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-� . . <br /> � .. . ,... <br /> ..,,r,��i��'�imV ' .� � .. .... . . .... ,. . �"�;c"•^;�;,,�. <br /> . . . . . _.�_... ........ __ .. '"1- <br /> �7- 11�553 --. <br /> s <br /> Fi. All futurc t�dv,mccs frc�m I_rndcr tu(;rantur orothcr futurc ubligati��m��f(�r.minr t��Lrn.lcr un�lcr any prc�misuirq <br /> notc.cuntr.icL guaranty.ur uthcr cvidcncc af dcht cxccutcd hy c ir;intur in favor uf I.cnJcr rxccutcd�►flcr ihi� <br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt whcthcr nr nc�t this Sccurity Imtru�sicnt is s��ccifirally rcfcrcnrrd. I(murr th,n�onu �xrson _ <br /> ' signs this Sccurity Instrumcnt,cach Grantc�r agrccs that this ticcurity In+trw�unt will tircurc all futur� aJvancc�,und <br /> futurc i�bligations that arc givcn to ur incurrcd by��ny c�nc iu mc�rc(;rantur. ur any unc ur morc (ir���tnr und <br /> u(hcrs./1U fulurc advanccs nnd othcr futurG ��hlig�ili�m.arc ticcurcil hv this ticcurity Instrununt cvcn thuu}:h all ur <br /> �" p�irt may nut yct hc advanccd.All futurc advanccs and othcr futurc uhligations�ro sccurcd as if m�idc on ihc�atc <br /> +�r;,,,,; of this 5ecuriry Instrumcnt. Ni�thing in this Sccurity Instrumcnt shall constitutc a commitrnent to mukc acidition�l <br /> ,,,,,,w,,�, or futurc loans or advanccs in any amc�unt.Any such cummitmcnt must hc agrccd to in a scpa►ratc writing. <br /> C. All obligations Grantor owes to L.endcr,which may latcr:�risc,to thc extcnt not prohihitcd by law,including,but _ <br /> � not limitcd to,liabilities for ovcrdrnfts rclating to nny dcposit account agrcement bctwcen Grantor and L.cndcr, <br /> D. P.II additional sums advanced and expenses incurred I�y l.ender f�r insuring.�+reservin�or otherwi�e pr�tectin� � <br /> thr Yruperty und its v.iluc and any othcr sunn uJv,inccd anJ cxpcnscs incurrcd hy l.rnacr undcr thc t cnuti uf ° <br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> This Security Instrumcnt will not securc.�ny othcr clebt if I.i:ndcr fails ta givc nny rcquired notic;c of the right of rescission. <br /> 5. PAYMENTS.Grantor agrecs that all paymcnts undcr thc Secured Dcht will be paid whcn duc and in accordance <br /> �, with the terms of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument. <br /> 6. WARRANTY OF TITLE.Grantor warrants that Grantor is or will bc lawfully scizcd af the cstatc convcycd by this <br /> Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocably Frant,convey,and scll the Property to Trustee, in trust,with <br /> , po�ver of sale.Grantor�Iso warrants that the Property is unencumbered,cxeept for encumbranecs of record. <br /> • � 7. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS.With regard to any uthcr mortgagc,decd of trust,sccurity agrecment orother lien - <br /> document that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Properiy,Grantor agrees: � <br /> , � A. To make all payments whcn due and to perform ur comply with all covenants. - <br /> � B. To promptly deliver to L,endcr any notices that Grantor rcccivcs from the holdcr. <br /> . C. Not to allow any modification or extension of,nor to requcst any future advahces under any note or agrcement _ <br /> secured by the licn document without Lcnder's prior written consent. <br /> ;_y 8. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE.Grantor will pay all taxes, assessments, liens,encumbrances, lease payments. ground <br /> � rcnts,utilities,and othcr charges r.:lating to thc Property when due.l.endcr may reyuire Grantor to provide to Lender <br /> �� copies ot all notict;s that such amounts are due and the receipts evidenc:ing Grantor's payment. Grantor will defend <br /> ° �' - title to the Propeny against any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument.Grantor agrees to assign <br /> � to Lender,as requested by Lender,any rights,claims or deicnses iJranior may tiavc agai�iai p�Yi�s whu sup�i�lab:,r <br /> or materials to maintain or improve the Property. <br /> � 9. DUE ON SA�.E OR ENCUMBRANCE.Lender may,at its option,declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to <br /> � be immediately due and payable upon the creation of.or contract for the creation of,any lien,encumbrance. transfer <br /> �' or sale of the Property.This right is subject to the restrictions imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),as applicable. -, <br /> • » This covenant shall run with thc Property and shall remain in efCect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and this �' <br /> Security Instrument is released. <br /> 10. PROPERTY CONDITION,ALTERAT[ON�AND INSPECTION.Grantor will keep the Property in good <br /> condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shall not commit or allow any��+aste, <br /> impairment,or detcrioration of the Property. Grantor will kcep the Property frce of noxious weeds and grasses. <br /> Grantor agrees that the natare of the nccupancy and use will not substantially change without Lender's prior written <br /> � consent.Grantor will Rot permit any change in any license,restrictive covenant or easement without Lender's prior <br /> ' +�'- written consent.Grantor will notify L.ender of all demands,proceedings,claims,and actions against Grantor,and of <br /> � any loss or damage to the Property. _ <br /> .� Lender or Lender's agents rr�ar,at L.endcr's option, cnter the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose ef _ <br /> inspecting the Property. Lender shall give Grantor notice at the time of or before an inspection specifying a <br /> reasonable purpose for the inspection, Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for L,ender's benefit and <br /> Grantor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection. — <br /> I1. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Geantor fails to perform a�iy duty or any of thc covenants contained in this <br /> - Security Instrument,Lcnder may,without notice,perform or cause them to be performed.Grantor appoints Lender - <br /> as attomey in fact to sign Grantor's name or pay any amount nccessaty for performancc.Lender's right to perfortn for <br />- Grantor shall not crcatc an obligation to perform,and Lcnder's failure to perform will not preclude I.cnder from _ <br /> exercising any of L.ender's other rights under the law or this Security Instrument.If any construction on the Praperty is <br /> discontinued or not carcied on in a reasonable tnanner, L.ander may tnke all steps necessary to protect Le�der's <br />__ sccurity interest in the Property,including comple;tion ot thc construction. <br />- 12. ASSLGNMCN'T OF LEASES AND REN'I'S.Grantor irccvocably grants,conveys and sells to Trustee,in trust(or the <br /> benetit of l.cndcr,as additional sccurity all thc right, title and interest in and to any and all cxisting or future Icascs, <br /> sublcases,and any other written or vcrbal agreements for the use and occupancy uf any portion ot the Property, <br /> including any e:xtensions.renewals,modificstions or substitutions a(such agreemcnts{all rcfcrred to as"I.eascs") and <br /> rents, issucs and profits (all rcfcrrcd tu as"Rcnts"). (�r.mtor will prc�mptl��E�ruvidr Lrnctrr with tru�•.mci corrcct � <br /> I copies of al(existing and future Le:ases.Grantor may collect,receive,enjoy and use the Rents so long as Gtantor is not <br /> � in default under the terms of this Sccurity Instn�ment. <br /> ? Grantor acknowledges that this assignment is perfected upon thc recordin�of this Deed of'trust and that Lender is _ <br /> i entitled to notify Any of Grantur's tenants to makc payment of Rents duc or to bccomc duc to Lender.Eiowevcr, _ <br /> I IAndcr agrccs that only on dcfault will Lcndcr notify Grantor and Grantor's tcnants and makc dcmand that all futurc _' <br /> • � Rcnts bc paiJ dircctly to Lendcr. C)n rccciving noticc of dcfault,Grantor will cndorsc and dclivc;r to Lcndcr any � <br /> �_ � .,.. ., :�� ..�.. ,ti.. <br /> � � �dylllCitt Ot 1{Cillti 10 Ctfi111[t)f�ti �70StiC5StOf1 :111C1 w�Il Ic�civc d�iy ncni�ii�iiu;i wi.,C�u�T:i:.,::�� ;�::�:::��..:E... ..... -. <br /> - � R�nts wich any uthcr funds. Any amciunts cullcctrd will hc.��ri���►�� r«���a���n �n�. ticcuriry�Instrumcnt. Grantor <br /> warrants that nu dcL•iull cxists undcr thc Lrasrs ur any,�p{�lirahlr IandlurJ/trn�int Iciw.(irantor also.��;rres lu rnaintain <br /> - and requirc any tcn:�nt to rumply��•ith thc trrms c�f ihc I.ra►us and,►pplir<ihlc I»w. <br /> ' 13. LI?ASEHOLI)ti:CONDOMINIUMti:PLANNEU UNI"I'1)I:VF:LOPM1tENTS.(�r,uuor a�recs lu comply, ��•i�h Uir , <br /> E�rnvisiunti uf an��Irasc if this ticcurity In.trumc��l iti�,n a IrasrhoW.If thr I'ro�xrly inrludcti a unit in,i r�,nd��minium i <br /> t�r a (�la:inrd unit d�•vrl�,��nx•n�. c�r��nt��r�sill ��rrfc�rm .ill �,f(it�inl��r\ ilulir. undrr thu r�n•cnanls.I,�•-lawti,ur <br /> rr�ulations c,l thr rundui�i�nium�,r E�I�innr�l unil �Ir�rlupmrnt. <br /> 14. UI{I�AUI:I'.(irantur ��ill hr in �irl:iuit il an) (r�ri)•�,I,li�,;�tr�i un thc tirrurcd I)rht lail� t�, makc pa�•m�nl«•hcn clur. <br /> (;iantrn�a•ill hr in il�•f:iull il ,� hrcarh ���'rur� undrr ihr Irrnn nl t�ii� Sccunt�• In�lrumrnt ur am� uthrr�I.,rmnrnt <br /> ' ) �p,i5e J ola/ <br /> - '.�f�+'1111.��.1�„lti�-�..n�,i.� ��('�...�tl l,�li it tlK)1y/J4I1• I..n,tll Ill NI ftX•If —'�/!_ . . <br /> 1 , • <br />