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<br /> � 'Proceods')In conneatlon w4h condemnatlon cr other taking of the Property or part thareof,or for conveyance in eu o con emnetion. ____
<br /> ' Londer shall be endtlad at Ita optlon to commonce,appoar In and prosecute In Its own name any actlon or proeoadings,end shall elso �.-.
<br /> bo ondUed to muko any cQmpromise or settloment In connectlan with such taking ar damage.In tha ovent eny portlon oi Ihe Property is ""°•�`�=-
<br /> ° ; I so taken ar dama{�ed, Lender shall hpve the optlon m ite sale and absolute discretlon,to apply all such proce�eds, after deducting y;.,:;'.-
<br /> ; thare(rom all cosls and expenses Incurred by It In connactlon with such Proceeds,upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such �.�,,;�'
<br /> order ae lender may dotermine,or to apply all euch Proceeds,efter such dedurUons, to the restorotion ot the Proporty upon such con- ������.�
<br /> •a;,.;�-_.,
<br /> � � d!llons ae Lender may determino.Any eppllcatlon of Proceeds to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone lhe duo date of any pey- �.• '•. „
<br /> ` ments under the Nnte,or cure any defeult thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funds shall be pald to Trustor. � � �`
<br /> ut-�_�--
<br /> B. P��tormance b y Lmd�r. U pon the occurrencu oi an Event oi Datault horeunder,or if any act Is takon or legel proceeding �;
<br /> • • commenced which materialty afier.ts Lend9r's Interesl In the Property,Lender may fn its awn dlscretion, but without o b lige t ion to do so, E„•,-,.,.._
<br /> ' � ' and wfthout natice to or demend upon Trustor end wilhout raleasing Trustor(rom any abllgation,do eny act whlch Truator hes agreed _tw
<br /> but falled to do end rney also do eny other ect It deems necessary to protect lhe security hereoi. Trustor ehall, Immediately upon ��.73 ._.
<br /> ��� demand therefor by L.ender,pay to Lender all coste end exper.sea Incurred and sums expended by Lender In connection wlih the exer- _
<br /> , clae by Lender of the toregoing righta,together wlth Interest thereon at the default rate provlded in the Note,which shell be addod to _
<br /> _ � the indebtednesa secured hereby.Lend�r shall not Incur eny Ilabiilty because of anythfng It may do or omlt to dn hereunder. _--
<br /> . 9. Hazerdaus Msterinls.Trustor shell keep the Property In compllance with all applicable Iaws,ordlnances and reguletions �
<br /> relating to industrial hyplene or envlronmental protection (cailectively referred to herein es'Environmental laws").T�ustor shall keep
<br /> the Property iree from ell substances deemed to be hezerdous ar toxlc under eny Environmental Lews(coilectively referred to hereln
<br /> as"Hazardous Materials").Trustor hereby warrants and reprosenta to Lender that there ere no Hezardous Materials on or under the
<br /> �`' Property.Trustor hereby agreas to indemnify end hold harmleRS Lende� Its directors,officers,employees and egents, and any succes-
<br /> sors to l.enders interest, from and against any and ell clalms,damages,losses and liabllitles arisir�g In connoctfon wlth the presence, _
<br /> � use,disposal or transpor[ o(any Hazardous Meterlala on,under,from or about tha Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND v_
<br /> . � 10.Msipnm�nt of R�nts. Trustor hereby assfgna to Lendar, and grants Lender a security interest In,ell presant,future and
<br /> after aMsing rents,issues and proftts ot the Property;provided that Trustor sheil,until the occurrence of an Event ot Default,hereunder,
<br /> � have the right to collect and retaln such rents,Issues and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon lhe occurrence of an Evsnt of
<br /> Qefeult,Lender may, elther in person or by agent,with or w(thout bringing any act(on or praceed)ng, or by e receiver eppolnted by a
<br /> .�� � court and wlthout regard to Ihe adaquacy of fts securlty,enter upon and take possessfon of tne Property,or any part thereot,In(ts own _
<br /> ,. name or in the name of the Trustee,end do any ects which it deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value.marlcetability or
<br /> ,s� rontabllity of the Properly, or any part thereof or interest therein,or to increase the Income thorefrom or protect the security hereot end,
<br /> with or wlthout taking possession of the Property,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,Issues and profits thereoi,Including those pest
<br /> � due and unpald,by notifyfng tenants to make payments to Lender.Lender may apply rents,Issues and profits,less cosls and expens•
<br /> es of operetion and conectlon including ettorney's fees, to any indebtedness secured hereby, all in such order as Lender may deter-
<br />, __ �� mine.The entering Upan and taking possesslon oi the Property,the callectlon oi such rents, issues end proflts,and lhe eppliGaGon
<br /> ---. ---� tt�sreai a�ai�r�said shaii rat�ara a�wa.a any d�tauli ar ro;lcc o!def�u!t hese�ndsr^!lny?!I�AtA any act done in response to such
<br /> default or pursuant to such notice of defauit end, notwithstanding ths contlnuance in possesslon of the property or the collectlon,
<br />� recelpt and applicetion of rents,issues�r proflts,Trustee end Lender sheil be entllled to exercise every right providod tor in any ot the
<br />- . Loan Instn;ments or by law upon occurcence ot any Event of Qefault,Including wlthout Ilmitatlon the right to exerclse the power of salo.
<br /> Further,Lenders rights end remedles under this paregr�ph shall be cumulative with, and in no way a Ifmltatlon on,Lender's rlghts and
<br /> remedles under any assignment of teases and rents recorded agatnst the Property.Lender,Trustee and the receiver shall bo Ileble to
<br /> �. eccount only for those rents ectually recelved.
<br /> 11.Events of Default.The following shali constitute an Event of Default under this Deed of Trust:
<br /> (a)Fallure to pay eny Instellment of princlpal cr Interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> ,. (b)A breach of or detault under any provlsio�contained in the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan InsWments,or any
<br /> . other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Propertyr;
<br /> (c)A writ oi execution or attachment or any simllar process shall be entered against Trustor which shall become a Ilen on
<br /> . the Properry or eny portion thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> � . • • % (d)7here shell be filed by or agefnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or future federel,stete or other statute,
<br /> ' . lew or reguletion relating to bankniptcy,Insolvency or other relief for debtors;or there shall be eppolnted any truatee,receiver or
<br /> • �. Iiquldator of Trustor or Borrawer or of ail or any part of the Property,or the rents,Issues or proflts thoreof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br />- `. shail make any general assignment for the benefit of creditors; _
<br /> � „ (e)The sale, trensfer, lease, essignment, conveyance or further encumbranca of ail or eny pert of or any interest In the
<br /> � Properry,eithor voiuntarily or Involuntartly,without the express written consent of Lender;provided that Trustor shall be permlt-
<br />=r ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contaln an option to purchese and the term of which does not exceed one
<br />_ year;
<br /> (�Abandonmonlof the Property;or
<br /> � (g)If Trustor is not an Indfvidual,the issuance,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than(If a
<br /> ' - corporation)a total of percent of its issued and outstanding stock,or(If a partnership)a total af per-
<br />' ' � cent of partnership Interests,or(if a I;mited Ilability company)a total of percent of the limited Ilability compa- --
<br /> ny fnterests or voting rights during the period this Deed of Trust remalns a lien on the property.
<br /> z 12.Remedles;Accelontion Upon Detault.In the event of any Event of Default Lender may,without notice except es requlred =_____
<br /> by law,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabie and the same shall thereupon become due and payable with- o__ _
<br /> • i out any presentmont,dernand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: ___, .-
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exerdse the POWER OF SALE granted horeln, and Trustee shal!thereafter cc{use Trustor's inter- _ ___
<br /> ' est in the Property lo be sold and the proceeds to be dfstributed,ali in the manner provided In the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act; =x�:_
<br /> (b) Exercfse any and all rights provided for in any of the Loan Instruments or by lew upon occurrence o( any Event of •
<br /> Detault;and ' '.'
<br /> (c)Commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or specifically enforce any of the
<br /> covenants hereof.
<br /> No remedy heroin conferred upon or reserved to Trustoe or Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the Loan
<br /> Instrumonts or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulativo,shall be fn addition to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> in the Loan Instrumenls or now or hereafter existfng at law or fn equity or by statuto, and may be exercised concurrently,independentiy
<br /> _
<br /> _ or succesively.
<br /> - � 13.Trustee. The Trustee may resfgn at any time witnout cause,end L8nt1B�may at any iima anu wiiiiuui i:au5n oNy'vii�i o Si:G-
<br /> � cessor or substituta Trustee. Trustee shall not be liable to any paKy, Including without Ilmltation Lender,Borrower,1'rustor or any pur-
<br /> - , chaser of the Property,foi any loss or damage uniess duo to reckless or willful misconduct,and shall not be requfred to lake any action
<br /> ; in connection with the onforcement of this Oeed of Trust unless indemnii�d,�n writing,for all costs,compensation or expenses whi�h
<br /> : may be associated therewilh. In additior.,Trusteo may becoma a pur.h;,�ar at any aale of lhe Property(judic(al or under the powor of
<br /> ' sale granted herein);poslpone llie sale of all or any portion of the Property,as provided by law;or sell thQ Proporty as a whole,or in �
<br /> ! separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretion.
<br /> - � 14. Fees artd Expenses.In lhe event Trustee sells the Proporty by exercise o(power of sala, Trustea shall ba entitled lo apply �
<br /> i any sale procoeds first to payment of all costs and expenses of exorcising power of sale, including all Trustee's feos, and Lsnder's and
<br /> Trustoe's attornoy's teo3, actually incurred to axtant pennitted by applicable law. In the event Borrower or 7rustor exercises any right
<br /> ! provided by law to cure an Event oi Default,Lender shall be entitlad to rocover from Trustor all costs and expensos aclually incurred as
<br /> I a rosult of Trustor's de(auli,includinc�without limitation all Trustee's and attomey's fees,to the oxtont permitted by applicable law.
<br /> - I 15. Futuro Advancos.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may, at its option,make additional end future advances and read-
<br /> - � vancos to Borrower 5uch advances and roadvances.with interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed�f Trust.At no time shal�the
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br /> � -..
<br />