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�� . <br /> '� � . „ . <br /> ,. ,7 +� __ <br /> . ,�r. . ' .. . <br /> . <br /> ' . _ ...:.1- �vt..e w. ..F. . . � . � . . ...•r •� - . .. .... . . ..... _ . . . .. ._i,•.e�,�� :��— <br /> . . ._. ._....... .. ... .. . . . . . i�=,,... <br /> � � <br /> � • ' - � 97�. isoss3 <br /> . . . . . . : R= <br /> cxecutcd for thc purp�sc�f creatin�,s�curins or guarantying thc Secured Ucht. A good faith belicf by l�;ndcr that �=� <br /> L.�:ndcr a4 any�imc is fnsecu;c with;rc�ct tu any person or cntity obligatcd on thc Sccurcd Dcbt c�r that thc prospcct ��:' <br /> of any pAymcnt or the value af the Yroperry is impaired shaU�Is�constitutc an cvcnt ot dcfault. �_._ <br /> � f5. RGMEUI�S ON DEFAUL.T.ln somc instanccs, fcderal and statc Inw will rcyuirc 1_cndcr to providc Gruntor with E�-- <br /> notice of the right to curc or other notices and may establish time SchGdules for foreclosure �ctions.Subject to thesc <br /> -� limitations, if any, Lr.nder may aceelerate the Secured Debt imd fc�rcclose this Security Instrument in ii manncr <br /> j� provided by law if Grantur is in default. <br /> ��,,; At the option of Lender,all or any part of the agreed fees nnd chArgcti, uccrued interest and principai shi�ll hecomc <br /> immediately due and payable,after giving noticc if required l�y Inw, upon the occurrenre of t� Jefault or anytimc <br /> ' "�"� + thcrcafter.In addition,Lender shaU be entiticd to z�ll thc remedi�s provided by law,the terms of the Secured Debt, <br /> this Sccurity Instrument and any related documents,including without limitation,thc puwcr to seU thc Property. <br /> " lf thcrc is a default,Trustee shall,in additian to any othcr permitted remcdy,ut thc requcst ot thc l.cndcr,advertisc <br /> and sell the Property as a whole or in separate parcels at public auct�un w tlie highest bidder for cash and ccmvey <br /> absolutc tiU� free and clear o(all right, titic and interest oF Grantor at such timc and plucc��s Trustcc dcsignutcs. <br /> • Trustcc shall givc noticc of salc including thc timc,tcrms and placc c�f st�lc s�nd a dcscripticm u(thc{�roperty tc�hc suld <br /> �s required hy the applicable law in effect ut tht time uf the propused salc. <br /> Upon sale af the property and to the cxtent nut prohibited by law,Trustee shall makc and deliver a decd to thc Property <br /> • sold which conveys absolutc title to the purchaser,and after first payit�g all fees,charges and costs,shall pay to Lender all <br /> moneys advanccd for rcpairs,taxes,insurance,liens,asscssments and prior encumbranccs and interest thercon,and thc <br /> � principal and intcrest on the SecurcJ D�Ut,paying the surplus,i:any,to Grantor. Lender may purchase thc Property. ----- <br /> tr The recitals in any deed of conveyance shall he prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. — <br /> All rcmedies nrc distinct,cumulativc and not cxclusivc,and the Lcndcr is cntiticd to all rcmedies provided at law or <br /> �'' cquit��,whether or not cxpressly sct furth.The acccptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payme:nt on thc <br /> Secured Debt after thc balance is due or is accelerated or after fareclosure proceedings are filed shall not constitute a <br /> waiver of Lender's right to reyuirc complete cure of any existing delault.By not exercising any rcmedy on Grantor's <br /> default,Lender docs not waive L�.ndcr's right to latcr considcr thc event a default if it continues or happens again. <br /> � 16. EXPENSES;ADVANC�S ON COVENANTS;ATTORNEYS' FEGS; COLLEC'I'ION COSTS. Exccpt when <br /> , prohibited by law.Grantor agrees to pay all of Lcndcr's expenscs if Grantor brcachcs any covenant in this Security <br /> Instrument. Grantor will�►lso pay on demand any amount incurred by Lcndcr for insuring, inspecting,preserving or <br /> �' othenvise protecting the Property and Lcndcr's s�:curity intcrest.Thesc cxpenses will bcar intcrest from tl�e datc of <br /> `� thc payment until paid in full ut thc highcst intcrest ratc in effcct as provided in thc terms of the Securcd Debt. <br /> � Grantor agrees to pay all costs and expenses mcurred by Lender in colleccing,enCorcing or pruicciiug I,c�i�ici's figiiis <br /> '� and remedies undcr this Security Instrumcnt. This amount may include,hut is not limited to, attorneys' fces, court _ <br /> ti costs,and other legal expenses.This Security Instrument shall remain in effect until released.Grantor agrees to pay <br /> for any recardation costs of such release. <br /> '� 17. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZa►RDOUS SUBSTANCES.As used in this section,(1)Environmental Law <br /> � nteans,without limitation,thc Comprehensive Environmental Response.Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA, <br /> _ � 42 U,S.C.9601 et seq.),and aU other federal,state and local laws,regulations, ordinances,court orders,attorney <br /> gcncral opinions or interprctive lctters conccrning thc public hcalth,safety,welfare, environment or a hazardous <br /> �.� substancc; and (2) HaTardous�ubst�ncc mcans any toxic,rudioactivc or har.ardous matcrial,waste,pollutant or <br /> contaminant which has charactcristics which rcndcr thc substancc dangcrous or potcntially dangcrous to thc public <br /> hcalth, s�tety,wclfarc or cnvironment.7'hc tcrm indudcs,without limitation,any substanccs defincd �s"hazurdous <br /> material;"`toxic substances,""hazardous waste"or"haxardous substance"under ar,y Environmental Law. <br /> +� Grantor represents,waaants and agrees that: <br /> A. Except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lender,no Ha•r.ardous Substance is or will be -_ <br /> -- - . locatcd, storcd or rcicascd on or in ihc Property.Thic rPStriction does not apply to small quantities of `�� <br />_ '�� �,-. <br /> Huzardous Substanccs that arc genernlly rccogni•r.ed to be appropriate for thc normal use and maintenance of <<_ <br /> �.� the Property. °_ <br /> B. Except as previously discloscd and acknowled�cd in writing to L.cnder,Grantor and cvcry tcnant have been,are, <br /> , ' and shall rcmain in full compliancc with any applicablc Environmental Law. - <br /> � C. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender if a rcicase or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance occurs on, <br />- undcr or about thc Property or thcrc is a violation of any Environmcntal Law conccrning thc Property.In such <br />_ - an event,Grantor shall take all necessary remedial action in accordance with any Environmental Law. ; <br /> � D. Grantor shall immcdiatcly notify Lendcr in writing as soon as Grantor has rcason to bclicvc thcrc is any �'. <br /> pending or thrcatened invcstigation,claim,or procceding rclating to the releasc or threatencd releasc of any <br /> • Hazardous Substancc or thc violation of any Environmental Law. <br /> 18. CnNDEMNATION.Grantor will givc i.cndcr prompt noticc of any pending or thrcatencd action,hy private or <br /> " public cntitics to purchasc or takc any or all of thc Property through condemnution, cmincnt domain,or any othcr <br /> - mcans. Grantor authorizcs Lcndcr to intcrvcnc in C�rantor's namc in any of thc abovc dcscribed actions or claims. <br /> Grantor assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim tor damages connected with a condemnativn or other <br /> taking of all ur any part of thc Property.Such procceds shall he considcred paymcnts and will bc upplicd ns providcd in <br /> this Securiry Instrument. "1'his assignment of proceeds is subjcct to the tcrms of any prior mortgagc,dced of trust, <br /> security agrcement or othcr licn documcnt. <br /> 19. INSURANCE. Grantor shall kcep Property insured against loss by firc, flood, thcft and othcr ha•r.ards and risks <br /> rr:►snn.�hly associatcd�cith thr Prorcrty dur tc�its t)�}�c and location.Thiti insuranre sliall hr mainlainrd in thr anuwnts <br /> " :ui�1 fi�r ihr periods that Lcndrr rcyuires.'1'hr insurancc r.irricr prcn�idink thc in�uranre shall hc chusrn hy (irantor <br /> . subicrt to Lcndcr's appruva�l,which shall n�n hr unrcasonahly�vithhcld. If C;rantur fails tu m.iintain thc cu��rragc <br /> - desrrihed ahuv�,Lcndcr may,.it Lcndcr'�c���cragc tu pratcct I.rndcr�s rights m tlir t'roperry accoraing �� <br /> to the tcrms of this Security Instrument. <br /> - All insurancc policics amd rrnrwal�xhall bc arrcptahlc h� Lcndrr and shall incluJr�i�t�ndard"mortgagc clausc"and, <br /> whcrr applicablc."lu�s paycr rluusc.°Grantor shall intmcdiatcly notify Lcndcr u[cancrllatiun ur trrmination uf lhc <br /> in.urancc. Lcndrr sh;ill h:ivr thc righ:tc:huld thr pi�li�irs and rencwals. If Lcndrr rryuirr�.Grantur}h:�ll immediatcly � <br /> � �ivc tu Lrndcr all r��rcipts�,I paid prcmiums amd rrncw,il nutirrs. l��c�n lu.s.(�r,int��r sh��ll�ivr immcdiatc nuticc t�� , <br /> Ihr intiurancr canirr and Lcndrr.Lcndrr nr.�t�mak�prcn�f uf lutis il n��t ma�ir immr�liatrl��I,v(irantur. i <br /> • • � <br /> , , <br /> � <br /> IPaqe 3 0!4) ' <br /> � /��� I <br /> _ ���,•a�ia�„�...�.,.i��.,•.i.., s�c�..,,.���N�,n:x� r�:�i„��,,.,��ii or Hi naya —� ---- I <br /> � <br /> � I <br /> L - <br />