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'R µ',! . . _ .. �'�r.•�'�m'x ._,..,�.� __ . <br /> . .,� .r� <br /> . � �� �lasos - <br /> .. ' � 5. Nuiurd or I'ro�x�rty lnsuruncc. H�n•ruwcr ,hull kccp thc impruvcmrnt, nnw Lxisting un c�mul'tcr crcctcJ on thc <br /> , � F'r��prrty iny�u�ed ���ninrt li�sti hy tire, huiards includcd �vithin the tcrm °rxtended ri�veruge" +md ,iny uther huiairdti, including <br /> i� tlnixls�ir tl����ding. (ur wiiici� IA'lltll'(Pl'l�Ull'l'1 IllyUl'1UIl'l'. I Ill\ II1SUCillll'l'SI1l1II hC I11i1111171R1'lI IIl Illl' Ul11UUIlI�iII1lI �UI'IFII' periods <br /> .. '�� thut Lcndcr requirc�. "Phc intiuranrc rurricr prnvidinE thc in��urunre shall hc choxcn by Burruwcr ,uhj�cl ti+ I.cndcr',appruvul <br /> ,�' �ti•hich �h:dl not h� unrc:isunahly �t•ithhcld. !f 8urro�scr f'ails tci maintain roveraor cic,crihed :d,o�•r, I.rnder may, nt I.ender'� <br /> � option. ubtuin ruverngc tu�ratcct l.cndcr'ti rights in thc Property in uccordcmcc wiUi para�;raph 7. <br /> ,,,,,..�e•+�^ All intiuruncc pulirics und rencwuls tihull hc i�cccptiiblc tu l,cndcr and sh:dl includc a stt�ndurd nwrtgugc rlausc. l.c;ndcr <br /> . v«.v�� sh,�ll hirvc thc ri�;ht t<�hc�ld thc pulicics und rencwul�. If l.cndcr rcyuires, kiorrowcr shull p�•amptly givc tu l.c:ndcr idl rcccipts of <br />" "` ,. paid prcmium+and rrnewul notices. In the cvent of lu�r. Hurrower shull give prompt nmice io the in,urunrc carrier anJ L.ender. <br /> � L.cndcr may makc proof nf luti,if'not madc prcnnptly hy Burrowcr. <br /> Unlrss Leiider:�nd A��rru�ver inherwise xgrec in�vriting, intiurance proceeds shull be iipplied to resturation or repuir of thc <br /> k f'ruperty d�unugcd.if the restorutian or rcpttir is cconcmticully fcusible und I,ender's security is nut Iessencd. If the restarution or <br /> '� repair is not r.conomicully fcusihlc or I.cndcr's sccurity would bc Ics,encd, thc insuruncc prorccd� shall bc upplicd to thc �ums <br /> �; secured by this Sccuriry Instrument, whcther or not thcn due, with uny exccss puicl�o Hnrrawer. If Borrowcr abandons the <br /> Property, or does nut answcr within 30 days a nutirc from l.endcr thut thc insuruncc carricr has offcred to settic a claim, then <br /> [.ender may eallect the insurunee prc�eeeds. Lendrr miry use the prc�ceeds to repair nr restore the Prnperry or to pay sums <br /> , �. sccurcJ by this Security Instrumcnt,whethcr or not then due.Thc 30-day period will be�i�� when the notice is givcn. <br /> Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any appllcat�on of prnceecls tc� principal shall n��t cxtenJ ur <br /> postpone thc due date of the monthly payments rcfcrred ta in pura�ruphs 1 und ? or changc the �mount of the puyments. [f <br /> undcr puragruph 21 thc Property is arquired by Lcndcr, Bnrrowcr's right to uny imurancc�licies and procecds resulting from <br /> . ;� damuge to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender tc�the extent of the swns secured by this Sec:urity[nstrument <br /> immediatcly prior to thc acquisition. <br /> , 6. Occupuncy.Pr�wervation, Mnintenunce und Protectlon uf'tl�e Property;Bormwer's I,oan Applicution; l.easeholds. <br /> Borrower shall orcupy.establish,and use the Propeny as Burrower's principal residence within sixty duys after the execution of <br /> • this Seruri[y Instrument und shall continue tn occupy the Pr��peny as Bormwer's principal residence for at Ieast one year after <br />- thc datc of uccupuncy,unlcss I.cndcr othcrwisc ugrces in writing, which conscnt shall nut bc unrcusonably wichhcld, or unlcss <br /> , extcnuating circumstunces cxist which arc beyor.d Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damngc or impair thc <br /> Property, ullow thc Properry to deteriorate, or co►nmit wastc on thc Property. Borru�vcr shall bc in dcfault if:tny forfciturc <br /> -----"- action or procccciing, whecncr rivii or criminai, is ncgun thut in Lc:ndcr's guad fuiii.judbmrni cnuid re+uii iu iurfciiurc ui ihc <br /> • Property or ntherwise mittcriully impair the lien creatcd by this Sccurity Instrument or Lendcr's security interest. Borrower may <br /> � , cure such u dcfuult and reinstate, us providcd in paragraph IS, by causing the action orprocceding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that, in Lendcr's good fuith determination, precludes forfeiturc of the Borrower's imcrest in thc Property or other matcrial <br /> ,, impairment of the lien created by this 5ecurity lnstrument or Lender's security intercst. Borrower shull also be in default if <br />_• Borrower,during the loun application process,guve materially fulse ar inaccurate informat ion or stxtements ta C.ender(or fniled <br />_, to provide[.endcr with any material information)in connection with the loun evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited <br />_ .. `� to, representations concerning Borrowcr's r.ccupancy of the Propercy as a principal residence. If thiti Security Instrument is on a <br /> , � Icas:hold, Borrowcr shall comply with ull the provisions of the Iease. If Bottowcr acquire� fec titic to the Propeny, thc <br /> • Icaschold and thc fce titte shull not mergc unless Lendcr agrces ta thc mcr�cr in writing. <br /> 7.ProtecNon uf Lender's Ri�hts in the Property. If Borrower fails to perforni the covenants and agrcements contained in <br /> � �.-Y' this Securiry Instrument, or there is a Iegal prcueeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such ns u <br /> T � , ,,y procccding in bankruptcy, probatc, fi�r condcmnation or forfciturc ur to cnforcc laws or rcgulaticns), ehcn I.cnder muy do and <br /> ` , pay for whatevcr is neccssaiy to protect thc valuc of thc Property and Lcndcr's righ�s ii�ihc Property. Lcnder's actions may <br /> . • - ; iu..'tu,;c p,,r�;tig aiiy sums secured by a licn wliich I�as prioriry uvcr this Sccurity Instrument, appcuring ii� �aurt, paying <br /> reusonablc attorncy�' fceti snd cntering nn the Propeny to make rcpairs. Although Lendcr may take action under this paragraph <br />:l= 7, Lender docs not huve to do sc�. <br />- Any amountti disbursul by LenJcr under this puragraph 7 shull bccomc addilional debt uF Borrowcr secured by this <br /> ;:,,.r, Security Instrumcnt. Unless Borrower and L.endcr agrce to othcr tcrms uf paymcnt, thesc amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> , • �• . datc c�f disburscment iit thc Notc ratc und shall b� payablc, witli intcrest, upon nuticc fram I.ender to Borrower requcsting <br /> puymcnt. <br />� 8. A4oM�;a�e Insurance. If'Lender rcquircJ mortgagc insuranrc as a condition c�f making the loan sccurcd by this Sccurity <br /> - , Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maimain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> mortgagc intiurancc covcragc rcyuired by Lendcr 13pscs or ccascs to bc in effcrt, Borrowcr shall puy the prcmiums rcquircd to <br /> f. nbtuin rnveragc suhstantiully cquivulcnt to thc mc�rtgage intiurancc prrviously in a cost suhstantially eyuivalent to the <br /> � cost tc� Bi�rrc�wcr of'thc mortgagc insuranrc prcvic�usly in cft'cct. from an altcrna[c nrortgagc insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr. If <br /> tiubstantiully ryui��:ilent mortgagc insuranrc c��vcragc is not available, Fiorro�ver shall pay to Len<<cr each month a sunt equal to <br /> - one-twelf'th c�f the yearly mortgagc insurance premium hring paid by E3orrower when tIM i nwrance coverage lapsui or eeased to <br /> bc in rtl'ert. Lcndcr will arcept,usr and retain thesc paymcnts as a I�nti rescrvc in Iieu��f mortgagc imurancc. Loss reserve <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> •� Papo 3 0l 6 <br /> '. _—'� <br /> . .. '_'-" '• � <br /> � .. . . .. . . _...._' '_'_'......._. ... .. . __ .. .. . ...." <br /> . � �.. .. ... . ... ' _ <br /> .. .�Y..,.�,.._... . .' : iAµ=,�.) ' <br /> . <br /> .......... . ...._..._.__ .. .__.. ._ .. ....__ ._._.. .. . . ..... ._._._ .. ..__. ._. . ...... ._. <br />