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<br /> �.,,�,;,.,�• .� �� principa!emount of the indebtedness secured by this Deed oi Trust,not Inciudiny sums ed Na�hever pa geeate e security of lhis Deed of _
<br /> ti , TfU31,exceed the origlnat principel amount atated herein,or� Y
<br /> 16.Miscall�ntou�Pravislon�.
<br /> '�' :�:��, (a)Bonaw�r Not Rel�as�d. Extenalon of the tlme for peyment or modiflcatlon ol ernortlzation oi lhe sums secured by Ihfs _
<br /> ° Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor In Interest ot Borrower shell not aperatA to release,In eny manner,the Ifablli-
<br />�, �" ty ot the orlginel Borrower and Borrower's successors In Interest. Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceedings
<br /> � egelnst euch successor or refuse to extend time for payment or atherwlse modify amodization of Ihe eums secured by thla�
<br />+••;... .,,. Deed of T�ust by reason of eny demends made by the original Barawer and Borrowers successors in interest.
<br />- � � (b)L�nd�r's Powon.Wilhout affecting the Ilabllity of any other person ilable for Il�e payment of eny obligatbn hereln men-
<br /> tioned, and without aHecting the Ilen or chargo of thls Deed of Trust upon any portlon ol the Property not then or theretafor�rl _
<br /> reteased as security for the tull amount of all unpald obligatlor�s,Landar mey,froni lime to time and without notico (q roleas ��-'�
<br /> �,;,�}}„� uny person so Ilable,(II)extend the maturity or Rlter any of the terms of any such obllgaUons,(III)qrant other IndulAences,(iv�
<br />_ retease or resonvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time et Lenders optlon any parcel, portlon or nll ot thN
<br /> Property,(v)Wke or rolease eny other or addltlonal security for eny obllgetlon hareln mentloned, or(vi)make compositlons qtS
<br /> .��, ,� � other arrangements with debtors in relation thereto.
<br /> (c)Fort�earance by Lend�r Not a W�ivar.Any forbeArance by Lender In exercising eny right or remedy hereunder,or oth��1
<br /> r
<br /> erwise afforded by applicable law,ahall not be a waiver oi or preclude tha exArcise ot any such�ight or remedy.The procure-
<br />_ - � • ment of Insurance or the payment of texes or other Ilens or charges by Lender shall not be e weiver or Lendere right to acceler• _
<br /> ate the maturity of the Indebtedness secured by thls Deed of Trust
<br /> r`` � (d)Successors and Asstpns Bound;Joint and Ssver�l Lieblllty; Captlons.The cavenants and agreements hereln con-
<br />�� . ,.' � talned shall bind, end the rights hereunder shall Inure to, the respective successora and assigns of Lender and Trustor.All
<br /> covenants and agreements of 7ruetor shell be Jolnt ond several.The captlons e�d headings of the paragraphs ot thls Deed oi
<br />=��r_w . ; 7rust are for convenience only end are not to be used to Interpret or define the prAVlslans hereof.
<br />�;�; . (a)R�qu�st tor Noticss.The parties hereby request that e copy of any notice aidefault hereunder and e copy ot any notice
<br />�;f%V , of sate hereunder be maUed to each party to thls Deed of Trust at the eddress set forlh above In the manner prescdbad by
<br />-- � � � appliceble law.Except for any other notice required under appltcable law to bo given In another manner,any notice provided for _
<br />-" in this Deed of Trust shall be given by maliing such notice by ceRffled mall addresaed to the other parties,et the address set
<br /> `=�'i'• .�
<br /> r� . forth above.Any natice provlded for In thls DRed of Trust ahall be offective upon melling in the manner deslgnated heroin. I
<br /> -• Trustor Is more then one person,notice sent to the address Fet foRh above shail be notice to all such persons. rovided
<br />_,�- • � (� Insp�ation.Lender mey make or cause tu be made reasonable entrlos upon and Inspectione of the Property,p
<br /> ''� that Lender eheli give Trustor notice prlor to eny such Inspection specifying reason�ble caus�therefor related to Lenders inter•
<br /> . , , est in the Properry.
<br /> (p)R�conveyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by thls Deed of Trust, Lendershall request Trustee to racanvey the
<br /> •• Property and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing Indebtedness secured by this Deed oi Trust to
<br /> ' Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property, without warranty end without charge to the person or persons legally entiGed
<br /> � thereto.Tnistor shall pay all costs of recordatlon,If any.
<br /> • �� (h) Personal Properly;Securlty Agreemen� As edditional security for the payment oi the Note,Trustor hereby grants
<br /> x � Lender under tha Nebraska Unlform Commercial Code a secuNry interest in all flxtures. equipment,and other pe�onai property
<br /> ,, ,,� �:. ' i�sbd In;,or�nscUatt wlih ltts res!es.ats Q�lmprovemenca I�cated thereon.and not otherwise declared or deemed to i�e a paR of
<br />� the real estate secured hereby.This instrument shell be construed es a Security Agreement under said Code,antl me Lender
<br />- • shell have ell tha rlghts and remedios of a secured party under sald Code In edditbn to the rights and remedles created under
<br />`� and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed of Trust;provided that Lender's Nghls and remedies under this paragreph shall
<br />{:,; .•,,. :,. , be cumuletive with,end(n no way a ilmitation on,Lender's righis and remedies under eny other security agreement stgned by
<br />_ ' Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> �:. , � ; ,. (f)Llens and Encumbronces.Trustor hereby warrents and represents thet there is no defeult under the provislons�t any
<br />=� � �° mortgage,deed of truat, lease or purchase contrect dascdbing ait or any part of the Property,or other contrect,Instrument or
<br /> '`'�` •'�' agreement constituting a Ilen ar encumbrance egainst all or any �art of the Property (collectively,"Llens"),exlsUng as of the
<br /> r• � �=t; date of this Deed o}Trust,end that any end all exlsting Llens�emaln unmodifled exc�pt as disclosed to Lender in T�ustoPs writ-
<br />-��- ten disclosure of Ilens and encumbrances provided for hereln. Trustor shall tlmely por(orm all of Trustar's obllgationa,
<br />=�� . • covenants,representetions end werrenties under eny end all existing end future Llens.shall promptty(orward to Lender copte�
<br />- of afl notices ot detault sent in connecUon with eny end all exis�ng or future Liens,and shall not without Lender's prior wdlten
<br /> ..':,,.t.,;,,; consent In any manner modlfy the provislons oi or ellow eny future edvances undereny exisUng or future Ilens.
<br />-=•�Y�:k�i•c�r , (j)Applicatlon of Paymmts.liniess otherwise req�lred by law,sums pald to Lender hereunder,including without Iimitetion
<br />-�?���:�-�:ti;; peymenis of principal end Interest, insurance proceeds, condemnation prxeeds end rents and profits, shell be epplied by
<br />--�,rw.•:-„';� Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower In such ordar es Lender In its sole dtscretion deems desir-
<br />_ auin. -
<br /> (k)S�v�rability.If any provislon ot thls Deed of Trust conflicts with appllcablv lew a Is dectared Invalid or otherwise unen•
<br />- torceablo,such conflict or Invslldity shall not ettect the other provislons of thls Oeed of Trust or the Notd whk:h can be given
<br />-__ .. eN�ct without the confllcting provlsion,and to this end the provlslons of this Deed of Trust and the Note ere declared to be sev
<br /> ' erable.
<br />; y (I)Terms.The terms"Trustor end'Borrowe�"shall Inciude both singular end plural,and when the Trustor and Borrower are
<br />� � �•'-•. • the same person(s),those terms as used in this Deed of Trust shall be interchangeable.
<br />;::�'' . : (m)Gov�rninp Law.Thls Deed of Trust shell be govemed by the lews of tho Stete of Nebraske.
<br /> � " �.
<br /> �.
<br /> t•.
<br /> ,. � --
<br /> Trustor has executed this Deed oi Trust es of the datrr+yr�tteti aDOVe: . ;. ._.� �� _
<br /> `�C`'H:1:, . � , � �� -
<br /> - —� -�n i: �;vohoda . Nual�and Trustor Trustor
<br /> �� � -�C��� _
<br /> Pamela R 5voboda , Wife Trustor Trustor E
<br /> . �
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<br /> I �
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