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-,<-� . <br /> .� -. <br /> _�. .� � <br /> .�r . � _ .. . -. �— �-- -, .�_ _ -:: <br /> .�wara� ��'�''' .. . ,. ��'�'� � � ''�:r_ <br /> - . ._ . _ ..Y n—_ <br /> { ,T -�G_•'v-.iie1, <br /> ., : I ' � �_..11os�0 .,'"'���,� __� <br /> princlpr�l amount oi tha Indebtednoes securod by thls Doed of Trust, nol Including sums advnncod lo prolect tiio securlly of thls Unnd oi ,J �M.� <br /> � ,whlchovor Is proator. `�` <br /> Trust,exceod tho or(fllnal principal amowil stated hereln,or$ <br /> i 16.Ml�cellanoaus Provtslons. <br /> (�)Borrowar Nnt Rsleassd.Extonslon ot lhe tlmo for payment or modlFlcatlon of amortlzatfon o9 tfie sums sacurod by lhls <br /> Dood oi Trust granted by Londer to any succoasor In Interest of Borrower shall not opnrate to roleaso,In any mannar,th�Ilablll- <br /> ty of the orlglnel Borrowor and Borrower's successors In Inler4st. l.ender shall not bo roqulrnd to commanco procoedinga , <br /> ogylnst such auccossor or retuse,to extond llme for payment or otherwlse modlfy emortlzatlon of tha sums socurod by tlds . - <br /> Deed of Trusl by reeaon of any demands mede by the orlglnal Borrowdr end Borrower's auccessors In Inlorost. -• ,. <br /> (b)Lender'e Powers.Wlthoul aftecting the!IablNty of eny other person Ilable fur the payment of any obllgallon hereln morn . ___ <br /> iloned, and wilhout aifocting tho Ilon or r,linrge of thlo Deed of Trust upon eny partlon oi the Property not then or thoretofore _ <br /> ° released as securlty for the full amount o1 ell unpeld obllgatlans, Lender may,from tlme to tlme and wilhoul notice(f)releasa , <br /> any peraon so Iloble,(II)extend the maturlty or elter any oi tha terma ot any such obllgatlons,(111)granl other Indulgences,(Iv) � ::Jii_- <br /> °""'� release or reconvey,or ceuse to be releasod or reconveyed at eny tlme et Lender's optlon any percel, portlon or ell of the _ <br /> .. as' � <br /> Property,(v)take ar releaae any other or eddltlonal securlty for any obllgetlon hereln menlloned,or(vl)make composltlons or ' <br /> other errengements wllh debtora In relatlon thereto. �f��-... <br /> (c)Forbearance by Lender Not a Walver.Any forbearence by Lender In exerclsing any rlght or remedy hereunder,or oth• ;�.r�_- <br /> erwl�e eHorded by eppllcabla lew,shall not be e walver of or preclude the exerclse oi any such rlght or remedy.The procure• ;,__,.;- <br /> ment ot Insurance or the peyment oi taxes or othor Ilens or cherges by Lender shell nat be a walver ar Lendor's rlght to ecceler- ._ _ <br /> ate the maturity of the Indebtedness sacured by thfs Deed of Trust •"= <br /> (d)Succassors and Aaslgns Bound;Jolnt and Several Llablllty;Captlons.The covenents and a�reements hereln con- .:- <br /> �� talned shall bind, and the rlghts hereunder shall Inure to, tho respective successors end easlgns of Lender and 7rustor.All -� <br /> covenants And agreements of Trustor shall be Jolnt and several.The ceptlons and headings of lho peragraphs oi thls Deed oi <br /> Trust are for canvenlence only and ere nnt to be used to Interpret or deflne the provlslons hereaf. •,� <br /> (e)Request tor Notices.The partles hereby request Ihat a copy of any notice of dofault hereunder and a copy of any notice '•;r <br /> ol gate hereunder be mafled to each party to thls Deed of Trust at the address set torth ebove In the manner proscrlbed by �¢ <br /> eppllcable law.Except for any other notico requlred under appl(cable lew lo be glven In anothor monner,eny notice provlded tor �: _ <br /> � In thls Deed of Truat shall be glven by melling such noAce by certlfled mall addressed to the�ther paftles,et the address set _ <br /> " forth ebove.Any notice provlded for In thls Doed of Trust shall be eftective upon malling In the mannar deslgnated heretn.If _ <br /> Trustor Is more than one person,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to elt such persana. <br /> � � (� In�p�ctlon.Lender may meke or cause to be mede reasonable entrles upon and Inapectlons ot the Property,provlded <br /> that Lender shall glve Trustor notice pr(or to eny such Inspectlon speclfying reasoneble cauae therefor related to Lender's Inter- <br /> est In the Property. <br /> �. (g)Recenveyanca.Upon payment oI all sums secured by thls Deed of Truat,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey lhe <br /> Property and shell eurrender lhls Deed of Trust and all notes evldencfng Indebtedness secured by thla Deed ot Trust to <br /> Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property, wlthout werranry end wlthout charge to tho person or persons legally enUtled <br /> � thereto.Trustor shall pay all costs of recordatlon,If any. <br /> � (h) Personal Property; S�curlty Agreemsnt. As addttlonal securlty for the payment oi the Nofe, Trustor hereby grants <br /> Lender under the Nebraske Unfform Commerclal Code a securlty Interest In all flxtures,equlpment,end other personal properly <br /> used in wnneciion witi�i ihv real asiais or lssapra•remants located ther?�rt,and not otherwlse declared or deemed to be a part of <br /> F the real estete secured hereby.Thls Instrument shell be construed as�+Securlty Agreement under sald Code, and the Lender <br /> a shell heve ell the r1gl�ts and remedles of e secured party under sald Code In eddltlon to the rlghts end remedles craated under <br /> .. ` be cumulative wlth end In no way a�IlmltatDlon onf Lender�'s�lghes end emedles ugder eny other�secudty agr'e9m ngslgned by <br /> . Borrower or Trustor. <br /> (I)Llens and Encurr�brances.Trustor hereby warrants and represonts that there Is no defeult under the provlslons ot eny <br /> • } g eemeMdconstlt ttngtal leleneor enc mbrance ege nst ell iornany lpart of the P�operty(collec Ively,t"Lle s)trexlsNng ao of the - <br /> j tenedlachosu�re of IlensSa d encutmbrances'provldad for herelnl Trusto�r�shaletlmely performealltof Trust r's btlgedor�s, - <br /> �, covonants,representeUons and warrnntles under eny end all exlsting end future Llens,sheil promptly torwerd to Lender cople� <br /> of ell noticos oi default sent In cannectlon wlth eny end all exlsting or future Lleno,and shall not wlthout Lencter's p�lor wrltten <br /> �; consent In any menner modlfy the provlslons of or ellow eny future advances under any exlsting or future Uens. <br /> Q)Appllcatlon of Peyments.Unless otherwlse requlred by law,sums peld to Lender hereunder,Including wlthout Ilmltatlon <br /> , u paymonts of princlpal end Interest. Inaurance proceeds, condemnatlon proceeds end rents and proflts,shall be applted by L- <br /> �''. Lender to the amounts due end owing from Trustor and 8orrower In such order as Lender i��iis sofe dlscretfon doems deslr- <br /> eble. • `--- <br /> � (k)Severeblllty.Ii any provlslon ot thls Deed of Trust confllcts wlth appllcable Iew or Is declared Invalld or otherwlse unen- — <br /> torceable, such confllct or Invalldlty shall not eHect the other provlslons of thls Deed of Tnist or the Note whfch cen be glven <br /> �' eftflct wlthout the conflicting provlslon,and to thls end the provlstons of thls Deed of Trust and the Nole ere declared to be sev- � <br /> erable. <br /> (I)Terme.The terms"Trustor"end"Borrowe�'shall Include bath sfngular and plurel,and when the Trustor and Borrower are <br /> � the same person(s),those terms es used In this Deed oi Trust shell bo Interchangeable. <br /> ' (m)(ioverning Lew.Thls Deed of Trust shall be govemed by the laws of tho State of Nebraska. �_�_ <br /> !��'��:_-=._, <br /> �1"'.A,;,`�;- <br /> .�N�..�: .�' <br /> A"_.}.. <br /> • :•t. --_ <br /> Trustor has executed thls Deed of Trust as of the date written above. " <br /> � � ✓��!'�� �c l. ��ct-vY��'� I <br /> � T�usco� Ttisco� I. ._ __ _ <br /> L' � <br /> ' � - I _'......_ <br /> Trustor Trusror � <br /> � I <br /> � I <br /> � <br /> I <br /> i i <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � 1 <br /> � , <br /> ��i ..... . ._ ._ ... .. _ <br />