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`� . ,._ <br /> �_ ., � .n _ <br /> --.. ... _ ._ <br /> . .�,.., _ <br /> ----_.----------- - -- - --�- - - -- - --- �--�--�-- - <br /> ..�, .. _. . - -- - . �� - <br /> _. _ <br /> �� <br /> nM" ^ ���,rNny M'.t.+W�N+r��r'LV:,,ip,�Wr-wi9�.ss....+�..�---- <br /> Ris�W� <br /> Va+qtliMllill�� �- � -� � ... ^.—� `�°�� <br /> rmv..>.. <br /> � CONSTRUCI'1t7N SECURITY AGREFMENT'fRUS7'UFEI� �_,__ <br /> .. .. - <br />-' • MQlvin Le�.�--�and Jacquel n A._ �,__._ <br /> • � , . •��I•HtS'�'RUtiI'DGC•Diem�dclhisethawY��r_December �hcr¢in"Homnwcrx)Wwl,osenulinROddretiaiv u�6�KeC7YlL9�����..__ 1-B.IIS� __-- <br /> , . Legg,, husbend ancT�`wife .._� —� _ ,(hcrc�n"Irustcc'),and thc I3cncfici�q• <br /> . --- .. :�:- <br /> � Slalt� 6@8Q3_- --•ond._S_ �1 sb -ank ---- - '- <br /> �y �_ {� a�Veb e$�a ba�p _ng.aS�o.L�_ o - ----�— ------- �' <br /> .. tr0mg ur9 sa •. � �6�6_��_ _ - -'�hcrcin"I cndcr"1 <br /> uhi�ycmmling:�aar�ss�s_�D�Q_East �1r��f.-roe.� 5froms UI'g1._.. <br /> liorrmvcr,in rnnsidcnii�m uf ihc indcbtcJncsv hcrcm ircitcd nnJ ttic"I rusi hcrcm crca�ed,irrevocnbly S a c of��C��NB�ra ska���n tnisi,widi Ihc I'�1Wl�It��f • <br /> ' SA,ihc fnlluwin�;d¢5crilud propctly loctucd In thc Counly nf_ H8I I__.-. - ---- <br /> sse attached Exhibit"A" <br /> . v,`��� ' <br /> .,�' . �;_ <br /> �:... <br /> � '' �lhat secures xn obligation Ohe"Nole"descrihed hclmv)which ihe Borrower incurred for the purpose o making an improvement in snid property,and constitutcs a �- <br /> �; r"canstNCtinn sccuri�y intcresi',as dcfincd in Ihc Ncbraskn C:onsiruction l.ien Act,in said property. �,,, <br /> Y: �Togcthcr with all buildings,fixturc9 nnd improvcmcnts now on c�:reafler crcctcd thcreon and nIl rights-c�f•w�y,cacemcnis,rcnts,ixsues,pmfits,incamc,tencmenis, ` <br /> hereditaments,privileges,nppurtennnces,roynitias,And mineral,oil,gas and wnter rights thercunto belonging,used or enjoycd with said land or any part thereof,und <br /> " tf the hnmeslead or marital intcrcsts,if any,which intcrests nrc hcrcby rcicased and waiv°e n� tIo ciher'�v th snid property a e hcrcin refcrtcd ta:�s thc t Propcny dcemcd -_ <br /> �,' to bc and rcmain n part of thc propcny covcrcd by this Tnist Uecd,and all o(thc forcg S E _- <br /> "(o ucurc tn LenJer�he repaymem of inde6tedness evidenced by i3ortnwer's norc dated DeePmber 8 , 19 9T iogether with any and oll rcnewals, <br /> mudificatiuns,and extcnsions thcrcof and substitution or czchangcs thcrcfor,(hcrein"Notc") in thc principal sum of S�J OOO.�� ,u�gcthcr�vi�h <br /> • ��, intercst at thc�ate provided thercin,with a final ma�urity,if not sooner paid,o(�,U�]e � q�-•and as securiry(or any fuwrc advnnces th�t may be <br /> ' madc by Lcndcr to l3orrower t'rom tiiue to Umc and as security for�hc payment of any and alI othcr indcb�edncss of the[iorrov:cr to thc l.ender��hich may arise,all c <br /> of said sums noi to ezceed in�he aggre8ate a sum equal ro three�imes the originnl prineipal amount of the above recited Note. <br /> E3onnn•cr covcnnnts thut Bonrnvcr is lawfully scizcd of thc propeny hercby conveycd and has�he right to gr�n�ad convcy thc pmperty,that thcn TfavorY o( <br /> � unencumbercd by any mortgagc, uvst decd, contract to purehase, or othenvise, cxcept for a � y����cr m�cnants lo comply <br /> . • • on which ihc unpaid halance on this dntc das not azcced S_ n/a <br /> with�II the terms and provisions of any prior mortgage,trust dced or canimct to purchase,upon Ihe pmpeity and to make all payments thenon befarc thcy become <br /> dclinquenL If no namc or amount is insrrtcd in this pnngraph,thcn Bort�wcr covcnants lhat thcre arc no prior licns ot any kind upnn thc pmperty. florroacr furthcr <br /> covenants to warrant nnd dcfcnd the titic to the pmperty�SQ�nst all claims and demends. <br />- Horrowcr and Icndcr furthcr covcnunt nnd agrce ax follows: <br /> , � . �, Horc�wcr shall pmmptly pay�vhen duc thc principal nnd intercst on�hc indcbtedness cvidcnccd by thc Notc. <br /> " 2. At Ienst ten days betore ibey uecome uoi�uy�e��i,Ga�ro::::s!:=�1 F°;^-!I��xrc end snecial assessments levied or assessed agninst the pmpeny,or any part <br /> therwf.and all taxcs,Icvics und asscssmcnls levicd upon Ihis Trust Uccd or the dcbt which it sccurcs. <br /> 3, Bartower shall keep the itnptovemenls nnd buildings,if any,upon the pmpeny insured, with a company or companies approved by the Lender,for an <br />- • � � amount not les�than ihc unpaid balancc on Ihc indebtedncss securcd by ihis Trust lked with a standard mongagc clausc with loss paynblc to thc L.endcr. Borrower <br /> shall dclivcr said po�icy or policics to ihc Lcndcr. <br />�• <br /> In thc evcnt af n loss,Bortower shall givc pmmpt noticc to thc insurance camer and thc Lendcr and tilc n proof of loss. If the Borrower is not othcnvise in dcfault, <br /> '� ' ' . the Rorrower may elcct to apply the insuranee procccds to rcpnir or rcplacc thc damagcd pmperiy,if economicully feasiblc,and thc sccurity of ihis'17us1 Deed would <br />-� � , not he impaired. If the Rorrower is in defaul�or elects not ta repair or rcpiace the dmm�ged propeny or rcpair or rcpincem�nents dua on he No em'If fthef insumnce <br /> � the security af this'I'rust I)eed uould be impaired then the insuronce pmceeds shall be applieJ�o the last muturing p•Y <br />' pmceed+arc in cxtess of�he totul amount due on seid No�c,Ihe exce�s shall 6c paid to lhe Dorrower. Insumnce procceds for rcpair ur rcplacement ehall be placed in <br /> escrow with the I.ender nnd distributed by l.ender during or upon tompletion of such rcpoir ur replacement. If the Lender ecquircs title tn tlic property by exercising <br />-- , _ , , .• i its power of sale,�OMCIOSUR Of OIIICM'ISC,in satisfaction of the indebtedness securcd hercby,in whole or in part,then oIl right,tide nnd Intcrcst of the Harrow,r in <br /> _.,, , nnd lo such insumnce policy or pulicics shall poss Iu thc Lcndcr. <br /> W .r <br /> c • . 4. f�or the purpose of providing n fund for thc payment oi taxes,spccial asscssmcros and insurnnee prcmiums. Iiortowcr shnll dcposit with Lcnder,on the <br /> datcs that paymems nrc due on thc Notc,nn amount cqunl to the laxcs,assessments nnd insurancc pmmiums next duc(all as est:mnlcd by thc Lendcr,less nmounts <br /> ol;r�dy depositcd thcrcfor)dividcd by thc numbcr ol'p�ymcnts on thc Note that will bccomc due prior to the datc when s��ch taxcs,osscssmcnts nnd insurence <br />_ . prcmiums will bttomc duc and pnynblc. S�id(unds will bc hcld by thc l.cnder in�non-interest bcaring cscrow account(or thc puc1wscs set fortli nbovc. If thc <br /> _ ' omounts of thcse deposits arc not suflicient lo pay laxes,assessmcros and insunnce prcmiums as they become due,then Fiorrower shall upon rcqutst,pay Lender the <br /> . nmount ncccssary lo make up thc dcTicicncy. <br /> �'�t' S. Unless applicoblc law pmvidcs othcnvisc,alI paymcnts rcccived by l�ndcr undcr thc Note and paragraphs I nnd 4 hcrcof shall bc applicd by I.cndcr first <br />� �� in payment of amounts payablt to I.cndcr by{lortower under parograph 4 hcrcof,thcn to intcrcst payablc on thc Note,thcn io thc principal of the Notc,nnd thcn w <br />_ fi inumst and principal on any funhcr advances or oihcr indcbtcdncss securcd hcrehy. <br />' 6. Hnrrowcr chall kccp thc pmperty in good npair nnd shall not commit wastc or pertnit impairtnent or dctcrior.ntion ol thc I'ropcny. <br /> 7. It 13ortowcr fails ta:a)maintain or pny thc prcmiums for thc rcquircd insurnncc of the propcAy,or b)pay tazcs bcforc dclinqucnt,or c)pay nny amount <br /> due under n prior morlgage or trud deed hefore dclinyuent,ur d)mainlain the property in gcxid rcp�ir,or e�perform nny of t6e ro�cnanu or agmementx of this 1'rust <br /> ' I)ccd,�hcn I.cndcr may N its op�ion pnY such insutnncc prcmiums,taxes,mortgagc or wst dccd paymcnts,or makc rcpairs und dishuac such sums nnd tnkc such <br /> action as i�dcems neccssary to protcc�its mtcres�without waiving or affccling its nght to dcclarc a dcfault and accclemte the dcbt secureJ herehy bccnuse of any <br />- such failurc of the 19orro�cer. Any amounls so Jisbursed hy ihe Lender shnll constitute additional indeb�edness o(Borm��er secured by lhis 1'nist Iked and shnll bear - <br /> iNCirst from the Jate of disbursemenl at the r.�te paya6le under the Noie. Nuthing comained in this pamgr,iph shall rcquirc Lender�o make any such disbursemems <br /> _ Q <br />, nr iakc any attion�vhmsocvec � <br /> H. I cndcr may m�kc ar caa<c tn hc madc rca�on:�hlc cntrica u�xm thc in•��.r„��<<�i�i,�r«•p��>• <br /> 9. I hc prtxccdc of any a�y:ml��r claim fnr dama�gcS,direct or cunscyucntial,in conncc�ion��ith uny conJcmnntion or othcr taking of the pruperty,or pnrt = <br /> thercof,or lor convcyancc in licu of ennJcmnaiion,are hc�rby assiQ�,cd and shall hc paiJ�o Lcndcr ro thc cxtcnl of Ihc full amount of thc rcmaining unpaid <br /> inJcNtcdnc>s srcmrd hy this I'mst Uccd. _ <br /> . . ..- . .__�.__.. _......i.,.�..��ip p rini�n for dmnaecs. <br /> i I(thc pmperty ic ahandonod hy Rom���cr,or ff,o(tcr nulicc by I.CnJcr to Hurtmvcr Inm tnc conacm�w� ���a���•����•••�• �..-.- _.---.- : <br /> {inmarrr I'aik tn respond tu I.endcr within 30 Jays n�1cr the datc such nnlite is mailcd,Lender is.mihorved io collect anJ�pply�he pmceeds�o the�ums securcd hy � <br /> . I 1I115 I IUSI I)CCI� I <br /> � I <br /> ('onckmnauun�mceeJ�nr awarJs�hall hc creJileJ tu Uic lasl ma�u��'�R�nsiallments of�he indchirdness cecurcJ and shall nr t exlend or pos�pone�he Jue dnle nf the i <br /> , ' inatallmcros rcfcrrcd ln in p�mFr,tpha I and 4 hcrcn(or chanFc dic:+i»nunt nf siich insl�ll��io�i- <br /> � �n If thc I cndcr i«uct a partial rcica<c ��I this I�LZi 1)ccJ,thc pmcccdc rccci�•cJ Ihcrcfor sltall hc creJilcd lo �hc I�wt matunnt_mctallmrn������h� I <br /> I indcblcdnccc cccurcd hcrchy. <br /> . i i. ,�t.c:d:r ei!h^�•••!��^��"h•��r im•aluntarily hccumc.a pahY to any suit ur Icgol pnKCCdinF rclating to thc pmpcny,nu�c or this I rus�Uccd.�I�^^�rRiinuc <br /> 'I «dl rcimhunc�hc I.cndci Gu all cocts anJ,lu Ihc�nlcnl pcitttillcd hs lao',rt•asnnahlc nl��+mcy fcc�incurrcd hv Ihe Lr.ndcr icl:diu�:lo,u<7i:�;i�::.^F�..- I <br /> _ „ �i��ciid wm�chall r��n�litutc aJdiiinnal mdrhicJncct sccurcd hy this h��1 I)ccd and hcar inlcicst at tl�c rnc paynhlc undcr thc N���c,uWil paid. <br /> i <br /> � <br /> � I. <br /> . � ._... . ._... _.. . .__. . <br /> ....._..._... . .__—_ .- .- ._. ....._.._._ <br />