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"` 11i1613 ,,-:,��:.:�- <br /> . �Yi:_r'. <br /> ' (d) n wrN of ax�cutbn or attachm�nt of �ny slmiWr procl�� thall b• �nt�nA �paimt Tructor whbh YhQll b000rtw a Iwn on th� „ . :.,_;. <br /> Truet Estat� m �ny portWn tha�of or ht��st th1►r�ln �nd tuoh �x�autbn, �tt�ohm�nt or skniNr proCOS� of�udpment Is not r�Naad, � °���'��� <br /> bonded, �atl�fwd,vacatad or atay�d wlthfn ebdy(60)�Ye�hsr M� �ntry or wvy; or <br /> (�) thtr� hts OCCUrred a bfNtCh 0� or di(luK und�my INm,oov�n�nt,flqrYSment, condRbn,provisbn,repussnl�tlon or wuranly <br /> contah�d In�ny prlur d�ad of trust or morlpap�aftsotlnp Ih� T�us! E�t�t�. <br /> 10. Accelentlon upon Defeult; AddltlonN Rsrnedles. u an w.n► o� aiauK occurs, B�n�ffcllry mav a.orn �n� :,.-:_ <br /> indsbl�dn�ss s�cursd harWy to b� du� and p�yabN �nd th� suna �hall th�nupon b�oortN du� �nQ pay�bM wNhout my pnt�ntmM�L �: <br /> �W <br /> , .� dcmnnd, protost or not�o of�ny klnd.ThereeRer, B�n�fbyry m1y: -_. <br /> , .:rcr_� <br /> (I) �Nh�r h p�non or by �p«+t, wkh or wkhout brinpkq tny actbn or procNdlnp�o� by a ncdvK�ppohNd by � aourt ead —_ <br /> .a�++"'�" wNhout rpard to ths rdequtoy ot ks s�curity, mtx upon�nd taks postesabn of th�Trust Eaut�,or my part thw�of,In k� own name <br /> ^�^*"� or in ths name of Trustss, and do any ects whbh k d�ns n�csaeuy or deaMabb to pros�ve th�valw, markN�bilNy or rent�bllity of _ __ <br /> � the Truat [atate, or part thersof or fnterest thersin, IncrNes ths hoome therekom or protsot the securky hsrsaf wnd, wkh or wkhout �,;mr - <br /> tekfnq possessbn of the Truat Est�te, sue for ar otherwlse colfeot the renta, Isaues and profks thxeof, ktoludiny thos� past du� and -_ -.��= <br /> ti_�-- <br /> r� ��V=�ir._-. _ <br /> unpald,and appy the aame, bas aoats snd expenses of operttbn and oolbcttan includinp attomsyu' Nss. upon my hdebl�dnsts �T <br /> aeCUred hereby, all In suah order es Beneibiary may determhe. The enterhp upon and takNp poseessbn of the Truet Est�ts, ths �--. <br /> calleatbn of suah rents, Issues and profRa and the 8ppucatbn thereof as ataresaid shaE not aun or walw any d�huk or notics of �.._s <br /> � defauk hereundar or Invalidate any act done h response to such defauk or pursuant to suoh notfce of dsfeuR and, notwkhstandhp tho _ <br /> u continusnce fn possessbn of the TN�t Estate or the colbction,recelpt �nd applbatbn ot rents, Iseues or profRe,Truetss or Bunsib4ry _ <br /> shall be entkbd to ezeralse every ripht provided for h �ny of Ihs Loan hatruments or by�w upon occurrencs of any ewnt of dafl�uk, ��':� <br /> 'i tncluding the right to exerclse the power of sale; F���-- <br /> � F -- <br /> � (u) commence an actlon to foreclose thls Deed of Truat ae a mortpape, appoint a recefver or specNbdy enlorce any of ths <br /> �.�.��_. <br /> s covenants hereof; � <br /> (Id) dellver to Tructee a wrkten declaratlon ot dofeuR and demend for sale and a written not�e of defauR end electbn to cause _ <br /> :�. Trustors Interest in the Trust Estate to be sold,whlCh notfce Trustee shtll causo to be duy tlled for record In the appropriate o�fbes of _ <br /> the County In whbh the Trust Estate Is loCated;Or _ <br /> (H) exeralse such other rlghts or remedies at law or In equRy. _ <br /> �• 11. Foroclosure by Power Of SEIe. If Benefbbry e otndtDeed of Trust a d any note evidenChy the debtsdnsssoand Euch� _- <br /> .. B e n e f b i a ry s h n l l n o t H y T r u s t e e a n d s h a l l d s p o s k w R h T r u s t e e I h i s S e o � <br /> recelpts end evldance of expendkures mado and secured hereby as Truetes may require. <br /> (a) Upon recelpt of suoh notbe hom Benefblary,Truste� shall cwse to be rscorded, publbhad nnd deMsnd to Tnretor suoh <br /> . -�� NoLwe o! Qe!ault end Nntbe ot Sab en than requkad by 4w end by this Seaond Dsed ot 7rueL Truete� sh�N, wRhout demand on _ <br /> �j Trustor, after such tkne as mny then be rsquked by law tnd �ker recordatlon of suah Notf�e ot Ootault ana ahK i�iotics oi S�in i�&'vFy <br /> boen pNen as requked by iaw, s�0 the Trust Estate at the tkne and place of sale fixed by�in such Not�e of Sak, ekher as a whob,or <br /> �� — <br /> � In separate bts or parcels or Rems as Truatee shali dNm e�edlent, and h such order es k may debrmhs, 1t publb auotbn ta the <br /> hlphest bldder for cash h law(ul money of the Unked Ststes payable at the tkne of sab. Trustee 6h411 deilver to suuh purChnssr or <br /> , purohesera thsrsot Rs yood end sufl�ient deed or deeds conveyiny the property so sold,but wRhout any covsnNt or wart�nry,expreya <br /> ` a knplfed.The reckals h suCh deed of any mnttsre o�lects ehall be conctusNe proof of the truthlulness th5reof.Any person,hcludhp <br /> wkhout INniutbn Trustor,Trustee or Benelblary,may purchase at such eale. <br />- _ (b) As may be permRted by law, efter deducting ell costs, �ees and expenses of Trustee and of thls TNSt, haludhp aosts of _ <br />�f� widenCe Of tRie h connectlon wkh 6ale,TrustPO shall oppy the proceeds of Seli to payment of (I)the hdebtadn�ss(ii)�A other 6ums <br /> than securod horeby,and pip the remalnder, H any,ro the pe►son or psroona Ieptily entkbd thereto. <br />_ (C) Trustee may in the mannsr provlded by law postpone 6ab of ali or ony poRbn of the TruEt Esuto. <br /> 12.Remedles Not Exclus(ve. Trustse and B�ne'binry,tnd eaah of them, shtll 1»entRMd to �nforo� p�Y►���� P�o�c� <br /> � • of any indebtednsss or obllpatbns seourecl hereby ond to exerCfse 411 rlphts and powers under this SeCOnd Dsed of Tn,ist or under eny Lotn <br /> Inc,truniet�i 8r othar aprocmvnt or sny lews now or hsreniter In iorce: notwkhstandfny, some or all ot ths nuCh hdobndness �nd ablpatbna <br /> seCUred hsreby may now or hereafter be otherwise 6ecurid, whnther by mortqaye, deed of truct, pbdpe, Iten, �sstpnment or otherwls�. <br />' Neither the acCeptance of this Seoond Dead of Trust nor ks enfarcement, whethar by oourt aatbn or purswnt to th�power of eak or othsr <br />- powers hereln aontahad, ahall preJudbe or in eny manner aMeCt TNStee'a or Benefbkry's riqht to realW upan or snforce any othx aecurity <br /> - now or hereafter held by Trusteo or Beneffciery, R befnq a9reed that Trustee and Benet�lary,end each of them, sh�0 be entkied to enfarce <br />- this Second Deed of Trust and any other securky now or hereafter held by Bene(IClary or Trustee in such order and manner as thsy or ekher <br /> � of them may In thek absolute dlscretion determina. No remedy hereh conferred upon or resenred to Trustee or BenMlClarv is intsndsd to be <br /> excluslve ot eny other remsdy hereln or by law �rovlded or permkled, but each shall be cumulatke and ahtll be in addRbn to every other — <br /> H remedy piven hereunder or now or hereafter existhg at taw or In equity or by stetute. Every power or remedy pNen by any of the Loan = <br /> � Instruments ro Trustee or Beneficlary or to whfch eRher ot them mey be otherwfse entftted, may be etterc►sed, concurrenty or hdependentry, —_ <br /> Irom tkne to tlme and es oiten as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Benefbiery and efther of them mny pursue Inconalstent remedbs. _ <br /> Nothing hereln shall be construed as prohibRhg Benefblary�om seekfng a dofblency Judgment agahst the Trustor to the extent such aotbn . � <br /> fs permitted by Iaw. . �,�"'= <br /> . Ft3�0.LM0(7/0l) Pip�7 0l 6 �ie};`�'. <br /> -•+.t'--.-_: <br /> i <br /> . � <br /> - J <br /> . .i `-_ <br /> ' , � <br /> ; I <br /> ; i <br /> i <br /> � <br /> _. � <br /> - i <br /> _ i <br /> aza I _ <br /> � <br />