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;. � � � � <br /> ' 4 "'..._�a....�... -�P_Y'FT" <br /> . 2wrrr.,��� . • .__"�... . _• :-. <br /> .� -�a..�.��..�:r, . ...:'-�ax==...�:.-..�„_.__�_�'_ <br /> -• _ �. �srr Anr1MlMM.i!Y.: '• .`..""1_i ... ......... ._.-__ <br /> I �rv...�n��..�.� �_ <br /> t •f <br />- ^���� <br />.,L____-_��ta�R� Thc Funds shull hc hcld i�� utt instiiutiun whosc dc�x�sits urc insurcd hy a f'cdcral ugcncy. in+trumcntulity. or cntity <br /> w:;�,:-�= (in��luding l.cnder.if Lender i�•uch un institu[ionl or in any fieJeral Humd Loun Ha�nk. Lender�hull apply th� Fund�tu piry the <br /> ' .: 1;. �����x�,~ Esrrow Itemti. l.cndcr muy not churbc Burrowcr for holding und applying thc Fundti, unnually anulyiin�thc c�crow uccount,c�r <br />':f` `Yr�ii�.� veril'ying thc Esrruw Itemti, unlcs, l.�ndar pays Hrn•ru�vcr interest on the Funds .md appli�uhlc law permit. l.endcr tn muke.ruch <br /> � v u char�c. Ho�vcvcr, l�;ndcr nu�y rri�uirc 43nrrc�wcr tu pay a uuc-time chargc for an indcpcndcnt rral r,tair tux rcpurting+avicc <br /> - �,::;., uscil by l.rnd�r in cunncctiun wilh thi, luun, unlc+� upplirt�hlc IAW �1Pl1VIlJCti �+thcrw�uc. Unlr„ un ugrcemcnt i, madc or <br /> -i,t . applicahlr I�nv rcquirch intcre+t tu he paid,Lender tihaU nut hc rcyuircd tu p;ry Hurruwcr any inler�+t ��r r.irnin�,�em thc FunJti� <br /> �• Hc�rrowcr �inci l.�ndcr muy ugrcc in writing. huwcvcr, Ihut inlcrc+t shull h�paiJ un th� Fund,. lAnacr,liall Hivc to Burr�iwCr� <br /> withuut charFc. un unnui�l acruunting af'Ih� Fund:,, tihowing rrcdits und dcbitti to thc Fund+ und thc purpn,c fnr which carh� <br />-. � debit ta chc`wid,wns madc. The Fundn:uc plcd�cd u��idditional sccurily for ctll tiumti securcd hy thi� Sccuriry Instrument. -- <br /> If the FunJti hcld hy l.ender exceeel �he amountti pennittcd to be helci hy applicahle law. L.rnd�:r ,hall ;�rcuunt tu HorruwerM► <br /> r . (o�•lho�x�eti� F'u��ds i�l u�•e��l•d:����C wilh lhe rcyuir�mcnts af upplic:iblc law. 11'thc amaunt uf thc rund+hcld hy Lcndcr u1 anyr <br /> timc is not su(licient w puy thc 6�crow ltcm, wh�n duc. [.���dcr m:ry �u nutifp f3urrowrr in wri�ing. xnd. in.uch ra.c Borrciwcr 0 �- <br />',�� . shall pay te, I,ender the umuunt n�cessury tu makc up the deticiency. Borrnwcr shull mukr up the deticicncy in no more thun � <br /> twclvc manchly payments, at Lcndcr'�solcdi�;cretian. <br /> .�_-� � Uprni payment in fuU ��f all +ums sccurcd by this Sccurity Intitrununt, I.cndcr shall promptly rcfund to E3c�rrowcr any <br /> �°`--" Funds licld by Lendcr. If, undcr parngraiph 21,Lendcr�hull urywre ur+cll thc Praperq�. LaiJcr. lu tli�u�yui,ition ur tiul� � <br /> �� of thc Property, shull apply any Funds hcld hy I.rndcr a� Qt�tinu ot':iryuitiitiun ur�:dr a�:�rirdit ug.�intit thc tium..rrw•c�l hy <br /> �� thi�Sccurity Instrumcnt. <br /> 3.Applicution of Payments.Unlc�+:ippliruble luw prcwidc�oth�r��•ise.ull p:rymcntti rrcriveJ hy l.cndcr unJcr paragraphti <br /> I and Z shAll he applicd� firtit. tu any prepayment churges duc undcr the Nntc: tierand, to anu�unt+payahlc unJcr puragraph 2: <br /> � Ihird,to intCrest duc: fourth, to prinrip�tl duc:unJ Iusl.tu anylutc�hurgcs duc undcr thc Ncitc. <br /> • � 4. Chur��: I,ienti. I3urrawer tihull pay all taxeti. as+e.timents. charges, tines and impu�itiun. uttrihutahlc to thc Prurerry = <br /> � which muy attain pricuiry u�'rr this Sccurity Instruu�ent. and Ieatiehulcl puyments en•ground rent�, it'any. B��rrower shall puy <br />'s thcsc uhligation+ in thc manncr pruviJcd in paragruph 2.ur if not puid in that manncr. B�rrowcr shall pay ihcm un timc dirccdy <br /> ta thc prrson uwcd puyment. Borr��wcr �hall promptly furnish tu l.cndcr all noticrs of umuuntti to bc p�nd undcr this paragraph. <br /> .''�� � ' If Rorr�iwer mukes the�c puyments directly,Borrc�wer shall promptly furnish tu L.ender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> - Horrower tihall promptly Jitichargc any lien which has prionty ovrr thi,Security[ntitrument unletis Borrower: (a):igrees in _ <br /> -- ' wri�ing tu the payment uf thc ubligatiun secured by thc licn in a munner ucceptable ti+Lcnder: (b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> -' �` hy, ur Jefcnds against enti�rccment uf thc licn in. Icgal procecdin�s whirh in the LcnJcr'� upinion operutc to prcvent thc <br />� enli�rcemcnt of the lien; ur(c)+�cures from the holdcr of the licn an i►gre�mcnt satisfaccory tu Lender suhardinating the licn te� <br /> _,�,,,... ,� <br /> thi�Security lnstrument. If[.ender determincx that any pan of the Property is whjcct to u lirn which muY uttain priority uver <br /> this Sccuriry Instrument. I-cndcr may�ivc B��rrowcr a nc�t�cc idcntifying thc licn. Burrciwcr tihall sutisfy thc licn c�r takc onc or <br /> � " m��rc uf thc actions sct forth nhnvc witiiin IU days ul'thc giving of noticc. <br /> 5. Huzard or Pr�perty Insurance. Burrowcr +haU kecp the improvenunt. m�w existing or hereaftrr erected un the <br /> ' • Properry insured ugainst loss Ny firc, hutards includcd within thc tcrm "extendcd rovcragr" und any nthcr haiards, inrluding <br /> ,, ,:" •laa ' floods ur tlooding, for which Lendcr rryuires insurance. This insura�icc shall bc muintained in the amounts und fnr the periods <br /> thut [.cnJer reyuires. The insurance currier providine thr insurance shall he chosen hy Borrower suhject to Lender's upproval <br /> � �•'�" whirh sh.ill not hc unrcasonabl}� withhrld. If Borr��wcr fails to maintain c��vcragc dctirrihcd ahovc. Lendcr may. at l.cndcr's <br /> -' �. orni�m.obtain rovcru�:c to prutcct Lcncicr'�righ[s in thc Property in accordanrc�vith puragraph 7.�u v l:.s !��ndcr . <br /> , �»r..'"•.�•;� F��� insurxncc polirics and I't'IICWA��ti�l:tll bC Al'l'CPIAbII` [O Ll•�llll'! :lus ��iui{ iiiiiuu� :i ',fiL'7 S"� ^::).•r��.b+� ;' u qn. <br /> = � ' shall havc thr right to h��ld thc policicti ai�l rcnewals. If l.�:nder rcquires, Burrower shall pruntptly givc to I.endcr ull receiptti af' <br /> �•� puid prcmiums und r�newal nouceti.In the cvcnt of lotis,Dorrowcr shull givc prompt noticc tu the�nsurance curricr and LcnJcr. <br /> ~.:;t,:' �„'. Lcndcr may muke proof of loss if nat madc pr�,mptly by Borrowcr. <br />- ~ � Unless LenJcr and Borrok�cr othc:rwise agree in wriang. insurance pruceed�shull be upplied tu rest<�ration��r repair c�f the <br />��,ti,.. � � Property dama�,ed,if thc restoration or repair is ccnnomirully tcusihlc and l.cndcr'x ucurity is not Icsscncd. U'the restorution or <br /> .;r-°r: <br />-��;;� t"" •• repair i, not economicully Teasihle i�r Lender's security would hc Icssened,thc insur,�nre praceeds tihull be upplicd to thc sums <br />-'�"�i��.��.�: ' '�ccurad by this Security Instrumcnt, whcthcr or not then duc. with any cxccss puiJ to Borrowcr. If Borrowcr ubundons thc <br />_'-•;r-.s-�ry Propeny, or docs ni�t answcr within 30 days a noticc from Lcndcr that thc insurancc rarricr has aftered to settic a claim. thcn <br /> �-'�•�,•.�.�.�u I�nJer may collcct the insurance prucecds. l_ender may use the prucecJs tu repair or restore the Property or to pay sutns <br />--,'A. . -.�, xc�urccl hy this Scrurity [nstrun'icnt,whcthcr or not thcn duc. Thc 30-day period will bcgin whcn thc notice is givcn. <br />�°,�.�.. Unlesti Lender and Bon���wer��thenvise agree in writinl;, any applicati�m uf pruc:ecds to principal shall not extend or <br /> •;;,.°„k,: � postpunc thc due datr of thc nu�n�hly paynunts rcfcrreJ to in pxragraphs I anJ 2 or changc thc umount of thc payments. If' <br /> - _��.�. under parngraph 21 the Property iti aryuired hy l.endcr. Barro���cr'ti right�o any insur.ince poliric� unJ proceeds resulting from <br /> - - �•+tlr ' Jumagc to the Property priur tu the acyuniui�n�hull puss tu Lender to thr.extent uf the tiumx+ecured hy this Security Instrument <br /> ;.�r•' imtncdiatcly priur to th�::�qui�iti��n <br /> _.,:�� 6, Occupuncp, Pre�ervallon,htuintenu�ue und Protection nf the Pro�erty; I➢m•rower'y Loan Application; Leaschalds. <br /> � Borrower shull occupy, establitih,:md u+e the Praperry as Borrowcr's principal reti�denre within�ixty day,xRcr thc�xecution of <br />- ' � this Srcurity Instnunrnt and shall cuntinu� tu occupy thc Properry ss Borrov��cr'ti principal retiiJcnce for at Icast cmc ycar aftcr <br />�`�`` •• •,ry thc datc of urcupanry, unlc�s Lrndcr othcr.��iu agrccti in writin�. which cunscnt shall nut hc um•ea,onably withhcld. or unlcss <br /> cxtcnuating rircumstancr. reitit which arc hcyund Burruwc�'s r��ntrnl. Bc�rrciwcr +hall nut dcstroy. damagc ur impair thc <br /> '�"'� Proprrty. allu«' thc Pr��perty tc� dctcrior,itc, �ir rummit wnstr un thc Property. Bc�rruwcr �hall bc in default if any tirrfciturc <br /> +-."��t': �iction ur procceJing. whcthcr civil��r rriminal. i, hegtui that in l.rnJcr'+gu�xl t:�ith judgment�aulJ result in (orfcrtttre uf thc <br /> Pruperty ur utherwisr mxt�rially imp:sir Ihr licn crcatcd by thi�Sccurity lnstnunrnt ur I_ender'�ucuriry interest. Burruwcr may <br />_ .. � ;� rurc tiuch a dcfuult and rein�tatr,a�pru��iJrd in paragraph 18, hy causing thc,irti�m or ��rorrcdin� tu hr di�miti,cd with.i ruling <br /> y: Ihat, in Lrndcr�s �uu� faith d�t�nninalinn. prCrlu.ics tiirfciturC uf th� Rurro«•rr'+ intcrr>t in Ih� Property or uthcr mu�criul <br /> S impainnan uf thr licn �reatcd h�� thiti Sccurity In,u�umcnt or LcnJcr's ,crurity intcrr�t. f3orr���vrr tihall also bc in Jrt:iult if <br />- .. .' � I3nrru���rr. Juring thr h,an ,���i��:����,�, prnrr�.. g;i�.r matrriall} fal.r ur inarrur.ilr infi�rmatinn nr s[alrmentti tc� Lendcr I��r t;iilcd <br /> ' � � tu pruvidr L�ndcr wilh an)• m:itcrial inli�riii.w�ml in runncrtiun H•ith the luan c�•idrncrd h�•tlic Nntc,fnrluJinc. hut nul limitr�t <br /> • 4 • tu, rcpre+�ntatiunti ccmrcrning Burru�vcr', �,rrupanry�,f thc Prc,prrty as:i prinripal rc�iJcnra If thiti Sccurity Ima•ument is�m a <br /> � ; I�a�ehc�ld. Dul'I'owCr tihall ramply wlth .11l lh� pmvl+I��n� ��f th� Iratic. If Rorruwrr a�quirr� f�CC UQC lo thC Property, dtc <br /> • � Ica�chuld and thc fcc titic shall nut mcr�c unlc�s Lcn�cr agrrr�ro thc mcrgcr in writing. <br /> � 7. Protection of Lcndcr', Rl�;hts in thc!'ropert}•. If}�nrrowrr fail,t�, prrli,rm thc c„vrnant� and ugrrcmcnts rimtaincJ in <br /> thiti Srrurity Insvunirnt, ur ihcrr i� u Icgnl ��rnrrcdinZ: that m:i} �i�nilirantl�- ;dfcrt Lrnilrr', right�in thr Property (+uch as a <br /> prurcrctin�! in h.mhruptry, pruhatr. f'e�r cu�ideinn:rtiun or liirfciturc ��i'Ic�Cn1�ul'CC lats. ui' rC�'ulalio�ttil. lhCn L�nd�r may du and <br /> ray Irn• whutcver iti nrcr�rary t�� pn�tcri thc �•alur ul thr Pn,pert� :md l.cndrr'� right. in �hc Pn����rly. l.cndrr�� acti��nti may <br /> inrludr paying am• �um, ,crurcJ h�• a licn v,•hirh ha, priuril� u�•cr ihi� Sertn�ii� In,trumrnt. appr:u•ing in cuurt, paying <br /> rra.unaMc auurn�y�' fccti �md rntrring nn thr E'ropert} t<,makc rrpair.. ,Uthnucli�lrr may l:d.c artiun un�lcr lhiti par:igraph <br /> 7. I.crnlCr dn�ti ni�t huv�lii ili����. <br /> - - ----- n�,.• •,��,�,���,n �li.hur.�•J h� Lcnd�r und�r thi. rara�.raph 7 ,hall h�rumr :iJdiuonal Jrht ��I f3c�rm��cr .rrur�it hy thi>. <br /> ..__..__ - Srrurih In�trwncnt. l!nlr,• f3urru�c�r an�l LrnJrr :igrrr i�� �,lhci l�rm� nf��ci��mrni. tlic�r.imuunt. �h.iii ncar intcrc�� ii�,m iiic <br />_ � l�:lll' ��I� lli��lUl'til'llll`Ill i11 If1C hUll' I:l[l':1171.� ��l:l�� f1l' ��il\':I�I�C. Kll�l 1111�1'l'1t. ll�11111 Il��llil' II'llltl �.Clll�l'1' 1l1 ���ll'fl)\Vl'I- f�`t{UC�I111�' <br /> �):1)'llll�ll. <br /> S. �turt};uNc Insursmcc. I I Lrn.Irr rryun•rd in�ulga�r imuran�r ati a r�mJiti��n�,I�ntahin� Ihr lu:in ,rrurcd hy thiti Srrurity <br /> Imtrumm�t. f;��n�,��rr .hall pa� dir Fxcniiumti rcyuirr�l i�, maintuin Ihr m�,rl�a�� in.uran�•r in rl7rii. II. li,r any rca•�,n. Ihr <br /> I nunt�a�c inwranrr rm•crctrc �'i'yUi�'Lt1 h} l.cniirr I,iru� rn rra•r. t��hc m rllrrt, li�utu���ci �h:dl ��ac thr �ttimiwuti rryuiicd lu <br /> nhtain imrra�c wh�lanti:dh cyui�,�lrw 1„ ihr m�,rip:i,rr in.uranrc ��rc�iuutil� in rll�rl, at a i��tit �uh,lantiall� r��ui�alrn( in lhr <br /> ru�I Iu liurm��rr nl Ihr ntuil�,a�r inwr.U�rr ��rc�i�,u.l� in rllril. liuni an :ihrrnalr nu,nE:i�r in�urer ap��tu�r�l h� LrnJrr. II' <br /> �,. . ,., , Form 3428 9!90 <br />. <br /> . �_ <br />