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OBERMILi.BR � ____ <br /> � --�--- <br /> whoso maWng addreea le 404 NOitTH y�T DONIPFVIT� •'° `°°"_ lhereln"Truator,"whether ono or morel. — <br /> . �• ^ — _� <br /> thCYfU8t88, HHNK OP DONIPWS7 `-� <br /> �' (hereln"Truatee"1,and —� <br /> whose mailing eddresa Is <br /> the Beneficlary, <br /> �', (herain"Lend�r"1. <br /> whose meiling address Is <br /> ` FOR VALUABLE CONSIdERATION,Includfng Lender's eztenalon of credit Identifled herein to <br /> - "t- gApRY A. 06BRMILLSR, EMIL J• OBSMSLALSR, YIC%I L. OBERMILLBR -- <br /> (hereln'Borrower",whethor one or more)end the trust hereln created,the <br /> ---'--"-"-�— reeeipi of witl�l�fa::aseb�ac�n%+w!^d9pd,Truetor herebv Irrevocebly grante,transfers,conveys end esefgns to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH <br /> �� POWER OF SALE,for the benefit end security of Lender,under and subJect to the terms and condiiiu�ia t�srairsatiat se!!orlh,the►ea� <br /> �. property,deacribed es followa: <br /> IQTS FOITR 1�1, pIV& (51, SIX (6), SBVBN (71, SIOHT (B), NINE (9), AND TfiN (10), BLl1CK ON6 (l), ROBINSOtd'S ADDITION TO <br /> T{[B VILLAOS OF CAIRO, HALL COUNP1f. NBHRASHA. <br /> PROPSRTY 11DVR86&� 106 6J�5T XANSAS CAIRO, NE <br /> � Together wfth all bulldings.Improvements,fixtures,streets, alleys,peseageways, aesements, riphts, privfleges end appurtenancea — <br /> Iocatad thereon or in enywlse pertolning thereto,and tho rents,Issues and profitn,reveralons and remalnders thereof,end such peraonel <br /> property that le attached to the improvements ao es to constitute a fixturo,Including,but not Ilmited to,heating end cooling equlpment; <br /> � end togethar with the homeatead or meritel intereats, (f any,which intareate ere hereby reloaaed and waived; eil of which, Inc�uding <br /> � replacements end additiona thereto,Is hereby dflclarad to ba a pert of the roal estete secured by tho Ilen of this Deed of Truat end all of <br />- - - � . the foregoing being referred to hereln as the"Property". <br /> 7hla Deed of Truat shall aecure(al the paymont of the principal sum ond Interest ovidenced by a promisaory note or oredit - <br /> ,havin a maturity dete of June o9 1998 � <br />_ . egreement dated necemt>ur o9 1997 9 <br /> � in the origfnal principal amount of 8 iz o�a oo _, and any end elt modificatlons, oxtonaions end renewals <br /> - • , � tharoof or thereto end any and sll future advances and reedvences to Borrower(or eny of them If more than onel hereunder pursuant to <br /> one o�more promlasory notes or credit agrearriente Ihereln called "Note");lb)the peyment of other sums advenced by Lender to protect <br /> the security of the Note;lcl the performnnco of all covenante end egreementa of Truetor set forth heroin;and ld)o��Present and future <br /> indebtedness and obligatlons of Borrower lor ony of thom If more than one)to Lender whether direct, Indirect, ebsolute or contingent — <br /> and whether erising by note,guarenty,ovordtaft or otherwiso.7he Note,this Deed of Trust end eny end eil other documenta thet secure <br /> the Note or otherwisa executed In connectlon therewith,Includfnfl without Ilmitatlon guarantees,oecurity egreementa end esslgnmente - - <br /> � af leases and ronte,ahall ba referred to herein es the"Loan Instruments". ��Q;;�_•- <br /> Trustor covenents end agrees with Lender as follows; <br /> � ' 'I.P�ym�nt oi Ind�bt�dneta.All indebtedness secured horeby shell be peid when due. �__- <br /> 2.Titl�.Trustor Is the ownor of the Property,has the right and authority to convey the Proporty,end warrants thet the Ilen created - _ <br /> hereby Is o first and prfor Iien on tho Proporty,excopt for Ilans and encumbrances set forth by Truetor In writing and dalivered to Londer <br /> before execut►on ot thls Deed of Tnist, end the execut ion an d de l i v o ry ot this Ueod of trust does not violate any contraCt or other <br /> oblfgatlon to which Trustor la sub�ect. <br /> 3.Tax��.A�ae�ament�. To pay beforo delinquency all taxes,special a3sessmonts and all other chergae agalnat the Praporty now or <br /> horeatter levied. <br /> 4.Inaurencs.To keep tho Property insurad opainst damege by firo, hazerde,includod within the term "extended coverage", and <br /> such othor hazerds as Lender moy roqufro,in amounts and with compenios ecceptebla to Londor,neming Lender es an uddittonel nnmed . <br /> insured,wfth loss payablo to tho Londer.In case ot loss undor such policles,the Lender ia authurizod to edjust,collact nnd compromise, <br /> .I all cleims thereundor end shell have the option of opplYing all ot port of the insurenco proceed8(f)to any indebtodnass securod hereby <br /> . . ; � _�, t......f ehn Pmnartv nt I{III f0►BIIY Oth�f - <br /> ond in such order ae Lendar may determino, fu)to tne INSLO�to Otl tiaou�����o�eN��•�::��=='==.-.._. � <br /> purposo or obJect satisfactory to Lendor without effecting tho Ifen ot this Deod of Trust for the full emount socurod horeby betore such <br /> Ipeyment over took placo.Any upplicoifon of proceeds to Indobtodnass shall not extund or postpone tho duo date ot any puymente under <br /> ' tho Nota, or curn ony dofnult thoreundor or horeundor. <br /> i 6.Escrow.Upon writtan damnnd by Landor,Truslar shall pay to Londer, in such monnor es Lendor may dnsignoto,sufficfont aums <br /> to enabio Lnnder to poy os thoy bacomo dun ono or moro ot ihe following: (i1 ali toxas, essosamonte ond othor charpos egefnnt tho <br /> � Property, (ifl tho promiums on tho property fnsuranco requfrud herounder,and (iiil tho uromiums on nny mortpago Insuranco req�irod by <br /> I Londer. <br /> ' U. Melntenence, Repalrs ond Compllunca with Laws. Trustor sholl kaop the Property in qood conditfon und repafr; sliall promptly <br />_ ropair,or ropiaco ony improvomont wnich may bo damogad or destroyod; ahnli not commit or parmit any wosto or detariort�tion of tho <br /> Property;shAll not remova, domolish or substontinlly alter ony of tho improvornents on tho Propnrty;shall not commit,suffcr or pormit <br /> � any act to be dono in or upon tho Proportv�n v�alnvon of eny inw, urdinanco,ar rc3ulatfor.; nnd shall pay nnd promptly dischorqo ot - <br /> i Trustor's cost and oxpaneo all lians,encumbrancos and chargns loviod,imposed or assessed agamst tho Proporty or;�ny p�rt thoreof. <br /> NB[]957n le�una•m��nuudDctdl Rav G/95 I <br /> u <br /> �788 Naiwnnl OenA o�Cammcrco Lus�nntl Sav���qs AssuoaUO��.L�mo���.NrNaswa I <br /> _ �... . . __._ _. .._ <br /> _.._.._. .. ._ __.___ . . .. <br />