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._�. . „ - � <br /> -------•- , �� ,�.:. <br /> .. <br /> --_ _.. _.. .__ ._ _ .. - .. _ . . _ <br /> : - <br /> — ---..... . _ ._. .,.-- .s,;�''��4,..�ir— <br /> .. - —� �Jrlmw. ..�. � �. •.a..e —_—_`.ag� � , - - ..._�� __�J� — _. . ._-_ � -.. <br /> .i <br /> 1�M��M�!!RD�MM�M"MiH�«�...+vww�..,�..":e ,.-.���_____ _ <br /> -'�''y'," �'':yi`- -- <br />������r . <br /> .�` .`,� '�� Borrowcr shull prnmpdy �ivc Lcndcr writtcn ni�ticc oi'any invcstigation. cluim. drnu►nd. law�uit ur athcr uc�inn hy any <br /> `-t:s;•i,.�•,.:,q� :�{. govcrnmental or rcgulntury ugency c�r privatc pnny involving thc i'rnperry und any H.a,irduuy Suhtitumc ur f:nvirunnicntal <br /> �� 1 of which Rurrowcr has actual kn��wlcdgc. If Horrowcr Ics�rn+,nr is nauficd by nn; �uvcrnniciUid ��r rcgulatury aulhuriry. that <br />-•,..,... :�, ;�� . any or cnhcr r��mcdiatii+n of any Ha�urdous Suh�tuncc affcciing thc Properry i+ncrcti+.ry.B�n•ru�vrr�h;dl prumpUy takc <br /> nll ncressury rcmcdiul uctions in uca�rdnucc with k'snvirunnicntul Luw. <br /> , :. i� , As uscd in this paragaiph 20, "Nn�audous Suh�tanccs" arc thotic suhtitnnccti dclincd u.tnxic ur hiuiu�clauti +uh,��uiccy hy - <br /> Environmcntnl L.nw und thc follawing suhstunccti: guscilinc, kcrn.c�ic. uthrr tliunmuhlc ur tuxir pcu•ulcum ��r�xlucts. t��xic <br /> � �sticides und herbicides. volutilc,alvent�,mi�teriul�containing usbestus�ir tiirmaldehyde. and rudivactivr i1uUC��.ds, !1s u,cd in �� <br />'•��'.`` •' � this pangraph Z0, „Enviromncntnl" mcuns fcdcral luw,und luwy uf thc,jurisdi�tiun whcrc thc 1'ru�crl iti I�icutcd lhut <br /> ..� rclutc to heidth, safcty or envirunmcntnl prutectiun. c•�rvennnt si�id a trcc iiti lidluws: ' <br /> NON-UNIFUkM COV�NANTS. i3urr.�a•cr:md 1-cndcr furthci ! <br /> ,: {�AR�' �- 21.Acceleratlnn;Remedlex. l.ender tihall ulve nutice tn I3nrrmr•er priur tu ucceleruUon PoUowing liorrow•cr'.r brcaci� � <br />'���`� � � � of any covenant nr ugrecmcnt In thi~ Securlty Instrumr.nt (but not pr(or to uccelernUon under purs�gruph 17 nnl��.� <br />�� appltcable law provides otherwlxe).The nutice tihall s{xclfy: (a)the defaulh (b) the uctfon requlred tu cure the default; � <br /> `-;--- - (c)a date, not l�ss thpn 30 dayr�frum the dutc the nutice Ix�iven to Borrower, by whkh the defnult murt be cured;and � <br />�- ?�: (d)that Pallure to cure the defuult on ur befare the date speclfled In the nnUce muy result In ucccler�aNnn nf the 5ums � <br />_ :� sccured by this Seeurlty Instrumeid and sale o�'the Property.The nodce shAll further Inform Horrower ot the rlKht ta <br /> � refnstate after accclerutlou and the��f�;ht to bring u couR uctlon to ascert the non-exlstence oP u de!'ault or any other <br /> x� „ defense nf Bor� � �r to acceteratian wnd salc. If the default is not cured on ar bePore the date spectfied In the nattce, <br />- � ' Lender,ut its option, muy require Immed�ate payment in full nf aD sums s�tiurctl by this Sccurlty lnstrument withnut <br /> further demund und may invoke thc power of 5alc and any othcr remedle.c permitted by uppIfcnble law,l.endir shuU Ac <br />�;, �, � entltl�ed to collect aU expenses Incurred in pursuing the remed��provlded in thl�;pAra�rnph 21.includlnti,hut not Ifmlted <br />_;- to,reasonable attorneys'fec.s and costs oP ttde evidence. <br />�'�".'� . .•. � If the power aP sale is invoked� Trustee shull recard u notice of default in each county in which uny paM af the <br /> ;," Property is located and shall muil copics of such notice in the ivanner prescrtbed by applicable law to Bi�rruwer and to <br /> the other persons prescrlhed by applicuble luw. After the tlme requtred by appltcable law,Trustee shell glve publ(c notice <br /> ;��� ' of r+ale to the persons and in the manner pre,crlbed by uppllcable law.Tructee, with�ut demand on Borrower,Fhall lsell <br /> the Property at puBlte auction to t6e highest the time and place and undec the terms d�slgnuted in the natice of <br />-- �' � Property by p blic unnouncement at tl e t me and place of any�pre ausfy hedule�d sale.'Lender or Its designee fmaY <br /> purchase the Pro�erty at any sale. <br />�� : � ��'' _ Opon recelpt of payment af the price bld, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the _ <br />- � . � Property. The recttals in the Trustee's decd shull be pr[ina facie evidence of the truth af the statements made therefn. <br /> ' Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order:(a)to all cosG9 and expenses of exercising the power uf <br /> � sale, and the sale, Includln� the pAyment of the Trustee's fees uctually incurred,not to exceedthe Lof $50.00 or '�°� <br /> . �,� of the princlpul nmount of the note at thP time of the decluratlon of default, and reasona{�le attorneys'fees as perm�tted <br /> • by law;(b)to nll sums secured by this Secur(ty Instrumenh and(c)any exc�s to the persan or pRrsans le�ally entltled to <br />-; � _, tt. <br /> 12. Reconveynnce. Upon payment of ull sums securul by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to <br />`• reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by th�s Security <br /> '• Instrumcnt to Trustee. 'I'rustec shall reconvey thc Property without warranty und without charge to the person or persnns Icgally <br /> - � ' � entitled to it. Such person or penons shall puy a►ry recordauon costs. <br /> 23. Substltute Trustee. L.ender, at its option, muy from time to time remove Trustce:ind appoint u successor trustee to <br />- � � � any Trustee uppointed hereunder by un instrument recorded in tt�e county in which this Sewrity Instrument is reearded.Without <br />?����- ': conveyunce of the Property. the successor trustee shull succeecl to all the tide, pawer and duties conferred upon Trustee herein <br />-;:, . .��•, and by applicable law. <br /> _ , . _ . 24. Reyuest Por NoNces. Borrowcr requcsts that copics of the noticcs of dcfault and salc be sent to Borrower's uddress <br /> - � which is the Property Address. <br /> " 25. Rlders to this Securlty Instr•ument. [f one or more rider�are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this <br />=T.S-w,w, Security Instrument,the covenants and :�grcement<_of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend nnd supplement <br />�:��•.:.��.:..•: � thc�:avenants and agrccmcnts of this Sscurity Instrument as if thc rider(s)were'a part of this Sccurity Instrument. <br /> i• 'r. .�r [Check applicablc box(es)J <br /> � � ❑Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominiurn Rider 0 1-4 Farnily Rider <br /> `� � ❑Gradunted Payment Rider [�Plamieci Unit Devclopment Rider �B�Weekly Payment Ridcr <br /> ❑Balloon Rider [�Kate[mprovement Rider ❑Second Home Rider <br /> , ❑V.A. Ridcr C.�Othcr(s)�specifyJ <br />_ ^ �: <br /> ': B1' S[GNING BELOW,Borrowcr accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants containeci in this Security instrument and <br /> '� in any rider(s)ex�cuted by Borrowcr und recordcd with it. . <br /> r Witncsses: <br /> . 3 (Scal) <br /> i. •Horrowcr <br /> , Harry L ssels <br /> . G._ <br /> ��-"' �`'.�.�ae�/ (Scul) <br /> -Bnrrowcr <br /> — Chdrolotte L. Wessels <br /> . (Scal) — . —.(Scal) <br /> ' -- -Hnrtna•c� <br /> ....-.--.-. c --.'` _ .l �H�ttlo\eCt' <br /> STA"fF.OF NI�.BRASKA, County�s: Hall <br /> Thc ii�rcg��ing instrwncnt��•���.icknuval�tilErd brli�rc mc thi� 28th day of Novetnber • 1997 ' <br /> hY Narry Wessels and Charlotte L. Wessels, hu�band and wi£e �i��.�ii{�'������y. thc datc uti�resaid. <br /> Wiu�csti my hand anJ nutarial�rul at Grand lsland, Nebraska <br /> IMy Commi�tiiun �r i•c,• . � .� _, _ �.L���_ (%_1. %�1CC.��.1L1,� _ <br /> � � GEH:P":�,�,T��YviiE3�iiii•ioiAi N��6ir�� uhlir ---' - <br /> � II� �UpiTN L.RAUFkT I <br /> I �'yr � Mv Gum�E�p Fat� 139F ! <br /> � . �......_.,......._._._ -_ ,., •�,�n Form 3028 9190 <br />