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<br /> 7,Emin�nt Domdn.Lender la hereby asefgned all compensatlon,awarde,damages and other paymonte or rallef(herelnefter "Proceede') , '�.-F`}C'��yv_��i-
<br /> in connoction wlth condemnution or other teking of the Property or partthereof,or}or convey�ncn In Ilou ul cundomnatlon. Lendar shnli ``-``'°-�'�_�r
<br /> taken or damnged,Lendnr ehall have the optlon in Its solo and absolutediscretlon,to npply ail such Proceede,aftor d9ducting thoretrom , •��+ ;
<br /> all coets und oxponnos incurrod by it in connoctlon with such Proceoda,upon any indebtadnosx eocurod hereby and in sucli order as
<br /> �Lender may determine, or to appty ell euch Proceeda, aTter such deductione,to the restoratlon ot tho Property upon such conditlono os _
<br /> Lender muy de4etmine. Any npplicatlon of Proceede to indebtedness ahell rsot oxtond nr poetpono thn duo dato of any paymnnte undor
<br /> �the Nate,or cure eny default thereunder or heraunder.Any unepplied funde ehall be paid to Truetor. - -
<br /> B. Paform�na dy L�nde. Upon the occurrance of an Event of De}ault hereundor, ar If any nct le tekon or legal proceedinp
<br /> �commenced which materlelly pffocte Lender's Interest in the Property, lender may In ita own diecretlon,but without obligatlon to do so, , ,�
<br />- !'�ond without notico to or demend upon Trustor and without releasing Truetor from eny obllpatlon,do eny ect whlch 7ruetor hoa eflreed , '`•"__
<br /> �but feils to do and mey also�io eny other Act it deems necessn►y to p►otect thn eocurity hareof.Truator shall,immndlutaly upon demand
<br /> 1 therofor by Lender, pey to Lender all coete and expeneea Incurred and suma expended by Lender in connectlon with the exorctae by -
<br /> �Lender of the farogoing dghte,together with intereat thereon et the defeult �ete provided in the Noto, which shall be added to the =,>.,"a•°
<br /> T-�'...
<br /> ,,;,•,.•� �Indebtedness secured hereby.Lender ehell not Incur any Iiabllity beceuseot anything It may do or omit to do hereunder. =��'°Y°'
<br /> ,.,�. 9.H�z�rdoua M�t�r1�I�. Tmstor shail keep the Property In compllance with all appllcablo lewe,ordinancas and re ulationn releting to <P�-^'°'�
<br /> B .�.�_u_�_-
<br /> ' Industrial hygiene r envlronmental protection (collectively reterred to hereln as'Environmontal Lawe"1•Trustor shell keep the Property .Y.;,._
<br /> free trom.ell dubs�n�es deemed to ba hazardous or toxic under any Envl►onmental Lewa IcolleGtively referred to haraln es 'Hazerdous ';��_;�:__
<br /> Meterials"1. Trustor hereby werrante and represents to Lender that thero are no Hezardoua Materlal on or under the Property. Trustor .�:_m
<br /> hereby agreea to Indemnify and hoid harmleas Lender, Ite dtrectore, oificere, employees end egente, and any succoacors to Lendar's ,�L'��--=- -
<br /> interest,from end ageinet a�y and ail ciaima, demegea, loases and Ilabllitiea arising In connectlon with the presenco, uso, dlaFosal or `�;_
<br /> tranopoR of any Hazardous Meterials on,under,from or about the Property.THE FORE(301Nd WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS, '�_
<br /> Y"
<br /> � TRUST.
<br /> t'.,,_-,°
<br /> 10.A�:ignmsnt of R�nt�.Truetor hereby aeslgna to Lender, end grenta Lender a security intereat In,all present,futura and after ;.&tf�:
<br /> •t 1 rising renta,iseues end profite of the Property; provided that Trustor shell,until the occurrence of an Event of Default heraunder, have '"�"_=
<br /> the right to collect and retein such rents, issues and profita as they become due end payable. Upon the accurronce of an Evant of -_.���'
<br /> - Detault, Lender may, efther in person or by agent, with or without bringing eny ect(on or proceedUg,or by�racelver appofnted by e '._�1_��
<br /> .�, , court and without regard to the adequacy af Ita security, enter upon and teke poasesslon of the Property,or any part thereof,in Ite own •.��k;��-=
<br /> !; name or in the name af the Truatee, and do any aote whloh ft deema necessary or deairablo to preserve the velue,merkotabllity or ,,`;:�
<br /> rentabllity of tho PropeRy,or any part thoreof or interest therein,or to fncrease the(ncomo therefrom or protect the security hereof end, ;�x��
<br /> � with or without taking posaesalon of tho Property,sue for or othorwiae collect the rnnts,issues and protita thereof,including those paet -_ -
<br /> a due end unpeid,by notifying tonante to make payments to Londar. Lendor mey appty renta,fasuea end proilte,lesa coete and expenses -
<br /> �o �_-
<br /> of operation and coliection Including ettorneys' fees,to any Indobtedness securnd hereby,alI in euch order es Lender may determine.The .�:.�"
<br /> � entering upon and taking poasesslon of the Property, the collectlon of such rents, lesuea and profita, and the eppUcatlon thereof as •;_
<br /> �' . ��.=
<br /> aforeseid, ahali not cure or waive eny default or notice of defeult hereunder or invelidate eny act done in response to such dofault or �_.
<br /> purauant to such notice of default end, notwithetending the continuence in posaessfon of the Property or the coliection, recelpt and ' �=`-�
<br /> appllcatlon of ronta, issuea or profits, Truatee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every right provlded for In eny of the Loan --
<br /> ; :'� Instrumente or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default, Including without Ilmitation the right to exercieu the power of sele. _
<br /> Further,Lender's righta and remedlea under this peragraph shali ba cumulative wlth, and In no way a Ilmltation on,Lender'6 rights end
<br /> - - .. . -- rc;:sd;s� �rdar sr.y s��lanmeat a!!essss 3nd se.^.!s seces�ed sgelnsi?he .Pmpnrry. I andar, Trustee and the receiver ahall be Ilable to —
<br /> , ' account only for those rents actually received. � - _
<br /> � h 11.Hv�ntt of Dsfauit.The following ehall constitute en Event of Defeult under thie Deed of Truat: -
<br /> `� (e)Fallure to pay any installment of prfncipai or Interest of any other aum secured hereby when due;
<br /> i
<br /> lb1 A breach of or defeult under any provielon conteined in tho Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loen Instruments,or eny _:
<br /> � othar Ilan or encumbrance upon the Property; �'-
<br /> (c)A wr(t of execution or ettachment or nny simllar process ahell be enterod egainst Trustor whlch ahell become a Iien on tl�e r-
<br /> Property or eny portlon thereof or interest therein; —
<br /> (d)Tliere ehall be tllad by or egalnst Truator ur porr�wer ar�ection w��dar any preaent or future foderal,state ur other statue,taw •
<br /> or regutetion releting to benkruptcy, insoivency or other relief for debtors;or there shail be appointed eny truetee, recefver or �,
<br /> ` Iiquldetor of Trustor or Borrower or of all or any part of the Propeny,or the rents,issues or profits thereof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> ehell meke any general asalgnment for the benefit of creditora;
<br /> 1e17he sale,tranefer,lease,essignment,cu��veyence or further encumbrance of all or nny part of or any Interest In the Property,
<br /> , either voiuntarily or Involunteriiy,wlthout the exprese written consent of Lender;provided thet Truator ehall be permitted to execute ,
<br /> e loase of the Property that does not conteln an optlon to purchese end the term of which does not exceed one year;
<br /> (f) Abandonment of the Property;or ��
<br />. - Ig1 If Truator is not an indiviauel, the iaeuanca, eald, ueneiar,essignment, conveyance or ancwnurenca of more then Uf e P'__—
<br /> corporatlonl a total of N/A percent cf its issued and outstanding atock, or(if a partnership) a totel of t+/n percent of
<br /> pertnerahip interests, or a Imited Iiabliity�ompeny)a total of p�r percent of the Iimited Ilability company intereate or votinp -____
<br /> • rights during the period this Deed of Truet remaina e Ilen on the Propony. `
<br /> 12.Rtmedla;AccNHStion Upon Datault.In the evont of eny Event of Oefauit Lender may,without notice except es requlred by law, ;�Y�,�_,
<br /> declero all Indebtodness secured hereby to be due and payable and the seme shall thereupon become due and payabie without any - --- -
<br /> presentment,demand, protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender mey: '
<br /> � j fa)Demnnd that Trustee axorcise the POWFR OF SALE grented herein, and Truatee shell thereafter cause Trustor's interest -
<br /> 1 in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,ell In the rnanner provided in the Nebraskn Truat Daeds Act; ���'�'��_
<br /> � (b)Exerclse any end ell rights provided for in any of the Loen Inetrumenta or by law upon occurconce of any Event of --- -
<br /> � � Defeuit;and ��� ����
<br /> � (c)Commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Truat as o mortgage, appofnt a receiver,or spectftcaily onforce any of the �-��---
<br /> covenents heroof. �����
<br /> � � No romedy horein conferred upon or rasnrvod to Trustee or Londer is intanded to be exclusive of any other romedy hereln, in the Loan ti�.
<br /> ' Instruments or by law provlded or pormittod,but each ahall bo cumulative, shall be In additlon to overy other remedy given hereundor,In ,�✓�� : ��rl
<br /> � the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existin at law or in e uit or by stetute,and mey bo exercisod concurrentiy,Independently or ,����_;;�;?��:��'
<br /> , 9 Q Y
<br /> � succesaiv�ly. , _ �f���-
<br /> ;:,;a�:•
<br /> 1 �� • . �F.�1_.
<br /> 13.Truatee.The Trustee mey resipn et any timo without causo, and Lender may et any timq and wfthout csuse appoint a successor '�i'�.:
<br /> f or aubstitute Trustee. TrustQe shall not be Ilable to any party, including without Ilmitation Lendor, 8orrower,Trustor or any purchaser of �'�•�i
<br /> j the Proporty, for any loss or damege unless duo to reckless or wiliful misconduct, and shall not be required to take any actlon in
<br /> i connoction with tho onforeornent of thia Doed of Trust unless Indemnilled, in writing,for nIi costs,compeneatlon or expenses which mey -
<br /> be associated tharowith.In nddition, Truatoe mny bocomn e purchaser at eny sele of the Proporty (judicial or under tho powor of sele
<br /> � granted herainl;postpona the salo of all or any portion of tho Proparty,as provided by law;or sell tho Proparty us u whole,or in aepnrata � -
<br /> � parcole or lote at 7rustee's discroYion. I
<br /> � 14.Feea end Expensee. In the evont Trustea salls tho Pruperty by exerciso of powor of sulo,Trustno shall bo entitiad to opply eny salo
<br /> _-----�_.,__.... .. ..�_...�_,.... ,.�e..�., i....o�ai.,..ou r.��a*an�a fwnrs. and Lendnr's nnd Trustne•s ,
<br /> ..c .n .. ...,_ s
<br /> . ..�.......... ....� .. ....�......� ...�..... :
<br /> M�v�.vvvo���o� �v'..�����....�v. ..� ..vv�.s.�r.�vwYV�..av.s v� vna.r�n.s�r�b�rv.... .�............�.��...o_. _ . .. ' ' _'_ . _ ..
<br /> � nttornoy's foes,actually Incurred to oxtont parmittod by opplfcabie law.In tho event Borrower or Tnistor oxorcisoa any right provided by � �^
<br /> law to curo an Event of Dafault, Lendor sholl bo ontitled to rocover from Trustot oll costs and expensos uctually incurrnd as a result oi I
<br /> , Truator's defnult,including without limitation nIi Trusteo's nnd attorney's fees,to the oxtant permitted by upplicoble law.
<br /> 16.Futura Advnnces.Upon roquost of Borrower, Londor may,nt i�s optfon,mako additfonel nnd futuro advancos nnd roadvances to ,
<br /> Borrowor. Such ndvt�ncns ond raadvancas, with intorost thnraon, shall be sacured by this Docd o( Trust. At no timo shall tho principai ,
<br /> amaunt ot tha Indobtednoss sacurad by this Dood of Trust,not Includ�ng sums advnnc�d to proxact tho sacurlty of tliis Dood of Trust, '
<br /> exceod the ori inal rinci al amount statod horoin,or S ,whichaver is reator. �
<br /> 9 P P St7..aoo 00 9 i
<br /> i
<br /> ROC7a570 i�:unai�ncur.��r.iiCac.t1F�„ G.95
<br /> �980 NaUniu�0.,��k��C�,»��,r��.T�uvl and$dv�nqt ASeouJlu+n.l.nu�in.NPbr.tSA.� -
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