti�•c procccJingc,and ncr�Niations of any d¢srriplion wiW any and�II percpns,poliucal subdw�sionc ur
<br /> gm•cmmcnt aFcncics ariamg out uf any u(i�ic occuircnccs sct fnrth in Para�mph 21.L '
<br /> ` i IN R'I INI�SS 1VI11•Rl�cll.Rorru��crl�ac�xcrulcd�hic l nist Uccd. / _— - - - - — �
<br /> Melvin Legg
<br /> ; � Jacquelyn A. Legg
<br /> � ACKNCnI'1.1•IX��11:N(S
<br /> i
<br /> � NEBRASKA �t��r,�� ,.�������;;1:r�,,:•.�:,�,�r.��.,,,.�,.,���.lhrt�m•�„��i��� k�a,�„r ,De�e�.�.�._,i4 �7
<br /> - � si,�ii ut - -. ._. . _ ivin Leg�and_J�qusl�n.A�Legg, hlisbandand_wife. �
<br /> c c,�,,,i�•„i PO LK j��ERAL NOi1RT-State ot Nebrast�a ��T l �����
<br /> - i 4,j KAREN J.BUGBEE .-. --- . - "pj,T,��,�.l'uhhc�
<br /> � ��y My('pmm.Exp.lunc 27.2000
<br /> ,I
<br /> +, --i- _ __
<br /> _ . __ _.___ _
<br />