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<br />-r����z'��i �
<br /> ._,:��::�:� . tiuh�tantially cquivalcnt mu�•tg���c intiw•unrr cavcr��c iti nut availahlc. Hurrc,wcr+hall p��y tn l.rn�lrr rurh nwnth u ,um cqual tu
<br /> M:,;i�.�-`Y', , nn�•twclfth of thc ycarly m��rtca�r in.uranc�prcmium heing puid hy Rorr���vcr wh�n thc in,urancc r�,vrra�c lap.rrd ur rca,cd to
<br />'�'t.`�'';�Y';:: ��' ' bc in cffGCt. l.cnd�r will ac�ept. u,c und ro�ain th�w:puymcqts u+ a Inss rc�cn•r in lict. nl� murtEagr in,uranrc. I.��,� rc�crvr �..
<br /> ' pa}m�nt.tnay nn I�mgrr hr re��uired.at tliu uption ur l.ender.if nwrtga�r intiurarn:c ri�vcra�r Iin ihc.uiu�inn and I'�,r thc periad
<br /> . ,� n th�i Lcndcr rrquirctil pru�i�lyd hy an imurnr appruvcd by Lcndcr a�:��in hrruntc�a����ilahlr anil i,nhtanrc�l. Hnrr„�r�r ,hall pay .r,
<br /> f� . �hc prcmiuui�rcquirrd tu nt:untaiu murlga�:c insurunrc in cllrcl. i�r l��pnn•�ilr a lu„ rrun•r. until thr rryuirrinrnt Ibr mnrtgagr � �_
<br />-.�.,:. � in,uranrc cnd, in acrnrcl�mru n•ith iuip�vrittrn a�rcrmrnt hrtwern I�urrnwcr<<nil Lcndcr cir appiicahlr I:nv. �r�
<br /> — '�; 9. Iny�xcNon. Lcndcr ur itti agenl ntuy makc reatiun,IM� cntrir� upun anef in�pcctiun+uf thr 1'rnprrty. l.cndcr�hall �;ivr �
<br /> . . :1 iiurrnwrr nutirc at thc timc ul�,r nri�n•tu an inspertiun tiprrifyin� rcuwnablr rnu+c Inr thc in,�uctiun. � �;
<br />_�.,, :_� • I11. Condcnlnudon. 'fhc pmrcedti u( :tny awurd ��r cl;iim I'ur dantagc+, dirrrt ��r rcm+a�urnli:il, in rcmncctinn �►•ith any �x
<br /> rundrmnatiun or inhcr takin�:��f any ��ari ��f'thc Pr��prny. ur fur rnnveyanc� in liru ol cun�lcmn.itinn. arc hcr�hy atisigncJ unJ � �
<br /> titiall hr p�iicl Ir I.rti�lir. �
<br /> ' In thc cvent i�t a te�t�d taking i�(Ihc Nrnperty.Ihe prurced��hall h�upplicJ lci thr�ums+ccund ��y thi, Scrwi�y In,uumrnl. � �.
<br /> =.x �: whcthcr ur nut thcn duc, with any rxr�ti, �,aid tu Kurrrn+•rr. In thc cvcnt c,l i� p:�rtial tukin� ul'lhc Pr��perry in whirh thc (uir � _
<br /> ''� y mark�t valuc nF thr{'n�perty inmirJiatcly hcfurc lhc l:tkin� i�rc�ual iu nr grcatcr lhan thr aniuunt nf thc tium� xcurc� by thi+ ,w =
<br /> Scrurity lnsh•u►nent imnmdiu�cly hcfurc thr tuking. unlc„Hc+n•uwcr,mJ Lcndcr uthcrwi.c a�rrc in writing. thc tiumti,ccurcd by � _.
<br /> r;�;�.. thiti Scrurity In+trumcnt shall hc rcJurcJ l�y thc anuiunt at thc pr�necd, nuiltiplicd hy thc tiill�,wing 1'r.trtiun: la) thc tutal
<br /> 1; amount uf thc sunn+ecurccJ immrdiat�ly hcliirc thr taking. diviJcd b�� (h) thc t:w• murkrt valur of thc Pruperq� immcdiat�ly
<br /> � hctinr thc t.iking. Any halanrc �httll h� paid tc� Bcirr��w�r. In Nic cvrnt ut u partial taking ��f Ihc Pruperty in whirh thc fan' `
<br /> � ntarkct valuc of thc Prc�perty immcdiat�ly hrG�rc thc taking i+I��s than thr amuunt uf�hr �um�,ccured imnn�iutclp h�li�rc thc
<br /> l . �,,. . taking. unlc+� Q��rrowcr and Lcndcr othcrwi,c:�grec in�-ritin�, c�r unlc�ti xpplicahlr law orher�visc pravidr�. ihc prurccdti�hall
<br /> ' , . hc applirJ tu thc sumti scctrrcd hy thiti Scctn�iry Intitrununt whclhrr��r not�hc\11��IS arc thcn duc.
<br /> ' , If thr Praperty is abanJuncd hy E3orrower. ur ii. uftcr notirc hy I.rndcr tu eorruwcr that thc ccmdrmnur ulfcrti�n tnakc un
<br /> a �iwarJ or ticttic a claim liir dumagcs. Borrowcr t'uil� tu respunJ tn Lcndcr within 3Q day, attcr thc datr thc noticc is given.
<br />=i. , l.ender is autttorizeJ to cullcct :ind apply thc procccJ�. at it�aption.cithcr ro rc,toration or rcpair of thc Properry or u�thc swns
<br /> ' ' sccured by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt,whcthcr ur not then duc.
<br /> ' '• Unlcss l.endcr und Burruwcr nthcrwi.c �igrcc in writing, any application of'prurecdti tci prinripul shall not cxtcnd c�r
<br /> � � postpone tlic due dute nf the nwnthly payments referrecl to in paragraph. I and 2 or changr thr amount uf,uch payments.
<br />°�' ' I1.Borrower Not Releused: Forbcurance By �.ender N�►t n Wuiver. F.xtcntii�in uf the timc Inr paynum cir modification
<br /> : uf.miurcir.atiun of ihc�ums�erured hy this Security In,trument �ranted hy I.rnd�r tu any tiuccr�tiur in interest of Bc�rre�wer shall
<br /> , � nut uperate to rcica�c thc liahility uf thr uriginal Borrower ur [3i�rruwer',�uccctisur�in intcro,t. Lrndcr�hall not hc required to
<br /> , r 5 , ronmuncr prcirecdingy against any ,ucressor in intcrest or rcfu,c tu cxtend tinu f��r puymcnt ur uthcrwi�c modify amortiiatiun
<br /> c�f thc sums sccurcd by Ihi, Scruriry Intitrumrnt by rru�c�n c�t' any drmand madc hy thr original Borrc�wcr c�r Borrowcr'ti
<br />-., surcessurs in interest. Any Forhearunre by Lendcr in �xcrcisin� uny right or rcmedy �hull nut b� u wuiver of�ir precludc thc
<br />- cxcrcisc��f uny right i�r rcmrdy.
<br />?J 12. Successnrs and Assi�;ns Hound; Joint iind 5everal Llubilitp; Cu-tii�ner.r•. 'Che covenunt+ und agreements of this
<br /> _F::�, Sccurity Instrunurn +hall bind und hencfit thc yur�ctisur.; und xssigns c�f l.endcr and Burruwcr. ,ubjcrt tu thc pruvisicros uf
<br /> • paragruph 17. Borrnwcr'ti cnvcnants and ugrecments shull hc juint und scvcral. Any IIcirr�iH•cr whu rc�-signs this Scruriry
<br /> ,: ' . Insrrument bu�ducs nut execute thc Nute: (a) is cc�-,i�ning thi� Security Instrumrnt only ro tnortguge, grunt and convey thut
<br />- -- P,;:�;;.�cr':;i;:tc:�st i:: :h: Pr;•,^.ere, ���„��•�•rl,��i�•nm of�hi�Securitv Instrumcnt: �hl is not personully ubliguted to pay the sums
<br /> �ecured by this Security Instrument:and(c).igrees that Lender und uny other Bi�rrawcr muy agree to cxtend,modity, torbear ur
<br /> �� ,• ' mukc any accommodati�ms with regurd to thc terms of thix Security Instrumcnt or thc Nute wrth��ut that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Lonn Char�;es. If the loan securrd by this Security Instrument is subject tu a law which sets maximutn loan charges,
<br /> �i. • , . und that law is Finally interpretcd w that the interest or other loan chargeti roUccted or to Ne ciillectcd in connection with the
<br />_ � loan cxceed the permittcd limity. then: (u) :my tiueh loan chargc shall be reduccJ by thc umuunt neccs�ary tu reducc thc chargc
<br /> ? ti�the permitted limit; and (hl any sums already collccted from B��rrowcr whirh excceded permittcd limits will be refunded to
<br /> ' Borrower. Lcnder may chuosr tu tnuke thiti refund by rcducing thr principul owed under the Note or by muking a direct
<br /> � � � ` paymcnt to Borrrnvcr. If a rcfund reducc+ priucipal. the rrduction will bc treated 3s :i partial prepuymcnt without uny
<br /> ' ' ��"' prepayment chargc undcr the Note.
<br /> � • `^°�� 14. Nnticcw. Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in thiti Sccuriry Inscrument shull bc given by Jclivering it or by ntailing
<br /> . „ . . , it by �rst class mail unless applicable law requires use uf:mi�d�er method. "I'hr nuticc shall he dircctcd to the Property Address
<br /> `_' ,;,� � or any othrr addre�s Borruwcr designates hy notire to Le�ndcr. Any notice tu [.ender shall be givcn by first class mail to
<br />��.��r�q': �. L.cnder's addre�s slated hercin or uny other address Lcndcr de:,ignates by notice tc� Burrowcr. Any noticc provided for in this
<br /> - �' �•"'�` Sccurity Instrument shull hc dcemcd to have bcen given a�Borrowcr ur Lcndcr when givcn as providcd in this parugruph,
<br />-"".'' ' °."' I5.Governing I.nw; SeverpbiUt�•. 'Phis Securiry Instrumnnt shall be gcwcrned by fcderal law• and thc law of thc
<br />- • . - --:�i. . � .lurisdic[ion in which the Pr��perty iti lucated. h�the event that any provision ur dxuse ui�this Security intitruntent or the N�te —
<br /> ,•;�. ^ ;;` conflicts with applicublc luw. such cuntlict shall not affcct rnhcr pruvi,�on,of thiti S�curity In�trumcnt or thc Nntc which can bc
<br />_ , given cffect without the cunflicting provi�ion. Tu this end the provisiems of this Sccurity Instrument and the Nate are declared
<br /> - to bc scvcrablc.
<br />_ '.7� 1G.Borrowcr's Cnpy.Borrc�wcr+hull bc given c�nc runf'ormed ropy oC tlic Nutc and of thiti Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> a.? t7.Trunsfer of the Property ur u Beneficlul Interest in Iiorrower. lf'all or iuiy purt of thc Property ur any intcrest in it
<br />�;c� •,• is wld or trunsfcrrcd(or if a b�neficial intcrctit in Borrowcr iti tic�IJ ur tran�fcrred:ind Barrowcr is not a natural persun)without
<br /> '+s.".. C,cndcr's priur writtcn cunsrnt. L�ndcr may. .0 it� uption, rcyuirc innncJiatc paymcnt in fuU c�f all ,ums .ccurcJ by this
<br /> - , ;-, _ Security Instrwnent.Howcvcr.Qtis uptiun shall nut be cxercisect by Lcndcr if exercitie is prohihitrd by federal law as of the date
<br /> • � uf this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> If Lendcr cxcrcise+this uptiun. Lrnder shall give Borrowcr notire uf arcclerutiun.The notice tihall provide a period uf nut
<br /> ' • Ic>� than 30 days fmm thc datc thc nutirc is dclivcred ur mailrJ within whirh Borruwcr must pay all sunts s�curcd by this _
<br /> , Security Intitrmnc:nl. If Burruwcr fails tu pay thctic sun��prior tu dic cxpirutic,n ot'thi,peri�,d. l.cndcr may invukc any rcmcdic�
<br /> prrmittcd hy thiti Sccuriry Inytrutncnt ��•ithuut fw�thcr r.utic:c or dcmand on Br.rrowcr. �'
<br /> " IR. Korrn«•cr'� Ri�ht to Reinsttitc. If Barruwrr mects ccrtain �unJitiuns, liurrowcr sh.dl havc thc right ta havc
<br /> �nftirccmrnt uf thiti Sccurity Intivununt discontinurd :it any time prior to lhr carlicr uf: (a) S days (ur .rurh othcr period as
<br /> applirahlr law niay �perily fur rcin,tatemcnU h�fixc tixlc ut' thc Property purtiu:int tu .uiy powcr uf ralc containcd iu this
<br /> Security In�u•ument:c�r Ib l e�ttry uf a judgment cnf�orcin�,thiti Seruriry Intitrunient.Thusr runditiuns arc that 8urrawer: (a)puys
<br /> Lcndcr all ,umti ���hirh thcn �+•ould hc duc undcr thi� Sccuriry intiu�ument und thc Nutc ati if no acccicrati�m had occurmd: (b) -
<br /> . cures any default uf �ny ��dirr�uvcnant, cir u�,rccmcntti: (c) puyy all cxprnsc, inrurrcd in cnfurcin�, this Sccurity Instrumcnt. -
<br /> inclu�lin�. hut rn,t liniiic�l i��. re:r,nnahl� au�,rncy�' Icr�: and (�f)takr� tiurh artiim a� Lrnd�r m:ry rcasonably rcyuirc tn utisurc _
<br /> Ih:tt Ihc li��n ��I tlu.tirrurn� Imtnimrnl. LcnJrr'� rightti in Ihr I'ruprrty :in�l f���rruwrr'� ��hligatiun lu raV thc,um, ticrurrJ hy _
<br /> thiti Srrw�it�• In,uum�nt �hall runtinur unrhunped. Upun rcin�latrmrnt h�� li�,n�u��•rr. thi> Scrurit�• In,trumcnt anJ thr
<br /> uhligatiunti,ciurrJ hcrchy tihall rcmain lully cllccti�•r a+ il'n�+ acrclrrcuiun had��rrurrcd. H��wrvrr. (hi� righl li� rcintilalr +hull �
<br /> .�. ..,.. ..�, i� �
<br /> - ' - '- .... _'."- Illll iIF)f71y I11 llll'ln��a�i.t«��ti.iiiiii�u�u���.::i::r�::�... ... -
<br /> 19. Si�le of Nc�te: Chun�;e oP�Loun tiervicer. 'l�hc �utr ur a partial intrn�t in the N�,te (tugcthcr ��•ilh Ihiti Sccurity
<br /> In�trumrnt)may Ix uilJ<in� ur murc timr���•ithuut priur nutirr iu liorrowrr. A tiulc may rctiult in a rhangc in thr rntity lknuwn
<br /> as thc "Loan Scr�•iccr..l th.0 <<,n«<,�„�,�,cniy �aymrnt�duc urnl�r thc N�ur and thiti Scrurity ln+trumrnt. '1'hcrr alsu may h�unc
<br /> or murc�hangrti ul thc L�,an S�r��ircr unrclatrJ tu a�alc uf thr Nntr. II thrr�i�a rhangr nf thc Luan Srrvircr. [3i�rruwcr will hr
<br /> � givrn writtrn n��tirc c�f thc rhan�r in arinrJancr with parugraph 14 ab�,��c:uid aprliruhlr Ia�v. "I'hc nutirc will +tatc thr n.mic and
<br /> addres� ul'tltc i�r��• I.uan 5cr�ircr :uid thc adJrrati iu whirh paymcntti tihuuld hr roud�. Thr nuticc ���ill alw runlain any i�thrr ,
<br /> iniiirmatiun reyuircd In uppl�r.ihlr la��.
<br /> 211. Hura�rdnuz tiltbct.tnccs. 13urri��v�r tihaU na� �aux` ur perntit IhC rrCUn«, u��. �litipu�al, sluragC. cir rckatic uf.Ul)' I
<br /> � Har,u•Jnu. tiuhtitancc. un ur in �hc f'ruperty. B�,rro�scr .hall n�,t d��. nur alluw• .uiyunr clx ��� du. anvthing affrrtin�, thr �
<br /> Hruprrlv th.0 i� in�•inl:rtion nl am limirunmcntal I.:i���. 'I'h� rrcicding t��•u ticntcnrr+�hall noi :qipl� lu Ihc ��rc�cncr. utir. ��r i
<br /> ,turagc un th� Pruprrl�• ��I�mall yuauwurr��t Haiard�ni. tiuh�tan�•r. tha� air �:cn�iall� rc.u�nirr�l l�, hr apprupriatc tu nin�mal
<br /> - rc,idrnti:d ux� anJ tc�maintrnanrr ul'thc I'raperty. �;
<br /> N.,,,,. ,,,,.� Farm 3028 9/90 �
<br /> � �i
<br />