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T <br /> .��h�+ t9$.. ;.: �.��«,��",:�'!�9:�:• �,� , �..r<<. . .. ,.�:�,: � . - , . . . . �. ,r:�' .''t'��, �� <br />,,,'�e::Ti!M.`-Z�I�y f:s' , ."v_`a•''�;r'•;�1�'�;F•��►�th`Pt"vr:`:.;,�•. �.yi,r•.. .. --• , .- , .. . • , � . i,:.�ey� �.y _ -_�---_. <br /> 1T ' t { " .._ - <br /> , ;, 1 , . .,�, . • . . ,. � �-,,, ' _. <br /> „' , ,,x � � . . .. <br /> -0fi�!+h+a�,..s.�k _ _ �'�'.., . ., .. .. _ .. . -— --- 1�,: <br /> . �.. <br /> �:•. <br /> , 5. Haturd ur Praperty lusurunce. Borrowcr shall kecp the improvements now existing or hereuftcr crected on the �,_ <br /> � �� Property insured uguinst lass by fire, h�unrds included within thc tcrm "axtendcd coveragc" und nny other hurards, induding <br /> n�»as ��� n���d�nb, for�vhich Lender require�intiuran�e.1'his insurunce shall be muintaincci in the umounts und for the periods �; <br /> � that L.cndcr reyuirc+. Thc insuruncc curricr providins thc insurancc shull bc rhoscn by Borrowcr subjcct tc� L.cndc:r'} upprcrv.+l i_ <br /> +� �`"' ' � whidti shull not bc unrcasonably withhcld. �f Bc�rrower fails to maintain covcrnge describcd abovc, [.cnder may, at I..endcr's y � <br /> a �"� <br /> ;��` option,obtain covcrnge to protect l..ender'�rights in the Property in uccordance with paragraph 7. — <br /> ".��' All insurance policies und renewals shull be acceptuble�o I.ender und shall include a stnndurd mortguge clause. [.ender � <br /> shull have the right to hold the policics and rene�vals. �f l.endtr requires,Borrower shall promptly give to L.ender ull receipts of� <br /> . ' paid prcmiums and rencwal notices. In thc evcnt of loss,Borrowcr shall give pmmpt notice to the insurunce carrier and l.ender, _ <br /> `. . [.�;ndcr may mukc praof of loss if not madc prompdy by Borrower. � <br /> - i ss l.endcr and Rorrowcr otherwisc agrcc in H riting,insurance proceeds shall bc applied to restoration ar repair of the�''.�' <br /> Unlc <br /> �• . � Property itamuged,if the restaration or repair is economicaUy feasiblc and L.ender's security is not Icssene;ci. If the restoration or <br /> repair is not economically fcusible or I.ender's security would be Icssened,the insurance proceecis shaU be upplied to the sums'� — <br /> �:t s-•. �' sccureci by this Security Instrumcnt, �vhether or not thcn duc, with any excess puid to Horrower. If Borrower abundons thc <br /> ;,-�;:_;' _. �., Prnpeny. or doeti not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender thnt the insurance carrier has offered to setde u claim, then <br /> -..�, • Lender may coilect the insucunc� p�-ocee�s. Lender muy use the proceeds to repAir or restore the Property or to pay sums � <br /> :'�?��� secureci by this Sec.urity Insrrument, whether or not then due.The 30-day period wiU begin when the notice is given. <br /> " ' Unless Lender and Borrowcr otherwise ngrec in writing, uny application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or _ <br /> - � postpone thc due date of the munthly payments rcferrcd to in parugraphs I and 2 or changc the amount of thc pnyments. If <br /> ' ' • �� under parugraph?1 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrawer's right to uny insurnnce policies�nd proceerls resulting from <br /> , . damagc to the Propeny prior to the acquisition shall puss to Lcndcr ta thc extent of thc sums secured by this Security Instrument <br /> ' ,.` immediutcly prior to thc ucquisition. <br /> �� • 6. (kcupancy. Preservation,Malntenance und Protectlon af the�'ropeMy;Borrower's In�an Applicntfon; I.easeholds. <br />��.+�-', ,�, Borrower sh�ll occupy, est;�blish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days ufter the execution of <br />- • '� this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Bonower's principal residence for at Ieust one year after <br /> .� � • the date of occupuncy, unless i.ender otherwise ugreeti in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> - extenuacing circuu„tuuces ��i;t Wh::h a:c C�;r.::d H^lPnK'nr'c ��m�rol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br />- Propeny, allaw the Propeny to detcriorate, or commit wastc on the Property. Borrowcr shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> • � action or proceuling,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's gocxi faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> ' .,�����;'t •. Property or otherwise materially impuir thc lien crcated by this Securiry Instrument or l.ender's security interest. Borrower may <br /> cure such a default and reinstute,as provided in para�raph 18, by causing the action or prcxceding to be dismissed with a ruling <br />�;� _'' r'; that, i» Lender's good faith determination, Urecludes forfeitum of the Borrowcr's interest in the Property or other muterial <br /> L�����.;.,, ,.,�;• impuirment of thc licn created by this Sccurity instrument or Lender's sccurity interest, Borrower shall also be in default if <br />- ;.� Borrower,during the loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> � . , to provide L.endcr with uny mutcrial information)in connertion with thc loan evidenccd by the Note, including, but not limited <br /> - �Yaµ to,representations concerning Borruwer's i�ccupancy of thc Froperty as a principal residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a <br /> =;;�;''�"� ' ' - leasehold, Borrowcr shall comply with ull thc provisiuns of thc leasc. If Borrower ucquirex fee title ro the Property, the <br /> -�.�r=.-,r1;�!_ ,. <br /> r•r�•-• � Ieasehold and thc fce tide shall not cncrgc unless Lcndcr ugrccs to the mcrgcr in writing. <br /> �`.::�,,:,i...�.'��'� 7.Protectton of I.ender's Ri�hts in the Property.If Burrowcr fuils to perform the covenants and agrccments contained in <br /> ` ��.:.�.:�.'.. this Securiry Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that rriay significantly affect Lender's rights in the Pmpeny (such as a _ <br /> _ -.- ��„ procceding in b�nkruptcy,probate, for condcmnation or fnrfeiwre or to enforce laws or reQulutions), then Lender mny do und <br /> � pay for whatever is necessu�y [o pratect the value of the Propeny and l.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions muy <br /> - :,..�. ' include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying <br /> . rcusonublc uttomcys'fccs and cntering on the Propeny to makc repairs. Althaugh Lcndcr may take action under this paragraph _ <br /> - �� 7,Lendcr docs not havc to do so. <br /> �-;`-,.::.X.... � <br /> .ti --.... . Any amounts disburscd by Lendcr undcr this paragr�iph 7 shall bccome additional debt of Borrowcr secured by this <br /> ��� Securiry Instrument. Unlcsx Borrowcr iind Lcndcr agrcc tci othcr terms of puyment,thesc amounts shall bcar interest from the <br /> � " date of disbursement ut the Note rute xnd sha!I be payuble, with intcrest, upon notice from I.cnder ro Borrower r�questing <br /> ' payment. <br /> 8.Mortgufic Insurance. If Lcndcr rcquimd mortgabc insurancc�s a condition of making thc loun scrurcd by this Sccurity <br /> lnstrument. Botto�vcr �hall pay the pretniums required to maintuin the mortgagc insurance in effect. If, for any rcason, the <br /> ntortga�e insurancc coveragc requir�d hy Lendcr lapses or ceuses to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums requircd to — <br /> obtnin covcragc �ub�;tantially cquivulcnt to thc mortgugc insuruncc prcviously in effcct, at a cost substantixlly cyuivalcnt to thc _ <br /> - cuxt to Borrowcr of the mc�rtgagc insurance in ef�fcct, frum an altcrnatc mong�.g� insurer approved by Lcndcr. If _ <br /> substantially cyuiv:�lcnt mm-l�;agc intiurancc covcrabc is nc�t availablc. Borrciwcr shall pay ro l.cndcr cach month a sum cquul to — <br /> unc-twclf'th of thc ycarly mortga�c insurancc prcmium bcing paiJ by Borrowcr whcn thc insurancc covcragc lapsed or rcascd to <br /> bc in cffcct. I.cndcr will acrcpt,u�c cmd retain thcsc paymcnts as u Iciss rescrvc in licu ol' mortgagr insurancc. Loss rescrvc = <br /> Farm 3028 9/90 <br /> 1 vo��o 3 oi a <br /> , _ <br /> .� , .. .- - .. .. . .._ . .� <br /> _ � � _ _ _ <br /> _ <br /> _._ _ _ <br />