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<br /> 'Prococ�ds")In connoctlon wlth condemnatlon or olhar leking of the Prop�rty or part tfioroof,or for convoyAnco In Ilou of conciomnalion.
<br /> � I L�ndo�shall bo r.ntlllnd ai lls oplion to commonco, appaar In ond prosocuto In Its own namo nny nctlon or procoodlnys,nnd shnll nlsa '-
<br /> be entillod to mako any compr�mise or settlement In connectlon wlth such laking or d�mapa.In tlio Av�nt any portion ot tha Propnrty is
<br /> i so lekon or demapod, Londer shall have tho option In Ils sola end absolulo discrollon, to opply oIl �tuch procoHds, e(ler deducling � ,, �_
<br /> there�rom all costs and expenses Incurred by It In connectlon with such Proceeds,upon eny Indebtctdnoss socured hnreby and In such
<br /> order es Londor may dotermine,or to epply all such Proceeds,a(ter such doductions,to the rnstoralion of lhe Proporty upon such con-
<br /> �' dlUons ae Lender mAy determine.Any appllcatlon of Proceeds to IndQbtndneas shall not extend or postpone tho due dale of ony pay- , ;1-�^
<br /> ments under lho Noto,orcure any default thereundoror herounder.Any unapplled funds shall be pAid to Trustor. —
<br /> 8. Pe�formancv by Le�der. Upon the occurrence ot en Evont of Default herounder,or it any ect is taken or Iegal procoeding _.
<br /> ' commenced which materlally aHects Lender's interest In the Property,Lender mey In Its own discretlon,but without obltgntlon to do so, • � °
<br /> . . •- and wlthout noticfl to or demand upon Trustor and wilhaut releasing Trustor from any obllgallon,do any act which Tnistor has agrc►ed ��%�
<br /> ., but falled to do end may also do any other e:.t It deems necessery to protect lhe security horeoL Trustor shall, Immedlatety upon , ;�5:°y���
<br /> demand therefur by Lender,pay to Lender all costs and expenses Incurred and oums expended by Lender in connectlon wlth the exer- �
<br /> ., cise by Lender of lhe foregoing rights,together with Interest thereon at the default rate proWded In the Note,which shall be added to
<br /> the Indebtednesa secured hereby.Lender shall not Incur eny Ilablilty beceuse ot enything It mdy do or omit to do hereunder. - s�,_._,
<br /> 9. H�zardous Materlala.Trustor shell keep ihe Property In compllance wlth all appllcable laws, ardlnences and regulations —
<br /> relatirtg to induatrfal hyglene or environmental protecllon(collectively referred to horeln as'Envlronmental Laws"). Trustor shall keep =
<br /> the Property iree from ail substences deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental Laws(collectively referred to hereln
<br /> '; as'Hazardous Materlals').Trusfor hereby werrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Materlals on or under ihe
<br /> � Property.Trustor hereby agrees to Indemnlfy and hold harmless Lendor,its directors,officers,employees and agenls,end any succes-
<br /> sors to Lender's interest,from and ageinst any and all ciaims,damages,losses and ilebflltles arising in connection with the presence,
<br /> use,dlsposel or transport of any Hazardous Materials on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANI'IES AND --
<br /> 10. Assignment of Rent�. Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a security Interest In, all present,future and
<br /> after arising ronts,issues and profits of the Property;provided that Trustor shail,until the occurrence of en Event of Default,hereunder,
<br /> � have the right to coliect and rdtaln such rents,issues and proflts as they become due and payeble.Upon ths occurrence oi an Event of
<br /> � Qefault,Lender mey,either fn person or by agent, with or without bringiny any actlon or proceeding,or by a receiver appotnted by e
<br /> court and wlthout regard to the adequacy of Its securlty,enter upon and take possesslon of the Property,or any part thereoi,in its own
<br /> name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any ects whlch it deems necessary or desirable to preserve lhe vatue, marketabllity or
<br /> '�'. rentabiliry of the Property,or any part thereof or interest therein,or to Increase the income therefrom or protect the security heroof and,
<br /> with or wlthout taking possesslon of the Property,sue for or otherwise coilect the rents,Issues end profits thereof,including those past
<br /> due end unpaid,by notifying tonants to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,Issues end proflts,less casts and expens-
<br /> � es of operatlon and collectlon including attorney's fees, to any Indebtedness secured hereby, all In such order os Lender may deter-
<br /> ___ mine. The entering upon end taking possesslon of the Property,the collectlon of such rents. Issues and proflts, and the appllcatlon
<br /> thereof as aforesald shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or Invalldate any er,t done tn responae to such
<br /> default or pursuant to such nollce of default and, nolwithstanding the continuance in possesslon of the property or the collectlon,
<br /> recelpt and eppllcation of rents,Issues or profits,Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every right provided for In eny of the
<br /> � Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Default,Including without Ilmltation the right to exercise the power of saie.
<br /> Furiher,Lender's rights and remedies under this paregraph shall be cumulative with,end in no way a Ilmitation on,Lender's rlghts and
<br /> remodles under any assignmenl of leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee and the rece(ver shall be Ilable to
<br /> �� account only for those renfs ectually recelved.
<br /> F 11.Events of Defauit.The following shall constitute an Event of Detauit under this Deed oi Trust:
<br /> (a)Fellure to pay eny installment of princ(pal or Interest or any ather sum secured hereby when due; -
<br /> �+ (b)A breach oior default under any provislon contained In the Note,this Deed of Trust,eny of the Loan Instruments,or an�
<br /> . other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Properly;
<br /> � (c)A writ ot execution or attachment or any stmllar process shall be entered agalnst Tn�stor which shaii become a Ilen on
<br /> 4-
<br /> • the Property or any portlan thereof or Interest therein;
<br /> (d)There shall be filed by or agalnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present ar future foderal,state or other stetute,
<br /> lew or regulaHon relettng ta hankrupicy,insolvency or other raliaf for debtors;or thein ni�ali Lu appointed eny trucltee,reCelver or - -�
<br /> ' Ilquidator oi Tivstor or Borcower or of ell or any part ot the Property,or the rents,Issues or proflts thereof,or Trustar or�orrower -- -
<br /> ' � shall make eny general assignment for the benefit of creditors; _�_
<br /> � (e)The sale, lrenster,loase, asslgnment,conveyance or turther encumbrance of etl or eny part of or eny interest in the -- ---
<br /> � Property,ellher voluntarlly or Involuntarfly,without the express written consent of Lender;provlded that Trustor shall be permlt- �!�'��";�
<br /> ted to execute a lease oi the Property that does not contaln an option to purchase and the term of which does not exceed one ��•�'= � �
<br /> year; �,�._
<br /> (�Abandonment of the Property;or `;�,;�
<br /> ' (g)If Trustor(s not an Indlvidual,the Issuance,saie, transfer,esslgnment,conveyence ar encumbrenco of more than(if a •�"��''�"�-
<br /> corporatfon)a tot�l of percent o(Its Issuod and outstanding stock, or(if a partnership)a total of per- � "-��"�° °=
<br /> 4ti rt'�.- ;
<br /> cent of partnership Interests,or(If a Ilmited liabllity company)a total of percent of the 1(mftod ifabllity compa• �
<br /> ny interests or voting rights during the period thia Deed of Trust remains a lien on the property. ��•=
<br /> 12.Remedies;Acceteratlon Upon Dafault. In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,wlthcut notice except as requlrod � •*t•�
<br /> by law,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby lo be due and payable and the same shall ihereupon become due and payable wlth- ,,. ,�
<br /> out any presenYment,dernond,protest or notice of eny kind.Thereafter Lender may: ,
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exercise the PC�WER OF SALE grented herein,and Trustee shall theroafter cause Trustor's inter-
<br /> est in the Propertyto be sold end the proceeds to be distributed,all In the manner provided In the Nebraska 7rust Deeds Act;
<br /> (b) Exerclse any and alI rights provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of
<br /> Default;and
<br /> � (c)Commence an actlon to foreclose thfs Oeed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or speciflcally onforce any of the
<br /> covenants hereof. ,
<br /> No remedy hereln conterrod upon or reserved to Truslee or Lender is Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the Laan �
<br /> Instruments or by law provlded or permitted,but each sliall be cumulative,shall be In addltlon to every other remedy given hereunder, �
<br /> In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exlsting al law or In equfty or by statute,and may be exercised concurrently,fndepondentiy �
<br /> or succesively. � ___ _ ___
<br /> � 13.Tnistoe.The 7rustee may resign at any timR without cause,end Lender m2y at any time and without cause appofnt a suc• �
<br /> � cessor or substltuto Trustee. Trustee shall not�e Ilable to any party,Including without Ilmitation Lendar,Borcower,7rustor or any pur-
<br /> I chasar of the Proporty,tor any loss or dbmege unless duo to rockless or wlilful misconduct,and shall not be requlred to take eny action
<br /> In connection with the enforcement of this Oeed o(Trust unless indemnified,tn writing,for all costs,compensation or expenses which
<br /> � mey bo assocf�ted therewilh. In additiun,Trustee may bQCOme a purchaser at t�ny sale of the Property Qudfclal or under the power o(
<br /> sale grantod hereln);postpone lhe sale o(all or any portion of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the Property as a whole,or In
<br /> separato parcols or lots atTrustee's dfscretion. �
<br /> � 14. Foes and Expensvs.In the evtint Trustee sells thv Proporty by exercise of power of sale,Trustee shali bo entillQd to apply
<br /> any sale proceods Orst to payrnent of all costs and expenses of exercising power oi sale,Including all TrusteQ s fees,and Londer's and �
<br /> Trustao s attorney's(ees, actually fncurred to extent pormitted by applicablo law.In tho evenl Borrower or Trustor exorclses any riqht �
<br /> Niuvided by iaw io cure an Event oi pefeuii,Lencier shaii Dv eniitied io recuvar i�e�m i rusior eii cosis and Qxponsas aetuaiiy meurretl as �
<br /> a result of Trustor's defaull,Including without Ilmitation all Trustee's and attorney's fQes,to the extent parmltled by applicable law. i
<br /> 15. Futuro Advancos. Upon request of Borrower, Londer may,at Its option, make addltional and fub�re advances and read-
<br /> � vancos to Borrower.Such advances and readvancQS,with intorest thereon,shall bo secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall tho
<br />