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A:l+!!i�.ue�at+�.whSY����'�' . . . . <br /> ., � ��""'1.�04i1'7 <br /> � �� �' .'� <br /> �uyments tnoy nu lungcr bc rcquired. ;it thc nption of IAnJcr, if murtg.i�c insunuuc ruvcraigc(in thc um��unt nnd i'or ih�periixl <br /> th:u I.endcr rcquiretil pirwidcd hynn insurcr upprav�d Ny I.endcr nguin hcrumcs nvuilublc und is uhtui�AJ. Hurruwcr �hidl puy <br />..`�,�"':.t thc prcmiunis rcquircd tu muintuinnu�rtgugc insurancc in effcrt,��r to pruvidc u los,rcticrvc. until thc rcyuircnient far mortgugc <br /> insurancc cndti in urcurdancc with any writtcn ugrccmcnt hctwccn Borri�wcr und IAndcr ur npplirublc luw. <br />.�,••:�• 9, Im�xrtlun. [.endcr or its n�cnt may nrikc rciuunublc euuie, u�wn uuJ insp;:ctinns af thr Prc,perty. I.endcr sh,�ll �!ivc _ <br />"'a!""' � Borrowcr noticc ut thc timc u(or pricirto un ins�ction tipccif'ying r.;isunahlc cnusc fur thc insper.tion. <br /> ,4,�_ <br /> - 10. Cundemnati��n. The prn�eeds cif i�ny nwurd or clnim fc�r d�imuges, direct or consequentiul. in connection wit i uny <br />— i -}-=•-�,- condenmution or other tuking of uny part of the Property,or fur ccmveynnec in lieu c�f'ri�ndemnutian, are hereby astiignecl and <br /> � . � shull bc puid to Lendcr. <br /> '�-�•� In the evcnt e�f u tatal cJcingof the Property, the procceds shall bc ap�licd to the sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument, <br />:-,GVf� '' � whether or nat thcn due, with uny cxcess paid to Bormwcr. in the event of a pmtial takin�; of the Property in which tl�e fair <br />;; ',f,: : market valuc of the Property imnkdiatcly befarc the tuking is equal to nr greater thun the umount of the�ums secureci by this <br /> `�"' ` Security instrument immeciiutely beforc the taking, unless Borrower ared Lcnder atherwise agrcc in writing. the sums securcd by <br />;�,�....+_, : <br />"-��• -' this Securiry Instrument shall be reduceci by the .imount of the proceccis multiplied by the following fractiun: (u) the tota <br /> _ •�•�;,:• <br />:==M1'�':G�;�'�• nmount of the sums secured imrn�diately before the tuking, dividcd by(b) thc fair murket vuluc af the Praperty immcdiute y <br /> A ��'��� before the taking. Any bulancc shaU be puid to Borrower. in the event of a purtinl taking of the Property in which thc fuir <br /> .�,7,..�.4�„ <br /> = `�r��'^ • market vulue of the Property immcd�ately before the taking is less than the amount of thc sums secured immediately before the <br />_,....�..,.�. <br /> __,,:;} , taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicublc luw othcrwisc providcs, the pruceeds sha <br />-- - ����=' be applicd to the sums secured bythis Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> .` If the Property is abandon�d by Borrower,or if, aftcr notice by Lcndcr to Borrowcr that the condcmnor offcrs to makc an <br />�_.�;.:,, .�: <br /> ��� award or scttle a claim for darnages,Bonower fails to respond to Lender within 30 dnys after the date the notice is given. <br /> '``R Lender is authorized to coUect and apply the proceeds,at its aption,either to restorution or repai�of the Property or to the sums <br />?-':k<.::` �tr <br /> ,,:,,-��•1 secured by this Securiry Instrumem, whether or not then due. <br /> .Rc.`4�+. Unless Lcnder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of procceds to principal shull not extend or <br />_� ,�.,•,�r`, postpone the due date of the mon�hly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change ihe amount of such payments. <br /> ;'�-":�•- 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearancc By Lender Not a Wal��er. Extension of the time for payment or modificutian <br />'::�� ��., . of amortization of the sums securcd by this 5ecurity Instrument grnnted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borcower shull <br />-� ' ' � nnt nperate to release thc liability of the original Bonower or Borrowcr's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to <br /> ''"• r,��` commence proceedings ugainst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time tor payment or ocnerwise����xi�fy ar�arizat:an <br /> '�- 7�• of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br />"�=�'� � successors in interest. Any forbear:ince by L.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be u waiver af or preclude the <br /> ::�a;.�':::;.. <br />_-'-?�'•'��.r 5� exercise of any right or remedy. <br />°:_�i.,';;s:,,•r.� <br />- � 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and Several I.(abillty; Co-slgners. The covenants und agreements of t �s <br />_�:..�'�.�,.�.: <br /> _''�::�;_�"s�� Security Instrument shall bind anci benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions o <br /> -=-:",";'�'�� paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and severaL Any Borrower who co-signs this Sect►rity <br />_ "r�s� Jnstrument but does not executc�he Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortga�c, grant ttnd convey thnt <br /> ""'t�' Borrower's intcrest in the Propeny under the tcrms of this Securiry Instrument; (b) is not persanully obligatcd to pay the sums <br /> �f T W`'`"� secured by this Securiry Instrument; and (c)agrces that L,ender and nny other Borrowcr may agree to extcnd, modify, forbear or <br />�=�h.-• .•.J r <br /> '.'��.�'.,�,: make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's c�nsent. <br /> •���,• 13. Loun Charges. If the loan securecl by this Security lnstrument is subject to u luw which sets maximum loan charges, <br />'�i�:.�.� . <br />�^'",".;•='"'"'"� � und that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collecteci or to be collected in connection with the <br /> '�v��_'•'`�r'•?'" loan exceed the permittea limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shal! bc reduced by the ameunt necessury to reciuce the charge <br /> .,x..� _ t <br /> � to the permitted limir and(b) �uiy sums already collected fram Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to <br /> " � �"� t Borrower. Lender mny choose�o make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> .,..�.ri � <br /> 1.:�` . :<..A puyment to Borrower. If a rcfund reduccs principal, the rcduction will be treated as a purtial p►�epayment without uny <br />-'y� „ prepayment chargc undcr the Nae. <br /> -���:�: ., t4. Notice�.Any noticc to 9orrower provided for in tliis Security lnstrument shall be givcn by dclivering it or by mailing <br />="'��"''�.�='.'" it by tirst class mail unless npplicable luw reyuires use of another method. The notice shall be directeci ro the Property Address <br /> �'-'``. or any other address Borro�ver designutes by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to Lendcr shull be givcn by Grst cluss mail to <br /> . � l,endcr's address statccl hcrcin or any other address Lcndcr designates by noticc to Borrowcr. Any notice providccl for in this <br /> Sccurity Instrument shall bc deemed to havc bccn given to Borrower or Lendcr when given as providcJ in this parxgraph. <br /> � 15. Governin� Law; Severabll(ty. This Securiry Instrumcnt shall be govcrned by federal law und the law of the <br /> �� jurisdiction in which the Propeny is locuted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Insuvment or the Note <br /> �� conflicts with applicablc law. such conflict shall not uffcct othcr provisions of this Sccurity Instrumcnt or thc Notc which can bc <br /> �� givcn effect without the rontlictin� provision.Tu this cnd the provitiions of this Securiry Instrument and thc Note are declared <br /> to bc sevcrablc. <br /> �. IG. Borro��•er's Copy.Borrowcr shall bc given onc cunfurmed copy cif thc Nc�te and of this Securiry Instrument. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> Po;tu 4 u16 <br /> � <br /> t <br /> . � <br /> ,_—� <br />.—— __....� <br /> � <br />- ' ' _ "'_'"' 'AJ:.:�i-:==. <br /> . ..._.._._.._ _........ __ .. . _ . . . . <br /> .. .. .. .. . .. " _ .. �++Mri ...._... .,v... ..... _ . . . .- . .. . <br /> ' �__. . _ _ .. <br /> _.._. ....... . . ..... ._.. . ..._. ....._. __.... . ._..._ . . -�- <br />