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<br /> , �"�°' 1104�OS �:
<br /> � . T�Gks'1'HFR WITH all thc improvcmcnt+nuw on c�rcuftcr crected on thc pmperty,and ull cuscmcnts, appurtcnunccs, and >
<br /> r fixtures now ��n c�rcuftcr a part of thc property. All repincements .�nd udditions shull al,u bc covcrcd hy this Sccurity ���
<br /> _; • lnstrumcnt. All of'thc frn�cgoing is rcfcrrcd to in this 5ecurity Instru►nent us thc"Property.' �,;__
<br />- °.� BORROW�R COV�NANTS thut Borrowcr is li�wFully uiscd of thc cswtc hcrcby convcycd und has thc right to grant und -
<br /> amvcy thc Pri�perry and thad thc Pruperty is unencumbcrcd, exrcpt for cncumbrunccs �f recnrd. sorri�wcr warrants und will �,-
<br /> ° ��#�� Jefend gcnerully thc tidc to thc Property againyt ull cluims und demands, subjcrt ta uny encumbrunces of record. c"
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combinc� unifonn �:nvcnunts tiir nationul usc und non-uniti�rm cuvcnunts with limited
<br /> , y�� vuri�itions hy jurisdiction ti�mnstitute a uniform tiecurity instrument ravcring real property.
<br /> a• „ � UNIFORM COV�NAN1'S. Ho�rower and l.ender covennnt und ugrec as follows:
<br /> + � L Puyment nf 1'rincipal and Inter�t; Prep�yment und I.ute Char��. Borrower shull promptly puy whcn due thc
<br /> principal c�f und interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und uny prepuyment nnd lnte eharges due under the Note. _'
<br /> - 2. Funds fnr Taxes and Insurnnce. Subjcct to upplicablc luw or tc�a writtcn waivcr Ny l.cndcr, Borrowcr shull pay to
<br /> �� Lender on thc duy manthly payments are duc undc�the Nocc,until thc Notc is paid in full,u sum("Funds") for:(u)yearly taxes _
<br /> t• and utiscssmcnts which mny attuin priority��vcr this Sccurity Instrument as n licn on thc Property; (b)ycurly Icuschold paymcnts �
<br /> or�ruund rents on the Propeny, if uny;(c)yearly hsuard or property insurance premiums; (d)ye�rly flood insurunce premiums,
<br /> �' if any; (e)yeurly mortgage insurance premiums, if any;nnd(� uny sums puyable by Borrower to Lcnder, in uccardance with _
<br /> �. the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the puyment of morcgage insurance premiums. These itcros are called "Escrow items."
<br /> • Lcndcr may. �t any� timc, a�llcct und hold Funds in an amnunt not to excecd the muximum amount a lender for a fedcrully �
<br /> rclatcd mortgagc loan may rcyuire for Barmwcr's escrow account undcr the fcdcrul Rcal Estatc Settlemcnt Procedures Act of
<br /> � 1974 us umcnded from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"), unless unother law that applies to the Funds
<br /> � sets u Ie��er umount. If so. LenJer may, a[ ;my time, collect and hc�ld Funds in un amount not to exceG.i the Iesser amount.
<br /> ... �y� C.ender may cstimute the amount of Funds due on the busis of curreAt data und re:isonable estimates of expcnditures of future
<br /> Escrow Itcros or othcrwisc in accordancc with upplicable law,
<br /> The Funds shall be hcld in an institution whose deposits ure insured by � fecieral agency, instrumentality, or cntity
<br /> (including Lendcr, if Lendcr is auch:in institution)or in any Fcderal Homc Loan Bank. L,ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> h 6scrow Items, l..ender muy not charge Borrower for holding and upplying the Funds,unnuully nnulyzing the escrow uecount, or
<br /> � verifying the Escrow Itcros,unlcss Lender puys Borrowcr intcrest on the Funds and upplicable law permits I.cndcr to make such
<br /> a churgc. Howevcr, Lendcr may rcquirc Borrowcr to puy u one-timc churgc for an independent reul estatc tax rcporting servicc
<br /> , ______ u��� h� �,.n�,�� g�, �nnnr�tinn with ►hi� I�,an. unless nnnlicablc law provides otherwise. Unlcss an at�reemcnt is mnde or
<br /> • npplicable law requires interest to be paid, Lcndcr shall not be required ro pay Borrowcr any intcrest or carnings on the runds.
<br />_ Borrowcr and Lcndcr mny agrce in writing, howevcr, that interest tihall be paid on the Funds. I.cndcr shull givc to Borrower,
<br />.-. , without chargc, un�nnual accounting of thc Funds, showing crcdits und debits to thc Funds and thc purpose for which each
<br />- � debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as udditional security for all sums secured by this Securiry In;trument.
<br /> , [f'the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitteci to be held by applicablc law, Lender shall account to Bnrrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with [he requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lendcr at any
<br /> ' '''�` time is not sufficicnt to pay the Escrow hems when duc,LenJcr may so notify Borrowcr in writing,und,in such casc 9arrowcr
<br /> " shall pay to Lcnder thr amount ncccssury to makc up the dcficiency. Bonower shall make up the deficiency in na morc than
<br /> .� twclvc monthly pxymcnts,at L.ender's solc discretion.
<br />-. � Upon paymcnt in Cull of all sums scrurcd hy this Sccurity [nstrument, Lendcr shall promptly rcfund to Bo�TOwcr any
<br />" ' Funds hcld by I.cndcr. If, undcr puragraph 2l, Lendcr shall ucquirc or scll thc Property,Lendcr, prior to thc acquisition or salc
<br /> • �� of the Property, shull apply any Funds hcld by Lender�t the time of'acquitiition or sule as a cruiit ugainst the sums securec:by
<br /> '' ``� this Scrurity Instrument.
<br />,�. � "s. Applicution of Puyments. Unless�ipplicable luw provides otherwise, all payments receivecl by I.ender under paragraphs
<br />- , � 1 and 2 shall be upplied: first, tc�any prcpuyment churges due under die Note; second, to amounts puyable under paragraph 2;
<br /> :� . „ third,to intcrert duc; fourth,to principal duc:8t1(I I75I, to any latc chnrges due widcr the Note.
<br />- ��- 4. Char�ev; i.iens. BorroN�cr�hull pay all taxcs, assessments,churgcx, fines and impositions attributable to the Property —
<br /> which muy attum priority ovcr thiti Security Instrumcnt, and leaschold payments nr ground rents, if any. Rorrowcr shall pay -
<br /> : � thcsc��bligations in thc m.umcr pravidcd in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr, Borro�vcr shall pay thcm on time dircctly -
<br /> to thc person owcd payment. Borrowcr sh.ill promptly fumish ti� Lcndcr all notices of.imounts to be paiJ undcr this puragraph.
<br /> , l' If Borrowcr mukes thcsc paynrents directly. Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to Lcndcr rcceipts evidencing the paymcnts. =
<br /> ' Burrowcr xhall promptly ditichargc any lien which has priority over this Security G�strumcnt unless Borrowcr: (a) agrccs in =__
<br /> . writing to the payment of thc abligution secured by thc lien in a manncr acceptablc to Lender; (b)contests in good faith the lien -_,
<br /> " ; by, or dcfends againtit cnfarccment cif thc licn in, legal prurccdings whirh in tlm Lcnder's upinian operatc to prcvent thc � '
<br /> *• I cnforcemrnt ol thc licn: or(r)sccures I'rum thc h��Wcr of thc licn an agrccmcnt satisfactory to Lcndcr subc�rJinating thc licn to ��
<br /> % this Scrurity Distrumcnt. If Lcndcr detcrminc�thut �iny p:irt of'thc Pn�peny i�wbjcct to a licn which may ,tttain priarity ovcr
<br /> � this Sc�uriry Intitrumrnt. Lrndcr may givc B��rruwcr u notirc idcntilqing thc licn. Burrowcr�hall sati�tj•thc licn or tukc�mc ar .
<br /> mure of thc actions tict furth abovc within 10 dayti uf thc giving ot�noticc.
<br /> Farm 3028 9190
<br /> � vapo 4 0�c .
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