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,' <br /> .. <br /> .. . .. . <br /> . _ .. , , . <br /> . .- -- -- ��+..._, <br /> _ - .... - --- -------�--�-�----------�-_:..----- - <br /> -- -- . , <br /> = <br /> .. ��t: , - --._- - <br /> i il l,' �� .. ' �{�'��.T�'�yy����. ',y'h.Yry��.44*';�.���A.�y A __. _- — � .�,,�_ .,..iy,, <br /> ' '` ' " - ___—__.. <br /> .. 1iw'+.'. .. . .. . �.R� +I.�if�W, .. .,. - . �. t.Y.`r�� ... ....s....._ .. :_ <br /> �f�... <br /> i �_ <br /> , . .�. <br />� r � „ • suhstantiully cyuivulcnl mortgugc insuruncc covcrage is nut avuilablc. Borruwcr yhull puy tu l.cndcr cuch iuun�h a sum cyuul lo e-- <br /> } onc-twclf'th nf thc ycarly nwrtgugc isisuruncc prcmium hcing paid by �orrawcr when thc imuruncc c:ovcragc lup�cd i�r ccuscd to _„v <br /> hc in cffcct.Lcndcr will iicccpt, usc imd retuin Qu+c pt�yment,us u luss rescrvc in licu ��f niortgugc in+uruncc. I.��ss resrrvc <br /> ' ' paynuwti rnay nn I�m�cn c�rcyuir�d, nl thc aptiun of IAndcr, ii'murtgi�gc intiurancc covcragc(in thc amuunt and f��r thc periud �:: <br /> ':! thut l,cnder requireti)pruvided hy im insurcr upprovcd by L,ender iignin bcrumes ava�iluhle unil is ubtaincd. Rurrrn+�cr sh.tll pay �; _ <br /> thc premium+rcquircd tu m��intnin mortgugc intiuruicr in cticct. ur ta prnvidc ii loss resrrvc.un►il thc rcquircn�cnt fur mortgugc �,,, <br /> • � insur�mcc enJs iu nccardance with uny writtcn ugrecmem hetween Borruwer und IAnder or upplicahlc Inw. i, <br /> � 9. Ins�x�ctlnn. l.cndcr nr ils itgcnt mny makc rcationuhlc entrics up�m und in�pcctiunti uf thc F'rap�rty. l.cndcr shidl Fivc � <br />_. � Rorrnwcr nrnicc at thc timc��f�►r prior tu un inspcction tiperifying rca,��nalilc cautic fur tlu inspcctiun. � �'- <br /> 10. Cmtdc�nnation. Thc prucccd�; of .my award ur cluim for dumugc,. dircct ur cu»ticqucntial. in cunnccliun with nny � <br /> . ' cim.lcmnutiun ur uthcr tukin� �+f'nny p�irt ol'thc Property. ur ti�r convey�uuc in licu oi'cuudcmnutinn, urc hcrcby u�signcd und , g.=: <br /> .,:�, shal I bc puiJ tc�l�:i�Jcr. <br /> hi thc cvc:nt��t'n tutul t.�king�,f'thc Pruperty,thc prc�cccds shull hc upplicd tu thc sums scrurcJ by this Sccurity histrument, � <br /> �vhether ��r no[ihen duc. with any cxcc+s p.�id tn Burrowcr. In thc evcnt uF u parliid taking af thc Propci�ty in wh�ch thc f;iir � <br /> � +,,,..� markc�vuluc��f ihc Praperty imuudi�acly bct��rc thc [aking is cyuul tu ur grca►t�r thun thc amuunt af thc�ums sccurcd by this � <br /> 5ecurity Insinamcnt inuncdiutcly hefure thc taking,unlexs Hormwcr and Lendcr utherwisc agr¢c in writin�, thc sum��ccured hy � <br /> � this Security instrumm�t shull he reJuced by the unu�unt of the proceeds multiplied hy the fi�lluwing fractiun: (u) the tutul � <br /> anwunt�f�hc sum�+ccurcd immcdiatcly bcforc thc ti�king. dividcd by (b) thc fuir murket valuc af thc Property immcdiutcly <br /> hcforc thc lak ing. Any balancc shttll bc piiid to Borrowcr. In thc cvent ot'u partiul taking cif thc Yrciperty in wliich tli� fair � - <br /> markc�vuluc c�f ihc Pr�iperty immcdimcly hcforc thc [aking is Icss thun the umaun�of thc sum+sccurcd inmudiutcly bcforc Ihc <br /> tuking,unless Bnrrower and L.enJer aQtenvisc ugree in writing or unless upplirublc law atherwise provides, thc proceeds shall <br /> hc applied tn t hc sums scrurcd by this Security Instrumen[whcthcr or not thc sums arc then duc. <br /> If Uic Pre�perty is uband�mcd by Borrnwcr,or if,nftcr noticc by Lcndcr to Borrowcr thnt thc condemnor nffcrs to makG an <br /> � .' :� award or scttl e a rlaim for damuges, Horrowcr fuils to respond to L.cndcr within 30 days after the dute the notice is given, <br /> � I.cnder is authorized to collcct and apply thc procceds,ut its aption,cither to restoration or repair of the Property or to thc sums <br /> •�� p ,ecured by thi s 5ccurity Instrument, whethcr or nnr thcn duc. _ . <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower nthenvise agree in writing, any application of proceeds tn principal shaU nut �xtend or <br /> � postpane the due date of the monthly payments referreci to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the:uimunt c�f such payments. <br /> I1. Bnrrower Not Released; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver. Extcnsion of the time for puymcnt or modificution <br /> � of:imortiiriionuf thc sums sccured Hy this Securiry Instrument granted hy L.cnder tn any successor in intcrest of Borrowcr shull <br /> not oper:�te In rclea�e the liability of the originul Borrower or Bon�owci's succetisors in mterest. Le�nder shull not be required to <br /> '�- commcnce pre�cccdlings against any success��r m interest c�r rcfusc to cxtend time for puymem ur otherwixe modiFy umortizution <br /> of thc sums ticcured Ny this Secur�ry Insfrumcnt by reason of uny demund mude by the originul Borrowcr or Borrower's <br />. �� successors in interest. Any forbcurance by L.enJer in cxercising uny right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> cxcrcisc uf any ri�ht or rcmcdy. <br /> 12. Successors and Assifins Bound; .loint und Several l.iabillty; Co-slgners. The covcnants and xgreement�of this <br /> � Secunty Instrument shall bind and benefit thc +urccssor� und atisigns of L.endcr and Bnrrowcr, subjcct to the pmvisions of <br /> _ _ _� paragMph 17. Bormwcr's covenants und agrccments shull be joint und severul. Any Borcower who co-signs this Security <br /> Intii�uwciit b�i�zc,�oi.x:CiSSC SIlC UL`Sn, (:�1 �.rc,-.ienin� this Security lnswment only to mortgage, grant und convey thnt <br />� Borrower's interest in the Pmperty under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not persnnally obligatccl to pay the sums <br />- securcd by ih is Sccurity[nstrument:and(c) agrcc�thut C.endcr and any othcr Borrowcr may agrce to cxtcnd, modify, forbcur or <br /> muke any xconuncxfatic�ns with regard to the terms ot this Security Instrument or the Note without thut Borrower's consent. <br /> �. 13. l,oan Churges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to u luw which sets maximum laan chargcs, <br /> and ihat la�v is finally interpretecf so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to he collecteci in connection with the <br /> � 16an exceed thc permitced limus, tlien: (a) any such loan charge shall be rcduced by the amount neccssary ro reducc the charge <br />- to the permitted limit: and (b) any sums already collected from Borrower which exceedeci permi[ted limits will be refunded to <br /> Borrower.Leider may chootie to make this rcfund by reducing the principal owcd under the Note or by making a direct <br />; • payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, thc reduction will be treated us u pariial prepayment without any <br /> - prepaymcnt chargc undcr thc Notc. <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Bormwer proviJed for in thiti Security Instrument shull b�given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> it by fi►'st cl:ass mail unlctis applicablc law rcyuires u�e of'anothcr mcthod. The noticc shall bc dircctcd to thc Properry Address <br /> � or uny othcr a�dress Horrowcr dcsign.ucs by noticc to L,cndcr. Any noticc to Lcndcr shall bc givcn by fint cluss mail to <br />= Lc:ndcr's address surtcd hcrein or any other address Lender designutex by nc�ticc to Borrower. Any noticc�rovidcd for in this <br /> � Security Instrument shall be dccmeJ to have becn given to Borrowcr or l.endcr when givcn as provided in this paragraph. <br /> —�- I5. Govcrni���; Lu.,; arlCYCis1I1I:.:;. Thi: Securit}' II1tilTl1I?!C??[ �ha!! ti� ;,•��verned hv fcderal law und thc law of thc <br /> � , jurisdiction i n which the Property is located• In the event that any provision or clause of tl►iti Suurity Instrument or the Note <br /> contlicts�aith applicable law, such conflict shull not affcet other provisiiins of this Security [nstrument or the Note which can be <br /> givcn cf'fcct wiihout the conflicting provisi��n. To this cnd thc provitiions of thiti Sccuriry Instrumcnt and dic Notc urc dcclareci <br /> to hc scvcrablc. <br />- l6.Dorrawer's Copy.Borrower shal I be 6iven one contixmed copy c�f the Note and ot'thi�Security Instrument. <br /> • � � 17.Tr•ansfer nf the Property or a Sencficlal Interest in Borrower.If all cir any purt of'thc Property ur uny intcrest in it <br /> ix sold or Ir.;nsfcrmd (or if a bencfirial intcrest in Borrc�wcr is sold or transfcrreJ nnd Borrower is �zot a natural persun)without <br /> • � Lcndcr's priur written ronscnt. Lcndcr may. at its uption, rcquirc immcdiale paymcnt in full of ull sums ticcureJ by this <br /> � Sccurity Inst rument. Howevcr, thiti��ption shall not bc rxcrriscd by�cndcr if excrcisc is prohibitrd by f�deral law as of the date <br /> ¢ ��f this Securiiy Instrument. <br /> If L.cncicr cxcrciscs thiti uptiun. Lcndcr shall givc Burrciwcr nc�ticc uf acrcicratiun. Thc noticc tih,ill providc a period of irot _ <br />— � I Irss ih:xn]� days from thc datc thc noticc is Jclivcrrd ur mailcd within �ahich Burruwcr nmst pay all sums sccurcd hy diis _- <br /> Sccurity Instrwncnt. If'Bnrrowcr fail. tu pay thcsc ,ums prior w thc expiration of thiti period, LrnJcr may invokc sny renudics <br /> penuittcdby thi. Sccw•ity Instriuncnt withciut furthcr nuticc or dcmanJ c�n Burruwcr. <br /> 18. liarro«•cr's Ki�;ht to Rcinstutc. if Borrowrr mccts ccrtain cunditions, Burrc»�-r,r shall havr thc ri�ht to havc <br /> enfnrcenunt uf this Sccurity Instrumrnt �iisrcmtinueJ at any time prior tei the e.+rlicr c�t`. (a) S Jay� (ur such uther periad as <br /> applicablc Izi�+• may �peritj� f�,r rcin�tatcmcnU bcfiirc tialc of thc Pmperty purtivant tu any puwcr ul'� contained in this <br /> Srcurity Instrmncnt; or(b)cntry ul a juJ�mcnt cnli�rring this Sccurity Imtrumcnt. Tl�u,r ron�itiuns arc that Eicirrowcr: (a) pays <br /> I.rnder :dl�um� whirh then w��uld hc du� under thiti Serurity Imnvmrnt :utd the NeilC ;t, iF ne� ucceleration haJ occurred;(b) <br /> curc, um dclault uf any ��U�ri ru�•rn;un. ui agrcrnunt�: lr) pay. ;ill rxpcnu. inrurrc�l in rnlbr�•in� Uiiti tirrurily Instrununt. <br /> � � inrludin�..t�ui ncu limital t��, rrawnahlr au�,rnr�•.' Icr,: :in�1 Idl lakcs �urh arliun a� Lrndrr may rcasonahly rcyuirc t�� u+surr ,. <br /> thai Ihc licit uf thiti Srcurity In�lrumrnt. Lcn�lcr'� riEhty in thc Pmperty and Burrowcr'� uhligatiun tu pay thc wm� uururrd hy <br /> � this Scrurity I�i�trumcnt shall runtinuc unrhan�:cd. Upun rrin�ta�ciucnt 1,�• l3urru�arr. thu S�rurity hititnroicm and ihc <br /> :Y ..1...•..�L.n 6...1 , vl L-!.. ..r thi. ri���it ��i rrin�t:ttt' ti�l:l�� <br /> . : . .rc_...:.... .... .......... ..�.•nrr. .� . . . <br /> ; �ihhga[ums accUPCd I1CPC1'�y siiaii rcmain iui�'y u�...��.. u.... .�....�-�.�.»...... ....° ..__-. •°•••, <br /> , nu�ap�l�•ii� ihc ca�c ul'urrrlcrati�,n iuider paraEruph 17. .__. ......_._.. .... . <br /> ' l9.ti�lc ��f'Notr: ('hun};e of Loun ticrriccr. Thc Nutr ur a rartial intrrrtit in thr Nntr (t�,gcthrr a�ith this Srcuriry <br /> �. ln,iru►iicm) may h�,nld�mr ur murc timcti��•ilhout priur nutice tu Burr�nvrr. A �alc ttta)• re,ttlt in a rhangr in thr rntit}- (knuwn <br /> ; ,i,ih� "luan 5rr�icrr"1 that rullrcl�nwnthl�• payrnrnts dur undrr lhr N�HC and thi.Srrtirity Intih�um�nt. Thrrr al+u muy hr nnc <br /> � �,r morr dcingc� of thr Lu:in�rr�•irrr unrelalcd lc� a salc uf thr Notc. II thcrc iti a rhangr ut'thr Luan Srr��irrr. Burn,wrr will hc <br /> i �:i�•cn ��rincnni�tiic��I Ihr rhan�c in arr��rd,inrc�ti�ith paragraph Id ahu�•r and aprli�ubl�law. 1'hr nutirc��•ill .rtatr thc namran� I <br /> '" i :idJrc�:. nl thc ttr��• I.uan Srrt•irrr,ini1 Ihc a�tlrc�y It� ��hfrh p:iymrnls �Iwuld hr matlr "1'hr n�iiir�• will .iltio conlctin :uty ulhcr i <br /> inl��im.uiun rcyuir�il h� a��plir.ihlr I:i��. <br /> — . 20.Numrdous tittbslunccr. I�urru��cr •hall nnt rau,c ur perntit thr ��rr�rnrr, u�r.�d, tit��r.igr. �x rrlcct�c ��f:uty <br /> iiaruc{��u. tiu��.t�in�r. �,n ttt' ii; Ihr 1',��prrt;.. lit,;n,�•t•r •l,.t�l n„t ili,. n�n allu�� an}•�mr rl.r to ilu, an�•thin� afT��tinE Ihc <br /> � {'n�prrt� Il�si i. in �•i��lati�,n ul am }in�•iruntn��nt.d I.:i��•. I'hr��rrrc�lin� I��u tirntrncc, tiii:ill not ap��l� ta thr prc�rnrr. u�r. ur � <br /> i � �tura�v un thc i'roprm� ��I�.�nall Il:vanluu,tiuh.lanrr� lh,u arr �rnrr,tll� rcrugniir�l i�, h�a����rupriatr tu I <br /> rr�iJrnual u�c, :md t�,maimrn;inrr��t�llir Prn�xrt�•. <br /> �, ' � ... ,,.� , Furm 3028 9�90 � <br /> � <br />