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T�xea,Trustor �hall pay Noh hstaNrMnt of �A t�x���nd �p�oMl 11���samints of�wry khd, now or h�rwRa 1w�d �pUnat th� -- <br /> j Truet��t�t�or �ny p�rt lhuMt,b�for�d�linqu�noy, wkhout notiC� or d�mand. . '�- <br /> � �I a� ' _ <br /> 3� Inw��nce snd Re�el1�. Trustor e��ll mtlnt�M Iln �nd �xt�r►d�d cowrrp� Insurenc� hauring th� ImprovMn�nb oon�tkuthp .,�,� <br /> ' part of th� '(rust Estat�for woh amounts�nd on woh brms rMSOn�bly satl�i�otory to Bonotbary. &o bnp qc iho Proparly Is�oCUrod by C '"'" <br /> • ;<<:� � tkat dad of trusl or mortpapr, aompll�nc�wkh th� Insur�no� rpuk�n�nt� of th�fk�t dMd of trust or mortpap�sh�al b��ufllcMnt to e�thly <br /> . � �:``. <br /> the rsquksments of thh pu�praph 3 nkthp to haurtncs. <br /> ri�M1��. <br /> , Trustor shal promptly npah and npkc�th�Trust Estata or any part th�rwf to that, �zc�pt for ordhary wNr and t+�r, th�Trust E�tnte — <br /> ' ahnll not dtlKior�ts. In na went shall th�Trustor oommk wast�on or to th�Trust E�tat�,or aommk,wff�r or p�rmk any�ct ro b�don�h - <br />- i� or upon ths Truat Eat�te In vblatbn o} eny Mw, ordin�nc� or ropuktbn. Tn�ator shtll pty and prompty dlsoharp�at Truetors cost �nd ` <br /> �. expenas ail N1na,encumbr4nc�s and aharp�s kwNd,Impoted or tssa�sd�p�h�t th�Trust Ettat�or any part thK�of. <br />-' iy � <br /> �i 4. AClI00t AHectin� Trust E�tete. Ttustor ehall appNr h and cont�st any actbn or proCNdinp purporthy to �fl�Ct th� _ <br /> � securRy hKwf or ths rfphts ar powers ot BonNrkry or Tn,stw, and shall pay all cost� �nd acpma�s, Inotuding oost ot �vld�na of tkw -- <br /> ,! and attomeys' feea, h any such actbn or proceedinp in wh�h Bsnelbiuy or Trustee m�y appear. if 7ruator tafla to rtutke�ny paymont or to �r� <br /> . ' �, do any aat es and In the mannsr provided in any of the Loan Inatrum�nte, Bm�tiaYry andlor TrustM, eaah In thek own dkcntbn,wRhout � <br /> oblipatbn so to do and wkhout not�s to or demand upon Truator tnd wkhout role�shy Truator trom any obllyatbn, ►n�y m�ks or do ths <br /> seme In such mtnner and to suoh sxtent as ekher may deem necessery to proNat tho sscurky hereot. Trusror shall, Imm�diatey upon <br />- � demand th�retor by Benefblary, pay 411 oosts and expenses haurr�d by Bsaefbkry h aonnectbn wRh tha exKOise by BenNiakry of tha `'_ <br /> ' forepohy riyhts,noludinq wkhout Ifmketbn costs ot evldence ot tRb,court coats,eppnlaais,surveya and attomeys' tees. p <br /> E:� - <br /> b. Eminent Domein. If the Trust Estate, or eny pert thersof ar htetsst ihereln, be taken or dam8ped by teasOn of any pubNC �' <br /> •�. improvement or condemnatlon proceedfnp, or In any other manner holudlnp deed In Ileu thereot("Condemnatbn"), or M Trostor receives my �,.. <br /> • not�e or other hlormatbn reyarding auah proceedhp, Trustor shail yMe prompt wrMten notbs theraof to BenefbNry.Trustor shtll bt antkMd �. <br /> ,a• to all compensetbn, ewards and other paymente or relfef thereof and ehall ba entkbd�t Rs optbn to commsnca,eppe+►r h and proaraute in <br /> ks own name any aatbn or proceedhps.Truator ahall also be entkbd to make any compromise or settlement h conn�atbn wilh suoh takinp <br /> � or damape. <br /> • 6. Appointment of Succesaor Truatee. Ben�lki4�ry m.y, hom tim. co nme, by a wrttten ucacuted ana <br /> __ -- - -_-�.1 <br /> • aaknowledpxl i�y umnefioiary, maifed to Trustor and reoorded in ihs Couniy i�wi�ii;i�It�a Truat Esi.ti is Sa;IItsd an��y 8th�'.r''�. cos='=p,-0 ° <br />_ � wkh the provlsione of the appl�able kw of the State of Nsbrt6ka substkuts a succaasor or succeaeoro to the TruslM named hKeln or <br />_ S aothp hereunder. <br /> -• 7. Succetsor� and Asslyni. This Second Deed af Trust app�ies to, inuros to tha benefR of and bads all partirt h�r�to, th�k <br /> hefra, bpatees, devisse�, psraonal repreaentathres, successors and asatpns. The term'Benefbitry" shell rr�n the owner and holdu ot any <br /> promisaory note pNen to benef�kry, (whether or not named es Bsnefblary heralnJ. <br /> � � 8. Merper, COf1i011dQtId11, SlIICS 0� Le�alB. Trustor aovanante that Truator wiil not sell, lease or otherwls� dbpos�of�ny <br /> of the Trust Eaap. In the event that Truetor sells,leases or otherwise dlspoaea of any part of the Trust Eetete, B�neHCtary may at k�optlon <br /> deolere tha indebt�dness secured hxeby ImmedYt�y dua and pay�bis, whathw or not �ny dNauk exlete. Benafiokry �haN eont�nt to a <br /> , trenster ot the Trust Estate to a thlyd party to tha extent such thkd p�rty meets tha requkemente eontahsd h,and asaurtNS th� obNpatbns <br /> � � sst forth h ths Ffrst Desd of Truat. The covennnts contehe�d hxsln ahaN run wkh the Propwty md ehall nmah h IuN forc� �nd NNct untW <br /> . , the hdebtednese IS pald In(ull. <br /> . " � 9. EVEf1t�O1 DC1lIUI�Any ot the fo0owfnp evente shell be deemed en event of dehuk h�nunder: _- <br /> • (a) delauR shall be mede In the payment of the In�ebtedneas or any other eum secured heroby when due; <br /> or <br /> ' (b) Trustor ehall perform eny act h bankruptcy;or -- <br /> _ (a) a court of competent Jurisdbtbn �hell enter an order,Judpment or decree approvinp a petRbn tlied�yalnst Truata seekhp any <br /> reorpaniration, dissolution or slmilar rellef under any present or tuture federal, state or other statute, law or requlatbn reiatinp to � <br /> bankruplCy, hsoHenoy or other relief for debtars, end such order, )udpmnnt or deCree shRll ramah unvaaated and unitay�d for m - <br /> apgreQate ol sixty (60) days (whather or not consecutive) hom the ikat date of ent.ry thenof; or any trustee, roCeNer a Iiquldator or <br /> , Trustor or ot all or any part ot the Trust Estate, or of any or nit of the royaftles. revenues, rents, issuas or protRa thxsof, ehall be - <br /> - nppolnted w�hout the consent or acqulescence of Trustor and such qppohtment shall remaln unvncated and unstayed tor tn apprep�t� �� <br />— �,:_ <br /> of sbcty(60)dnys(whether or not consecutive); or _ <br /> . F17�O.LMO(7/B7) P�O�4 OI 6 - <br /> �.. .--.._: <br /> J <br /> -... . � - _ _.. <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> . ' <br /> I I <br /> I <br /> � <br /> — � <br /> � � <br /> = I <br /> ° I � <br /> �, OY3 � <br /> � <br /> L_ . . <br />